summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/po/lt.po
blob: 64354192e8e98af09ac4c91321620c4bf6aa6f38 (plain) (blame)
pre { line-height: 125%; }
td.linenos .normal { color: inherit; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; }
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.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
.highlight .c { color: #888888 } /* Comment */
.highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */
.highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */
.highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */
.highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */
.highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */
.highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */
.highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */
.highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */
.highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */
.highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */
.highlight .ges { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Generic.EmphStrong */
.highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */
.highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */
.highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */
.highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */
.highlight .gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt */
.highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */
.highlight .gu { color: #666666 } /* Generic.Subheading */
.highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */
.highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */
.highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */
.highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */
.highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */
.highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */
.highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */
.highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */
.highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */
.highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */
.highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */
.highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */
.highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */
.highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */
.highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */
.highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */
.highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */
.highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */
.highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */
.highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */
.highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */
.highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */
.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */
.highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */
.highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */
.highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
.highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
.highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
.highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */
.highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
.highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */
.highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */
.highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */
.highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */
.highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */
.highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
.highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
.highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */
.highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */
.highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */
.highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
.highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */
.highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */

n192'>192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 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3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421 4422 4423 4424 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 4434 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 4509 4510 4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 4517 4518 4519 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 4525 4526 4527 4528 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5120 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128 5129 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 5160 5161 5162 5163 5164 5165 5166 5167 5168 5169 5170 5171 5172 5173 5174 5175 5176 5177 5178 5179 5180 5181 5182 5183 5184 5185 5186 5187 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 5193 5194 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 5268 5269 5270 5271 5272 5273 5274 5275 5276 5277 5278 5279 5280 5281 5282 5283 5284 5285 5286 5287 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5298 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 5318 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 5328 5329 5330 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5342 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 5348 5349 5350 5351 5352 5353 5354 5355 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369 5370 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378 5379 5380 5381 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 5389 5390 5391 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 5397 5398 5399 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 5437 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 5476 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490 5491 5492 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 5505 5506 5507 5508 5509 5510 5511 5512 5513 5514 5515 5516 5517 5518 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529 5530 5531 5532 5533 5534 5535 5536 5537 5538 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 5545 5546 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569 5570 5571 5572 5573 5574 5575 5576 5577 5578 5579 5580 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5617 5618 5619 5620 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629 5630 5631 5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5648 5649 5650 5651 5652 5653 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5672 5673 5674 5675 5676 5677 5678 5679 5680 5681 5682 5683 5684 5685 5686 5687 5688 5689 5690 5691 5692 5693 5694 5695 5696 5697 5698 5699 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 5727 5728 5729 5730 5731 5732 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 5742 5743 5744 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 5750 5751 5752 5753 5754 5755 5756 5757 5758 5759 5760 5761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 5777 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 5797 5798 5799 5800 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820 5821 5822 5823 5824 5825 5826 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 5833 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 5903 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 5980 5981 5982 5983 5984 5985 5986 5987 5988 5989 5990 5991 5992 5993 5994 5995 5996 5997 5998 5999 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017 6018 6019 6020 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 6061 6062 6063 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 6070 6071 6072 6073 6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 6091 6092 6093 6094 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 6107 6108 6109 6110 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 6153 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 6171 6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 6190 6191 6192 6193 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 6207 6208 6209 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 6216 6217 6218 6219 6220 6221 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 6233 6234 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 6246 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 6279 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 6331 6332 6333 6334 6335 6336 6337 6338 6339 6340 6341 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6358 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366 6367 6368 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 6377 6378 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 6384 6385 6386 6387 6388 6389 6390 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 6397 6398 6399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 6434 6435 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 6504 6505 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 6514 6515 6516 6517 6518 6519 6520 6521 6522 6523 6524 6525 6526 6527 6528 6529 6530 6531 6532 6533 6534 6535 6536 6537 6538 6539 6540 6541 6542 6543 6544 6545 6546 6547 6548 6549 6550 6551 6552 6553 6554 6555 6556 6557 6558 6559 6560 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 6567 6568 6569 6570 6571 6572 6573 6574 6575 6576 6577 6578 6579 6580 6581 6582 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 6589 6590 6591 6592 6593 6594 6595 6596 6597 6598 6599 6600 6601 6602 6603 6604 6605 6606 6607 6608 6609 6610 6611 6612 6613 6614 6615 6616 6617 6618 6619 6620 6621 6622 6623 6624 6625 6626 6627 6628 6629 6630 6631 6632 6633 6634 6635 6636 6637 6638 6639 6640 6641 6642 6643 6644 6645 6646 6647 6648 6649 6650 6651 6652 6653 6654 6655 6656 6657 6658 6659 6660 6661 6662 6663 6664 6665 6666 6667 6668 6669 6670 6671 6672 6673 6674 6675 6676 6677 6678 6679 6680 6681 6682 6683 6684 6685 6686 6687 6688 6689 6690 6691 6692 6693 6694 6695 6696 6697 6698 6699 6700 6701 6702 6703 6704 6705 6706 6707 6708 6709 6710 6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 6716 6717 6718 6719 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6729 6730 6731 6732 6733 6734 6735 6736 6737 6738 6739 6740 6741 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750 6751 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 6811 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 6822 6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 6830 6831 6832 6833 6834 6835 6836 6837 6838 6839 6840 6841 6842 6843 6844 6845 6846 6847 6848 6849
# Lithuanian translation of xchat
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the xchat package.
# Gediminas Paulauskas <>, 2000.
# Vaidrius Petrauskas <>, 2005.
# Žygimantas Beručka <>, 2006.
# Marius Gedminas <>, 2007.
# Gintautas Miliauskas <>, 2007, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: xchat 2.8.4\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 20:19+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-17 22:00+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Gintautas Miliauskas <>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian <>\n"
"Language: lt\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:782
msgid "I'm busy"
msgstr "Užsiėmęs"

#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:783
msgid "Leaving"
msgstr "Išeinu"

#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:834
msgid ""
"* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should\n"
"  create a User Account and use that to login.\n"
msgstr ""
"* Labai neprotinga vykdyti IRC iš root'o! Susikurk\n"
"  paprastą varotoją ir naudokis juo, jungdamasis.\n"

#: src/common/dcc.c:72
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Laukiu"

#: src/common/dcc.c:73
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktyvus"

#: src/common/dcc.c:74
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Nepavyko"

#: src/common/dcc.c:75
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Baigtas"

#: src/common/dcc.c:76 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:943
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Jungiuosi"

#: src/common/dcc.c:77
msgid "Aborted"
msgstr "Nutrauktas"

#: src/common/dcc.c:1892 src/common/outbound.c:2508
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot access %s\n"
msgstr "Negaliu pasiekti %s\n"

#: src/common/dcc.c:1893 src/common/text.c:1441 src/common/text.c:1479
#: src/common/text.c:1490 src/common/text.c:1497 src/common/text.c:1510
#: src/common/text.c:1527 src/common/text.c:1627 src/common/util.c:356
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Klaida"

#: src/common/dcc.c:2383
#, c-format
msgid "%s is offering \"%s\". Do you want to accept?"
msgstr "%s siūlo „%s“. Ar norite priimti?"

#: src/common/dcc.c:2594
msgid "No active DCCs\n"
msgstr "Nėra aktyvių DCC sesijų\n"

#: src/common/ignore.c:125 src/common/ignore.c:129 src/common/ignore.c:133
#: src/common/ignore.c:137 src/common/ignore.c:141 src/common/ignore.c:145
#: src/common/ignore.c:149
msgid "YES  "
msgstr "TAIP "

#: src/common/ignore.c:127 src/common/ignore.c:131 src/common/ignore.c:135
#: src/common/ignore.c:139 src/common/ignore.c:143 src/common/ignore.c:147
#: src/common/ignore.c:151
msgid "NO   "
msgstr "NE   "

#: src/common/ignore.c:382
#, c-format
msgid "You are being CTCP flooded from %s, ignoring %s\n"
msgstr "Jums %s siunčia daugybę CTCP pranešimų, %s ignoruojamas\n"

#: src/common/ignore.c:407
#, c-format
msgid "You are being MSG flooded from %s, setting gui_auto_open_dialog OFF.\n"
msgstr ""
"Jums %s siunčia daugybę MSG pranešimų, „gui_auto_open_dialog“ išjungiamas.\n"

#: src/common/notify.c:478
#, c-format
msgid "  %-20s online\n"
msgstr "  %-20s yra online\n"

#: src/common/notify.c:480
#, c-format
msgid "  %-20s offline\n"
msgstr "  %-20s yra offline\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:72
msgid "No channel joined. Try /join #<channel>\n"
msgstr "Tu nesi jokiame kanale. Parašyk /join #<kanalas>\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:78
msgid "Not connected. Try /server <host> [<port>]\n"
msgstr ""
"Tu nesi prisijungęs prie serverio. Parašyk /server <hostas> [<portas>]\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:281
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s already exists on network %s.\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:287
#, c-format
msgid "Added server %s to network %s.\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:373
#, c-format
msgid "Already marked away: %s\n"
msgstr "Jau įjungta nebuvimo veiksena: %s\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:446
msgid "Already marked back.\n"
msgstr "Jau pažymėtas grįžimas.\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:1812
msgid "I need /bin/sh to run!\n"
msgstr "Man reikia /bin/sh, kad galėčiau vykdytis!\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:2181
#, fuzzy
msgid "Commands Available:"
msgstr "Prieinamos komandos:"

#: src/common/outbound.c:2195
#, fuzzy
msgid "User defined commands:"
msgstr "Naudotojo aprašytos komandos:"

#: src/common/outbound.c:2211
#, fuzzy
msgid "Plugin defined commands:"
msgstr "Vartotojo aprašytos komandos:"

#: src/common/outbound.c:2222
#, fuzzy
msgid "Type /HELP <command> for more information, or /HELP -l"
msgstr ""
"Parašyk /HELP <komanda> kad gautum daugiau informacijos, arba /HELP -l\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:2306
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown arg '%s' ignored."
msgstr "Nežinomas argumentas '%s' ignoruojamas."

#: src/common/outbound.c:3297
msgid "No such plugin found.\n"
msgstr "Toks įskiepis nerastas.\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3302 src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:207
msgid "That plugin is refusing to unload.\n"
msgstr "Šis įskiepis atsisako būti iškraunamas.\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3571
msgid "ADDBUTTON <name> <action>, adds a button under the user-list"
msgstr "ADDBUTTON <vardas> <veiksmas> - prideda mygtuka po vartotojų sąrašu"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3572
msgid ""
"ADDSERVER <New Network> <newserver/6667>, adds a new network with a new "
"server to the network list"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:3574
msgid "ALLCHAN <cmd>, sends a command to all channels you're in"
msgstr "ALLCHAN <komanda> - nusiunčia komandą į visus kanalus, kuriuose tu esi"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3576
#, fuzzy
msgid "ALLCHANL <cmd>, sends a command to all channels on the current server"
msgstr "ALLCHAN <komanda> - nusiunčia komandą į visus kanalus, kuriuose tu esi"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3578
msgid "ALLSERV <cmd>, sends a command to all servers you're in"
msgstr ""
"ALLSERV <komanda> - nusiunčia komandą visiems serveriams, prie kurių tu esi "

#: src/common/outbound.c:3579
msgid "AWAY [<reason>], sets you away"
msgstr "AWAY [<priežastis>] - įjungia būseną „Manęs nėra“"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3580
msgid "BACK, sets you back (not away)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:3582
msgid ""
"BAN <mask> [<bantype>], bans everyone matching the mask from the current "
"channel. If they are already on the channel this doesn't kick them (needs "
msgstr ""
"BAN <mask> [<bano tipas>] - išbanina iš esamo kanalo visus, kurių maskas "
"sutampa su nurodytu. Jei jie jau yra kanale, ši komanda neišspiria jų "
"(reikia OP statuso kanale)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3583
#, fuzzy
msgid "CHANOPT [-quiet] <variable> [<value>]"
msgstr "SET <kintamasis> [<reikšmė>]"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3584
msgid ""
"CHARSET [<encoding>], get or set the encoding used for the current connection"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:3585
#, fuzzy
msgid "CLEAR [ALL|HISTORY], Clears the current text window or command history"
msgstr "CLEAR - išvalo esamą tekstinį langą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3586
msgid "CLOSE, Closes the current window/tab"
msgstr "CLOSE - uždaro esamą langą/kortelę"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3589
#, fuzzy
msgid "COUNTRY [-s] <code|wildcard>, finds a country code, eg: au = australia"
msgstr "COUNTRY <kodas> - randa šalį pagal kodą, pvz.: lt = Lietuva"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3591
msgid ""
"CTCP <nick> <message>, send the CTCP message to nick, common messages are "
msgstr ""
"CTCP <vartotojas> <žinutė> - nusiunčia CTCP žinutę vartotojui. Dažniausios "
"žinutės yra VERSION ir USERINFO"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3593
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"CYCLE [<channel>], parts the current or given channel and immediately rejoins"
msgstr "CYCLE - išeina iš aktyvaus kanalo ir iškarta į jį grįžtą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3595
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"DCC GET <nick>                      - accept an offered file\n"
"DCC SEND [-maxcps=#] <nick> [file]  - send a file to someone\n"
"DCC PSEND [-maxcps=#] <nick> [file] - send a file using passive mode\n"
"DCC LIST                            - show DCC list\n"
"DCC CHAT <nick>                     - offer DCC CHAT to someone\n"
"DCC PCHAT <nick>                    - offer DCC CHAT using passive mode\n"
"DCC CLOSE <type> <nick> <file>         example:\n"
"         /dcc close send johnsmith file.tar.gz"
msgstr ""
"DCC GET <vartotojas>           - gauna siūlomą bylą\n"
"DCC SEND <vartotojas> <failas> - siunčia bylą kitam asmeniui\n"
"DCC LIST                       - parodo DCC sesijų sąrašą\n"
"DCC CHAT <vartotojas>          - pasiūlo kitam asmeniui DCC pokalbį\n"
"DCC CLOSE <tipas> <vatrtotojas> <failas>     pavyzdys:\n"
"                    /dcc close send jonas byla.tar.gz"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3607
msgid ""
"DEHOP <nick>, removes chanhalf-op status from the nick on the current "
"channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"DEHOP <vartotojas> - panaikina kanalo pusiau-operatoriaus teises vartotojui "
"aktyviame kanale (reikia kanalo operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3609
msgid "DELBUTTON <name>, deletes a button from under the user-list"
msgstr "DELBUTTON <vardas> - ištrina mygtuką iš po vartotojo sąrašo"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3611
msgid ""
"DEOP <nick>, removes chanop status from the nick on the current channel "
"(needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"DEOP <vartotojas> - panaikina kanalo operatoriaus teises vartotojui "
"aktyviame kanale (reikia kanalo operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3613
msgid ""
"DEVOICE <nick>, removes voice status from the nick on the current channel "
"(needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"DEVOICE <vartotojas> - panaikina balso teisę vartotojui aktyviame kanale "
"(reikia kanalo operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3614
msgid "DISCON, Disconnects from server"
msgstr "DISCON - atjungia nuo serverio"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3615
msgid "DNS <nick|host|ip>, Finds a users IP number"
msgstr "DNS <varototojas|hostas|ip> - randa vartotojo IP adresą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3616
msgid "ECHO <text>, Prints text locally"
msgstr "ECHO <tekstas> - lokaliai atspausdina tekstą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3619
msgid ""
"EXEC [-o] <command>, runs the command. If -o flag is used then output is "
"sent to current channel, else is printed to current text box"
msgstr ""
"EXEC [-o] <komanda> - įvykdo komandą. Tuo atveju, jei nurodomas -o "
"parametras, komandos grąžinamas tekstas bus nusiųstas į aktyvų kanalą, kitu "
"atveju jis nusiunčiamas į aktyvų langą."

#: src/common/outbound.c:3621
msgid "EXECCONT, sends the process SIGCONT"
msgstr "EXECCONT - nusiunčia procesui SIGCONT signalą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3624
msgid ""
"EXECKILL [-9], kills a running exec in the current session. If -9 is given "
"the process is SIGKILL'ed"
msgstr ""
"EXECKILL [-9] - nutraukia aktyvioje sesijoje vykdomą komandą. Jei nurodomas "
"parametras -9, procesui bus nusiųstas SIGKILL signalas"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3626
msgid "EXECSTOP, sends the process SIGSTOP"
msgstr "EXECSTOP - nusiunčia procesui SIGSTOP signalą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3627
msgid "EXECWRITE, sends data to the processes stdin"
msgstr "EXECWRITE - nusiunčia duomenis proceso stdin įrenginiui"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3631
msgid "FLUSHQ, flushes the current server's send queue"
msgstr "FLUSHHQ - panaikina aktyvaus serverio siuntimo laukiančių duomenų eilę"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3633
msgid "GATE <host> [<port>], proxies through a host, port defaults to 23"
msgstr ""
"GATE <hostas> [<portas>] - jungiasi per proxy serverį. Nutylimas portas - 23"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3637
msgid "GHOST <nick> [password], Kills a ghosted nickname"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:3642
msgid "HOP <nick>, gives chanhalf-op status to the nick (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"HOP <vartotojas> - suteikia vartotojui kanalo pusiau-operatoriaus teises "
"(reikia kanalo operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3643
msgid "ID <password>, identifies yourself to nickserv"
msgstr "ID <slaptažodis> - identifikuoja Jus nickservui"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3645
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"IGNORE <mask> <types..> <options..>\n"
"    mask - host mask to ignore, eg: *!*@*\n"
"    types - types of data to ignore, one or all of:\n"
"            PRIV, CHAN, NOTI, CTCP, DCC, INVI, ALL\n"
"    options - NOSAVE, QUIET"
msgstr ""
"IGNORE <mask> <tipai..> <parametrai..>\n"
"    mask - maskas, kuris bus ignoruojamas, pvz: *!*@*\n"
"    tipai - ignoruotini duomenų tipai, vienas ar keli iš šių:\n"
"            PRIV, CHAN, NOTI, CTCP, INVI, ALL\n"
"    parametrai - NOSAVE, QUIET"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3652
msgid ""
"INVITE <nick> [<channel>], invites someone to a channel, by default the "
"current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"INVITE <vartotojas> [<kanalas>] - pakviečia varotoją į kanalą. Nutylimasis - "
"aktyvus kanalas (reikia kanalo operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3653
msgid "JOIN <channel>, joins the channel"
msgstr "JOIN <kanalas> - prisijungia prie kanalo"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3655
msgid "KICK <nick>, kicks the nick from the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"KICK <vartotojas> - išspiria varotoją iš aktyvaus kanalo (reikia kanalo "
"operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3657
msgid ""
"KICKBAN <nick>, bans then kicks the nick from the current channel (needs "
msgstr ""
"KICKBAN <vartotojas> - išbanina ir išspiria vartotoją iš aktyvaus kanalo "
"(reikia kanalo operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3660
msgid "LAGCHECK, forces a new lag check"
msgstr "LAGCHECK - iššaukia naują užlaikymo patikrinimą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3662
msgid ""
"LASTLOG [-h] [-m] [-r] [--] <string>, searches for a string in the buffer\n"
"    Use -h to highlight the found string(s)\n"
"    Use -m to match case\n"
"    Use -r when string is a Regular Expression\n"
"    Use -- (double hyphen) to end options when searching for, say, the "
"string '-r'"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:3668
#, fuzzy
msgid "LOAD [-e] <file>, loads a plugin or script"
msgstr "LOAD <failas> - įkrauna įskiepį ar skriptą..."

#: src/common/outbound.c:3671
msgid ""
"MDEHOP, Mass deop's all chanhalf-ops in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"MDEHOP - atima kanalo pusiau-operatoriaus teises iš visų aktyviame kanale "
"jas turinčių (reikia kanalo operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3673
msgid "MDEOP, Mass deop's all chanops in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"MDEOP - atima kanalo operatoriaus teises iš visų aktyviame kanale jas "
"turinčių (reikia kanalo operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3675
msgid ""
"ME <action>, sends the action to the current channel (actions are written in "
"the 3rd person, like /me jumps)"
msgstr ""
"ME <veiksmas> - nusiunčia veiksmą į aktyvų kanalą (veiksmai rašomi trečiuoju "
"asmeniu, pvz., /me pašoka)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3679
msgid ""
"MKICK, Mass kicks everyone except you in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"MKICK - išspiria iš aktyvaus kanalo visus išskyrus tave (reikia kanalo "
"operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3682
#, fuzzy
msgid "MOP, Mass op's all users in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"MDEOP - atima kanalo operatoriaus teises iš visų aktyviame kanale jas "
"turinčių (reikia kanalo operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3683
msgid "MSG <nick> <message>, sends a private message"
msgstr "MSG <vartotojas> <žinutė> - nusiunčia privačią žinutę"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3686
msgid "NAMES, Lists the nicks on the current channel"
msgstr "NAMES - išvardina visus vartotojus esamame kanale"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3688
msgid "NCTCP <nick> <message>, Sends a CTCP notice"
msgstr "NCTCP <vartotojas> <žinutė> - nuciunčia vartotojui CTCP pastebėjimą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3689
#, fuzzy
msgid "NEWSERVER [-noconnect] <hostname> [<port>]"
msgstr "NEWSERVER <serveris> [<portas>]"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3690
msgid "NICK <nickname>, sets your nick"
msgstr "NICK <vardas> - pakeicčia tavo vartotojo vardą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3693
msgid ""
"NOTICE <nick/channel> <message>, sends a notice. Notices are a type of "
"message that should be auto reacted to"
msgstr ""
"NOTICE <vartotojas/kanalas> <žinutė> - nusiunčia pastabą. Pastabos - tai "
"žinutės, į kurias turėtų būti reaguojama automatiškai"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3695
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"NOTIFY [-n network1[,network2,...]] [<nick>], displays your notify list or "
"adds someone to it"
msgstr ""
"NOTIFY [<vartotojas>] - išvardina tavo stebimų vartotojų sąrašą arba prideda/"
"išbraukia iš jo vartotoją"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3697
msgid "OP <nick>, gives chanop status to the nick (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"OP <vartotojas> - suteikia vartotojui kanalo operatoriaus teises (reikia jas "
"turėti pačiam)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3699
msgid ""
"PART [<channel>] [<reason>], leaves the channel, by default the current one"
msgstr ""
"PART [<kanalas>] [<priežastis>] - palieka kanalą, pagal nutylėjimą - aktyvųjį"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3701
msgid "PING <nick | channel>, CTCP pings nick or channel"
msgstr ""
"PING <vartotojas | kanalas> - nusiunčia vartotojui arba kanalui CTCP PING "

#: src/common/outbound.c:3703
#, fuzzy
msgid "QUERY [-nofocus] <nick>, opens up a new privmsg window to someone"
msgstr "QUERY <vartotojas> - atidaro privačių žinučių su vartotoju langą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3705
msgid "QUIT [<reason>], disconnects from the current server"
msgstr "QUIT [<priežastis>] - atsijungia nuo aktyvaus serverio"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3707
msgid "QUOTE <text>, sends the text in raw form to the server"
msgstr "QUOTE <tekstas> - nusiunčia neformatuotą tekstą serveriui"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3710
msgid ""
"RECONNECT [-ssl] [<host>] [<port>] [<password>], Can be called just as /"
"RECONNECT to reconnect to the current server or with /RECONNECT ALL to "
"reconnect to all the open servers"
msgstr ""
"RECONNECT [-ssl] [<serveris>] [<portas>] [<slaptažodis>] - gali būti "
"iškviečiamas paprasčiausiai komandos /RECONNECT pagalba, kad iš naujo "
"prisijungti prie aktyvaus serverio arba /RECONNECT ALL, kad iš naujo "
"prisijungti prie visų atvirų serverių"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3713
msgid ""
"RECONNECT [<host>] [<port>] [<password>], Can be called just as /RECONNECT "
"to reconnect to the current server or with /RECONNECT ALL to reconnect to "
"all the open servers"
msgstr ""
"RECONNECT [<serveris>] [<portas>] [<slaptažodis>] - gali būti iškviečiamas "
"paprasčiausiai komandos /RECONNECT pagalba, kad iš naujo prisijungti prie "
"aktyvaus serverio arba /RECONNECT ALL, kad iš naujo prisijungti prie visų "
"atvirų serverių"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3715
msgid ""
"RECV <text>, send raw data to xchat, as if it was received from the irc "
msgstr ""
"RECV <tekstas> - nusiunčia neformatuotą tekstą xchat programai, lyg ji jį "
"būtų gavusi iš irc serverio"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3718
msgid "SAVECONF, saves the current settings to disk"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:3721
msgid "SAY <text>, sends the text to the object in the current window"
msgstr "SAY <tekstas> - nusiunčia tekstą objektui aktyviame lange"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3722
msgid "SEND <nick> [<file>]"
msgstr "SEND <slapyvardis> [<failas>]"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3725
msgid "SERVCHAN [-ssl] <host> <port> <channel>, connects and joins a channel"
msgstr ""
"SERVCHAN [-ssl] <serveris> <portas> <kanalas> - prisijungia ir įeina į kanalą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3728
msgid "SERVCHAN <host> <port> <channel>, connects and joins a channel"
msgstr "SERVCHAN <serveris> <portas> <kanalas> - prisijungia ir įeina į kanalą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3732
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"SERVER [-ssl] <host> [<port>] [<password>], connects to a server, the "
"default port is 6667 for normal connections, and 6697 for ssl connections"
msgstr ""
"SERVER [-ssl] <serveris> [<portas>] [<slaptažodis>] - prisijungia prie "
"serverio, nutylimasis portas yra 6667 paprastiems prisijungimams ir 9999 - "
"prisijungimams su ssl"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3735
msgid ""
"SERVER <host> [<port>] [<password>], connects to a server, the default port "
"is 6667"
msgstr ""
"SERVER <serveris> [<portas>] [<slaptažodis>] - prisijungia prie serverio, "
"nutylimasis portas yra 6667"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3737
#, fuzzy
msgid "SET [-e] [-off|-on] [-quiet] <variable> [<value>]"
msgstr "SET <kintamasis> [<reikšmė>]"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3738
msgid "SETCURSOR [-|+]<position>, reposition the cursor in the inputbox"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:3739
msgid "SETTAB <new name>, change a tab's name, tab_trunc limit still applies"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:3740
msgid "SETTEXT <new text>, replace the text in the input box"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:3743
msgid ""
"TOPIC [<topic>], sets the topic if one is given, else shows the current topic"
msgstr ""
"TOPIC [<tema>] - nustato kanalo temą, jei ji duota, arba parodo esamą temą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3745
msgid ""
"TRAY -f <timeout> <file1> [<file2>] Blink tray between two icons.\n"
"TRAY -f <filename>                  Set tray to a fixed icon.\n"
"TRAY -i <number>                    Blink tray with an internal icon.\n"
"TRAY -t <text>                      Set the tray tooltip.\n"
"TRAY -b <title> <text>              Set the tray balloon."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/outbound.c:3752
msgid "UNBAN <mask> [<mask>...], unbans the specified masks."
msgstr "UNBAN <mask> [<mask>...] - nuima baną nurodytiems maskams"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3753
msgid "UNIGNORE <mask> [QUIET]"
msgstr "UNIGNORE <mask> [QUIET]"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3754
msgid "UNLOAD <name>, unloads a plugin or script"
msgstr "UNLOAD <vardas> - iškrauna įskiepį ar skriptą"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3755
msgid "URL <url>, opens a URL in your browser"
msgstr "URL <adresas> - atverti adresą naršyklėje"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3757
msgid ""
"USELECT [-a] [-s] <nick1> <nick2> etc, highlights nick(s) in channel userlist"
msgstr ""
"USELECT [-a] [-s] <slapyvardis1> <slapyvardis2> ir t.t. - paryškinti "
"slapyvardį(ius) kanalo naudotojų sąraše"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3760
msgid "VOICE <nick>, gives voice status to someone (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
"VOICE <vartotojas> - suteikia vartotojuio balso teisę (reikia kanalo "
"operatoriaus teisių)"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3762
msgid "WALLCHAN <message>, writes the message to all channels"
msgstr "WALLCHAN <žinutė> - nusiunčia žinutę visiems kanalams"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3764
msgid ""
"WALLCHOP <message>, sends the message to all chanops on the current channel"
msgstr ""
"WALLCHOP <žinutė> - nusiunčia žinutę visiems aktyvaus kanalo operatoriams"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3797
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s\n"
msgstr "Naudojimas: %s\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3802
msgid ""
"No help available on that command.\n"
msgstr ""
"Nėra pagalbos įrašo apie šią komandą.\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:3808
msgid "No such command.\n"
msgstr "Nėra tokios komandos.\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:4139
msgid "Bad arguments for user command.\n"
msgstr "Blogi argumentai vartotojo apibrėžtai komandai.\n"

#: src/common/outbound.c:4299
msgid "Too many recursive usercommands, aborting."
msgstr "Per daug rekursiškai vykdomų vartotojo komandų, vykdymas nutraukiamas."

#: src/common/outbound.c:4382
msgid "Unknown Command. Try /help\n"
msgstr "Nežinoma komanda. Bandyk /help\n"

#: src/common/plugin.c:382 src/common/plugin.c:423
msgid "No xchat_plugin_init symbol; is this really an xchat plugin?"
msgstr "Nerastas xchat_plugin_init simbolis. Ar tai tikrai xchat įskiepis?"

#: src/common/server.c:665
msgid "Are you sure this is a SSL capable server and port?\n"
msgstr "Ar tai tikrai SSL šifravimą palaikantis serveris ir prievadas?\n"

#: src/common/server.c:1033
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot resolve hostname %s\n"
"Check your IP Settings!\n"
msgstr ""
"Negaliu iššifruoti serverio vardo: %s\n"
"Patikrink savo IP nustatymus!\n"

#: src/common/server.c:1038
msgid "Proxy traversal failed.\n"
msgstr "Proxy jungimasis nepavyko.\n"

#: src/common/servlist.c:727
#, c-format
msgid "Cycling to next server in %s...\n"
msgstr "Bandomas kitas tinklo „%s“ serveris...\n"

#: src/common/servlist.c:1179
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning: \"%s\" character set is unknown. No conversion will be applied for "
"network %s."
msgstr ""
"Dėmesio: „%s“ koduotė nežinoma. Konvertavimas tinkle „%s“ nebus vykdomas."

#: src/common/textevents.h:6
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 added to notify list."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:9
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 Banlist:%C19 $4%C20 $2%C21 $3"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:12
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(You are banned)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:18
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 is now known as $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:27
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets ban on $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:30
msgid "%C22*%O$tChannel $1 created on $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:33
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes channel half-operator status from%C26 $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:36
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes channel operator status from%C26 $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:39
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes voice from%C26 $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:42
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets exempt on $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:45
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives channel half-operator status to%C26 $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:48
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets invite on $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:51
msgid "%UChannel          Users   Topic"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:57
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets mode $2$3 $4"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:60
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Channel $1 modes: $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:69
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives channel operator status to%C26 $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:72
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes exempt on $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:75
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes invite on $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:78
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes channel keyword"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:81
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes user limit"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:84
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets channel keyword to $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:87
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets channel limit to $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:90
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes ban on $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:93
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives voice to%C26 $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:96
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Connected. Now logging in..."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:99
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Connecting to $1 ($2) port $3%O..."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:102
msgid "%C21*%O$t%C21Connection failed. Error: $1"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:105
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:108
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2 (to $3)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:111
msgid "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$tCTCP $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:114
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP Sound $1 from $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:117
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP Sound $1 from $2 (to $3)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tGautas CTCP „Sound“ $1 iš $2 (į $3)"

#: src/common/textevents.h:120
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT to %C26$1%O aborted."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:123
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT connection established to %C26$1 %C30[%O$2%C30]"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:126
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT to %C26$1%O lost ($4)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:129
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a DCC CHAT offer from $1"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:132
msgid "%C22*%O$tOffering DCC CHAT to $1"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:135
msgid "%C22*%O$tAlready offering CHAT to $1"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:138
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC $1 connect attempt to%C26 $2%O failed (err=$3)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:141
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived '$1%O' from $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:144
#, c-format
msgid "%C24,18 Type  To/From    Status  Size    Pos     File         "
msgstr "%C24,18 Tipas Į/Iš       Būklą—   Dydis  Pozicija Failas         "

#: src/common/textevents.h:147
msgid ""
"%C22*%O$tReceived a malformed DCC request from %C26$1%O.%010%C22*%O"
"$tContents of packet: $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:150
msgid "%C22*%O$tOffering%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:153
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo such DCC offer."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:156
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $2%O to%C26 $1%O aborted."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:159
msgid ""
"%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O from%C26 $3%O complete %C30[%C26$4%O cps%C30]%O."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:162
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV connection established to%C26 $1 %C30[%O$2%C30]"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:165
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O from%C26 $3%O failed ($4)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:168
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV: Cannot open $1 for writing ($2)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:171
msgid ""
"%C22*%O$tThe file%C26 $1%C already exists, saving it as%C26 $2%O instead."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:174
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1 %Ohas requested to resume%C26 $2 %Cfrom%C26 $3%C."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:177
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $2%O to%C26 $1%O aborted."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:180
msgid ""
"%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O complete %C30[%C26$3%O cps%C30]%O."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:183
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND connection established to%C26 $1 %C30[%O$2%C30]"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:186
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O failed. $3"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:189
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1 %Ohas offered%C26 $2 %O(%C26$3 %Obytes)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:192
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC $1%C26 $2 %Oto%C26 $3 %Cstalled - aborting."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:195
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC $1%C26 $2 %Oto%C26 $3 %Otimed out - aborting."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:198
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 deleted from notify list."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:201
msgid "%C22*%O$tDisconnected ($1)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:204
msgid "%C22*%O$tFound your IP: [$1]"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:210
msgid "%O%C26$1%O added to ignore list."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:213
msgid "Ignore on %C26$1%O changed."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:216
#, c-format
msgid "%C24,18                                                              "
msgstr "%C24,18                                                              "

#: src/common/textevents.h:219
#, c-format
msgid "%C24,18 Hostmask                  PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC  INVI UNIG "
msgstr "%C24,18 Formatas                  PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC  INVI UNIG "

#: src/common/textevents.h:222
msgid "%O%C26$1%O removed from ignore list."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:225
msgid "  Ignore list is empty."
msgstr "  Ignoravimo są…rašas tušąias."

#: src/common/textevents.h:228
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(Channel is invite only)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:231
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou have been invited to%C26 $1%O by%C26 $2%C (%C26$3%C)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:234
msgid "%C19*%O$t%C19%B$1 %B($3) has joined $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:237
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(Requires keyword)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:240
msgid "%C21*%O$t%C21$1 has kicked $2 from $3 ($4%O%C21)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:243
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou have been killed by $1 ($2%O%C22)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:252
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22MOTD Skipped."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:255
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 already in use. Retrying with $2..."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:258
msgid "%C22*%O$tNickname already in use. Use /NICK to try another."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:261
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo such DCC."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:264
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo process is currently running"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:273
msgid "$tNotify list is empty."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:276
msgid "%C24,18 %B  Notify List                           "
msgstr "%C24,18 %B  Stebyklą—                           "

#: src/common/textevents.h:279
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 users in notify list."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:282
msgid "%C22*%O$tNotify: $1 is offline ($3)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:285
msgid "%C22*%O$tNotify: $1 is online ($3)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:291
msgid "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 (%O%C23$2) has left $3"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:294
msgid "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 (%O%C23$2) has left $3 (%O%C23%B%B$4%O%C23)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:297
msgid "%C22*%O$tPing reply from $1: $2 second(s)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:300
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo ping reply for $1 seconds, disconnecting."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:315
msgid "%C22*%O$tA process is already running"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:318
msgid "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 has quit (%O%C23%B%B$2%O%C23)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:321
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets modes%B %C30[%O$2%B%C30]"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:324
msgid "%C28-%C29$1/Wallops%C28-%O$t$2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:327
msgid "%C22*%O$tLooking up IP number for%C26 $1%O..."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:330
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Connected."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:336
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Looking up $1"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:348
msgid "%C22*%O$tStopped previous connection attempt (pid=$1)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:351
msgid "%C29*%O$t%C29Topic for $1%C %C29is: $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:354
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 has changed the topic to: $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:357
msgid "%C29*%O$t%C29Topic for $1%C %C29set by $2%C %C29at $3"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:360
msgid "%C22*%O$tUnknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:363
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(User limit reached)."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:366
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26Users on $1:%C $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:369
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %O$2%C27 $3"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %O$2%C27 $3"

#: src/common/textevents.h:372
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %Cis away %C30(%O$2%O%C30)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:375 src/common/textevents.h:381
#: src/common/textevents.h:396 src/common/textevents.h:399
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O $2"

#: src/common/textevents.h:378
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %OEnd of WHOIS list."
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:384
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:387
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2%O, signon:%C26 $3"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:390
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %C30(%O$2@$3%C30)%O: $4"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:393
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %Oreal user@host%C27 $2%O, real IP%C27 $3"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:402
msgid "%C19*%O$t%C19Now talking on $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:405
msgid "%C23*$tYou have been kicked from $2 by $3 ($4%O%C23)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:408
#, c-format
msgid "%C23*$tYou have left channel $3"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:411
msgid "%C23*$tYou have left channel $3 (%O%C23%B%B$4%O%C23)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:417
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou've invited%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O (%C26$3%O)"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/textevents.h:423
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou are now known as $2"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/text.c:367 src/common/text.c:418
#, fuzzy
msgid "Loaded log from"
msgstr "Įkelti"

#: src/common/text.c:437
#, c-format
msgid "**** ENDING LOGGING AT %s\n"

#: src/common/text.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "**** BEGIN LOGGING AT %s\n"

#: src/common/text.c:702
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"* Can't open log file(s) for writing. Check the\n"
"permissions on %s"
msgstr ""
"* Nepavyko atverti žurnalo failo (-ų) rašymui.\n"
"  Patikrinkite „%s/xchatlogs“ leidimus"

#: src/common/text.c:1141
#, fuzzy
msgid "Left message"
msgstr "Žinutė"

#: src/common/text.c:1142
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right message"
msgstr "Žinutė"

#: src/common/text.c:1146
msgid "The nick of the joining person"
msgstr "Prisijungiančio vartotojo vardas"

#: src/common/text.c:1147
msgid "The channel being joined"
msgstr "Kanalas, prie kurio jungiamasi"

#: src/common/text.c:1148 src/common/text.c:1196 src/common/text.c:1247
msgid "The host of the person"
msgstr "Vartotojo kompiuteris"

#: src/common/text.c:1152 src/common/text.c:1159 src/common/text.c:1166
#: src/common/text.c:1354 src/common/text.c:1361 src/common/text.c:1366
#: src/common/text.c:1371 src/common/text.c:1376 src/common/text.c:1382
#: src/common/text.c:1387 src/common/text.c:1391 src/common/text.c:1397
#: src/common/text.c:1403 src/common/text.c:1455 src/common/text.c:1466
#: src/common/text.c:1471 src/common/text.c:1476 src/common/text.c:1485
#: src/common/text.c:1496 src/common/text.c:1503 src/common/text.c:1509
#: src/common/text.c:1514 src/common/text.c:1519 src/common/text.c:1526
#: src/common/text.c:1532 src/common/text.c:1538 src/common/text.c:1543
#: src/common/text.c:1548 src/common/text.c:1552 src/common/text.c:1558
#: src/common/text.c:1566 src/common/text.c:1600 src/common/text.c:1605
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Vartotojo vardas"

#: src/common/text.c:1153
msgid "The action"
msgstr "Veiksmas"

#: src/common/text.c:1154 src/common/text.c:1161
msgid "Mode char"
msgstr "Statuso simbolis"

#: src/common/text.c:1155 src/common/text.c:1162 src/common/text.c:1168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Identified text"
msgstr "Info"

#: src/common/text.c:1160
msgid "The text"
msgstr "Tekstas"

#: src/common/text.c:1167 src/common/text.c:1224 src/common/text.c:1230
msgid "The message"
msgstr "Žinutė"

#: src/common/text.c:1172 src/common/text.c:1234
msgid "Old nickname"
msgstr "Senas vartotojo vardas"

#: src/common/text.c:1173 src/common/text.c:1235
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Naujas vartotojo vardas"

#: src/common/text.c:1177
msgid "Nick of person who changed the topic"
msgstr "Vartotojo, pakeitusio temą, vardas"

#: src/common/text.c:1178 src/common/text.c:1184 src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:788
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:891 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:289
msgid "Topic"
msgstr "Tema"

#: src/common/text.c:1179 src/common/text.c:1183 src/common/text.c:1620
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:786 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:174
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:891
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanalas"

#: src/common/text.c:1188 src/common/text.c:1241
msgid "The nickname of the kicker"
msgstr "Išspyręs vartotojas"

#: src/common/text.c:1189 src/common/text.c:1239
msgid "The person being kicked"
msgstr "Išsipirtas vartotojas"

#: src/common/text.c:1190 src/common/text.c:1197 src/common/text.c:1201
#: src/common/text.c:1206 src/common/text.c:1240 src/common/text.c:1248
#: src/common/text.c:1255
msgid "The channel"
msgstr "Kanalas"

#: src/common/text.c:1191 src/common/text.c:1242 src/common/text.c:1249
msgid "The reason"
msgstr "Priežastis"

#: src/common/text.c:1195 src/common/text.c:1246
msgid "The nick of the person leaving"
msgstr "Paliekančiojo kanalą vartotojo vardas"

#: src/common/text.c:1202 src/common/text.c:1208
msgid "The time"
msgstr "Laikas"

#: src/common/text.c:1207
msgid "The creator"
msgstr "Kūrėjas"

#: src/common/text.c:1212 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:768 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:1001
msgid "Nick"
msgstr "Vartotojo vardas"

#: src/common/text.c:1213 src/common/text.c:1472
msgid "Reason"
msgstr "Priežastis"

#: src/common/text.c:1214 src/common/text.c:1356 src/common/text.c:1445
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Adresas"

#: src/common/text.c:1218 src/common/text.c:1223 src/common/text.c:1228
msgid "Who it's from"
msgstr "Nuo ko tai"

#: src/common/text.c:1219
msgid "The time in x.x format (see below)"
msgstr "Laikas x.x formatu (žr. žemiau)"

#: src/common/text.c:1229 src/common/text.c:1266
#, fuzzy
msgid "The Channel it's going to"
msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#: src/common/text.c:1253
msgid "The sound"
msgstr "Garsas"

#: src/common/text.c:1254 src/common/text.c:1260 src/common/text.c:1265
msgid "The nick of the person"
msgstr "Asmens slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1259 src/common/text.c:1264
msgid "The CTCP event"
msgstr "CTCP įvykis"

#: src/common/text.c:1270
msgid "The nick of the person who set the key"
msgstr "Nustačiusio raktą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1271
msgid "The key"
msgstr "Raktas"

#: src/common/text.c:1275
msgid "The nick of the person who set the limit"
msgstr "Nustačiusio limitą, slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1276
msgid "The limit"
msgstr "Limitas"

#: src/common/text.c:1280
msgid "The nick of the person who did the op'ing"
msgstr "Davusiojo opą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1281
msgid "The nick of the person who has been op'ed"
msgstr "Gavusiojo opą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1285
msgid "The nick of the person who has been halfop'ed"
msgstr "Gavusiojo halfopą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1286
msgid "The nick of the person who did the halfop'ing"
msgstr "Davusiojo halfopą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1290
msgid "The nick of the person who did the voice'ing"
msgstr "Davusiojo balsą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1291
msgid "The nick of the person who has been voice'ed"
msgstr "Gavusiojo balsą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1295
msgid "The nick of the person who did the banning"
msgstr "Uždraudusiojo slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1296 src/common/text.c:1323
msgid "The ban mask"
msgstr "Draudimo formatas"

#: src/common/text.c:1300
msgid "The nick who removed the key"
msgstr "Nuėmusiojo raktą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1304
msgid "The nick who removed the limit"
msgstr "Nuėmusiojo limitą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1308
msgid "The nick of the person of did the deop'ing"
msgstr "Nuėmusiojo opą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1309
msgid "The nick of the person who has been deop'ed"
msgstr "Netekusiojo opo slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1312
msgid "The nick of the person of did the dehalfop'ing"
msgstr "Nuėmusiojo halfopą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1313
msgid "The nick of the person who has been dehalfop'ed"
msgstr "Netekusiojo halfopo slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1317
msgid "The nick of the person of did the devoice'ing"
msgstr "Nuėmusiojo balsą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1318
msgid "The nick of the person who has been devoice'ed"
msgstr "Netekusiojo balso slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1322
msgid "The nick of the person of did the unban'ing"
msgstr "Pašalinusiojo draudimą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1327
msgid "The nick of the person who did the exempt"
msgstr "Padariusiojo išimtį draudimui slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1328 src/common/text.c:1333
msgid "The exempt mask"
msgstr "Išimties draudimui formatas"

#: src/common/text.c:1332
msgid "The nick of the person removed the exempt"
msgstr "Pašalinusiojo išimtį draudimui slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1337
msgid "The nick of the person who did the invite"
msgstr "Pakvietusiojo slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1338 src/common/text.c:1343
msgid "The invite mask"
msgstr "Kvietimo formatas"

#: src/common/text.c:1342
msgid "The nick of the person removed the invite"
msgstr "Atšaukusiojo kvietimą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1347
msgid "The nick of the person setting the mode"
msgstr "Nustačiusiojo režimą slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1348
msgid "The mode's sign (+/-)"
msgstr "Režimo ženklas (+/-)"

#: src/common/text.c:1349
msgid "The mode letter"
msgstr "Režimo raidė"

#: src/common/text.c:1350
msgid "The channel it's being set on"
msgstr "Kanalas, kuriame jis nustatomas"

#: src/common/text.c:1355
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Naudotojo vardas"

#: src/common/text.c:1357
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "Tikrasis vardas"

#: src/common/text.c:1362
msgid "Channel Membership/\"is an IRC operator\""
msgstr "Kanalo narys/IRC operatorius"

#: src/common/text.c:1367
msgid "Server Information"
msgstr "Serverio informacija"

#: src/common/text.c:1372 src/common/text.c:1377
msgid "Idle time"
msgstr "Neveiklumo laikas"

#: src/common/text.c:1378
msgid "Signon time"
msgstr "Prisijungimo laikas"

#: src/common/text.c:1383
#, fuzzy
msgid "Away reason"
msgstr "Nebūties priežastis:"

#: src/common/text.c:1392 src/common/text.c:1398 src/common/text.c:1406
#: src/common/text.c:1592
#, fuzzy
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Pabaigos žinutė:"

#: src/common/text.c:1399
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Paskyra..."

#: src/common/text.c:1404
#, fuzzy
msgid "Real user@host"
msgstr "Rodyti vartotojo hostą"

#: src/common/text.c:1405
msgid "Real IP"
msgstr "Tikras IP"

#: src/common/text.c:1410 src/common/text.c:1425 src/common/text.c:1431
#: src/common/text.c:1461 src/common/text.c:1615
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel Name"
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/common/text.c:1414 src/common/text.c:1420 src/common/text.c:1578
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1477 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1665 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:390
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekstas"

#: src/common/text.c:1415 src/common/text.c:1421 src/common/text.c:1427
#: src/common/text.c:1456 src/common/text.c:1574 src/common/text.c:1616
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Name"
msgstr "Proxy serverio hosto vardas:"

#: src/common/text.c:1416
msgid "Raw Numeric or Identifier"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/text.c:1426
msgid "Nick of person who invited you"
msgstr "Pakvietusio Jus slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1432 src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:787
#, fuzzy
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#: src/common/text.c:1436
msgid "Nickname in use"
msgstr "Slapyvardis užimtas"

#: src/common/text.c:1437
msgid "Nick being tried"
msgstr "Bandomas slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1446 src/common/text.c:1582
msgid "IP"
msgstr "IP"

#: src/common/text.c:1447 src/common/text.c:1478
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Prievadas"

#: src/common/text.c:1457 src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:138 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1836
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Tinklas"

#: src/common/text.c:1462 src/common/text.c:1467
msgid "Modes string"
msgstr "Veiksenų eilutė"

#: src/common/text.c:1477 src/common/text.c:1515 src/common/text.c:1520
#: src/common/text.c:1561
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "IP adresas"

#: src/common/text.c:1483 src/common/text.c:1508
msgid "DCC Type"
msgstr "DCC tipas"

#: src/common/text.c:1484 src/common/text.c:1489 src/common/text.c:1494
#: src/common/text.c:1501 src/common/text.c:1521 src/common/text.c:1525
#: src/common/text.c:1531 src/common/text.c:1537 src/common/text.c:1544
#: src/common/text.c:1553 src/common/text.c:1559
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Failo vardas"

#: src/common/text.c:1495 src/common/text.c:1502
msgid "Destination filename"
msgstr "Paskirties failo pavad."

#: src/common/text.c:1504 src/common/text.c:1533
msgid "CPS"
msgstr "greitis"

#: src/common/text.c:1539
msgid "Pathname"
msgstr "Kelias"

#: src/common/text.c:1554 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:764
#, fuzzy
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Lango vieta"

#: src/common/text.c:1560 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:763
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Dydis"

#: src/common/text.c:1565
#, fuzzy
msgid "DCC String"
msgstr "DCC Nuostatos"

#: src/common/text.c:1570
msgid "Number of notify items"
msgstr "Stebimųjų skaičius"

#: src/common/text.c:1586
msgid "Old Filename"
msgstr "Ankstesnysis failo pavad."

#: src/common/text.c:1587
msgid "New Filename"
msgstr "Naujasis failo pavad."

#: src/common/text.c:1591
#, fuzzy
msgid "Receiver"
msgstr "Gautos bylos"

#: src/common/text.c:1596
msgid "Hostmask"
msgstr "Adreso formatas"

#: src/common/text.c:1601
msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Adresas"

#: src/common/text.c:1606
msgid "The Packet"
msgstr "Paketas"

#: src/common/text.c:1610
msgid "Seconds"
msgstr "sekundžių"

#: src/common/text.c:1614
msgid "Nick of person who have been invited"
msgstr "Pakviestojo slapyvardis"

#: src/common/text.c:1621
msgid "Banmask"
msgstr "Draudimo formatas"

#: src/common/text.c:1622
msgid "Who set the ban"
msgstr "Uždraudusysis"

#: src/common/text.c:1623
msgid "Ban time"
msgstr "Draudimo laikas"

#: src/common/text.c:1663
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error parsing event %s.\n"
"Loading default."
msgstr ""
"Klaida apdorojant įvykį „%s“.\n"
"Įkeliamas numatytasis."

#: src/common/text.c:2430
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot read sound file:\n"
msgstr ""
"Nepavyko perskaityti garso failo:\n"

#: src/common/util.c:300
msgid "Remote host closed socket"
msgstr "Serveris nutraukė ryšį"

#: src/common/util.c:305
msgid "Connection refused"
msgstr "Jungimasis atmestas"

#: src/common/util.c:308
msgid "No route to host"
msgstr "Maršrutas nerastas"

#: src/common/util.c:310
msgid "Connection timed out"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:312
msgid "Cannot assign that address"
msgstr "Nepavyko priskirti šio adreso"

#: src/common/util.c:314
msgid "Connection reset by peer"
msgstr "Jungimasis nutrūko"

#: src/common/util.c:959
msgid "Ascension Island"
msgstr "Dangun žengimo sala"

#: src/common/util.c:960
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "Andora"

#: src/common/util.c:961
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "Jungtiniai Arabų Emyratai"

#: src/common/util.c:962
msgid "Aviation-Related Fields"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:963
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Afganistanas"

#: src/common/util.c:964
msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
msgstr "Antigva ir Barbuda"

#: src/common/util.c:965
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "Angilija"

#: src/common/util.c:966
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Albanija"

#: src/common/util.c:967
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "Armėnija"

#: src/common/util.c:968
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
msgstr "Olandijos Antilai"

#: src/common/util.c:969
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "Angola"

#: src/common/util.c:970
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Antraktida"

#: src/common/util.c:971
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "Argentina"

#: src/common/util.c:972
msgid "Reverse DNS"
msgstr "Atvirkštinis DNS"

#: src/common/util.c:973
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "Rytų Samoa"

#: src/common/util.c:974
msgid "Asia-Pacific Region"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:975
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "Autrija"

#: src/common/util.c:976
msgid "Nato Fiel"
msgstr "Nato Fiel"

#: src/common/util.c:977
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Australija"

#: src/common/util.c:978
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "Aruba"

#: src/common/util.c:979
msgid "Aland Islands"
msgstr "Alando salos"

#: src/common/util.c:980
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "Azerbaidžanas"

#: src/common/util.c:981
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
msgstr "Bosnija ir Hercegovina"

#: src/common/util.c:982
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "Barbadosas"

#: src/common/util.c:983
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "Bangladešas"

#: src/common/util.c:984
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "Belgija"

#: src/common/util.c:985
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "Burkina Fasas"

#: src/common/util.c:986
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Bulgarija"

#: src/common/util.c:987
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "Bahreinas"

#: src/common/util.c:988
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "Burundis"

#: src/common/util.c:989
msgid "Businesses"
msgstr "Verslo"

#: src/common/util.c:990
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "Beninas"

#: src/common/util.c:991
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "Bermudos"

#: src/common/util.c:992
msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
msgstr "Brunėjus"

#: src/common/util.c:993
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "Bolivija"

#: src/common/util.c:994
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Brazilija"

#: src/common/util.c:995
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "Bahamos"

#: src/common/util.c:996
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "Butanas"

#: src/common/util.c:997
msgid "Bouvet Island"
msgstr "Buvė sala"

#: src/common/util.c:998
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "Botsvana"

#: src/common/util.c:999
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "Gudija"

#: src/common/util.c:1000
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "Belizas"

#: src/common/util.c:1001
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Kanada"

#: src/common/util.c:1002
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1003
msgid "Cocos Islands"
msgstr "Kokosų salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1004
msgid "Democratic Republic of Congo"
msgstr "Demokratinė Kongo respublika"

#: src/common/util.c:1005
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "Centrinės Afrikos respublika"

#: src/common/util.c:1006
msgid "Congo"
msgstr "Kongas"

#: src/common/util.c:1007
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "Šveicarija"

#: src/common/util.c:1008
msgid "Cote d'Ivoire"
msgstr "Dramblio Kaulo Krantas"

#: src/common/util.c:1009
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr "Kuko salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1010
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Čilė"

#: src/common/util.c:1011
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "Kamerūnas"

#: src/common/util.c:1012
msgid "China"
msgstr "Kinija"

#: src/common/util.c:1013
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "Kolumbija"

#: src/common/util.c:1014
msgid "Internic Commercial"
msgstr "Komercinė įstaiga"

#: src/common/util.c:1015
msgid "Cooperatives"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1016
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "Kosta Rika"

#: src/common/util.c:1017
msgid "Serbia and Montenegro"
msgstr "Serbija ir Juodkalnija"

#: src/common/util.c:1018
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Kuba"

#: src/common/util.c:1019
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "Žaliojo Kyšulio salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1020
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr "Kalėdų sala"

#: src/common/util.c:1021
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "Kipras"

#: src/common/util.c:1022
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "Čekija"

#: src/common/util.c:1023
#, fuzzy
msgid "East Germany"
msgstr "Vokietija"

#: src/common/util.c:1024
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Vokietija"

#: src/common/util.c:1025
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Džibutis"

#: src/common/util.c:1026
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Danija"

#: src/common/util.c:1027
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "Dominika"

#: src/common/util.c:1028
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "Dominikana"

#: src/common/util.c:1029
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "Alžyras"

#: src/common/util.c:1030
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "Ekvadoras"

#: src/common/util.c:1031
msgid "Educational Institution"
msgstr "Švietimo įstaiga"

#: src/common/util.c:1032
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "Estija"

#: src/common/util.c:1033
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Egiptas"

#: src/common/util.c:1034
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr "Vakarų Sachara"

#: src/common/util.c:1035
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "Eritrėja"

#: src/common/util.c:1036
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "Ispanija"

#: src/common/util.c:1037
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "Etiopija"

#: src/common/util.c:1038
msgid "European Union"
msgstr "Europos Sąjunga"

#: src/common/util.c:1039
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Suomija"

#: src/common/util.c:1040
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "Fidžis"

#: src/common/util.c:1041
msgid "Falkland Islands"
msgstr "Folklando salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1042
msgid "Micronesia"
msgstr "Mikronezija"

#: src/common/util.c:1043
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "Farerų salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1044
msgid "France"
msgstr "Prancūzija"

#: src/common/util.c:1045
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "Gabonas"

#: src/common/util.c:1046
msgid "Great Britain"
msgstr "Didžioji Britanija"

#: src/common/util.c:1047
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "Grenada"

#: src/common/util.c:1048
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Gruzija"

#: src/common/util.c:1049
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr "Prancūzijos Gviana"

#: src/common/util.c:1050
msgid "British Channel Isles"
msgstr "Normanų salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1051
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "Gana"

#: src/common/util.c:1052
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "Gibraltaras"

#: src/common/util.c:1053
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "Grenlandija"

#: src/common/util.c:1054
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "Gambija"

#: src/common/util.c:1055
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "Gvinėja"

#: src/common/util.c:1056
msgid "Government"
msgstr "Vyriausybinė institucija"

#: src/common/util.c:1057
msgid "Guadeloupe"
msgstr "Gvadelupė"

#: src/common/util.c:1058
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "Pusiaujo Gvinėja"

#: src/common/util.c:1059
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "Graikija"

#: src/common/util.c:1060
msgid "S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isles"
msgstr "Pietų Georgijos ir Pietų Sandvičo salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1061
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Gvatemala"

#: src/common/util.c:1062
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "Guamas"

#: src/common/util.c:1063
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "Bisau Gvinėja"

#: src/common/util.c:1064
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "Gajana"

#: src/common/util.c:1065
msgid "Hong Kong"
msgstr "Honkongas"

#: src/common/util.c:1066
msgid "Heard and McDonald Islands"
msgstr "Herdo ir Makdonaldo salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1067
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "Hondūras"

#: src/common/util.c:1068
msgid "Croatia"
msgstr "Kroatija"

#: src/common/util.c:1069
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "Haitis"

#: src/common/util.c:1070
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Vengrija"

#: src/common/util.c:1071
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "Indonezija"

#: src/common/util.c:1072
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "Airija"

#: src/common/util.c:1073
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Izraelis"

#: src/common/util.c:1074
msgid "Isle of Man"
msgstr "Meno sala"

#: src/common/util.c:1075
msgid "India"
msgstr "Indija"

#: src/common/util.c:1076
msgid "Informational"
msgstr "Informacinis"

#: src/common/util.c:1077
msgid "International"
msgstr "Tarptautinis"

#: src/common/util.c:1078
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr "Britų teritorija Indijos vandenyne"

#: src/common/util.c:1079
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "Irakas"

#: src/common/util.c:1080
msgid "Iran"
msgstr "Iranas"

#: src/common/util.c:1081
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Islandija"

#: src/common/util.c:1082
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "Italija"

#: src/common/util.c:1083
msgid "Jersey"
msgstr "Džersis"

#: src/common/util.c:1084
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Jamaika"

#: src/common/util.c:1085
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Jordanija"

#: src/common/util.c:1086
msgid "Company Jobs"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1087
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Japonija"

#: src/common/util.c:1088
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "Kenija"

#: src/common/util.c:1089
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "Kirgizija"

#: src/common/util.c:1090
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "Kambodža"

#: src/common/util.c:1091
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "Kiribatis"

#: src/common/util.c:1092
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "Kanarų salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1093
msgid "St. Kitts and Nevis"
msgstr "Sent Kitsas ir Nevis"

#: src/common/util.c:1094
msgid "North Korea"
msgstr "Šiaurės Korėja"

#: src/common/util.c:1095
msgid "South Korea"
msgstr "Pietų Korėja"

#: src/common/util.c:1096
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Kuveitas"

#: src/common/util.c:1097
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "Kaimanų salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1098
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Kazachstanas"

#: src/common/util.c:1099
msgid "Laos"
msgstr "Laosas"

#: src/common/util.c:1100
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Libanas"

#: src/common/util.c:1101
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr "Sent Lusija"

#: src/common/util.c:1102
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "Lichtenšteinas"

#: src/common/util.c:1103
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "Šri Lanka"

#: src/common/util.c:1104
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Liberija"

#: src/common/util.c:1105
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "Lesotas"

#: src/common/util.c:1106
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "Lietuva"

#: src/common/util.c:1107
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Liuksemburgas"

#: src/common/util.c:1108
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "Latvija"

#: src/common/util.c:1109
msgid "Libya"
msgstr "Libija"

#: src/common/util.c:1110
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "Morokas"

#: src/common/util.c:1111
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Monakas"

#: src/common/util.c:1112
msgid "Moldova"
msgstr "Moldavija"

#: src/common/util.c:1113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Montenegro"
msgstr "Serbija ir Juodkalnija"

#: src/common/util.c:1114
msgid "United States Medical"
msgstr "JAV medicinos įstaiga"

#: src/common/util.c:1115
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "Madagaskaras"

#: src/common/util.c:1116
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "Maršalo salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1117
msgid "Military"
msgstr "Karinė institucija"

#: src/common/util.c:1118
msgid "Macedonia"
msgstr "Makedonija"

#: src/common/util.c:1119
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "Malis"

#: src/common/util.c:1120
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "Birma"

#: src/common/util.c:1121
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "Mongolija"

#: src/common/util.c:1122
msgid "Macau"
msgstr "Makau"

#: src/common/util.c:1123
msgid "Mobile Devices"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1124
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "Šiaurinės Marianų salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1125
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "Martinika"

#: src/common/util.c:1126
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "Mauritanija"

#: src/common/util.c:1127
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "Monseratas"

#: src/common/util.c:1128
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Malta"

#: src/common/util.c:1129
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "Mauricijus"

#: src/common/util.c:1130
msgid "Museums"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1131
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "Maldyvai"

#: src/common/util.c:1132
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "Malavis"

#: src/common/util.c:1133
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "Meksika"

#: src/common/util.c:1134
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "Malaizija"

#: src/common/util.c:1135
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "Mozambikas"

#: src/common/util.c:1136
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "Namibija"

#: src/common/util.c:1137
msgid "Individual's Names"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1138
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "Naujoji Kaledonija"

#: src/common/util.c:1139
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "Nigeris"

#: src/common/util.c:1140
msgid "Internic Network"
msgstr "Tinklo įstaiga"

#: src/common/util.c:1141
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr "Norfolko sala"

#: src/common/util.c:1142
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "Nigerija"

#: src/common/util.c:1143
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "Nikaragva"

#: src/common/util.c:1144
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "Olandija"

#: src/common/util.c:1145
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "Norvegija"

#: src/common/util.c:1146
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "Nepalas"

#: src/common/util.c:1147
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "Nauru"

#: src/common/util.c:1148
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "Niujė"

#: src/common/util.c:1149
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "Naujoji Zelandija"

#: src/common/util.c:1150
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "Omanas"

#: src/common/util.c:1151
msgid "Internic Non-Profit Organization"
msgstr "Ne pelno įstaiga"

#: src/common/util.c:1152
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "Panama"

#: src/common/util.c:1153
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Peru"

#: src/common/util.c:1154
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "Prancūzijos Polinezija"

#: src/common/util.c:1155
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "Papua Naujoji Gvinėja"

#: src/common/util.c:1156
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "Filipinai"

#: src/common/util.c:1157
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "Pakistanas"

#: src/common/util.c:1158
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Lenkija"

#: src/common/util.c:1159
msgid "St. Pierre and Miquelon"
msgstr "Sent Pjeras ir Mikelonai"

#: src/common/util.c:1160
msgid "Pitcairn"
msgstr "Pitkerno salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1161
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "Puerto Rikas"

#: src/common/util.c:1162
msgid "Professions"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1163
msgid "Palestinian Territory"
msgstr "Palestinos teritorija"

#: src/common/util.c:1164
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Portugalija"

#: src/common/util.c:1165
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "Palau"

#: src/common/util.c:1166
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "Paragvajus"

#: src/common/util.c:1167
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "Kataras"

#: src/common/util.c:1168
msgid "Reunion"
msgstr "Rejunjonas"

#: src/common/util.c:1169
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "Rumunija"

#: src/common/util.c:1170
msgid "Old School ARPAnet"
msgstr "Senasis ARPAnetas"

#: src/common/util.c:1171
msgid "Serbia"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1172
msgid "Russian Federation"
msgstr "Rusijos federacija"

#: src/common/util.c:1173
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "Ruanda"

#: src/common/util.c:1174
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "Saudo Arabija"

#: src/common/util.c:1175
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Saliamono salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1176
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "Seišeliai"

#: src/common/util.c:1177
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "Sudanas"

#: src/common/util.c:1178
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Švedija"

#: src/common/util.c:1179
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Singapūras"

#: src/common/util.c:1180
msgid "St. Helena"
msgstr "Šv. Elenos kolonija"

#: src/common/util.c:1181
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "Slovėnija"

#: src/common/util.c:1182
msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"
msgstr "Svalbardo ir Jano Majaus salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1183
msgid "Slovak Republic"
msgstr "Slovakija"

#: src/common/util.c:1184
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "Siera Leonė"

#: src/common/util.c:1185
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "San Marinas"

#: src/common/util.c:1186
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "Senegalas"

#: src/common/util.c:1187
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "Somalis"

#: src/common/util.c:1188
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "Surinamas"

#: src/common/util.c:1189
#, fuzzy
msgid "South Sudan"
msgstr "Pietų Korėja"

#: src/common/util.c:1190
msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
msgstr "San Tomė ir Prinsipė"

#: src/common/util.c:1191
msgid "Former USSR"
msgstr "Buvusi SSRS"

#: src/common/util.c:1192
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "Salvadoras"

#: src/common/util.c:1193
msgid "Syria"
msgstr "Sirija"

#: src/common/util.c:1194
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "Svazilandas"

#: src/common/util.c:1195
msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
msgstr "Turkso ir Kaikoso salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1196
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "Čadas"

#: src/common/util.c:1197
msgid "Internet Communication Services"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1198
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr "Indijos vandenyno pietų teritorijos"

#: src/common/util.c:1199
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "Togas"

#: src/common/util.c:1200
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "Tailandas"

#: src/common/util.c:1201
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "Tadžikija"

#: src/common/util.c:1202
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr "Tokelau"

#: src/common/util.c:1203 src/common/util.c:1207
msgid "East Timor"
msgstr "Rytų Timoras"

#: src/common/util.c:1204
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "Turkmėnija"

#: src/common/util.c:1205
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "Tunisas"

#: src/common/util.c:1206
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "Tonga"

#: src/common/util.c:1208
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Turkija"

#: src/common/util.c:1209
msgid "Travel and Tourism"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1210
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
msgstr "Trinidadas ir Tobagas"

#: src/common/util.c:1211
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "Tuvalu"

#: src/common/util.c:1212
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "Taivanas"

#: src/common/util.c:1213
msgid "Tanzania"
msgstr "Tanzanija"

#: src/common/util.c:1214
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Ukraina"

#: src/common/util.c:1215
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "Uganda"

#: src/common/util.c:1216
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "Jungtinė Karalystė"

#: src/common/util.c:1217
msgid "United States of America"
msgstr "Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos"

#: src/common/util.c:1218
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "Urugvajus"

#: src/common/util.c:1219
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "Uzbekistanas"

#: src/common/util.c:1220
msgid "Vatican City State"
msgstr "Vatikanas"

#: src/common/util.c:1221
msgid "St. Vincent and the Grenadines"
msgstr "Sent Vinsentas ir Grenadinos"

#: src/common/util.c:1222
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "Venesuela"

#: src/common/util.c:1223
msgid "British Virgin Islands"
msgstr "Mergelės salos (D. Brit.)"

#: src/common/util.c:1224
msgid "US Virgin Islands"
msgstr "Mergelės salos (JAV)"

#: src/common/util.c:1225
msgid "Vietnam"
msgstr "Vietnamas"

#: src/common/util.c:1226
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "Vanuatu"

#: src/common/util.c:1227
msgid "Wallis and Futuna Islands"
msgstr "Valiso ir Futunos salos"

#: src/common/util.c:1228
msgid "Samoa"
msgstr "Samoa"

#: src/common/util.c:1229
msgid "Adult Entertainment"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/util.c:1230
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "Jemenas"

#: src/common/util.c:1231
msgid "Mayotte"
msgstr "Majota"

#: src/common/util.c:1232
msgid "Yugoslavia"
msgstr "Jugoslavija"

#: src/common/util.c:1233
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "Pietų Afrika"

#: src/common/util.c:1234
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "Zambija"

#: src/common/util.c:1235
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Zimbabvė"

#: src/common/util.c:1245 src/common/util.c:1255 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:617
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Nežinoma"

#: src/common/xchat.c:740
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Open Dialog Window"
msgstr "Savaime atidaryti dialogų langus"

#: src/common/xchat.c:741
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Send a File"
msgstr "Siųsti failą"

#: src/common/xchat.c:742
#, fuzzy
msgid "_User Info (WhoIs)"
msgstr "Naudotojo informacija (WHOIS)"

#: src/common/xchat.c:743
msgid "_Add to Friends List"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/xchat.c:744
#, fuzzy
msgid "O_perator Actions"
msgstr "Operatoriaus veiksmai"

#: src/common/xchat.c:746
msgid "Give Ops"
msgstr "Suteikti operatoriaus statusą"

#: src/common/xchat.c:747
msgid "Take Ops"
msgstr "Pašalinti operatoriaus statusą"

#: src/common/xchat.c:748
msgid "Give Voice"
msgstr "Suteikti balsą"

#: src/common/xchat.c:749
msgid "Take Voice"
msgstr "Pašalinti balsą"

#: src/common/xchat.c:751
#, fuzzy
msgid "Kick/Ban"
msgstr "Vartotojo vardas"

#: src/common/xchat.c:752 src/common/xchat.c:789
#, fuzzy
msgid "Kick"
msgstr "Vartotojo vardas"

#: src/common/xchat.c:753 src/common/xchat.c:754 src/common/xchat.c:755
#: src/common/xchat.c:756 src/common/xchat.c:757 src/common/xchat.c:788
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ban"
msgstr "Mygtukai"

#: src/common/xchat.c:758 src/common/xchat.c:759 src/common/xchat.c:760
#: src/common/xchat.c:761
#, fuzzy
msgid "KickBan"
msgstr "Vartotojo vardas"

#: src/common/xchat.c:771
#, fuzzy
msgid "Leave Channel"
msgstr "Kanalas"

#: src/common/xchat.c:772
#, fuzzy
msgid "Join Channel..."
msgstr "Nauja kanalo kortelė..."

#: src/common/xchat.c:773 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1354
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter Channel to Join:"
msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#: src/common/xchat.c:774
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Links"
msgstr "Serverių sąrašas..."

#: src/common/xchat.c:775
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ping Server"
msgstr "Proxy serveris"

#: src/common/xchat.c:776
msgid "Hide Version"
msgstr "Paslėpti versiją"

#: src/common/xchat.c:786
msgid "Op"
msgstr "Duoti opą"

#: src/common/xchat.c:787
msgid "DeOp"
msgstr "Pašalinti opą"

#: src/common/xchat.c:790
msgid "bye"
msgstr "iki"

#: src/common/xchat.c:791
#, c-format
msgid "Enter reason to kick %s:"
msgstr "Įveskite %s išmetimo priežastį:"

#: src/common/xchat.c:792
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sendfile"
msgstr "Garsų katalogas:"

#: src/common/xchat.c:793
msgid "Dialog"
msgstr "Dialogas"

#: src/common/xchat.c:802
msgid "WhoIs"
msgstr "„WhoIs“"

#: src/common/xchat.c:803
#, fuzzy
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Garsas"

#: src/common/xchat.c:804
#, fuzzy
msgid "Chat"
msgstr "X-Chat"

#: src/common/xchat.c:805 src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:411 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:383
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:212
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Išvalyti"

#: src/common/xchat.c:806
msgid "Ping"
msgstr "„Ping“"

#: src/common/dbus/dbus-client.c:72
msgid "Couldn't connect to session bus"
msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti prie sesijos magistralės"

#: src/common/dbus/dbus-client.c:86
msgid "Failed to complete NameHasOwner"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/dbus/dbus-client.c:112
msgid "Failed to complete Command"
msgstr ""

#: src/common/dbus/dbus-plugin.c:30
#, fuzzy
msgid "remote access"
msgstr "Negaliu pasiekti %s\n"

#: src/common/dbus/dbus-plugin.c:31
msgid "plugin for remote access using DBUS"
msgstr "įskiepis nuotoliniam priėjimui per DBUS"

#: src/common/dbus/dbus-plugin.c:897
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't connect to session bus: %s\n"
msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti prie sesijos magistralės: %s\n"

#: src/common/dbus/dbus-plugin.c:914
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to acquire %s: %s\n"
msgstr "Nepavyko gauti %s: %s\n"

#: src/fe-gtk/about.c:101
#, fuzzy
msgid "About "
msgstr "Apie X-Chat..."

#: src/fe-gtk/about.c:134
msgid "A multiplatform IRC Client"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/ascii.c:133
msgid "Character Chart"
msgstr "Simbolių lentelė"

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:149 src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:311
#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "Not connected."
msgstr "Atsijungta."

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:247 src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:327
msgid "You must select some bans."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:276
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove all bans in %s?"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:342 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:173
msgid "Mask"
msgstr "Šablonas"

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:343
msgid "From"
msgstr "Nuo"

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:344
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:387
msgid "You can only open the Ban List window while in a channel tab."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:391
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ": Ban List (%s)"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:407 src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:431
msgid "Remove"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:409
msgid "Crop"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:413
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Atnaujinti"

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:117
#, c-format
msgid "Displaying %d/%d users on %d/%d channels."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:532 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1290 src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:149
msgid "Select an output filename"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:639 src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:821
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Join Channel"
msgstr "Nauja kanalo kortelė..."

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:641
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Copy Channel Name"
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:643
msgid "Copy _Topic Text"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:732
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ": Channel List (%s)"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:803
msgid "_Search"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Download List"
msgstr "Garsų katalogas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:815
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save _List..."
msgstr "Serverių sąrašas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:828
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show only:"
msgstr "Rodyti niką"

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:840
#, fuzzy
msgid "channels with"
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:853
msgid "to"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:865
#, fuzzy
msgid "users."
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:871
msgid "Look in:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:883
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel name"
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:904
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search type:"
msgstr "_Paieška buferyje..."

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:911
msgid "Simple Search"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:912
msgid "Pattern Match (Wildcards)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:914
msgid "Regular Expression"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:925
#, fuzzy
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "Šriftas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:167
#, c-format
msgid "Send file to %s"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:497
msgid "That file is not resumable."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:501
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot access file: %s\n"
"Resuming not possible."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:508
msgid ""
"File in download directory is larger than file offered. Resuming not "
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:512
msgid "Cannot resume the same file from two people."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:745
msgid ": Uploads and Downloads"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:761 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:1000 src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:137
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Būsena"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:762 src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:74
msgid "File"
msgstr "Failas"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:767
msgid "ETA"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:792 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1666
#, fuzzy
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Apačioje"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:798
msgid "Uploads"
msgstr "Išsiuntimai"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:804
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Parsiuntimai"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:809
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalės"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:820
msgid "File:"
msgstr "Failas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:821
msgid "Address:"
msgstr "Adresas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:827 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:1024
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Nutraukti"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:828 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:1025
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Priimti"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:829
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Pratęsti"

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:830
msgid "Open Folder..."
msgstr "Atverti aplanką..."

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:990
#, fuzzy
msgid ": DCC Chat List"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:1002
msgid "Recv"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:1003
msgid "Sent"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:1004
msgid "Start Time"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:145
msgid "*NEW*"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:146
msgid "EDIT ME"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:316 src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:136
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:72
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Pavadinimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:317
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Grojimo komanda:"

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:345
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:349
msgid "Move Dn"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:357
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Atšaukti"

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:361
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:369 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:771
msgid "Add New"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:373 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:776 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:381
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:381
msgid "Sort"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:385
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pagalba"

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:132
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't auto connect to servers"
msgstr "Savaime vėl prisijungti prie serverio"

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:133
msgid "Use a different config directory"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:134
msgid "Don't auto load any plugins"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:135
msgid "Show plugin auto-load directory"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:136
msgid "Show user config directory"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:137
msgid "Open an irc://server:port/channel URL"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:139 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command:"
msgstr "Pranešimas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:140
msgid "Open URL or execute command in an existing XChat"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:142
msgid "Begin minimized. Level 0=Normal 1=Iconified 2=Tray"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:142
msgid "level"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:143
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Rodyti versijos informaciją"

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:342
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to open font:\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:732
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search buffer is empty.\n"
msgstr "_Paieška buferyje..."

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:841
#, c-format
msgid "%d bytes"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:842
#, c-format
msgid "Network send queue: %d bytes"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:165
msgid ""
"The Run Command action runs the data in Data 1 as if it has been typed into "
"the entry box where you pressed the key sequence. Thus it can contain text "
"(which will be sent to the channel/person), commands or user commands. When "
"run all \\n characters in Data 1 are used to deliminate seperate commands so "
"it is possible to run more than one command. If you want a \\ in the actual "
"text run then enter \\\\"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:167
msgid ""
"The Change Page command switches between pages in the notebook. Set Data 1 "
"to the page you want to switch to. If Data 2 is set to anything then the "
"switch will be relative to the current position"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:169
msgid ""
"The Insert in Buffer command will insert the contents of Data 1 into the "
"entry where the key sequence was pressed at the current cursor position"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:171
msgid ""
"The Scroll Page command scrolls the text widget up or down one page or one "
"line. Set Data 1 to either Up, Down, +1 or -1."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:173
msgid ""
"The Set Buffer command sets the entry where the key sequence was entered to "
"the contents of Data 1"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:175
msgid ""
"The Last Command command sets the entry to contain the last command entered "
"- the same as pressing up in a shell"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:177
msgid ""
"The Next Command command sets the entry to contain the next command entered "
"- the same as pressing down in a shell"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:179
msgid ""
"This command changes the text in the entry to finish an incomplete nickname "
"or command. If Data 1 is set then double-tabbing in a string will select the "
"last nick, not the next"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:181
msgid ""
"This command scrolls up and down through the list of nicks. If Data 1 is set "
"to anything it will scroll up, else it scrolls down"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:183
msgid ""
"This command checks the last word entered in the entry against the replace "
"list and replaces it if it finds a match"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:185
msgid "This command moves the front tab left by one"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:187
msgid "This command moves the front tab right by one"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:189
msgid "This command moves the current tab family to the left"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:191
msgid "This command moves the current tab family to the right"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:193
msgid "Push input line into history but doesn't send to server"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:204
msgid "There was an error loading key bindings configuration"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:456 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:457 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:458
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:459 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:749 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:755
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:760 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1608 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1724
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:3231
msgid "<none>"
msgstr "<joks>"

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:713
msgid "Mod"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:714 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:809
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Klavišas"

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:715
msgid "Action"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:724
msgid ": Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:802
msgid "Shift"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:804
msgid "Alt"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:806
msgid "Ctrl"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:813
msgid "Data 1"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:816
msgid "Data 2"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:858
msgid "Error opening keys config file\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1025
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unknown keyname %s in key bindings config file\n"
"Load aborted, please fix %s/keybindings.conf\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1063
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unknown action %s in key bindings config file\n"
"Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1084
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Expecting Data line (beginning Dx{:|!}) but got:\n"
"Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1153
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Key bindings config file is corrupt, load aborted\n"
"Please fix %s/keybindings.conf\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/gtkutil.c:136
msgid "Cannot write to that file."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/gtkutil.c:138
msgid "Cannot read that file."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:115 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:258
msgid "That mask already exists."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:175 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2105
msgid "Private"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:176
msgid "Notice"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:177
msgid "CTCP"
msgstr "CTCP"

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:178
msgid "DCC"
msgstr "DCC"

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:179
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invite"
msgstr "Nematomas"

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unignore"
msgstr "Nerikiuotas"

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:302
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter mask to ignore:"
msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:349
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Ignore list"
msgstr "Serverių sąrašas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:356
msgid "Ignore Stats:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:364
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel:"
msgstr "Atšaukti"

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:365
msgid "Private:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:366
msgid "Notice:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:367
#, fuzzy
msgid "CTCP:"
msgstr "CTCP"

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:368
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invite:"
msgstr "Nematomas"

#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:379 src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:427
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add..."
msgstr "Adresas"

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:87
msgid "Channel name too short, try again."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:129
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Connection Complete"
msgstr "Pranešimas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:154
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connection to %s complete."
msgstr "Pranešimas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:163
msgid ""
"In the Server-List window, no channel (chat room) has been entered to be "
"automatically joined for this network."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:169
msgid "What would you like to do next?"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:174
msgid "_Nothing, I'll join a channel later."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Join this channel:"
msgstr "Nauja kanalo kortelė..."

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:195
msgid "If you know the name of the channel you want to join, enter it here."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:202
#, fuzzy
msgid "O_pen the Channel-List window."
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:209
msgid "Retrieving the Channel-List may take a minute or two."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/joind.c:216
msgid "_Always show this dialog after connecting."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:454
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dialog with"
msgstr "Dialogų langai"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:746
#, c-format
msgid "Topic for %s is: %s"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:751
msgid "No topic is set"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1143
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This server still has %d channels or dialogs associated with it. Close them "
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1244
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quit HexChat?"
msgstr "Užverti XChat?"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1265
msgid "Don't ask next time."
msgstr "Kitą kartą neklausti."

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1271
#, c-format
msgid "You are connected to %i IRC networks."
msgstr "Esate prisijungę prie %i IRC tinklų."

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1273
msgid "Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr "Ar tikrai norite išeiti?"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1275
msgid "Some file transfers are still active."
msgstr "Yra aktyvių failų siuntimų."

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1293
msgid "_Minimize to Tray"
msgstr "_Mažinti į dėklę"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1513
msgid "Insert Attribute or Color Code"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1515
msgid "<b>Bold</b>"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1516
msgid "<u>Underline</u>"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1518
#, fuzzy
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Nėra"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1520
#, fuzzy
msgid "Colors 0-7"
msgstr "Uždaryti"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1530
#, fuzzy
msgid "Colors 8-15"
msgstr "Uždaryti"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1573
msgid "_Settings"
msgstr "_Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1575
msgid "_Log to Disk"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1576
msgid "_Reload Scrollback"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1578
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Hide Join/Part Messages"
msgstr "Pyptelėti, gavus asmeninę žinutę"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1586
msgid "_Extra Alerts"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1588
#, fuzzy
msgid "Beep on _Message"
msgstr "Pyptelėti, gavus asmeninę žinutę"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1592
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blink Tray _Icon"
msgstr "Pyptelėti, gavus asmeninę žinutę"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1595
msgid "Blink Task _Bar"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1633 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:2205
msgid "_Detach"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1635 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:2206 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:2211
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:257 src/fe-gtk/search.c:234
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Užverti"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1973 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2079
msgid "User limit must be a number!\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2101
msgid "Topic Protection"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2102
msgid "No outside messages"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2103
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2104
msgid "Invite Only"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2106
msgid "Moderated"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2107
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ban List"
msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2109
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2121
#, fuzzy
msgid "User Limit"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2230
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show/Hide userlist"
msgstr "Rodyti vartotojo hostą"

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2356
msgid ""
"Unable to set transparent background!\n"
"You may be using a non-compliant window\n"
"manager that is not currently supported.\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2635
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter new nickname:"
msgstr "Rodyti niką"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:127
msgid "Host unknown"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:616
#, c-format
msgid "<tt><b>%-11s</b></tt> %s"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:622 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Real Name:"
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:633
#, fuzzy
msgid "User:"
msgstr "Vartotojo meniu"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:640
#, fuzzy
msgid "Country:"
msgstr "Šriftas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:647
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server:"
msgstr "Proxy serveris"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:658
#, c-format
msgid "%u minutes ago"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:660 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:663
msgid "Last Msg:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:673
#, fuzzy
msgid "Away Msg:"
msgstr "Nebūties priežastis:"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:731
#, c-format
msgid "%d nicks selected."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:856
msgid ""
"The Menubar is now hidden. You can show it again by pressing F9 or right-"
"clicking in a blank part of the main text area."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:945
msgid "Open Link in Browser"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:946
msgid "Copy Selected Link"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1008 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1337
msgid "Join Channel"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1012
msgid "Part Channel"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1014
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cycle Channel"
msgstr "Nauja kanalo kortelė..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1050
msgid "_Remove from Favorites"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1052
msgid "_Add to Favorites"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1071
#, fuzzy
msgid ": User menu"
msgstr "X-Chat: Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1080
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit This Menu..."
msgstr "Keisti vartotojo meniu..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1227 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1240 src/fe-gtk/search.c:78
msgid "Search hit end, not found."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1339
#, fuzzy
msgid "Retrieve channel list..."
msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1407
msgid ""
"User Commands - Special codes:\n"
"%c  =  current channel\n"
"%e  =  current network name\n"
"%m  =  machine info\n"
"%n  =  your nick\n"
"%t  =  time/date\n"
"%v  =  xchat version\n"
"%2  =  word 2\n"
"%3  =  word 3\n"
"&2  =  word 2 to the end of line\n"
"&3  =  word 3 to the end of line\n"
"/cmd john hello\n"
"%2 would be \"john\"\n"
"&2 would be \"john hello\"."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1423
msgid ""
"Userlist Buttons - Special codes:\n"
"%a  =  all selected nicks\n"
"%c  =  current channel\n"
"%e  =  current network name\n"
"%h  =  selected nick's hostname\n"
"%m  =  machine info\n"
"%n  =  your nick\n"
"%s  =  selected nick\n"
"%t  =  time/date\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1433
msgid ""
"Dialog Buttons - Special codes:\n"
"%a  =  all selected nicks\n"
"%c  =  current channel\n"
"%e  =  current network name\n"
"%h  =  selected nick's hostname\n"
"%m  =  machine info\n"
"%n  =  your nick\n"
"%s  =  selected nick\n"
"%t  =  time/date\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1443
msgid ""
"CTCP Replies - Special codes:\n"
"%d  =  data (the whole ctcp)\n"
"%e  =  current network name\n"
"%m  =  machine info\n"
"%s  =  nick who sent the ctcp\n"
"%t  =  time/date\n"
"%2  =  word 2\n"
"%3  =  word 3\n"
"&2  =  word 2 to the end of line\n"
"&3  =  word 3 to the end of line\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1454
#, c-format
msgid ""
"URL Handlers - Special codes:\n"
"%s  =  the URL string\n"
"Putting a ! infront of the command\n"
"indicates it should be sent to a\n"
"shell instead of XChat"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1463
#, fuzzy
msgid ": User Defined Commands"
msgstr ""
"Vartotojo aprašytos komandos:\n"
"  "

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1470
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Userlist Popup menu"
msgstr "X-Chat: Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1477
msgid "Replace with"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1477
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Replace"
msgstr "X-Chat: Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1484
msgid ": URL Handlers"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1503
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Userlist buttons"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1510
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Dialog buttons"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1517
#, fuzzy
msgid ": CTCP Replies"
msgstr "CTCP atsakymai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1623
#, fuzzy
msgid "He_xChat"
msgstr "_X-Chat"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1624
#, fuzzy
msgid "Network Li_st..."
msgstr "Notify sąrašo langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1627
msgid "_New"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1628
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Tab..."
msgstr "Nauja serverio kortelė..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1629
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel Tab..."
msgstr "Nauja kanalo kortelė..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1630
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Window..."
msgstr "Naujas serverio langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1631
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel Window..."
msgstr "Naujas kanalo langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1636 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1638
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Load Plugin or Script..."
msgstr "Įkelti Perl skriptą..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1646 src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:540
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "Išeiti"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1648
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Rodyti"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1650
msgid "_Menu Bar"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1651
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Topic Bar"
msgstr "Tema"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1652
#, fuzzy
msgid "_User List"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1653
#, fuzzy
msgid "U_serlist Buttons"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1654
#, fuzzy
msgid "M_ode Buttons"
msgstr "Kanalo būdo mygtukai"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1656
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Channel Switcher"
msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1658
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr "Kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1659
msgid "T_ree"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1661
msgid "_Network Meters"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1663
msgid "Off"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1664
msgid "Graph"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1669
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Server"
msgstr "Proxy serveris"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1670
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Disconnect"
msgstr "Jungiuosi"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1671
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Reconnect"
msgstr "Jungiuosi"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1672
#, fuzzy
msgid "Join a Channel..."
msgstr "Nauja kanalo kortelė..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1673
#, fuzzy
msgid "List of Channels..."
msgstr "Nauja kanalo kortelė..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1676
msgid "Marked Away"
msgstr "Manęs nėra"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1678
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Usermenu"
msgstr "Vartotojo meniu"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1680
#, fuzzy
msgid "S_ettings"
msgstr "Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1681
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Preferences"
msgstr "X-Chat: Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1683 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1834
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1684
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto Replace..."
msgstr "Pakeisti..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1685
#, fuzzy
msgid "CTCP Replies..."
msgstr "CTCP atsakymai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1686
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dialog Buttons..."
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1687
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts..."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1688
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text Events..."
msgstr "Keisti įvykių užrašus..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1689
msgid "URL Handlers..."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1690
#, fuzzy
msgid "User Commands..."
msgstr "Vartotojo komandos..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1691
#, fuzzy
msgid "Userlist Buttons..."
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1692
#, fuzzy
msgid "Userlist Popup..."
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1696
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save Settings to Disk"
msgstr "Išsaugoti nuostatas išeinant"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1699
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Window"
msgstr "_Langai"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1700
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ban List..."
msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1701
#, fuzzy
msgid "Character Chart..."
msgstr "Simbolių aibė"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1702
#, fuzzy
msgid "Direct Chat..."
msgstr "DCC pokalbio langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1703
#, fuzzy
msgid "File Transfers..."
msgstr "Bylų siuntimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Friends List..."
msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1705
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ignore List..."
msgstr "Ignoravimo langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1706
#, fuzzy
msgid "Plugins and Scripts..."
msgstr "Priedų sąrašas"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1707
#, fuzzy
msgid "Raw Log..."
msgstr "Ryšio Log langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1708
#, fuzzy
msgid "URL Grabber..."
msgstr "URL griebiklio langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1710
msgid "Reset Marker Line"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1711
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Copy Selection"
msgstr "Pasirink šriftą"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1712
#, fuzzy
msgid "C_lear Text"
msgstr "Uždaryti"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1713
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save Text..."
msgstr "Keisti įvykių užrašus..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1715
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search"
msgstr "X-Chat: Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1716
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search Text..."
msgstr "_Paieška buferyje..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1717
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset Search"
msgstr "X-Chat: Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1718
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search Next"
msgstr "_Paieška buferyje..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1719
msgid "Search Previous"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1722 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:2197
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Pagalba"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1724
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Contents"
msgstr "Jungiuosi"

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1726
msgid "Check for updates"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1728
#, fuzzy
msgid "_About"
msgstr "Apie X-Chat..."

#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:2210
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Attach"
msgstr "_Langai"

#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:139
#, fuzzy
msgid "Last Seen"
msgstr "Greitas DCC siuntimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:181
msgid "Offline"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:201 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:246
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Niekada"

#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:204 src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:229
#, c-format
msgid "%d minutes ago"
msgstr "prieš %d minučių"

#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:219
#, fuzzy
msgid "Online"
msgstr "Dokumentacija..."

#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:348
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter nickname to add:"
msgstr "Rodyti niką"

#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:377
msgid "Notify on these networks:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:388
msgid "Comma separated list of networks is accepted."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:414
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Friends List"
msgstr "Paskutinis DCC siuntimo prievadas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:435
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open Dialog"
msgstr "Savaime atidaryti dialogų langus"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:226
#, c-format
msgid ": Connected to %u networks and %u channels"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:516
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Restore Window"
msgstr "_Langai"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:518
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Hide Window"
msgstr "_Langai"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:522
msgid "_Blink on"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:523 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:587
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel Message"
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:524 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:588
#, fuzzy
msgid "Private Message"
msgstr "Asmeninių žinučių kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:525 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:589
#, fuzzy
msgid "Highlighted Message"
msgstr "Paryškinti Notify"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:528
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Change status"
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:530
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Away"
msgstr "Nėra"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:533
msgid "_Back"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:588 src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:596
#, c-format
msgid ": Highlighted message from: %s (%s)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:591
#, c-format
msgid ": %u highlighted messages, latest from: %s (%s)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:614 src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:621
#, c-format
msgid ": New public message from: %s (%s)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:617
#, c-format
msgid ": %u new public messages."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:643 src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:650
#, c-format
msgid ": Private message from: %s (%s)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:646
#, c-format
msgid ": %u private messages, latest from: %s (%s)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:696 src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:704
#, c-format
msgid ": File offer from: %s (%s)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugin-tray.c:699
#, c-format
msgid ": %u file offers, latest from: %s (%s)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:73
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versija"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:75 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:424
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:159
msgid "Select a Plugin or Script to load"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:244
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Plugins and Scripts"
msgstr "Visus priedus"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:250
msgid "_Load..."
msgstr "Į_kelti"

#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:253
#, fuzzy
msgid "_UnLoad"
msgstr "Įkelti"

#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:84 src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:133 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:438
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "Keisti įvykių užrašus..."

#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:100
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ": Rawlog (%s)"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:130
msgid "Clear rawlog"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:61
msgid "The window you opened this Search for doesn't exist anymore."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:166
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Search"
msgstr "X-Chat: Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Find"
msgstr "Šriftas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:197
msgid "_Match case"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:205
msgid "Search _backwards"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Highlight all"
msgstr "Paryškinimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:221
msgid "R_egular expression"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:237
#, fuzzy
msgid "Close and _Reset"
msgstr "Nauja kanalo kortelė..."

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:172 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:281
msgid "New Network"
msgstr "Naujas tinklas"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:553
#, c-format
msgid "Really remove network \"%s\" and all its servers?"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:735
#, fuzzy
msgid "#channel"
msgstr "Kanalas"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:845
msgid ": Favorite Channels (Auto-Join List)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:858
#, c-format
msgid "These channels will be joined whenever you connect to %s."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:901
#, fuzzy
msgid "Key (Password)"
msgstr "Proxy serverio prievadas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:932 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1572
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Keisti"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:968
#, c-format
msgid "%s has been removed."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:988
#, c-format
msgid "%s has been added."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1012
msgid "User name and Real name cannot be left blank."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1403
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ": Edit %s"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1422
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Servers for %s"
msgstr "Serverių sąrašas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1433
msgid "Connect to selected server only"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1434
msgid "Don't cycle through all the servers when the connection fails."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1436
#, fuzzy
msgid "Your Details"
msgstr "Tavo IRC nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1442
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use global user information"
msgstr "Vartotojo meniu"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1445 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1679
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Nick name:"
msgstr "Rodyti niką"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1449 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1686
#, fuzzy
msgid "Second choice:"
msgstr "Siųsti /whois"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1453 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1700
#, fuzzy
msgid "_User name:"
msgstr "Proxy serverio hosto vardas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1457
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rea_l name:"
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1460
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connecting"
msgstr "Jungiuosi"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1466
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto connect to this network at startup"
msgstr "Savaime perskirti"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1468
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bypass proxy server"
msgstr "Proxy serveris"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1470
msgid "Use SSL for all the servers on this network"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1475
msgid "Accept invalid SSL certificate"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1481
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Favorite channels:"
msgstr "Kanalas"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1483
msgid "Channels to join, separated by commas, but not spaces!"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1486
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect command:"
msgstr "Pranešimas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1488
msgid ""
"Extra command to execute after connecting. If you need more than one, set "
"this to LOAD -e <filename>, where <filename> is a text-file full of commands "
"to execute."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1491
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nickserv password:"
msgstr "Proxy serverio prievadas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1493
msgid ""
"If your nickname requires a password, enter it here. Not all IRC networks "
"support this."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1497
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server password:"
msgstr "Proxy serverio prievadas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1499
msgid "Password for the server, if in doubt, leave blank."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1502
#, fuzzy
msgid "Character set:"
msgstr "Simbolių aibė"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1657
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Network List"
msgstr "Serverių sąrašas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1669
msgid "User Information"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1693
msgid "Third choice:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1753
msgid "Networks"
msgstr "Tinklai"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1801
#, fuzzy
msgid "Skip network list on startup"
msgstr "Nerodyti serverių sąrašo pradžioje"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1810
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show favorites only"
msgstr "Rodyti niką"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1840
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit..."
msgstr "Įkelti"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1847
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Sort"
msgstr "Šriftas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1848
msgid ""
"Sorts the network list in alphabetical order. Use SHIFT-UP and SHIFT-DOWN "
"keys to move a row."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1856
msgid "_Favor"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1857
msgid "Mark or unmark this network as a favorite."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1881
#, fuzzy
msgid "C_onnect"
msgstr "Pranešimas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:105
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text Box Appearance"
msgstr "Išvaizda"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:107
msgid "Main font:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:109
msgid "Font:"
msgstr "Šriftas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "Background image:"
msgstr "Paveikslėlis fonui:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:112
msgid "Scrollback lines:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Colored nick names"
msgstr "Spalvoti nikai"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:114
msgid "Give each person on IRC a different color"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:115
#, fuzzy
msgid "Indent nick names"
msgstr "Lygiuoti nikus"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:116
#, fuzzy
msgid "Make nick names right-justified"
msgstr "Lygiuoti nikus prie dešinės."

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transparent background"
msgstr "Skaidrus fonas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:118
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show marker line"
msgstr "Rodyti „nėra“ vieną kartą"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:119
msgid "Insert a red line after the last read text."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:120
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transparency Settings"
msgstr "Bylų siuntimo nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:121
msgid "Red:"
msgstr "Raudona:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:122
msgid "Green:"
msgstr "Žalia:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:123
msgid "Blue:"
msgstr "Mėlyna:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:125 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:487
#, fuzzy
msgid "Time Stamps"
msgstr "Visada įrašyti laiką į logus"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:126
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable time stamps"
msgstr "Visada įrašyti laiką į logus"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:127
#, fuzzy
msgid "Time stamp format:"
msgstr "Visada įrašyti laiką į logus"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:129 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:491
msgid "See the strftime MSDN article for details."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:131 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:493
msgid "See the strftime manpage for details."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:139 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:185
msgid "A-Z"
msgstr "A-Z"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:140
msgid "Last-spoke order"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Input Box"
msgstr "Įvesties laukas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:147 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:217
msgid "Use the Text box font and colors"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:149
msgid "Spell checking"
msgstr "Rašybos tikrinimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:150
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dictionaries to use:"
msgstr "Katalogas, į kurį saugoti:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:152
msgid ""
"Use language codes (as in \"share\\myspell\\dicts\").\n"
"Separate multiple entries with commas."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:154
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use language codes. Separate multiple entries with commas."
msgstr "(atskirk kableliais)"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:158
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nick Completion"
msgstr "Niko pabaigimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:159
msgid "Automatic nick completion (without TAB key)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:161
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nick completion suffix:"
msgstr "Niko pabaigimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:162
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nick completion sorted:"
msgstr "Niko pabaigimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Input Box Codes"
msgstr "Įvesties laukas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:166
#, c-format
msgid "Interpret %nnn as an ASCII value"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:167
msgid "Interpret %C, %B as Color, Bold etc"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:184
msgid "A-Z, Ops first"
msgstr "A-Z, Op'ai pirmiau"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:186
msgid "Z-A, Ops last"
msgstr "Z-A, Op'ai paskiau"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:187
msgid "Z-A"
msgstr "Z-A"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:188
msgid "Unsorted"
msgstr "Nerikiuotas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:194 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:206
msgid "Left (Upper)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:195 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:207
msgid "Left (Lower)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:196 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:208
msgid "Right (Upper)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:197 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:209
msgid "Right (Lower)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:198
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Aukščiausia"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:199
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Apačioje"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:200
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Paslėpta"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:215
msgid "User List"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show hostnames in user list"
msgstr "Rodyti vartotojo hostą"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:219
#, fuzzy
msgid "User list sorted by:"
msgstr "Vartotojai surikiuoti pagal:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show user list at:"
msgstr "Rodyti vartotojo hostą"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "Away Tracking"
msgstr "Nėra nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:223
msgid "Track the Away status of users and mark them in a different color"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "On channels smaller than:"
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:226
msgid "Action Upon Double Click"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:238
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Langai"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:239 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:255
msgid "Tabs"
msgstr "Kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Nėra"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:248
msgid "Only requested tabs"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:257
msgid "Tree"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:264
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switcher type:"
msgstr "_Paieška buferyje..."

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:265
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open an extra tab for server messages"
msgstr "Naudoti atskirą kortelę/langą serverio žinutėms"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:266
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open an extra tab for server notices"
msgstr "Naudoti atskirą kortelę/langą serverio žinutėms"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:267
msgid "Open a new tab when you receive a private message"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:268
msgid "Sort tabs in alphabetical order"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:269
msgid "Show icons in the channel tree"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:270
#, fuzzy
msgid "Smaller text"
msgstr "Tekstas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:272
msgid "Focus new tabs:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:274
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show channel switcher at:"
msgstr "Rodyti niką"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:275
msgid "Shorten tab labels to:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:275
#, fuzzy
msgid "letters."
msgstr "Paletė..."

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:277
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tabs or Windows"
msgstr "Dialogų langai"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:278
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open channels in:"
msgstr "Kanalų kortelės"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:279
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open dialogs in:"
msgstr "Savaime atidaryti dialogų langus"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:280
msgid "Open utilities in:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:280
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open DCC, Ignore, Notify etc, in tabs or windows?"
msgstr "Naudoti korteles DCC, Ignoravimo, Notify langams."

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:287
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Pabaigos žinutė:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:288
msgid "Scrollback"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:296
msgid "No"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:297
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:298
msgid "Browse for save folder every time"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:304
msgid "Files and Directories"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:305
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto accept file offers:"
msgstr "Savaime priimti DCC siuntimus"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:306
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download files to:"
msgstr "Garsų katalogas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:307
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move completed files to:"
msgstr "Garsų katalogas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save nick name in filenames"
msgstr "Įdėti siuntėjo niką į gauntų bylų vardus"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Network Settings"
msgstr "Buferio nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:311
msgid "Get my address from the IRC server"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:312
msgid ""
"Asks the IRC server for your real address. Use this if you have a 192.168.*."
"* address!"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:313
#, fuzzy
msgid "DCC IP address:"
msgstr "IP adresas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:314
msgid "Claim you are at this address when offering files."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:315
#, fuzzy
msgid "First DCC send port:"
msgstr "Pirmas DCC siuntimo prievadas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:316
#, fuzzy
msgid "Last DCC send port:"
msgstr "Paskutinis DCC siuntimo prievadas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:317
msgid "!Leave ports at zero for full range."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:319
msgid "Maximum File Transfer Speeds (bytes per second)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:320
msgid "One upload:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:321 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:323
msgid "Maximum speed for one transfer"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:322
msgid "One download:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:324
msgid "All uploads combined:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:325 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:327
msgid "Maximum speed for all files"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:326
msgid "All downloads combined:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:354 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:380 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1830
msgid "Alerts"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:358
msgid "Show tray balloons on:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:360
msgid "Blink tray icon on:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:361 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:383
msgid "Blink task bar on:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:362 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:384
msgid "Make a beep sound on:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:364
msgid "Enable system tray icon"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:365 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:386
msgid "Omit alerts when marked as being away"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:367 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:388
#, fuzzy
msgid "Highlighted Messages"
msgstr "Paryškinimo nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:368 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:389
msgid ""
"Highlighted messages are ones where your nickname is mentioned, but also:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:370 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:391
#, fuzzy
msgid "Extra words to highlight:"
msgstr "Paryškinami žodžiai:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:371 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:392
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nick names not to highlight:"
msgstr "Paryškinami žodžiai:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:372 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:393
msgid "Nick names to always highlight:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:373 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:394
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Separate multiple words with commas.\n"
"Wildcards are accepted."
msgstr "(atskirk kableliais)"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:401
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Messages"
msgstr "Pabaigos žinutė:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:402
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quit:"
msgstr "Išeiti"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:403
#, fuzzy
msgid "Leave channel:"
msgstr "Kanalas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:404
#, fuzzy
msgid "Away:"
msgstr "Nėra"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:406
msgid "Away"
msgstr "Nėra"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:407
#, fuzzy
msgid "Announce away messages"
msgstr "Skelbti nebūties žinutės"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:408
#, fuzzy
msgid "Announce your away messages to all channels"
msgstr "Skelbti, kad tavęs nėra, visuose kanaluose, kuriuose esi."

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:409
msgid "Show away once"
msgstr "Rodyti „nėra“ vieną kartą"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:409
msgid "Show identical away messages only once"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:410
#, fuzzy
msgid "Automatically unmark away"
msgstr "Savaime atidaryti DCC gavimo langą"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:410
msgid "Unmark yourself as away before sending messages"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:417 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:448
#, fuzzy
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Nėra nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:419 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:449
msgid "Alternative fonts:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:421 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:450
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto reconnect delay:"
msgstr "Savaiminio prisijungimo delsa:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:422 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:451
msgid "Display MODEs in raw form"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:423 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:452
msgid "Whois on notify"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:423 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:452
msgid "Sends a /WHOIS when a user comes online in your notify list"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:424 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:453
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide join and part messages"
msgstr "Pyptelėti, gavus asmeninę žinutę"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:424 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:453
msgid "Hide channel join/part messages by default"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:425 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:455
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto Open DCC Windows"
msgstr "Savaime atidaryti dialogų langus"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:426 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:456
#, fuzzy
msgid "Send window"
msgstr "Pagrindinis langas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:427 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:457
#, fuzzy
msgid "Receive window"
msgstr "Gautos bylos"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:428 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:458
#, fuzzy
msgid "Chat window"
msgstr "Kanalų langai"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:429 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:459
msgid "Auto Copy Behavior"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:430 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:460
#, fuzzy
msgid "Automatically copy selected text"
msgstr "Savaime atidaryti DCC siuntimo langą"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:431 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:461
msgid ""
"Copy selected text to clipboard when left mouse button is released. "
"Otherwise, CONTROL-SHIFT-C will copy the selected text to the clipboard."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:434 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "Automatically include time stamps"
msgstr "Savaime atidaryti DCC gavimo langą"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:435 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:465
msgid ""
"Automatically include time stamps in copied lines of text. Otherwise, "
"include time stamps if the SHIFT key is held down while selecting."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:437 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:467
msgid "Automatically include color information"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:438 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:468
msgid ""
"Automatically include color information in copied lines of text.  Otherwise, "
"include color information if the CONTROL key is held down while selecting."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:454
msgid "Allow only one instance of HexChat to run"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:478 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1832
msgid "Logging"
msgstr "Loginimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:479
msgid "Display scrollback from previous session"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:481
msgid "Strip colors when displaying scrollback"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:483
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable logging of conversations to disk"
msgstr "Leisti surašyti visus pokalbius į bylas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:484
msgid "Log filename:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:485
#, c-format
msgid "%s=Server %c=Channel %n=Network."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:488
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert timestamps in logs"
msgstr "Visada įrašyti laiką į logus"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:489
msgid "Log timestamp format:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:496
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:497
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable logging of URLs to disk"
msgstr "Leisti surašyti visus pokalbius į bylas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable URL grabber"
msgstr "URL griebiklio langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:499
msgid "Maximum number of URLs to grab:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:506
msgid "(Disabled)"
msgstr "(Uždraustas)"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:507
msgid "Wingate"
msgstr "Wingate"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:508
msgid "Socks4"
msgstr "Socks4"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:509
msgid "Socks5"
msgstr "Socks5"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:510
msgid "HTTP"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:512
msgid "MS Proxy (ISA)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:515
msgid "Auto"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:522
#, fuzzy
msgid "All Connections"
msgstr "Jungiuosi"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:523
msgid "IRC Server Only"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:524
msgid "DCC Get Only"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:530
#, fuzzy
msgid "Your Address"
msgstr "Adresas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:531
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bind to:"
msgstr "Šriftas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:532
msgid "Only useful for computers with multiple addresses."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:534
#, fuzzy
msgid "Proxy Server"
msgstr "Proxy serveris"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Hosto vardas / IP numeris:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:536
#, fuzzy
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Šriftas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:537
#, fuzzy
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Viršus:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:538
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use proxy for:"
msgstr "Vartotojo meniu"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:540
msgid "Proxy Authentication"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:542
msgid "Use Authentication (MS Proxy, HTTP or Socks5 only)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:544
msgid "Use Authentication (HTTP or Socks5 only)"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Proxy serverio hosto vardas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:547
#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Proxy serverio prievadas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:978
msgid "Select an Image File"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1013
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Download Folder"
msgstr "Pasirink šriftą"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1022
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select font"
msgstr "Pasirink šriftą"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1122
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Naršyti..."

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1260
msgid "Mark identified users with:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1262
msgid "Mark not-identified users with:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1269
msgid "Open Data Folder"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1323
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select color"
msgstr "Pasirink šriftą"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1403
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text Colors"
msgstr "Uždaryti"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1405
msgid "mIRC colors:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1413
msgid "Local colors:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1421 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1426
msgid "Foreground:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1422 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1427
#, fuzzy
msgid "Background:"
msgstr "XPM fonui:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1424
#, fuzzy
msgid "Marking Text"
msgstr "Uždaryti"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1429
#, fuzzy
msgid "Interface Colors"
msgstr "Sąsaja"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1431
msgid "New data:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1432
msgid "Marker line:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1433
#, fuzzy
msgid "New message:"
msgstr "Pabaigos žinutė:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1434
#, fuzzy
msgid "Away user:"
msgstr "Nebūties priežastis:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1435
#, fuzzy
msgid "Highlight:"
msgstr "Paryškinimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1437
#, fuzzy
msgid "Spell checker:"
msgstr "Rašybos tikrinimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1440
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Stripping"
msgstr "DCC Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1546 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:389
msgid "Event"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1552
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sound file"
msgstr "Garsų katalogas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1587
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select a sound file"
msgstr "Garsų katalogas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1659
msgid "Sound playing method:"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1667
#, fuzzy
msgid "External sound playing _program:"
msgstr "Išorinės programos"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1685
#, fuzzy
msgid "_External program"
msgstr "Išorinės programos"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1695
msgid "_Automatic"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1708
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sound files _directory:"
msgstr "Garsų katalogas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1747
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sound file:"
msgstr "Garsų katalogas:"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1762
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Browse..."
msgstr "Naršyti..."

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1773
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Play"
msgstr "Skydelis"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1822
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Sąsaja"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1823
msgid "Text box"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1824
#, fuzzy
msgid "Input box"
msgstr "Įvesties laukas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1825
#, fuzzy
msgid "User list"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1826
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel switcher"
msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1827
#, fuzzy
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Uždaryti"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1829
#, fuzzy
msgid "Chatting"
msgstr "X-Chat"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1831
msgid "General"
msgstr "Pagrindai"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1833
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Garsas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1837
msgid "Network setup"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1838
#, fuzzy
msgid "File transfers"
msgstr "Bylų siuntimas"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1969
#, fuzzy
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorijos"

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:2161
msgid ""
"You cannot place the tree on the top or bottom!\n"
"Please change to the <b>Tabs</b> layout in the <b>View</b> menu first."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:2188
msgid "Invalid time stamp format! See the strftime MSDN article for details."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:2195
msgid "Some settings were changed that require a restart to take full effect."
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:2203
msgid ""
"Auto accepting DCC to your home directory\n"
"can be dangerous and is exploitable. Eg:\n"
"Someone could send you a .bash_profile"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:2236
#, fuzzy
msgid ": Preferences"
msgstr "X-Chat: Nuostatos"

#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:180
msgid "There was an error parsing the string"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "This signal is only passed %d args, $%d is invalid"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:304 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:327
msgid "Print Texts File"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:372
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Events"
msgstr "Keisti įvykių užrašus..."

#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:423
msgid "$ Number"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:440
#, fuzzy
msgid "Load From..."
msgstr "Įkelti"

#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:441
msgid "Test All"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:97
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:199
#, fuzzy
msgid ": URL Grabber"
msgstr "URL griebiklio langas..."

#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:212
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear list"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:214
msgid "Copy selected URL"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:214
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:216
msgid "Save list to a file"
msgstr ""

#: src/fe-gtk/userlistgui.c:120
#, c-format
msgid "%d ops, %d total"
msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Cannot create ~/.xchat2"
#~ msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti ~/.xchat2 katalogo"

#~ msgid "LASTLOG <string>, searches for a string in the buffer"
#~ msgstr "LASTLOG <tekstas> - ieško duotojo teksto buferyje"

#~ msgid "SETCURSOR [-|+]<position>"
#~ msgstr "SETCURSOR [-|+]<pozicija>"

#~ msgid "Direct client-to-client"
#~ msgstr "Tiesioginis klientas-klientas ryšys"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Send File"
#~ msgstr "Garsų katalogas:"

#~ msgid "Offer Chat"
#~ msgstr "Siūlyti pokalbį"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Abort Chat"
#~ msgstr "Apie X-Chat..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Userinfo"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojo meniu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clientinfo"
#~ msgstr "Testuoti nuostatas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Time"
#~ msgstr "Laiko ribos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Finger"
#~ msgstr "Wingate"

#~ msgid "Oper"
#~ msgstr "IRC opams"

#~ msgid "Kill this user"
#~ msgstr "Atjungti šį naudotoją"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Mode"
#~ msgstr "Statuso simbolis"

#~ msgid "Give Half-Ops"
#~ msgstr "Suteikti halfopo statusą"

#~ msgid "Take Half-Ops"
#~ msgstr "Pašalinti halfopo statusą"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ignore"
#~ msgstr "Nerikiuotas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ignore User"
#~ msgstr "Ignoravimo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "UnIgnore User"
#~ msgstr "Nerikiuotas"

#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Info"

#~ msgid "Who"
#~ msgstr "„Who“"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "DNS Lookup"
#~ msgstr "DNS paieškos programa:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Trace"
#~ msgstr "Atšaukti"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "UserHost"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "External"
#~ msgstr "Išorinės programos"

#~ msgid "Traceroute"
#~ msgstr "„Traceroute“"

#~ msgid "Telnet"
#~ msgstr "„Telnet“"

#~ msgid "About XChat"
#~ msgstr "Apie XChat"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show join/part messages"
#~ msgstr "Pyptelėti, gavus asmeninę žinutę"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Color paste"
#~ msgstr "Uždaryti"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Close Tab"
#~ msgstr "Uždaryti"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Channel List..."
#~ msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Notify List..."
#~ msgstr "Notify sąrašo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "User"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojo meniu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ": Notify List"
#~ msgstr "Notify sąrašo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Hide"
#~ msgstr "Paslėpta"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "C_hannels to join:"
#~ msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Channel Switcher"
#~ msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Servername"
#~ msgstr "Proxy serverio hosto vardas:"

#~ msgid "Apply"
#~ msgstr "Pritaikyti"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save the list"
#~ msgstr "Savaime išsaugoti URL sąrašą"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "X-Chat: File Receive List"
#~ msgstr "Serverių sąrašas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "To"
#~ msgstr "Aukščiausia"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "X-Chat: Edit Key Bindings"
#~ msgstr "Keisti klavišų susiejimus..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Chan"
#~ msgstr "X-Chat"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "(%s) Channel settings"
#~ msgstr "Skydelio nuostatos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Channel Options"
#~ msgstr "Kanalų langai"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "User: %s"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Settings saved."
#~ msgstr "Nuostatos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "New Shell Tab..."
#~ msgstr "Nauja shell'o kortelė"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_IRC"
#~ msgstr "IRC"

#~ msgid "Invisible"
#~ msgstr "Nematomas"

#~ msgid "Receive Wallops"
#~ msgstr "Gauti Wallops'us"

#~ msgid "Receive Server Notices"
#~ msgstr "Gauti serverio pastabas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Auto Rejoin when Kicked"
#~ msgstr "Savaime grįžti, kai išspirtas"

#~ msgid "Never-give-up ReConnect"
#~ msgstr "Niekada nenutraukti bandymo prisijungti"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Auto Accept Direct Chat"
#~ msgstr "Savaime priimti DCC Chat"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Lists"
#~ msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Key Bindings..."
#~ msgstr "Keisti klavišų susiejimus..."

#~ msgid "Reload Settings"
#~ msgstr "Vėl įkelti nuostatas"

#~ msgid "Save Settings now"
#~ msgstr "Išsaugoti nuostatas dabar"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "File Receive..."
#~ msgstr "DCC gavimo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "File Send..."
#~ msgstr "DCC siuntimo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Server"
#~ msgstr "Proxy serveris"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Settings for %s"
#~ msgstr "Nuostatos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Remove \"%s\""
#~ msgstr "Serverių sąrašas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Add new server"
#~ msgstr "Nauja serverio kortelė..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move \"%s\" _up"
#~ msgstr "Serverių sąrašas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Global User Info"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojo meniu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Nick Names:"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti niką"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connect in a _new tab"
#~ msgstr "Pranešimas:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Servers"
#~ msgstr "Proxy serveris"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Nick Name:"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti niką"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Use secure SSL"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tint transparency"
#~ msgstr "Skaidrumas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Strip mIRC color"
#~ msgstr "Pašalinti MIRC spalvas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tint green:"
#~ msgstr "Testuoti nuostatas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Double-click command:"
#~ msgstr "Dvigubo paspaudimo komanda:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Userlist buttons enabled"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Only highlight tabs on channel messages"
#~ msgstr "Paryškinti kanalų korteles tik žinučių ir veiksmų metu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pop new tabs to front"
#~ msgstr "Naujos kortelės į priekį"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Auto open DCC send list"
#~ msgstr "Savaime atidaryti DCC siuntimo langą"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Auto open DCC chat list"
#~ msgstr "Savaime atidaryti DCC Chat langą"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Auto open DCC receive list"
#~ msgstr "Savaime atidaryti DCC gavimo langą"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Default part message:"
#~ msgstr "Išėjimo žinutė:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Default away message:"
#~ msgstr "Skelbti nebūties žinutės"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Beep on channel messages"
#~ msgstr "Pyptelėti, gavus asmeninę žinutę"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Proxy port:"
#~ msgstr "Proxy tipas:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Proxy type:"
#~ msgstr "Proxy tipas:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Mark back:"
#~ msgstr "Skaidrus fonas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select a file to save to"
#~ msgstr "Katalogas, į kurį saugoti:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Load Plugin..."
#~ msgstr "Įkelti pluginą (*.so)..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Load plugin..."
#~ msgstr "Įkelti pluginą (*.so)..."

#~ msgid "Auto ReJoin on Kick"
#~ msgstr "Vėl ateiti, jei išspyrė"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "X-Chat Homepage..."
#~ msgstr "X-Chat tinklapis..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Online Docs..."
#~ msgstr "Dokumentacija..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "About X-Chat..."
#~ msgstr "Apie X-Chat..."

#~ msgid "Choose File"
#~ msgstr "Pasirink bylą"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Server settings"
#~ msgstr "Nuostatos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ban List Window..."
#~ msgstr "Kanalų sąrašo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "ASCII Window..."
#~ msgstr "Ignoravimo langas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "F_lush Buffer"
#~ msgstr "Išvalyti buferį"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save Buffer..."
#~ msgstr "Iš_saugoti buferį..."

#~ msgid "User Modes"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojo būsenos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Plugins"
#~ msgstr "Priedai..."

#~ msgid "Edit User Menu"
#~ msgstr "Taisyti vartotojo meniu"

#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Kairėje"

#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Dešinėje"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "NewServer"
#~ msgstr "Proxy serveris"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open extra tab for each server"
#~ msgstr "Naudoti atskirą kortelę/langą serverio žinutėms"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Server List 2..."
#~ msgstr "Serverių sąrašas..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "UNLOADALL, Unloads all perl scripts"
#~ msgstr "Įkelti Python skriptą..."

#~ msgid "Scripts & Plugins"
#~ msgstr "Skriptai ir pluginai"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "PLOAD loads a python script"
#~ msgstr "Įkelti Python skriptą..."

#~ msgid "Unload All Scripts"
#~ msgstr "Išmesti visus skriptus"

#~ msgid "Perl List"
#~ msgstr "Perl sąrašas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Load Python Script..."
#~ msgstr "Įkelti Python skriptą..."

#~ msgid "Python List"
#~ msgstr "Python sąrašas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "gdk_font_load failed"
#~ msgstr "Naudoti gdk_fontset_load"

#~ msgid "Setup.."
#~ msgstr "Nuostatos..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "X-Chat: Palette"
#~ msgstr "X-Chat: Nuostatos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Background"
#~ msgstr "XPM fonui:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Mark Background"
#~ msgstr "Skaidrus fonas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No Server"
#~ msgstr "Proxy serveris"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Is Tab"
#~ msgstr "Kortelės"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "X-Chat: Setup"
#~ msgstr "X-Chat: Nuostatos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to load translation table."
#~ msgstr "Naudoti ircII stiliaus vertimo bylą."

#~ msgid "Auto Indent"
#~ msgstr "Savaime perskirti"

#~ msgid "Auto adjust the separator bar position as needed."
#~ msgstr "Savaime pritaikyti skyriklio juostos vietą kai reikia."

#~ msgid "Draw Separator Bar"
#~ msgstr "Piešti skyriklio juostą"

#~ msgid "Make the separator an actual visible line."
#~ msgstr "Padaryti skyriklį tikrai matoma linija."

#~ msgid "Word Wrap"
#~ msgstr "Žodžių laužymas"

#~ msgid "Don't split words from one line to the next"
#~ msgstr "Nelaužyti žodžių iš vienos eilutės į kitą"

#~ msgid "Make the text box seem see-through"
#~ msgstr "Padaryti, kad teksto laukas atrodytų permatomas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Use a font set"
#~ msgstr "Naudoti gdk_fontset_load"

#~ msgid "Change in realtime"
#~ msgstr "Keisti realiu laiku"

#~ msgid "Startup and Shutdown"
#~ msgstr "Pradžia ir Išėjimas"

#~ msgid "No Server List On Startup"
#~ msgstr "Nerodyti serverių sąrašo pradžioje"

#~ msgid "Don't display the server list on X-Chat startup"
#~ msgstr "Nerodyti serverių sąrašo, tik paleidus X-Chat"

#~ msgid "Auto Save URL list"
#~ msgstr "Savaime išsaugoti URL sąrašą"

#~ msgid "Auto save your URL list when exiting from X-Chat"
#~ msgstr "Savaime išsaugoti URL sąrašą išeinant iš X-Chat"

#~ msgid "Give the User List style"
#~ msgstr "Suteikti varotojų sarašui stilių"

#~ msgid "Complete nicknames when a partial one is entered"
#~ msgstr "Pabaigti nikus, jei įvesta niko dalis"

#~ msgid "Old-style Nickname Completion"
#~ msgstr "Seno stiliaus niko pabaigimas"

#~ msgid "Nickname completion is old-style (instead of GNU-style)"
#~ msgstr "Seno stiliaus niko pabaigimas (vietoj GNU stiliaus)"

#~ msgid "Give the Input Box style"
#~ msgstr "Suteikti stilių įvesties laukui"

#~ msgid "Input box gets same style as main text area"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Įvesties laukas įgauna tokį pat stilių kaip pagrindinis testo laukas"

#~ msgid "Nickname Completion Character:"
#~ msgstr "Niko užbaigimo simbolis:"

#~ msgid "Character to append to completed nicknames"
#~ msgstr "Simbolis, priduriamas prie pabaigtų nikų"

#~ msgid "Output Box"
#~ msgstr "Įšvesties laukas"

#~ msgid "Strip MIRC color codes from text before displaying"
#~ msgstr "Pašalinti MIRC spalvų kodus iš teksto prieš parodant"

#~ msgid "Output nicknames in different colors"
#~ msgstr "Išvesti nikus skirtingomis spalvomis"

#~ msgid "Prefix all text with the current time stamp"
#~ msgstr "Prieš bet kokį tekstą įrašyti jo laiką"

#~ msgid "Filter out BEEPs"
#~ msgstr "Išfiltruoti BEEP (skambučius)"

#~ msgid "Remove ^G BEEP codes from text before displaying"
#~ msgstr "Pašalinti ^G BEEP kodus iš teksto prieš parodant"

#~ msgid "Buffer Settings"
#~ msgstr "Buferio nuostatos"

#~ msgid "Text Buffer Size:"
#~ msgstr "Teksto buferio dydis:"

#~ msgid "lines (0=Unlimited)."
#~ msgstr "eilučių (0=neribotas)."

#~ msgid "Buttons"
#~ msgstr "Mygtukai"

#~ msgid "Show the TNSIPMLK buttons"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti TNSIPMLK mygtukus"

#~ msgid "User List Buttons"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai"

#~ msgid "Show the buttons below the user list"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti mygtukus po vartotojų sąrašu"

#~ msgid "Tabs Located at:"
#~ msgstr "Kortelės yra:"

#~ msgid "Use tabs for channels instead of separate windows"
#~ msgstr "Kanalams naudoti korteles, o ne atskirus langus"

#~ msgid "Limited Tab Highlighting"
#~ msgstr "Ribotas kortelių paryškinimas"

#~ msgid "Bring new query/channel tabs to front"
#~ msgstr "Naujai atsiradusius kanalų/dialogų langus rodyti priekyje"

#~ msgid "Use tabs for /query instead of separate windows"
#~ msgstr "Asmeniniams pokalbiams naudoti korteles, o ne atskirus langus"

#~ msgid "Window Position"
#~ msgstr "Lango vieta"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If Left and Top are set to zero, X-Chat will use\n"
#~ "your window manager defaults."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Jei Viršus ir apačia yra nuliai, X-Chat naudos\n"
#~ "langų tvarkyklės nuostatas."

#~ msgid "Left:"
#~ msgstr "Kairė:"

#~ msgid "Window Size"
#~ msgstr "Lango dydis"

#~ msgid "Width:"
#~ msgstr "Plotis:"

#~ msgid "Height:"
#~ msgstr "Aukštis:"

#~ msgid "Show Session Tree View"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti sesijos medžio vaizdą"

#~ msgid "Panel Applet"
#~ msgstr "Skydelio įtaisas"

#~ msgid "Layout For a Vertical Panel"
#~ msgstr "Išdėstyti stačiam skydeliui"

#~ msgid "Layout the X-Chat panel applet for a vertical panel"
#~ msgstr "Išdėstyti X-Chat skydelio įtaisą stačiam skydeliui"

#~ msgid "Raw Mode Display"
#~ msgstr "Grynas mode rodymas"

#~ msgid "Display raw mode changes instead of interpretations"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti grynus mode pakeitimus vietoj interpretacijų"

#~ msgid "Beep when a private message for you is received"
#~ msgstr "Pyptelėti, kai ateina tau skirta asmeninė žinutė"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Beep when a channel message is received"
#~ msgstr "Pyptelėti, kai ateina tau skirta asmeninė žinutė"

#~ msgid "Send /who #chan on join."
#~ msgstr "Siųsti /who #kanalas ateinant"

#~ msgid "Find user information when joining a channel."
#~ msgstr "Sužinoti vartotojų informaciją, atėjus į kanalą."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "These can be a filename relative to ~/.xchat/ to be\n"
#~ "used as a list of random quit or part reasons."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tai gali būti bylų vardai, nurodyti santykinai ~/.xchat/,\n"
#~ "naudojami parinkti atsitiktinėms pabaigos ar išėjimo priežastims."

#~ msgid "seconds."
#~ msgstr "sekundžių."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Most people should leave this blank, it's only\n"
#~ "usefull for machines with multiple addresses."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dauguma žmonių šitai turėtų palikti tuščią,\n"
#~ "tai naudinga tik mašinoms su keletu adresų."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Public IP Address"
#~ msgstr "IP adresas"

#~ msgid "Get my IP from Server (for use in DCC Send only)"
#~ msgstr "Gauti mano IP iš serverio (naudojama tik DCC siuntimui)"

#~ msgid "For people using a 10.* or 192.168.* IP number."
#~ msgstr "Žmonėms, naudojantiems 10.* ar 192.168.* IP numerius."

#~ msgid "Proxy Server Hostname:"
#~ msgstr "Proxy serverio hosto vardas:"

#~ msgid "Only show away messages the first time they're seen"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti „nėra“ žinutę tik pirmą kartą."

#~ msgid "Your away settings"
#~ msgstr "Tavo nebūties nuostatos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Apply a timestamp to disk logs"
#~ msgstr "Loguose visada rašyti, kada vyksta veiksmas"

#~ msgid "Generic"
#~ msgstr "Bendra"

#~ msgid "User List Notify Highlighting"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo notify paryškinimas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Notified User Color:"
#~ msgstr "Naujesnių spalva:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Notification Timeouts"
#~ msgstr "Pranešimas:"

#~ msgid "seconds (0=Disable)."
#~ msgstr "sekundžių (0=uždrausti)."

#~ msgid "Enable Character Translation"
#~ msgstr "Leisti simbolių vertimus"

#~ msgid "Translation File:"
#~ msgstr "Vertimo byla:"

#~ msgid "Use a ircII style translation file."
#~ msgstr "Naudoti ircII stiliaus vertimo bylą."

#~ msgid "Automatically open DCC Recv Window"
#~ msgstr "Savaime atidaryti DCC gavimo langą"

#~ msgid "Resume on Auto Accept"
#~ msgstr "Pratęsti automatiškai priimant"

#~ msgid "When Auto-Accepting DCC, try to resume."
#~ msgstr "Kai savaime priimami DCC gavimai, pratęsti esančias bylas."

#~ msgid "DCC Offers Timeout:"
#~ msgstr "DCC pasiūlymų laiko riba:"

#~ msgid "File Permissions:"
#~ msgstr "Bylų permisijos:"

#~ msgid "(octal)"
#~ msgstr "(aštuonetainiais)"

#~ msgid "Save file with Nickname"
#~ msgstr "Saugoti bylą su niku"

#~ msgid "DCC Send Options"
#~ msgstr "DCC siuntimo parinktys"

#~ msgid "Fast DCC Send"
#~ msgstr "Greitas DCC siuntimas"

#~ msgid "Don't wait for ACKs to send more data"
#~ msgstr "Nelaukti ACK'ų, kad siųstume naujus duomenis"

#~ msgid "(0=Disabled)"
#~ msgstr "(0=Uždraustas)"

#~ msgid "Send Block Size:"
#~ msgstr "Siunčiamų blokų dydis:"

#~ msgid "(1024=Normal)"
#~ msgstr "(1024=Normalus)"

#~ msgid "Built-in Replies"
#~ msgstr "Įtaisyti atsakymai"

#~ msgid "Do not reply to CTCP version"
#~ msgstr "Neatsakinėti į CTCP version"

#~ msgid "Sound Dir:"
#~ msgstr "Garsų katalogas:"

#~ msgid "Play Command:"
#~ msgstr "Grojimo komanda:"

#~ msgid "Interface Settings"
#~ msgstr "Sąsajos nuostatos"

#~ msgid "IRC Input/Output Settings"
#~ msgstr "IRC įvesties/išvesties nuostatos"

#~ msgid "IRC Input/Output"
#~ msgstr "IRC įvestis/išvestis"

#~ msgid "Window Layout Settings"
#~ msgstr "Langų išdėstymo nuostatos"

#~ msgid "Window Layout"
#~ msgstr "Langų išdėstymas"

#~ msgid "Main Window Settings"
#~ msgstr "Pagrindinio lango nuostatos"

#~ msgid "Channel Window Settings"
#~ msgstr "Kanalų langų nuostatos"

#~ msgid "Dialog Window Settings"
#~ msgstr "Dialogų langų nuostatos"

#~ msgid "Panel"
#~ msgstr "Skydelis"

#~ msgid "IRC Settings"
#~ msgstr "IRC nustatos"

#~ msgid "IP Address Settings"
#~ msgstr "IP adreso parinktis"

#~ msgid "IP Address"
#~ msgstr "IP adresas"

#~ msgid "Logging Settings"
#~ msgstr "Loginimo nuostatos"

#~ msgid "Character Set (Translation Tables)"
#~ msgstr "Simbolių aibė (vertimo lentelės)"

#~ msgid "CTCP Settings"
#~ msgstr "CTCP nuostatos"

#~ msgid "DCC Settings"
#~ msgstr "DCC Nuostatos"

#~ msgid "Input Box always in focus"
#~ msgstr "Įvesties laukas visada fokusuotas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Userlist icons"
#~ msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo mygtukai..."

#~ msgid "Show nickname"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti niką"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid " Apply "
#~ msgstr "Pritaikyti"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "CP"
#~ msgstr "CTCP"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Hide/Show Userlist"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti vartotojo hostą"

#~ msgid "Perl Script.."
#~ msgstr "Perl skriptas..."

#~ msgid "Python Script.."
#~ msgstr "Python skriptas..."

#~ msgid "All Perl Scripts"
#~ msgstr "Visus Perl skriptus"

#~ msgid "All Python Scripts"
#~ msgstr "Visus Python skriptus"

#~ msgid "All Plugins"
#~ msgstr "Visus priedus"

#~ msgid "Kill"
#~ msgstr "Nužudyti"

#~ msgid "User _Modes"
#~ msgstr "_Būsenos"

#~ msgid "S_cripts & Plugins"
#~ msgstr "S_kriptai ir pluginai"

#~ msgid "Use_r Menu"
#~ msgstr "Va_rtotojo meniu"

#~ msgid "Show invites in active window"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti pakvietimus aktyviame lange"

#~ msgid "Show notifies in active window"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti notify aktyviame lange"

#~ msgid "Perform a periodic mail check."
#~ msgstr "Periodiškai aptikrinti paštą."

#~ msgid "Unload All Plugins"
#~ msgstr "Įšmesti visus pluginus"

#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Gerai"

#~ msgid "Background XPM:"
#~ msgstr "XPM fonui:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Dialog Buttons"
#~ msgstr "Mygtukai"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show the buttons above the text area"
#~ msgstr "Rodyti mygtukus po vartotojų sąrašu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Server    Sock  Name\n"
#~ msgstr "Proxy serverio hosto vardas:"

#~ msgid "Help.."
#~ msgstr "Pagalba..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Panelize"
#~ msgstr "Skydelis"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "InterScan"
#~ msgstr "Sąsaja"

#~ msgid "Enable double buffer"
#~ msgstr "Leisti dvigubą buferį"