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path: root/ext/nss-wdk/build-x64.bat
blob: 96bb042215ede3f62bac4643e241163977a181b9 (plain) (blame)
@echo off
set WDK_ROOT=c:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1
set INCLUDE=%WDK_ROOT%\inc\api;%WDK_ROOT%\inc\crt;%WDK_ROOT%\inc\ddk
set LIB=%WDK_ROOT%\lib\wnet\amd64;%WDK_ROOT%\lib\Crt\amd64
set PATH=%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\amd64;%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\x64;c:\mozilla-build\msys\bin;c:\mozilla-build\moztools-x64\bin
set USE_64=1
cd mozilla\security\nss
make nss_build_all
cd ..\..\..
a> 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
	my $message = shift @_;
	my ($package) = caller;
	# redirect Gtk/Glib errors and warnings back to STDERR
	if( $message =~ /^(?:Gtk|GLib|Gdk)(?:-\w+)?-$message_levels/i ) {
		print STDERR $message;
	} else {

		if( defined &Xchat::Internal::print ) {
			Xchat::print( $message );
		} else {
			warn $message;

use File::Spec ();
use File::Basename ();
use File::Glob ();
use List::Util ();
use Symbol();
use Time::HiRes ();
use Carp ();

package Xchat;
use base qw(Exporter);
use strict;
use warnings;

sub PRI_HIGH ();
sub PRI_NORM ();
sub PRI_LOW ();
sub PRI_LOWEST ();

sub EAT_NONE ();
sub EAT_XCHAT ();
sub EAT_PLUIN ();
sub EAT_ALL ();

sub KEEP ();
sub REMOVE ();
sub FD_READ ();
sub FD_WRITE ();

sub get_context;
sub Xchat::Internal::context_info;
sub Xchat::Internal::print;

our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
	constants => [
		qw(EAT_NONE EAT_XCHAT EAT_PLUGIN EAT_ALL), # callback return values
		qw(KEEP REMOVE), # timers
	hooks => [
		qw(hook_server hook_command hook_print hook_timer hook_fd unhook),
	util => [
		qw(register nickcmp strip_code send_modes), # misc
		qw(print prnt printf prntf command commandf emit_print), # output
		qw(find_context get_context set_context), # context
		qw(get_info get_prefs get_list context_info user_info), # input

$EXPORT_TAGS{all} = [ map { @{$_} } @EXPORT_TAGS{qw(constants hooks util)}];
our @EXPORT = @{$EXPORT_TAGS{constants}};
our @EXPORT_OK = @{$EXPORT_TAGS{all}};

sub register {
	my ($package, $calling_package) = Xchat::Embed::find_pkg();
	my $pkg_info = Xchat::Embed::pkg_info( $package );
	my $filename = $pkg_info->{filename};
	my ($name, $version, $description, $callback) = @_;
	if( defined $pkg_info->{gui_entry} ) {
		Xchat::print( "Xchat::register called more than once in "
			. $pkg_info->{filename} );
		return ();
	$description = "" unless defined $description;
	if( $callback ) {
		$callback = Xchat::Embed::fix_callback(
			$package, $calling_package, $callback
	$pkg_info->{shutdown} = $callback;
	unless( $name && $name =~ /[[:print:]\w]/ ) {
		$name = "Not supplied";
	unless( $version && $version =~ /\d+(?:\.\d+)?/ ) {
		$version = "NaN";
	$pkg_info->{gui_entry} =
		Xchat::Internal::register( $name, $version, $description, $filename );
	# keep with old behavior
	return ();

sub _process_hook_options {
	my ($options, $keys, $store) = @_;

	unless( @$keys == @$store ) {
		die 'Number of keys must match the size of the store';

	my @results;

	if( ref( $options ) eq 'HASH' ) {
		for my $index ( 0 .. @$keys - 1 ) {
			my $key = $keys->[$index];
			if( exists( $options->{ $key } ) && defined( $options->{ $key } ) ) {
				${$store->[$index]} = $options->{ $key };


sub hook_server {
	return undef unless @_ >= 2;
	my $message = shift;
	my $callback = shift;
	my $options = shift;
	my ($package, $calling_package) = Xchat::Embed::find_pkg();
	$callback = Xchat::Embed::fix_callback(
		$package, $calling_package, $callback
	my ($priority, $data) = ( Xchat::PRI_NORM, undef );
		[qw(priority data)],
		[\($priority, $data)],
	my $pkg_info = Xchat::Embed::pkg_info( $package );
	my $hook = Xchat::Internal::hook_server(
		$message, $priority, $callback, $data, $package
	push @{$pkg_info->{hooks}}, $hook if defined $hook;
	return $hook;

sub hook_command {
	return undef unless @_ >= 2;
	my $command = shift;
	my $callback = shift;
	my $options = shift;
	my ($package, $calling_package) = Xchat::Embed::find_pkg();

	$callback = Xchat::Embed::fix_callback(
		$package, $calling_package, $callback
	my ($priority, $help_text, $data) = ( Xchat::PRI_NORM, undef, undef );
		[qw(priority help_text data)],
		[\($priority, $help_text, $data)],
	my $pkg_info = Xchat::Embed::pkg_info( $package );
	my $hook = Xchat::Internal::hook_command(
		$command, $priority, $callback, $help_text, $data, $package
	push @{$pkg_info->{hooks}}, $hook if defined $hook;
	return $hook;

sub hook_print {
	return undef unless @_ >= 2;
	my $event = shift;
	my $callback = shift;
	my $options = shift;
	my ($package, $calling_package) = Xchat::Embed::find_pkg();

	$callback = Xchat::Embed::fix_callback(
		$package, $calling_package, $callback
	my ($priority, $run_after, $filter, $data) = ( Xchat::PRI_NORM, 0, 0, undef );
		[qw(priority run_after_event filter data)],
		[\($priority, $run_after, $filter, $data)],
	if( $run_after and $filter ) {
		Carp::carp( "Xchat::hook_print's run_after_event and filter options are mutually exclusive, you can only use of them at a time per hook" );

	if( $run_after ) {
		my $cb = $callback;
		$callback = sub {
			my @args = @_;
			hook_timer( 0, sub {
				$cb->( @args );

				if( ref $run_after eq 'CODE' ) {
					$run_after->( @args );
				return REMOVE;
			return EAT_NONE;

	if( $filter ) {
		my $cb = $callback;
		$callback = sub {
			my @args = @{$_[0]};
			my $event_data = $_[1];
			my $event_name = $event;
			my $last_arg = @args - 1;

			my @new = $cb->( \@args, $event_data, $event_name );

			# allow changing event by returning the new value
			if( @new > @args ) {
				$event_name = pop @new;

			# a filter can either return the new results or it can modify
			# @_ in place. 
			if( @new == @args ) {
				emit_print( $event_name, @new[ 0 .. $last_arg ] );
				return EAT_ALL;
			} elsif(
				join( "\0", @{$_[0]} ) ne join( "\0", @args[ 0 .. $last_arg ] )
			) {
				emit_print( $event_name, @args[ 0 .. $last_arg ] );
				return EAT_ALL;

			return EAT_NONE;


	my $pkg_info = Xchat::Embed::pkg_info( $package );
	my $hook = Xchat::Internal::hook_print(
		$event, $priority, $callback, $data, $package
	push @{$pkg_info->{hooks}}, $hook if defined $hook;
	return $hook;

sub hook_timer {
	return undef unless @_ >= 2;
	my ($timeout, $callback, $data) = @_;
	my ($package, $calling_package) = Xchat::Embed::find_pkg();

	$callback = Xchat::Embed::fix_callback(
		$package, $calling_package, $callback

		ref( $data ) eq 'HASH' && exists( $data->{data} )
		&& defined( $data->{data} )
	) {
		$data = $data->{data};
	my $pkg_info = Xchat::Embed::pkg_info( $package );
	my $hook = Xchat::Internal::hook_timer( $timeout, $callback, $data, $package );
	push @{$pkg_info->{hooks}}, $hook if defined $hook;
	return $hook;

sub hook_fd {
	return undef unless @_ >= 2;
	my ($fd, $callback, $options) = @_;
	return undef unless defined $fd && defined $callback;

	my $fileno = fileno $fd;
	return undef unless defined $fileno; # no underlying fd for this handle
	my ($package, $calling_package) = Xchat::Embed::find_pkg();
	$callback = Xchat::Embed::fix_callback(
		$package, $calling_package, $callback
	my ($flags, $data) = (Xchat::FD_READ, undef);
		[qw(flags data)],
		[\($flags, $data)],
	my $cb = sub {
		my $userdata = shift;
		return $userdata->{CB}->(
			$userdata->{FD}, $userdata->{FLAGS}, $userdata->{DATA},
	my $pkg_info = Xchat::Embed::pkg_info( $package );
	my $hook = Xchat::Internal::hook_fd(
		$fileno, $cb, $flags, {
			DATA => $data, FD => $fd, CB => $callback, FLAGS => $flags,
	push @{$pkg_info->{hooks}}, $hook if defined $hook;
	return $hook;

sub unhook {
	my $hook = shift @_;
	my $package = shift @_;
	($package) = caller unless $package;
	my $pkg_info = Xchat::Embed::pkg_info( $package );

	if( defined( $hook )
		&& $hook =~ /^\d+$/
		&& grep { $_ == $hook } @{$pkg_info->{hooks}} ) {
		$pkg_info->{hooks} = [grep { $_ != $hook } @{$pkg_info->{hooks}}];
		return Xchat::Internal::unhook( $hook );
	return ();

sub _do_for_each {
	my ($cb, $channels, $servers) = @_;

	# not specifying any channels or servers is not the same as specifying
	# undef for both
	# - not specifying either results in calling the callback inthe current ctx
	# - specifying undef for for both results in calling the callback in the
	#   front/currently selected tab
	if( @_ == 3 && !($channels || $servers) ) { 
		$channels = [ undef ];
		$servers = [ undef ];
	} elsif( !($channels || $servers) ) {
		return 1;

	$channels = [ $channels ] unless ref( $channels ) eq 'ARRAY';

	if( $servers ) {
		$servers = [ $servers ] unless ref( $servers ) eq 'ARRAY';
	} else {
		$servers = [ undef ];

	my $num_done = 0;
	my $old_ctx = Xchat::get_context();
	for my $server ( @$servers ) {
		for my $channel ( @$channels ) {
			if( Xchat::set_context( $channel, $server ) ) {
	Xchat::set_context( $old_ctx );
	return $num_done;

sub print {
	my $text = shift @_;
	return "" unless defined $text;
	if( ref( $text ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
		if( $, ) {
			$text = join $, , @$text;
		} else {
			$text = join "", @$text;
	return _do_for_each(
		sub { Xchat::Internal::print( $text ); },

sub printf {
	my $format = shift;
	Xchat::print( sprintf( $format, @_ ) );

# make Xchat::prnt() and Xchat::prntf() as aliases for Xchat::print() and 
# Xchat::printf(), mainly useful when these functions are exported
sub prnt {
	goto &Xchat::print;

sub prntf {
	goto &Xchat::printf;

sub command {
	my $command = shift;
	return "" unless defined $command;
	my @commands;
	if( ref( $command ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
		@commands = @$command;
	} else {
		@commands = ($command);
	return _do_for_each(
		sub { Xchat::Internal::command( $_ ) foreach @commands },

sub commandf {
	my $format = shift;
	Xchat::command( sprintf( $format, @_ ) );

sub set_context {
	my $context;
	if( @_ == 2 ) {
		my ($channel, $server) = @_;
		$context = Xchat::find_context( $channel, $server );
	} elsif( @_ == 1 ) {
		if( defined $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
			$context = $_[0];
		} else {
			$context = Xchat::find_context( $_[0] );
	} elsif( @_ == 0 ) {
		$context = Xchat::find_context();
	return $context ? Xchat::Internal::set_context( $context ) : 0;

sub get_info {
	my $id = shift;
	my $info;
	if( defined( $id ) ) {
		if( grep { $id eq $_ } qw(state_cursor id) ) {
			$info = Xchat::get_prefs( $id );
		} else {
			$info = Xchat::Internal::get_info( $id );
	return $info;

sub user_info {
	my $nick = Xchat::strip_code(shift @_ || Xchat::get_info( "nick" ));
	my $user;
	for (Xchat::get_list( "users" ) ) {
		if ( Xchat::nickcmp( $_->{nick}, $nick ) == 0 ) {
			$user = $_;
	return $user;

sub context_info {
	my $ctx = shift @_ || Xchat::get_context;
	my $old_ctx = Xchat::get_context;
	my @fields = (
		qw(away channel charset host id inputbox libdirfs modes network),
		qw(nick nickserv server topic version win_ptr win_status),
		qw(configdir xchatdir xchatdirfs state_cursor),

	if( Xchat::set_context( $ctx ) ) {
		my %info;
		for my $field ( @fields ) {
			$info{$field} = Xchat::get_info( $field );
		my $ctx_info = Xchat::Internal::context_info;
		@info{keys %$ctx_info} = values %$ctx_info;
		Xchat::set_context( $old_ctx );
		return %info if wantarray;
		return \%info;
	} else {
		return undef;

sub get_list {
	unless( grep { $_[0] eq $_ } qw(channels dcc ignore notify users networks) ) {
		Carp::carp( "'$_[0]' does not appear to be a valid list name" );
	if( $_[0] eq 'networks' ) {
		return Xchat::List::Network->get();
	} else {
		return Xchat::Internal::get_list( $_[0] );

sub strip_code {
	my $pattern = qr<
		\cB| #Bold
		\cC\d{0,2}(?:,\d{1,2})?| #Color
		\e\[(?:\d{1,2}(?:;\d{1,2})*)?m| # ANSI color code
		\cG| #Beep
		\cO| #Reset
		\cV| #Reverse
		\c_  #Underline
	if( defined wantarray ) {
		my $msg = shift;
		$msg =~ s/$pattern//g;
		return $msg;
	} else {
		$_[0] =~ s/$pattern//g if defined $_[0];