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path: root/plugins/perl/
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/perl/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 511 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/perl/ b/plugins/perl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71c1884d..00000000
--- a/plugins/perl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Xchat ();
-use File::Spec ();
-use File::Basename qw(fileparse);
-# if the last time you addressed someone was greater than this many minutes
-# ago, ignore it
-# this avoids having people you have talked to a long time ago coming up too
-# early in the completion list
-# Setting this to 0 will disable the check which is effectively the same as
-# setting it to infinity
-my $last_use_threshold = 10; # 10 minutes
-# added to the front of a completion the same way as a suffix, only if
-# the word is at the beginning of the line
-my $prefix = '';
-# ignore leading non-alphanumeric characters: -[\]^_`{|}
-# Assuming you have the following nicks in a channel:
-# [SomeNick] _SomeNick_ `SomeNick SomeNick SomeOtherNick
-# when $ignore_leading_non_alnum is set to 0
-#     s<tab> will cycle through SomeNick and SomeOtherNick
-# when $ignore_leading_non_alnum is set to 1
-#     s<tab> will cycle through [SomeNick] _SomeNick_ `SomeNick SomeNick
-#     SomeOtherNick
-my $ignore_leading_non_alnum = 0;
-# enable path completion
-my $path_completion = 1;
-my $base_path = '';
-# ignore the completion_amount setting and always cycle through nicks with tab
-my $always_cycle = 0;
-	"Tab Completion", "1.0500", "Alternative tab completion behavior"
-Xchat::hook_print( "Key Press", \&complete );
-Xchat::hook_print( "Close Context", \&close_context );
-Xchat::hook_print( "Focus Tab", \&focus_tab );
-Xchat::hook_print( "Part", \&clean_selected );
-Xchat::hook_print( "Part with Reason", \&clean_selected );
-Xchat::hook_command( "", \&track_selected );
-sub SHIFT() { 1 }
-sub CTRL() { 4 }
-sub ALT() { 8 }
-sub TAB() { 0xFF09 }
-sub LEFT_TAB() { 0xFE20 }
-my %completions;
-my %last_visit;
-my %selected;
-my %escape_map = (
-	'[' => qr![\[{]!,
-	'{' => qr![\[{]!,
-	'}' => qr![\]}]!,
-	']' => qr![\]}]!,
-	'\\' => qr![\\\|]!,
-	'|' => qr![\\\|]!,
-	'.' => qr!\.!,
-	'^' => qr!\^!,
-	'$' => qr!\$!,
-	'*' => qr!\*!,
-	'+' => qr!\+!,
-	'?' => qr!\?!,
-	'(' => qr!\(!,
-	')' => qr!\)!,
-	'-' => qr!\-!,
-my $escapes = join "", keys %escape_map;
-$escapes = qr/[\Q$escapes\E]/;
-# used to determine if a word is the start of a path
-my $path_pattern = qr{^(?:~|/|[[:alpha:]]:\\)};
-sub complete {
-	my ($key, $modifiers) = @{$_[0]};
-	# if $_[0][0] contains the value of the key pressed
-	# $_[0][1] contains modifiers
-	# the value for tab is 0xFF09
-	# the value for shift-tab(Left Tab) is 0xFE20
-	# we don't care about other keys
-	# the key must be a tab and left tab
-	return Xchat::EAT_NONE unless $key == TAB || $key == LEFT_TAB;
-	# if it is a tab then it must not have any modifiers
-	return Xchat::EAT_NONE if $key == TAB && $modifiers & (CTRL|ALT|SHIFT);
-	# loop backwards for shift+tab/left tab
-	my $delta = $modifiers & SHIFT ? -1 : 1;
-	my $context = Xchat::get_context;
-	$completions{$context} ||= {};
-	my $completions = $completions{$context};
-	$completions->{pos} ||= -1;
-	my $suffix = Xchat::get_prefs( "completion_suffix" );
-	$suffix =~ s/^\s+//;
-	my $input = Xchat::get_info( "inputbox" );
-	my $cursor_pos = Xchat::get_info( "state_cursor" );
-	my $left = substr( $input, 0, $cursor_pos );
-	my $right = substr( $input, $cursor_pos );
-	my $length = length $left;
-	# trim spaces from the end of $left to avoid grabbing the wrong word
-	# this is mainly needed for completion at the very beginning where a space
-	# is added after the completion
-	$left =~ s/\s+$//;
-	# always add one to the index because
-	# 1) if a space is found we want the position after it
-	# 2) if a space isn't found then we get back -1
-	my $word_start = rindex( $left, " " ) + 1;
-	my $word = substr( $left, $word_start );
-	$left = substr( $left, 0, -length $word );
-	if( $cursor_pos == $completions->{pos} ) {
-		my $previous_word = $completions->{completed};
-		my $new_left = $input;
-		substr( $new_left, $cursor_pos ) = "";
-		if( $previous_word and $new_left =~ s/(\Q$previous_word\E)$// ) {
-			$word = $1;
-			$word_start = length( $new_left );
-			$left = $new_left;
-		}
-	}
-	my $command_char = Xchat::get_prefs( "input_command_char" );
-	# ignore commands
-	if( ($word !~ m{^[${command_char}]})
-		or ( $word =~ m{^[${command_char}]} and $word_start != 0 ) ) {
-		if( $cursor_pos == length $input # end of input box
-			# not a valid nick char
-			&& $input =~ /(?<![\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A\x30-\x39\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7D-])$/
-			&& $cursor_pos != $completions->{pos} # not continuing a completion
-			&& $word !~ m{^(?:[&#/~]|[[:alpha:]]:\\)}  # not a channel or path
-		) {
-			# check for path completion
-			unless( $path_completion and $word =~ $path_pattern ) {
-				$word_start = $cursor_pos;
-				$left = $input;
-				$length = length $length;
-				$right = "";
-				$word = "";
-			}
-		}
-		if( $word_start == 0 && $prefix && $word =~ /^\Q$prefix/ ) {
-			$word =~ s/^\Q$prefix//;
-		}
-		my $completed; # this is going to be the "completed" word
-		# for parital completions and channel names so a : isn't added
-		#$completions->{skip_suffix} = ($word =~ /^[&#]/) ? 1 : 0;
-		# continuing from a previous completion
-		if(
-			exists $completions->{matches} && @{$completions->{matches}}
-			&& $cursor_pos == $completions->{pos}
-			&& $word =~ /^\Q$completions->{matches}[$completions->{index}]/
-		) {
-			$completions->{index} += $delta;
-			if( $completions->{index} < 0 ) {
-				$completions->{index} += @{$completions->{matches}};
-			} else {
-				$completions->{index} %= @{$completions->{matches}};
-			}
-		} else {
-			if( $word =~ /^[&#]/ ) {
-			# channel name completion
-				$completions->{matches} = [ matching_channels( $word ) ];
-				$completions->{skip_suffix} = 0;
-			} elsif( $path_completion and $word =~ $path_pattern ) {
-			# file name completion
-				$completions->{matches} = [ matching_files( $word ) ];
-				$completions->{skip_suffix} = 1;
-			} else {
-			# nick completion
-				# fix $word so { equals [, ] equals }, \ equals |
-				# and escape regex metacharacters
-				$word =~ s/($escapes)/$escape_map{$1}/g;
-				$completions->{matches} = [ matching_nicks( $word ) ];
-				$completions->{skip_suffix} = 0;
-			}
-			$completions->{index} = 0;
-		}
-		$completed = $completions->{matches}[ $completions->{index} ];
-		$completions->{completed} = $completed;
-		my $completion_amount = Xchat::get_prefs( "completion_amount" );
-		# don't cycle if the number of possible completions is greater than
-		# completion_amount
-		if(
-			!$always_cycle && (
-			@{$completions->{matches}} > $completion_amount
-			&& @{$completions->{matches}} != 1 )
-		) {
-			# don't print if we tabbed in the beginning and the list of possible
-			# completions includes all nicks in the channel
-			my $context_type = Xchat::context_info->{type};
-			if( $context_type != 2 # not a channel
-				or @{$completions->{matches}} < Xchat::get_list("users")
-			) {
-				Xchat::print( join " ", @{$completions->{matches}}, "\n" );
-			}
-			$completed = lcs( $completions->{matches} );
-			$completions->{skip_suffix} = 1;
-		}
-		if( $completed ) {
-			if( $word_start == 0 && !$completions->{skip_suffix} ) {
-				# at the start of the line append completion suffix
-				Xchat::command( "settext $prefix$completed$suffix$right");
-				$completions->{pos} = length( "$prefix$completed$suffix" );
-			} else {
-				Xchat::command( "settext $left$completed$right" );
-				$completions->{pos} = length( "$left$completed" );
-			}
-			Xchat::command( "setcursor $completions->{pos}" );
-		}
-# debugging stuff
-		local $, = " ";
-		my $input_length = length $input;
-		Xchat::print [
-			qq{input[$input]},
-			qq{input_length[$input_length]},
-			qq{cursor[$cursor_pos]},
-			qq{start[$word_start]},
-			qq{length[$length]},
-			qq{left[$left]},
-			qq{word[$word]}, qq{right[$right]},
-			qq{completed[}. ($completed||""). qq{]},
-			qq{pos[$completions->{pos}]},
-		];
-		use Data::Dumper;
-		local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
-		Xchat::print Dumper $completions->{matches};
-		return Xchat::EAT_ALL;
-	} else {
-		return Xchat::EAT_NONE;
-	}
-# all channels starting with $word
-sub matching_channels {
-	my $word = shift;
-	# for use in compare_channels();
-	our $current_chan;
-	local $current_chan = Xchat::get_info( "channel" );
-	my $conn_id = Xchat::get_info( "id" );
-	$word =~ s/^[&#]+//;
-	return
-		map {	$_->[1]->{channel} }
-		sort compare_channels map {
-			my $chan = $_->{channel};
-			$chan =~ s/^[#&]+//;
-			# comparisons will be done based only on the name
-			# matching name, same connection, only channels
-			$chan =~ /^$word/i && $_->{id} == $conn_id ?
-			[ $chan, $_ ] :
-			()
-		} channels();
-sub channels {
-	return grep { $_->{type} == 2 } Xchat::get_list( "channels" );
-sub compare_channels {
-	# package variable, value set in matching_channels()
-	our $current_chan;
-	# turn off warnings generated from channels that have not yet been visited
-	# since the script was loaded
-	no warnings "uninitialized";
-	# the current channel is always first, then ordered by most recently visited
-	return
-		$a->[1]{channel} eq $current_chan ? -1 :
-		$b->[1]{channel} eq $current_chan ? 1 :
-		$last_visit{ $b->[1]{context} } <=> $last_visit{ $a->[1]{context} }
-		|| $a->[1]{channel} cmp $b->[1]{channel};
-sub matching_nicks {
-	my $word_re = shift;
-	# for use in compare_nicks()
-	our ($my_nick, $selections, $now);
-	local $my_nick = Xchat::get_info( "nick" );
-	local $selections = $selected{ Xchat::get_context() };
-	local $now = time;
-	my $pattern = $ignore_leading_non_alnum ?
-		qr/^[\-\[\]^_`{|}\\]*$word_re/i : qr/^$word_re/i;
-	return
-		map { $_->{nick} }
-		sort compare_nicks grep {
-			$_->{nick} =~ $pattern;
-		} Xchat::get_list( "users" )
-sub max {
-	return unless @_;
-	my $max = shift;
-	for(@_) {
-		$max = $_ if $_ > $max;
-	}
-	return $max;
-sub compare_times {
-	# package variables set in matching_nicks()
-	our $selections;
-	our $now;
-	for my $nick ( $a->{nick}, $b->{nick} ) {
-		# turn off the warnings that get generated from users who have yet
-		# to speak since the script was loaded
-		no warnings "uninitialized";
-		if( $last_use_threshold
-			&& (( $now - $selections->{$nick}) > ($last_use_threshold * 60)) ) {
-			delete $selections->{ $nick }
-		}
-	}
-	my $a_time = $selections->{ $a->{nick} } || 0 ;
-	my $b_time = $selections->{ $b->{nick} } || 0 ;
-	if( $a_time || $b_time ) {
-		return $b_time <=> $a_time;
-	} elsif( !$a_time && !$b_time ) {
-		return $b->{lasttalk} <=> $a->{lasttalk};
-	}
-sub compare_nicks {
-	# more package variables, value set in matching_nicks()
-	our $my_nick;
-	# our own nick is always last, then ordered by the people we spoke to most
-	# recently and the people who were speaking most recently
-	return 
-		$a->{nick} eq $my_nick ? 1 :
-		$b->{nick} eq $my_nick ? -1 :
-		compare_times()
-		|| Xchat::nickcmp( $a->{nick}, $b->{nick} );
-#		$selections->{ $b->{nick} } <=> $selections->{ $a->{nick} }
-#		||	$b->{lasttalk} <=> $a->{lasttalk}
-sub matching_files {
-	my $word = shift;
-	my ($file, $input_dir) = fileparse( $word );
-	my $dir = expand_tilde( $input_dir );
-	if( opendir my $dir_handle, $dir ) {
-		my @files;
-		if( $file ) {
-			@files = grep {
-				#Xchat::print( $_ );
-				/^\Q$file/ } readdir $dir_handle;
-		} else {
-			@files = readdir $dir_handle;
-		}
-		return map {
-			File::Spec->catfile( $input_dir, $_ );
-		} sort
-		grep { !/^[.]{1,2}$/ } @files;
-	} else {
-		return ();
-	}
-# Remove completion related data for tabs that are closed
-sub close_context {
-	my $context = Xchat::get_context;
-	delete $completions{$context};
-	delete $last_visit{$context};
-	return Xchat::EAT_NONE;
-# track visit times
-sub focus_tab {
-	$last_visit{Xchat::get_context()} = time();
-	return Xchat::EAT_NONE;
-# keep track of the last time a message was addressed to someone
-# a message is considered addressed to someone if their nick is used followed
-# by the completion suffix
-sub track_selected {
-	my $input = $_[1][0];
-	return Xchat::EAT_NONE unless defined $input;
-	my $suffix = Xchat::get_prefs( "completion_suffix" );
-	for( grep defined, $input =~ /^(.+)\Q$suffix/, $_[0][0] ) {
-		if( in_channel( $_ ) ) {
-			$selected{Xchat::get_context()}{$_} = time();
-			last;
-		}
-	}
-	return Xchat::EAT_NONE;
-# if a user is in the current channel
-# user_info() can also be used instead of the loop
-sub in_channel {
-	my $target = shift;
-	for my $nick ( nicks() ) {
-		if( $nick eq $target ) {
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-# list of nicks in the current channel
-sub nicks {
-	return map { $_->{nick} } Xchat::get_list( "users" );
-# remove people from the selected list when they leave the channel
-sub clean_selected {
-	delete $selected{ Xchat::get_context() }{$_[0][0]};
-	return Xchat::EAT_NONE;
-# Longest common substring
-# Used for partial completion when using non-cycling completion
-sub lcs {
-	my @nicks = @{+shift};
-	return "" if @nicks == 0;
-	return $nicks[0] if @nicks == 1;
-	my $substring = shift @nicks;
-	while(@nicks) {
-		$substring = common_string( $substring, shift @nicks );
-	}
-	return $substring;
-sub common_string {
-	my ($nick1, $nick2) = @_;
-	my $index = 0;
-	$index++ while(
-		($index < length $nick1) && ($index < length $nick2) &&
-			lc(substr( $nick1, $index, 1 )) eq lc(substr( $nick2, $index, 1 ))
-	);
-	return substr( $nick1, 0, $index );
-sub expand_tilde {
-	my $file = shift;
-	$file =~ s/^~/home_dir()/e;
-	return $file;
-sub home_dir {
-	return $base_path if $base_path;
-	if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) {
-		return $ENV{USERPROFILE};
-	} else {
-		return ((getpwuid($>))[7] ||  $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR});
-	}