/* blowfish-arm.S - ARM assembly implementation of Blowfish cipher
* Copyright (C) 2013 Jussi Kivilinna <jussi.kivilinna@iki.fi>
* This file is part of Libgcrypt.
* Libgcrypt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Libgcrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#if defined(__ARMEL__)
.syntax unified
/* structure of crypto context */
#define s0 0
#define s1 (s0 + (1 * 256) * 4)
#define s2 (s0 + (2 * 256) * 4)
#define s3 (s0 + (3 * 256) * 4)
#define p (s3 + (1 * 256) * 4)
/* register macros */
#define CTXs0 %r0
#define CTXs1 %r9
#define CTXs2 %r8
#define CTXs3 %r10
#define RMASK %lr
#define RKEYL %r2
#define RKEYR %ip
#define RL0 %r3
#define RR0 %r4
#define RL1 %r9
#define RR1 %r10
#define RT0 %r11
#define RT1 %r7
#define RT2 %r5
#define RT3 %r6
/* helper macros */
#define ldr_unaligned_le(rout, rsrc, offs, rtmp) \
ldrb rout, [rsrc, #((offs) + 0)]; \
ldrb rtmp, [rsrc, #((offs) + 1)]; \
orr rout, rout, rtmp, lsl #8; \
ldrb rtmp, [rsrc, #((offs) + 2)]; \
orr rout, rout, rtmp, lsl #16; \
ldrb rtmp, [rsrc, #((offs) + 3)]; \
orr rout, rout, rtmp, lsl #24;
#define str_unaligned_le(rin, rdst, offs, rtmp0, rtmp1) \
mov rtmp0, rin, lsr #8; \
strb rin, [rdst, #((offs) + 0)]; \
mov rtmp1, rin, lsr #16; \
strb rtmp0, [rdst, #((offs) + 1)]; \
mov rtmp0, rin, lsr #24; \
strb rtmp1, [rdst, #((offs) + 2)]; \
strb rtmp0, [rdst, #((offs) + 3)];
#define ldr_unaligned_be(rout, rsrc, offs, rtmp) \
ldrb rout, [rsrc, #((offs) + 3)]; \
ldrb rtmp, [rsrc, #((offs) + 2)]; \
orr rout, rout, rtmp, lsl #8; \
ldrb rtmp, [rsrc, #((offs) + 1)]; \
orr rout, rout, rtmp, lsl #16; \
ldrb rtmp, [rsrc, #((offs) + 0)]; \
orr rout, rout, rtmp, lsl #24;
#define str_unaligned_be(rin, rdst, offs, rtmp0, rtmp1) \
mov rtmp0, rin, lsr #8; \
strb rin, [rdst, #((offs) + 3)]; \
mov rtmp1, rin, lsr #16; \
strb rtmp0, [rdst, #((offs) + 2)]; \
mov rtmp0, rin, lsr #24; \
strb rtmp1, [rdst, #((offs) + 1)]; \
strb rtmp0, [rdst, #((offs) + 0)];
#ifdef __ARMEL__
#define ldr_unaligned_host ldr_unaligned_le
#define str_unaligned_host str_unaligned_le
/* bswap on little-endian */
#define host_to_be(reg, rtmp) \
rev reg, reg;
#define be_to_host(reg, rtmp) \
rev reg, reg;
#define host_to_be(reg, rtmp) \
eor rtmp, reg, reg, ror #16; \
mov rtmp, rtmp, lsr #8; \
bic rtmp, rtmp, #65280; \
eor reg, rtmp, reg, ror #8;
#define be_to_host(reg, rtmp) \
eor rtmp, reg, reg, ror #16; \
mov rtmp, rtmp, lsr #8; \
bic rtmp, rtmp, #65280; \
eor reg, rtmp, reg, ror #8;
#define ldr_unaligned_host ldr_unaligned_be
#define str_unaligned_host str_unaligned_be
/* nop on big-endian */
#define host_to_be(reg, rtmp) /*_*/
#define be_to_host(reg, rtmp) /*_*/
#define host_to_host(x, y) /*_*/
* 1-way blowfish
#define F(l, r) \
and RT0, RMASK, l, lsr#(24 - 2); \
and RT1, RMASK, l, lsr#(16 - 2); \
ldr RT0, [CTXs0, RT0]; \
and RT2, RMASK, l, lsr#(8 - 2); \
ldr RT1, [CTXs1, RT1]; \
and RT3, RMASK, l, lsl#2; \
ldr RT2, [CTXs2, RT2]; \
add RT0, RT1; \
ldr RT3, [CTXs3, RT3]; \
eor RT0, RT2; \
add RT0, RT3; \
eor r, RT0;
#define load_roundkey_enc(n) \
ldr RKEYL, [CTXs2, #((p - s2) + (4 * (n) + 0))]; \
ldr RKEYR, [CTXs2, #((p - s2) + (4 * (n) + 4))];
#define add_roundkey_enc() \
eor RL0, RKEYL; \
eor RR0, RKEYR;
#define round_enc(n) \
add_roundkey_enc(); \
load_roundkey_enc(n); \
F(RL0, RR0); \
F(RR0, RL0);
#define load_roundkey_dec(n) \
ldr RKEYL, [CTXs2, #((p - s2) + (4 * ((n) - 1) + 4))]; \
ldr RKEYR, [CTXs2, #((p - s2) + (4 * ((n) - 1) + 0))];
#define add_roundkey_dec() \
eor RL0, RKEYL; \
eor RR0, RKEYR;
#define round_dec(n) \
add_roundkey_dec(); \
load_roundkey_dec(n); \
F(RL0, RR0); \
F(RR0, RL0);
#define read_block_aligned(rin, offs, l0, r0, convert, rtmp) \
ldr l0, [rin, #((offs) + 0)]; \
ldr r0, [rin, #((offs) + 4)]; \
convert(l0, rtmp); \
convert(r0, rtmp);
#define write_block_aligned(rout, offs, l0, r0, convert, rtmp) \
convert(l0, rtmp); \
convert(r0, rtmp); \
str l0, [rout, #((offs) + 0)]; \
str r0, [rout, #((offs) + 4)];
/* unaligned word reads allowed */
#define read_block(rin, offs, l0, r0, rtmp0) \
read_block_aligned(rin, offs, l0, r0, host_to_be, rtmp0)
#define write_block(rout, offs, r0, l0, rtmp0, rtmp1) \
write_block_aligned(rout, offs, r0, l0, be_to_host, rtmp0)
#define read_block_host(rin, offs, l0, r0, rtmp0) \
read_block_aligned(rin, offs, l0, r0, host_to_host, rtmp0)
#define write_block_host(rout, offs, r0, l0, rtmp0, rtmp1) \
write_block_aligned(rout, offs, r0, l0, host_to_host, rtmp0)
/* need to handle unaligned reads by byte reads */
#define read_block(rin, offs, l0, r0, rtmp0) \
tst rin, #3; \
beq 1f; \
ldr_unaligned_be(l0, rin, (offs) + 0, rtmp0); \
ldr_unaligned_be(r0, rin, (offs) + 4, rtmp0); \
b 2f; \
read_block_aligned(rin, offs, l0, r0, host_to_be, rtmp0); \
#define write_block(rout, offs, l0, r0, rtmp0, rtmp1) \
tst rout, #3; \
beq 1f; \
str_unaligned_be(l0, rout, (offs) + 0, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
str_unaligned_be(r0, rout, (offs) + 4, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
b 2f; \
write_block_aligned(rout, offs, l0, r0, be_to_host, rtmp0); \
#define read_block_host(rin, offs, l0, r0, rtmp0) \
tst rin, #3; \
beq 1f; \
ldr_unaligned_host(l0, rin, (offs) + 0, rtmp0); \
ldr_unaligned_host(r0, rin, (offs) + 4, rtmp0); \
b 2f; \
read_block_aligned(rin, offs, l0, r0, host_to_host, rtmp0); \
#define write_block_host(rout, offs, l0, r0, rtmp0, rtmp1) \
tst rout, #3; \
beq 1f; \
str_unaligned_host(l0, rout, (offs) + 0, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
str_unaligned_host(r0, rout, (offs) + 4, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
b 2f; \
write_block_aligned(rout, offs, l0, r0, host_to_host); \
.align 3
.type __blowfish_enc_blk1,%function;
/* input:
* preloaded: CTX
* [RL0, RR0]: src
* output:
* [RR0, RL0]: dst
push {%lr};
add CTXs1, CTXs0, #(s1 - s0);
add CTXs2, CTXs0, #(s2 - s0);
mov RMASK, #(0xff << 2); /* byte mask */
add CTXs3, CTXs1, #(s3 - s1);
pop {%pc};
.size __blowfish_enc_blk1,.-__blowfish_enc_blk1;
.align 8
.globl _gcry_blowfish_arm_do_encrypt
.type _gcry_blowfish_arm_do_encrypt,%function;
/* input:
* %r0: ctx, CTX
* %r1: u32 *ret_xl
* %r2: u32 *ret_xr
push {%r2, %r4-%r11, %ip, %lr};
ldr RL0, [%r1];
ldr RR0, [%r2];
bl __blowfish_enc_blk1;
pop {%r2};
str RR0, [%r1];
str RL0, [%r2];
pop {%r4-%r11, %ip, %pc};
.size _gcry_blowfish_arm_do_encrypt,.-_gcry_blowfish_arm_do_encrypt;
.align 3
.globl _gcry_blowfish_arm_encrypt_block
.type _gcry_blowfish_arm_encrypt_block,%function;
/* input:
* %r0: ctx, CTX
* %r1: dst
* %r2: src
push {%r4-%r11, %ip, %lr};
read_block(%r2, 0, RL0, RR0, RT0);
bl __blowfish_enc_blk1;
write_block(%r1, 0, RR0, RL0, RT0, RT1);
pop {%r4-%r11, %ip, %pc};
.size _gcry_blowfish_arm_encrypt_block,.-_gcry_blowfish_arm_encrypt_block;
.align 3
.globl _gcry_blowfish_arm_decrypt_block
.type _gcry_blowfish_arm_decrypt_block,%function;
/* input:
* %r0: ctx, CTX
* %r1: dst
* %r2: src
push {%r4-%r11, %ip, %lr};
add CTXs1, CTXs0, #(s1 - s0);
add CTXs2, CTXs0, #(s2 - s0);
mov RMASK, #(0xff << 2); /* byte mask */
add CTXs3, CTXs1, #(s3 - s1);
read_block(%r2, 0, RL0, RR0, RT0);
write_block(%r1, 0, RR0, RL0, RT0, RT1);
pop {%r4-%r11, %ip, %pc};
.size _gcry_blowfish_arm_decrypt_block,.-_gcry_blowfish_arm_decrypt_block;
* 2-way blowfish
#define F2(n, l0, r0, l1, r1, set_nextk, dec) \
and RT0, RMASK, l0, lsr#(24 - 2); \
and RT1, RMASK, l0, lsr#(16 - 2); \
and RT2, RMASK, l0, lsr#(8 - 2); \
add RT1, #(s1 - s0); \
ldr RT0, [CTXs0, RT0]; \
and RT3, RMASK, l0, lsl#2; \
ldr RT1, [CTXs0, RT1]; \
add RT3, #(s3 - s2); \
ldr RT2, [CTXs2, RT2]; \
add RT0, RT1; \
ldr RT3, [CTXs2, RT3]; \
and RT1, RMASK, l1, lsr#(24 - 2); \
eor RT0, RT2; \
and RT2, RMASK, l1, lsr#(16 - 2); \
add RT0, RT3; \
add RT2, #(s1 - s0); \
and RT3, RMASK, l1, lsr#(8 - 2); \
eor r0, RT0; \
ldr RT1, [CTXs0, RT1]; \
and RT0, RMASK, l1, lsl#2; \
ldr RT2, [CTXs0, RT2]; \
add RT0, #(s3 - s2); \
ldr RT3, [CTXs2, RT3]; \
add RT1, RT2; \
ldr RT0, [CTXs2, RT0]; \
and RT2, RMASK, r0, lsr#(24 - 2); \
eor RT1, RT3; \
and RT3, RMASK, r0, lsr#(16 - 2); \
add RT1, RT0; \
add RT3, #(s1 - s0); \
and RT0, RMASK, r0, lsr#(8 - 2); \
eor r1, RT1; \
ldr RT2, [CTXs0, RT2]; \
and RT1, RMASK, r0, lsl#2; \
ldr RT3, [CTXs0, RT3]; \
add RT1, #(s3 - s2); \
ldr RT0, [CTXs2, RT0]; \
add RT2, RT3; \
ldr RT1, [CTXs2, RT1]; \
and RT3, RMASK, r1, lsr#(24 - 2); \
eor RT2, RT0; \
and RT0, RMASK, r1, lsr#(16 - 2); \
add RT2, RT1; \
add RT0, #(s1 - s0); \
and RT1, RMASK, r1, lsr#(8 - 2); \
eor l0, RT2; \
ldr RT3, [CTXs0, RT3]; \
and RT2, RMASK, r1, lsl#2; \
ldr RT0, [CTXs0, RT0]; \
add RT2, #(s3 - s2); \
ldr RT1, [CTXs2, RT1]; \
eor l1, RKEYL; \
ldr RT2, [CTXs2, RT2]; \
eor r0, RKEYR; \
add RT3, RT0; \
eor r1, RKEYR; \
eor RT3, RT1; \
eor l0, RKEYL; \
add RT3, RT2; \
set_nextk(RKEYL, (p - s2) + (4 * (n) + ((dec) * 4))); \
eor l1, RT3; \
set_nextk(RKEYR, (p - s2) + (4 * (n) + (!(dec) * 4)));
#define load_n_add_roundkey_enc2(n) \
load_roundkey_enc(n); \
eor RL0, RKEYL; \
eor RR0, RKEYR; \
eor RL1, RKEYL; \
eor RR1, RKEYR; \
load_roundkey_enc((n) + 2);
#define next_key(reg, offs) \
ldr reg, [CTXs2, #(offs)];
#define dummy(x, y) /* do nothing */
#define round_enc2(n, load_next_key) \
F2((n) + 2, RL0, RR0, RL1, RR1, load_next_key, 0);
#define load_n_add_roundkey_dec2(n) \
load_roundkey_dec(n); \
eor RL0, RKEYL; \
eor RR0, RKEYR; \
eor RL1, RKEYL; \
eor RR1, RKEYR; \
load_roundkey_dec((n) - 2);
#define round_dec2(n, load_next_key) \
F2((n) - 3, RL0, RR0, RL1, RR1, load_next_key, 1);
#define read_block2_aligned(rin, l0, r0, l1, r1, convert, rtmp) \
ldr l0, [rin, #(0)]; \
ldr r0, [rin, #(4)]; \
convert(l0, rtmp); \
ldr l1, [rin, #(8)]; \
convert(r0, rtmp); \
ldr r1, [rin, #(12)]; \
convert(l1, rtmp); \
convert(r1, rtmp);
#define write_block2_aligned(rout, l0, r0, l1, r1, convert, rtmp) \
convert(l0, rtmp); \
convert(r0, rtmp); \
convert(l1, rtmp); \
str l0, [rout, #(0)]; \
convert(r1, rtmp); \
str r0, [rout, #(4)]; \
str l1, [rout, #(8)]; \
str r1, [rout, #(12)];
/* unaligned word reads allowed */
#define read_block2(rin, l0, r0, l1, r1, rtmp0) \
read_block2_aligned(rin, l0, r0, l1, r1, host_to_be, rtmp0)
#define write_block2(rout, l0, r0, l1, r1, rtmp0, rtmp1) \
write_block2_aligned(rout, l0, r0, l1, r1, be_to_host, rtmp0)
#define read_block2_host(rin, l0, r0, l1, r1, rtmp0) \
read_block2_aligned(rin, l0, r0, l1, r1, host_to_host, rtmp0)
#define write_block2_host(rout, l0, r0, l1, r1, rtmp0, rtmp1) \
write_block2_aligned(rout, l0, r0, l1, r1, host_to_host, rtmp0)
/* need to handle unaligned reads by byte reads */
#define read_block2(rin, l0, r0, l1, r1, rtmp0) \
tst rin, #3; \
beq 1f; \
ldr_unaligned_be(l0, rin, 0, rtmp0); \
ldr_unaligned_be(r0, rin, 4, rtmp0); \
ldr_unaligned_be(l1, rin, 8, rtmp0); \
ldr_unaligned_be(r1, rin, 12, rtmp0); \
b 2f; \
read_block2_aligned(rin, l0, r0, l1, r1, host_to_be, rtmp0); \
#define write_block2(rout, l0, r0, l1, r1, rtmp0, rtmp1) \
tst rout, #3; \
beq 1f; \
str_unaligned_be(l0, rout, 0, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
str_unaligned_be(r0, rout, 4, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
str_unaligned_be(l1, rout, 8, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
str_unaligned_be(r1, rout, 12, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
b 2f; \
write_block2_aligned(rout, l0, r0, l1, r1, be_to_host, rtmp0); \
#define read_block2_host(rin, l0, r0, l1, r1, rtmp0) \
tst rin, #3; \
beq 1f; \
ldr_unaligned_host(l0, rin, 0, rtmp0); \
ldr_unaligned_host(r0, rin, 4, rtmp0); \
ldr_unaligned_host(l1, rin, 8, rtmp0); \
ldr_unaligned_host(r1, rin, 12, rtmp0); \
b 2f; \
read_block2_aligned(rin, l0, r0, l1, r1, host_to_host, rtmp0); \
#define write_block2_host(rout, l0, r0, l1, r1, rtmp0, rtmp1) \
tst rout, #3; \
beq 1f; \
str_unaligned_host(l0, rout, 0, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
str_unaligned_host(r0, rout, 4, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
str_unaligned_host(l1, rout, 8, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
str_unaligned_host(r1, rout, 12, rtmp0, rtmp1); \
b 2f; \
write_block2_aligned(rout, l0, r0, l1, r1, host_to_host, rtmp0); \
.align 3
.type _gcry_blowfish_arm_enc_blk2,%function;
/* input:
* preloaded: CTX
* [RL0, RR0], [RL1, RR1]: src
* output:
* [RR0, RL0], [RR1, RL1]: dst
push {RT0,%lr};
add CTXs2, CTXs0, #(s2 - s0);
mov RMASK, #(0xff << 2); /* byte mask */
round_enc2(2, next_key);
round_enc2(4, next_key);
round_enc2(6, next_key);
round_enc2(8, next_key);
round_enc2(10, next_key);
round_enc2(12, next_key);
round_enc2(14, next_key);
round_enc2(16, dummy);
host_to_be(RR0, RT0);
host_to_be(RL0, RT0);
host_to_be(RR1, RT0);
host_to_be(RL1, RT0);
pop {RT0,%pc};
.size _gcry_blowfish_arm_enc_blk2,.-_gcry_blowfish_arm_enc_blk2;
.align 3
.globl _gcry_blowfish_arm_cfb_dec;
.type _gcry_blowfish_arm_cfb_dec,%function;
/* input:
* %r0: CTX
* %r1: dst (2 blocks)
* %r2: src (2 blocks)
* %r3: iv (64bit)
push {%r2, %r4-%r11, %ip, %lr};
mov %lr, %r3;
/* Load input (iv/%r3 is aligned, src/%r2 might not be) */
ldm %r3, {RL0, RR0};
host_to_be(RL0, RT0);
host_to_be(RR0, RT0);
read_block(%r2, 0, RL1, RR1, RT0);
/* Update IV, load src[1] and save to iv[0] */
read_block_host(%r2, 8, %r5, %r6, RT0);
stm %lr, {%r5, %r6};
bl _gcry_blowfish_arm_enc_blk2;
/* result in RR0:RL0, RR1:RL1 = %r4:%r3, %r10:%r9 */
/* %r1: dst, %r0: %src */
pop {%r0};
/* dst = src ^ result */
read_block2_host(%r0, %r5, %r6, %r7, %r8, %lr);
eor %r5, %r4;
eor %r6, %r3;
eor %r7, %r10;
eor %r8, %r9;
write_block2_host(%r1, %r5, %r6, %r7, %r8, %r9, %r10);
pop {%r4-%r11, %ip, %pc};
.size _gcry_blowfish_arm_cfb_dec,.-_gcry_blowfish_arm_cfb_dec;
.align 3
.globl _gcry_blowfish_arm_ctr_enc;
.type _gcry_blowfish_arm_ctr_enc,%function;
/* input:
* %r0: CTX
* %r1: dst (2 blocks)
* %r2: src (2 blocks)
* %r3: iv (64bit, big-endian)
push {%r2, %r4-%r11, %ip, %lr};
mov %lr, %r3;
/* Load IV (big => host endian) */
read_block_aligned(%lr, 0, RL0, RR0, be_to_host, RT0);
/* Construct IVs */
adds RR1, RR0, #1; /* +1 */
adc RL1, RL0, #0;
adds %r6, RR1, #1; /* +2 */
adc %r5, RL1, #0;
/* Store new IV (host => big-endian) */
write_block_aligned(%lr, 0, %r5, %r6, host_to_be, RT0);
bl _gcry_blowfish_arm_enc_blk2;
/* result in RR0:RL0, RR1:RL1 = %r4:%r3, %r10:%r9 */
/* %r1: dst, %r0: %src */
pop {%r0};
/* XOR key-stream with plaintext */
read_block2_host(%r0, %r5, %r6, %r7, %r8, %lr);
eor %r5, %r4;
eor %r6, %r3;
eor %r7, %r10;
eor %r8, %r9;
write_block2_host(%r1, %r5, %r6, %r7, %r8, %r9, %r10);
pop {%r4-%r11, %ip, %pc};
.size _gcry_blowfish_arm_ctr_enc,.-_gcry_blowfish_arm_ctr_enc;
.align 3
.type _gcry_blowfish_arm_dec_blk2,%function;
/* input:
* preloaded: CTX
* [RL0, RR0], [RL1, RR1]: src
* output:
* [RR0, RL0], [RR1, RL1]: dst
add CTXs2, CTXs0, #(s2 - s0);
mov RMASK, #(0xff << 2); /* byte mask */
round_dec2(15, next_key);
round_dec2(13, next_key);
round_dec2(11, next_key);
round_dec2(9, next_key);
round_dec2(7, next_key);
round_dec2(5, next_key);
round_dec2(3, next_key);
round_dec2(1, dummy);
host_to_be(RR0, RT0);
host_to_be(RL0, RT0);
host_to_be(RR1, RT0);
host_to_be(RL1, RT0);
b .Ldec_cbc_tail;
.size _gcry_blowfish_arm_dec_blk2,.-_gcry_blowfish_arm_dec_blk2;
.align 3
.globl _gcry_blowfish_arm_cbc_dec;
.type _gcry_blowfish_arm_cbc_dec,%function;
/* input:
* %r0: CTX
* %r1: dst (2 blocks)
* %r2: src (2 blocks)
* %r3: iv (64bit)
push {%r2-%r11, %ip, %lr};
read_block2(%r2, RL0, RR0, RL1, RR1, RT0);
/* dec_blk2 is only used by cbc_dec, jump directly in/out instead
* of function call. */
b _gcry_blowfish_arm_dec_blk2;
/* result in RR0:RL0, RR1:RL1 = %r4:%r3, %r10:%r9 */
/* %r0: %src, %r1: dst, %r2: iv */
pop {%r0, %r2};
/* load IV+1 (src[0]) to %r7:%r8. Might be unaligned. */
read_block_host(%r0, 0, %r7, %r8, %r5);
/* load IV (iv[0]) to %r5:%r6. 'iv' is aligned. */
ldm %r2, {%r5, %r6};
/* out[1] ^= IV+1 */
eor %r10, %r7;
eor %r9, %r8;
/* out[0] ^= IV */
eor %r4, %r5;
eor %r3, %r6;
/* load IV+2 (src[1]) to %r7:%r8. Might be unaligned. */
read_block_host(%r0, 8, %r7, %r8, %r5);
/* store IV+2 to iv[0] (aligned). */
stm %r2, {%r7, %r8};
/* store result to dst[0-3]. Might be unaligned. */
write_block2_host(%r1, %r4, %r3, %r10, %r9, %r5, %r6);
pop {%r4-%r11, %ip, %pc};
.size _gcry_blowfish_arm_cbc_dec,.-_gcry_blowfish_arm_cbc_dec;
#endif /*__ARM_ARCH >= 6*/