# Tests abdl.py
import abdl
import hypothesis
import hypothesis.strategies as st
import collections.abc
import itertools
import re
import traceback
abdl.DeprecationError.enable_key_match_compat = False
# use abdl's _pairs for consistency.
pairs = abdl._vm._pairs
# do not put integers, floats, etc here
# do not put bytes, they iterate as integers
hashables = st.deferred(lambda: st.text() | st.frozensets(hashables) | st.lists(hashables).map(tuple))
values = st.deferred(lambda: hashables | objtree)
objtree = st.deferred(lambda: st.text() | st.dictionaries(hashables, values) | st.lists(values) | st.sets(hashables) | st.lists(hashables).map(tuple))
# note: use all() so as to not eat all the RAM :p
class LogAndCompare:
def __init__(self, left, right):
self.log = []
self.iter = self.genny(left, right)
def genny(self, left, right):
def wrap_exc(it):
for x in it:
yield x
except abdl.ValidationError as e:
yield e
for (l, r) in itertools.zip_longest(wrap_exc(left), wrap_exc(right), fillvalue=object()):
self.log.append((l, r))
yield l == r or (type(l), type(r)) == (abdl.ValidationError,)*2
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
return next(self.iter)
def __repr__(self):
return "<LogAndCompare(log=" + repr(self.log) + ")>"
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->X")))
def test_basic_iterator(foo, pat):
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), map(lambda x: {"X": x}, pairs(foo))))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->X->Y")))
def test_two_depths(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
for y in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"X": x, "Y": y}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->X->Y->Z->W")))
def test_four_depths(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
for y in pairs(x[1]):
for z in pairs(y[1]):
for w in pairs(z[1]):
yield {"X": x, "Y": y, "Z": z, "W": w}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(st.dictionaries(st.text(), st.text()) | st.sets(st.text()), st.just(abdl.compile("->/.../")))
def test_regex(foo, pat):
# no bindings on this one :<
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if re.search("...", x[0]):
yield {}
raise abdl.ValidationError
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->/.../?")))
def test_regex_skippable_vs_objtree(foo, pat):
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), ({} for x in pairs(foo) if isinstance(x[0], str) and re.search("...", x[0]))))
@hypothesis.given(st.dictionaries(st.text(), st.text()) | st.sets(st.text()), st.just(abdl.compile("->/.../->Y")))
def test_regex_and_bind(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if re.search("...", x[0]):
for y in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"Y": y}
raise abdl.ValidationError
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->/.../?->Y")))
def test_regex_skippable_and_bind_vs_objtree(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[0], str) and re.search("...", x[0]):
for y in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"Y": y}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->/^...$/?->Y")))
def test_regex_anchored_skippable_and_bind_vs_objtree(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[0], str) and re.search("^...$", x[0]):
for y in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"Y": y}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->''?->Y")))
def test_empty_literal_vs_objtree(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if x[0] == '':
for y in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"Y": y}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
defs = {'a': (dict, list, set)}
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->X:?$a->Y", defs=defs)))
def test_type(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[1], (dict, list, set)):
for y in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"X": x, "Y": y}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
defs = {'a': (dict, list, set), 'b': (dict, set), 'c': dict}
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->X:?$a:?$b:?$c->Y", defs=defs)))
def test_multi_type(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[1], dict):
for y in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"X": x, "Y": y}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
defs = {'a': (dict, list, set), 'b': (dict, set), 'c': dict}
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->X:$a:$b:$c->Y", defs=defs)))
def test_multi_type_with_validation_errors(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[1], dict):
for y in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"X": x, "Y": y}
raise abdl.ValidationError
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
defs = {'a': (dict, list, set), 'b': (dict, set), 'c': dict}
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->X:?$a:?$b:?$c", defs=defs)))
def test_multi_type_at_end(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[1], dict):
yield {"X": x}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(st.dictionaries(st.frozensets(st.text()), st.text()), st.just(abdl.compile("->[:?$sets->A]->D", {'sets': collections.abc.Set})))
def test_subtree_partial(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[0], collections.abc.Set):
for a in pairs(x[0]):
for d in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"A": a, "D": d}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->tag[]")))
def test_tagged_key(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
yield {"tag": x}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->[]->D")))
def test_key_dummy(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
for d in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"D": d}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->X->$a->Z", {'a': '0'})))
def test_param(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
y = x[1]['0']
except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError):
raise abdl.ValidationError
for z in pairs(y):
yield {"X": x, "Z": z}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->tag/.../?")))
def test_tagged_regex(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[0], str) and re.search("...", x[0]):
yield {"tag": x}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->tag'0'?")))
def test_tagged_str(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
yield {"tag": ('0', foo['0'])}
except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError):
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->tag$?a", {'a': '0'})))
def test_tagged_param(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
yield {"tag": ('0', foo['0'])}
except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError):
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
def test_basic_value_subtree():
matcher = abdl.match("(->foo'foo')(->bar'bar')", {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2})
assert list(matcher) == [{'foo': ('foo', 1), 'bar': ('bar', 2)}]
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->[:?$sets]->D", {'sets': collections.abc.Set})))
def test_key_predicate(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[0], collections.abc.Set):
for d in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"D": d}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->[:?$sets:?$sets->V]->D", {'sets': collections.abc.Set})))
def test_multi_key_predicate_with_values(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[0], collections.abc.Set):
if isinstance(x[0], collections.abc.Set):
for v in pairs(x[0]):
for d in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"V": v, "D": d}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("->[:?$sets:?$sets]->D", {'sets': collections.abc.Set})))
def test_multi_key_predicate(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
for x in pairs(foo):
if isinstance(x[0], collections.abc.Set):
if isinstance(x[0], collections.abc.Set):
for d in pairs(x[1]):
yield {"D": d}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.just(abdl.compile("")))
def test_empty(foo, pat):
def deep(foo):
yield {}
assert all(LogAndCompare(pat.match(foo), deep(foo)))
#@hypothesis.given(objtree, st.text())
#def test_exhaustive(foo, pat):
# hypothesis.assume(not re.match("^%s+$", pat))
# hypothesis.assume(pat)
# try:
# compiled = abdl.compile(pat)
# print(pat)
# except abdl.PatternError:
# hypothesis.assume(False)
# compiled.match(foo)