#!/usr/bin/env python3 # GAnarchy - project homepage generator # Copyright (C) 2019 Soni L. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import sqlite3 import click import os import subprocess import hashlib import hmac import jinja2 import re MIGRATIONS = { "gen-index": ( ( """ALTER TABLE "config" ADD COLUMN "title" TEXT"""), (), "supports generating an index page" ), "better-project-management": ( ( """ALTER TABLE "repos" ADD COLUMN "branch" TEXT""", """ALTER TABLE "repos" ADD COLUMN "project" TEXT""", """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "repos_url_branch_project" ON "repos" ("url", "branch", "project")""", """CREATE INDEX "repos_project" ON "repos" ("project")""", """ALTER TABLE "repo_history" ADD COLUMN "branch" TEXT""", """ALTER TABLE "repo_history" ADD COLUMN "project" TEXT""", """CREATE INDEX "repo_history_url_branch_project" ON "repo_history" ("url", "branch", "project")"""), ( """DELETE FROM "repos" WHERE "branch" IS NOT NULL OR "project" IS NOT NULL""", """DELETE FROM "repo_history" WHERE "branch" IS NOT NULL OR "project" IS NOT NULL"""), "supports multiple projects, and allows choosing non-default branches" ), "test": ( ("""-- apply""",), ("""-- revert""",), "does nothing" ) } data_home = os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME', '') if not data_home: data_home = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.local/share' data_home = data_home + "/ganarchy" cache_home = os.environ.get('XDG_CACHE_HOME', '') if not cache_home: cache_home = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.cache' cache_home = cache_home + "/ganarchy" config_home = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '') if not config_home: config_home = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.config' config_home = config_home + "/ganarchy" config_dirs = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', '') if not config_dirs: config_dirs = '/etc/xdg' # TODO check if this is correct config_dirs = [config_dir + "/ganarchy" for config_dir in config_dirs.split(':')] def get_template_loader(): from jinja2 import DictLoader, FileSystemLoader, ChoiceLoader return ChoiceLoader([ FileSystemLoader([config_home + "/templates"] + [config_dir + "/templates" for config_dir in config_dirs]), DictLoader({ ## index.html 'index.html': """ ck.option('--disabled', default=False, is_flag=True, help="Mark the repo as disabled") @click.argument('url') def add(branch, project, disabled, url): """Adds a repo to track.""" conn = sqlite3.connect(data_home + "/ganarchy.db") c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT "git_commit", "base_url" FROM "config"''') (project_commit, base_url) = c.fetchone() if project_commit == project: project = None c.execute('''INSERT INTO "repos" ("url", "active", "branch", "project") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)''', (url, int(not disabled), branch, project)) conn.commit() conn.close() @repo.command() @click.option('--branch', default=None, help="Sets the branch to be used for the repo") @click.option('--project', default=None, help="Sets the project commit to be used for the repo") @click.argument('url') def enable(branch, project, url): """Enables tracking of a repo.""" conn = sqlite3.connect(data_home + "/ganarchy.db") c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT "git_commit", "base_url" FROM "config"''') (project_commit, base_url) = c.fetchone() if project_commit == project: project = None c.execute('''UPDATE "repos" SET "active"=1 WHERE "url"=? AND "branch" IS ? AND "project" IS ?''', (url, branch, project)) conn.commit() conn.close() @repo.command() @click.option('--branch', default=None, help="Sets the branch to be used for the repo") @click.option('--project', default=None, help="Sets the project commit to be used for the repo") @click.argument('url') def disable(branch, project, url): """Disables tracking of a repo.""" conn = sqlite3.connect(data_home + "/ganarchy.db") c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT "git_commit", "base_url" FROM "config"''') (project_commit, base_url) = c.fetchone() if project_commit == project: project = None c.execute('''UPDATE repos SET "active"=0 WHERE "url"=? AND "branch" IS ? AND "project" IS ?''', (url, branch, project)) conn.commit() conn.close() @repo.command() @click.option('--branch', default=None, help="Sets the branch to be used for the repo") @click.option('--project', default=None, help="Sets the project commit to be used for the repo") @click.argument('url') def remove(branch, project, url): """Stops tracking a repo.""" click.confirm("WARNING: This operation does not delete the commits associated with the given repo! Are you sure you want to continue? This operation cannot be undone.") conn = sqlite3.connect(data_home + "/ganarchy.db") c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT "git_commit", "base_url" FROM "config"''') (project_commit, base_url) = c.fetchone() if project_commit == project: project = None c.execute('''DELETE FROM "repos" WHERE "url"=? AND "branch" IS ? AND "project" IS ?''', (url, branch, project)) c.execute('''DELETE FROM "repo_history" WHERE "url"=? AND "branch" IS ? AND "project" IS ?''', (url, branch, project)) conn.commit() conn.close() def migrations(): @ganarchy.group() def migrations(): """Modifies the DB to work with a newer/older version. WARNING: THIS COMMAND CAN BE EXTREMELY DESTRUCTIVE!""" @migrations.command() @click.argument('migration') def apply(migration): """Applies the migration with the given name.""" conn = sqlite3.connect(data_home + "/ganarchy.db") c = conn.cursor() click.echo(MIGRATIONS[migration][0]) for migration in MIGRATIONS[migration][0]: c.execute(migration) conn.commit() conn.close() @click.argument('migration') @migrations.command() def revert(migration): """Reverts the migration with the given name.""" conn = sqlite3.connect(data_home + "/ganarchy.db") c = conn.cursor() click.echo(MIGRATIONS[migration][1]) for migration in MIGRATIONS[migration][1]: c.execute(migration) conn.commit() conn.close() @click.argument('migration', required=False) @migrations.command() def info(migration): """Shows information about the migration with the given name.""" if not migration: # TODO could be improved click.echo(MIGRATIONS.keys()) else: click.echo(MIGRATIONS[migration][2]) migrations() class GitError(LookupError): """Raised when a git operation fails, generally due to a missing commit or branch, or network connection issues.""" pass class Git: def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.base = ("git", "-C", path) def get_hash(self, target): try: return subprocess.check_output(self.base + ("show", target, "-s", "--format=format:%H", "--"), stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise GitError from e def get_commit_message(self, target): try: return subprocess.check_output(self.base + ("show", target, "-s", "--format=format:%B", "--"), stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode("utf-8", "replace") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise GitError from e # Currently we only use one git repo, at cache_home GIT = Git(cache_home) class Repo: def __init__(self, dbconn, project, url, branch, head_commit, list_metadata=False): self.url = url self.branch = branch self.project_commit = project.commit if not branch: self.branchname = "gan" + hashlib.sha256(url.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() self.head = "HEAD" else: self.branchname = "gan" + hmac.new(branch.encode("utf-8"), url.encode("utf-8"), "sha256").hexdigest() self.head = "refs/heads/" + branch if head_commit: self.hash = head_commit else: try: self.hash = GIT.get_hash(self.branchname) except GitError: self.hash = None self.message = None if list_metadata: try: self.update_metadata() except GitError: pass def update_metadata(self): self.message = GIT.get_commit_message(self.branchname) def update(self): """ Updates the git repo, returning new metadata. """ try: subprocess.check_output(["git", "-C", cache_home, "fetch", "-q", self.url, "+" + self.head + ":" + self.branchname], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # This may error for various reasons, but some are important: dead links, etc click.echo(e.output, err=True) return None pre_hash = self.hash try: post_hash = GIT.get_hash(self.branchname) except GitError as e: # This should never happen, but maybe there's some edge cases? # Can you force-push an empty branch? # TODO return None self.hash = post_hash if not pre_hash: pre_hash = post_hash try: count = int(subprocess.check_output(["git", "-C", cache_home, "rev-list", "--count", pre_hash + ".." + post_hash, "--"]).decode("utf-8").strip()) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: count = 0 # force-pushed try: subprocess.check_call(["git", "-C", cache_home, "merge-base", "--is-ancestor", self.project_commit, self.branchname], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) self.update_metadata() return count, post_hash, self.message except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, GitError) as e: click.echo(e, err=True) return None class Project: def __init__(self, dbconn, ganarchy, project_commit, list_repos=False): self.commit = project_commit if ganarchy.project_commit == project_commit: project_commit = None self.refresh_metadata() if list_repos: repos = [] with dbconn: for (e, url, branch, head_commit) in dbconn.execute('''SELECT "max"("e"), "url", "branch", "head_commit" FROM (SELECT "max"("T1"."entry") "e", "T1"."url", "T1"."branch", "T1"."head_commit" FROM "repo_history" "T1" WHERE (SELECT "active" FROM "repos" "T2" WHERE "url" = "T1"."url" AND "branch" IS "T1"."branch" AND "project" IS ?1) GROUP BY "T1"."url", "T1"."branch" UNION SELECT null, "T3"."url", "T3"."branch", null FROM "repos" "T3" WHERE "active" AND "project" IS ?1) GROUP BY "url" ORDER BY "e"''', (project_commit,)): repos.append(Repo(dbconn, self, url, branch, head_commit)) self.repos = repos else: self.repos = None def refresh_metadata(self): try: project = GIT.get_commit_message(self.commit) project_title, project_desc = (lambda x: x.groups() if x is not None else ('', None))(re.fullmatch('^\\[Project\\]\s+(.+?)(?:\n\n(.+))?$', project, flags=re.ASCII|re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE)) if not project_title.strip(): # FIXME project_title, project_desc = ("Error parsing project commit",)*2 if project_desc: # FIXME project_desc = project_desc.strip() self.commit_body = project self.title = project_title self.description = project_desc except GitError: self.commit_body = None self.title = None self.description = None def update(self): # TODO self.refresh_metadata() class GAnarchy: def __init__(self, dbconn, list_projects=False): with dbconn: # TODO #(project_commit, base_url, title) = dbconn.execute('''SELECT "git_commit", "base_url", "title" FROM "config"''').fetchone() (project_commit, base_url) = dbconn.execute('''SELECT "git_commit", "base_url" FROM "config"''').fetchone() title = None self.project_commit = project_commit self.base_url = base_url if not base_url: pass ## TODO if not title: from urllib.parse import urlparse title = "GAnarchy on " + urlparse(base_url).hostname self.title = title if list_projects: projects = [] with dbconn: for (project,) in dbconn.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT "project" FROM "repos" '''): # FIXME? *maybe* sort by activity in the future if project == None: project = self.project_commit projects.append(Project(dbconn, ganarchy, project)) projects.sort(key=lambda project: project.title) self.projects = projects else: self.projects = None @ganarchy.command() @click.argument('project', required=False) def cron_target(project): """Runs ganarchy as a cron target.""" # make sure the cache dir exists os.makedirs(cache_home, exist_ok=True) # make sure it is a git repo subprocess.call(["git", "-C", cache_home, "init", "-q"]) conn = sqlite3.connect(data_home + "/ganarchy.db") instance = GAnarchy(conn, list_projects=project=="index") env = jinja2.Environment(loader=get_template_loader(), autoescape=False) if project == "index": # render the index template = env.get_template('index.html') click.echo(template.render(ganarchy = instance)) return project_commit = instance.project_commit base_url = instance.base_url if not base_url or not (project or project_commit): click.echo("No base URL or project commit specified", err=True) return if project_commit == project: project = None elif project is not None: project_commit = project entries = [] generate_html = [] c = conn.cursor() p = Project(conn, instance, project_commit, list_repos=True) # FIXME: this should be moved into Project.update() for repo in p.repos: result = repo.update() if result is not None: count, post_hash, msg = result entries.append((repo.url, count, post_hash, repo.branch, project)) generate_html.append((repo.url, msg, count, repo.branch)) p.refresh_metadata() # sort stuff twice because reasons entries.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) generate_html.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) c.executemany('''INSERT INTO "repo_history" ("url", "count", "head_commit", "branch", "project") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', entries) conn.commit() html_entries = [] for (url, msg, count, branch) in generate_html: history = c.execute('''SELECT "count" FROM "repo_history" WHERE "url" = ? AND "branch" IS ? AND "project" IS ? ORDER BY "entry" ASC''', (url, branch, project)).fetchall() # TODO process history into SVG html_entries.append((url, msg, "", branch)) template = env.get_template('project.html') click.echo(template.render(project_title = p.title, project_desc = p.description, project_body = p.commit_body, project_commit = p.commit, repos = html_entries, base_url = base_url, # I don't think this thing supports deprecating the above? project = p, ganarchy = instance)) if __name__ == "__main__": ganarchy()