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<title>HexChat 2 Plugin Interface</title>
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<h1>HexChat 2 Plugin Interface</h1>
<font size="-12">plugin20.html revision 2.9.1</font>
<br>Latest version of this document is available at: <a href="https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat/wiki/Plugins">https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat/wiki/Plugins</a></small>
<h2>1. Documentation:</h2>
<a href="#intro">1.0 Introduction</a>
<br><a href="#sample">1.1 Sample plugin</a>
<br><a href="#word">1.2 What is word and word_eol?</a>
<br><a href="#lists">1.3 Lists and fields</a>
<br><a href="#win32">1.4 Plugins on Windows (Win32)</a>
<br><a href="#gui">1.5 Controlling the GUI</a>
<br> <a href="#gui">1.5.1 Basic Control</a>
<br> <a href="#menu">1.5.2 Custom Menu Items</a>
<br> <a href="#tray">1.5.3 System Tray</a>
<br><a href="#unicode">1.6 Handling UTF-8/Unicode strings</a>
<h2>2. Function reference:</h2>
<a href="#xchat_hook_command">xchat_hook_command</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_hook_fd">xchat_hook_fd</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_hook_print">xchat_hook_print</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_hook_server">xchat_hook_server</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_hook_timer">xchat_hook_timer</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_unhook">xchat_unhook</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_command">xchat_command</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_commandf">xchat_commandf</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_print">xchat_print</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_printf">xchat_printf</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_emit_print">xchat_emit_print</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_send_modes">xchat_send_modes</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_find_context">xchat_find_context</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_get_context">xchat_get_context</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_get_info">xchat_get_info</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_get_prefs">xchat_get_prefs</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_set_context">xchat_set_context</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_nickcmp">xchat_nickcmp</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_strip">xchat_strip</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_free">xchat_free</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_pluginpref_set_str">xchat_pluginpref_set_str</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_pluginpref_get_str">xchat_pluginpref_get_str</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_pluginpref_set_int">xchat_pluginpref_set_int</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_pluginpref_get_int">xchat_pluginpref_get_int</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_pluginpref_delete">xchat_pluginpref_delete</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_pluginpref_list">xchat_pluginpref_list</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_get</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_free</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_fields</a> (not documented yet)
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_next</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_str</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_int</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_time</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_plugingui_add">xchat_plugingui_add</a> (not documented yet)
<br><a href="#xchat_plugingui_remove">xchat_plugingui_remove</a> (not documented yet)
<h3><a name=intro>Introduction</a></h3>
Plugins for XChat are written in C. The interface aims to keep 100%
binary compatability. This means that if you upgrade XChat, you will
not need to recompile your plugins, they'll continue to work. The
interface doesn't depend on any structures and offsets, so compiler
versions shouldn't have an impact either. The only real requirement of
an XChat plugin, is that it define a "xchat_plugin_init" symbol. This
is your entry point function, see the example below. You should make
all your global variables and functions <i>static</i>, so that a symbol
is not exported. There is no harm in exporting these symbols, but they
are not necessary and only pollute the name-space. Plugins are compiled as shared objects
(.so files), for example:
Most UNIX systems:<pre>
gcc -Wl,--export-dynamic -Wall -O1 -shared -fPIC myplugin.c -o myplugin.so
gcc -no-cpp-precomp -g -O2 -Wall -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -o myplugin.so myplugin.c
See the <a href="#win32">Windows section</a> on how to compile a plugin
using visual studio.
All strings passed to and from plugins are encoded in UTF-8, regardless
of locale. <a href="#unicode">What does this mean</a>?
<h3><a name=sample>Sample plugin</a></h3>
This simple plugin autoOps anyone who joins a channel you're in. It also
adds a new command /AUTOOPTOGGLE, which can be used to turn the feature ON
or OFF. Every XChat plugin must define an xchat_plugin_init function, this
is the normal entry point. xchat_plugin_deinit is optional.
<div style="color: #ffffff; background-color: #111199;">
<font color="#00ff00">#include </font><font color="#00ffff">"xchat-plugin.h"</font>
<font color="#00ff00">#define PNAME </font><font color="#00ffff">"AutoOp"</font>
<font color="#00ff00">#define PDESC </font><font color="#00ffff">"Auto Ops anyone that joins"</font>
<font color="#00ff00">#define PVERSION </font><font color="#00ffff">"0.1"</font>
<font color="#ffa500"><b>static</b></font> xchat_plugin *ph; <font color="#bebebe"><b>/*</b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b> plugin handle </b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b>*/</b></font>
<font color="#ffa500"><b>static</b></font> <font color="#ffa500"><b>int</b></font> enable = <font color="#00ffff">1</font>;
<font color="#ffa500"><b>static</b></font> <font color="#ffa500"><b>int</b></font> join_cb(<font color="#ffa500"><b>char</b></font> *word[], <font color="#ffa500"><b>void</b></font> *userdata)
<font color="#ffff00">if</font> (enable)
<font color="#bebebe"><b>/*</b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b> Op ANYONE who joins </b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b>*/</b></font>
xchat_commandf(ph, <font color="#00ffff">"OP </font><font color="#ff00ff">%s</font><font color="#00ffff">"</font>, word[<font color="#00ffff">1</font>]);
<font color="#bebebe"><b>/*</b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b> word[1] is the nickname, as in the Settings->Advanced->TextEvents window in xchat </b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b>*/</b></font>
<font color="#ffff00">return</font> XCHAT_EAT_NONE; <font color="#bebebe"><b>/*</b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b> don't eat this event, xchat needs to see it! </b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b>*/</b></font>
<font color="#ffa500"><b>static</b></font> <font color="#ffa500"><b>int</b></font> autooptoggle_cb(<font color="#ffa500"><b>char</b></font> *word[], <font color="#ffa500"><b>char</b></font> *word_eol[], <font color="#ffa500"><b>void</b></font> *userdata)
<font color="#ffff00">if</font> (!enable)
enable = <font color="#00ffff">1</font>;
xchat_print(ph, <font color="#00ffff">"AutoOping now enabled!</font><font color="#ff00ff">\n</font><font color="#00ffff">"</font>);
} <font color="#ffff00">else</font>
enable = <font color="#00ffff">0</font>;
xchat_print(ph, <font color="#00ffff">"AutoOping now disabled!</font><font color="#ff00ff">\n</font><font color="#00ffff">"</font>);
<font color="#ffff00">return</font> XCHAT_EAT_ALL; <font color="#bebebe"><b>/*</b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b> eat this command so xchat and other plugins can't process it </b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b>*/</b></font>
<font color="#ffa500"><b>void</b></font> xchat_plugin_get_info(<font color="#ffa500"><b>char</b></font> **name, <font color="#ffa500"><b>char</b></font> **desc, <font color="#ffa500"><b>char</b></font> **version, <font color="#ffa500"><b>void</b></font> **reserved)
*name = PNAME;
*desc = PDESC;
*version = PVERSION;
<font color="#ffa500"><b>int</b></font> xchat_plugin_init(xchat_plugin *plugin_handle,
<font color="#ffa500"><b>char</b></font> **plugin_name,
<font color="#ffa500"><b>char</b></font> **plugin_desc,
<font color="#ffa500"><b>char</b></font> **plugin_version,
<font color="#ffa500"><b>char</b></font> *arg)
<font color="#bebebe"><b>/*</b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b> we need to save this for use with any xchat_* functions </b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b>*/</b></font>
ph = plugin_handle;
<font color="#bebebe"><b>/*</b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b> tell xchat our info </b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b>*/</b></font>
*plugin_name = PNAME;
*plugin_desc = PDESC;
*plugin_version = PVERSION;
xchat_hook_command(ph, <font color="#00ffff">"AutoOpToggle"</font>, XCHAT_PRI_NORM, autooptoggle_cb, <font color="#00ffff">"Usage: AUTOOPTOGGLE, Turns OFF/ON Auto Oping"</font>, <font color="#00ffff">0</font>);
xchat_hook_print(ph, <font color="#00ffff">"Join"</font>, XCHAT_PRI_NORM, join_cb, <font color="#00ffff">0</font>);
xchat_print(ph, <font color="#00ffff">"AutoOpPlugin loaded successfully!</font><font color="#ff00ff">\n</font><font color="#00ffff">"</font>);
<font color="#ffff00">return</font> <font color="#00ffff">1</font>; <font color="#bebebe"><b>/*</b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b> return 1 for success </b></font><font color="#bebebe"><b>*/</b></font>
<h3><a name=word>What's word and word_eol?</a></h3>
They are arrays of strings. They contain the parameters the user entered
for the particular command. For example, if you executed:
/command NICK hi there
word[1] is command
word[2] is NICK
word[3] is hi
word[4] is there
word_eol[1] is command NICK hi there
word_eol[2] is NICK hi there
word_eol[3] is hi there
word_eol[4] is there
These arrays are simply provided for your convenience. You are NOT allowed
to alter them. Both arrays are limited to 32 elements (index 31). word[0] and
word_eol[0] are reserved and should not be read.
<h3><a name=lists>Lists and Fields</a></h3>
Lists of information (DCCs, Channels, Userlist etc) can be retreived
with xchat_list_get. All fields are READ ONLY and must be copied if
needed for a long time after calling xchat_list_str. The types of lists and fields available are:
"channels" - list of channels, querys and their servers.
<blockquote><table border=1>
<tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><td>Name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td></tr>
<tr><td>channel</td><td>Channel or query name</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>chantypes</td><td>Channel types e.g. "#!&"<br><small>(Added in version 2.0.9. Older versions will return NULL)</small></td><td>string</td>
<tr><td>context</td><td>(xchat_context *) pointer. Can be used with xchat_set_context</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>flags</td><td>Server/Channel Bits:<br>
<tr><td>Bit #</td><td>Value</td><td>Description</td></tr>
<tr><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>Connecting in Progress</td></tr>
<tr><td>2</td><td>4</td><td>You are away</td></tr>
<tr><td>3</td><td>8</td><td>End of MOTD (Login complete)</td></tr>
<tr><td>4</td><td>16</td><td>Has WHOX (ircu)</td></tr>
<tr><td>5</td><td>32</td><td>Has IDMSG (FreeNode)</td></tr>
<tr><td>6</td><td>64</td><td>Hide Join/Part Messages</td></tr>
<tr><td>7</td><td>128</td><td>unused (was Color Paste in old versions)</td></tr>
<tr><td>8</td><td>256</td><td>Beep on Message</td></tr>
<tr><td>9</td><td>512</td><td>Blink Tray</td></tr>
<tr><td>10</td><td>1024</td><td>Blink Task Bar</td></tr>
<br><small>(Bits 0-5 added in 2.0.9. Bits 6-8 added in 2.6.6. Bit 9 added in 2.8.0. Bit 10 in 2.8.6)</small></td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>id</td><td>Unique server ID<br><small>(Added in version 2.0.8. Older versions will return -1)</small></td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>lag</td><td>Lag in milliseconds<br><small>(Added in version 2.6.8. Older versions will return -1)</small></td><td>int</td>
<tr><td>maxmodes</td><td>Maximum modes per line<br><small>(Added in version 2.0.9. Older versions will return -1)</small></td><td>int</td>
<tr><td>network</td><td>Network name to which this channel belongs<br><small>(Added in version 2.0.2. Older versions will return NULL)</small></td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>nickprefixes</td><td>Nickname prefixes e.g. "@+"<br><small>(Added in version 2.0.9. Older versions will return NULL)</small></td><td>string</td>
<tr><td>nickmodes</td><td>Nickname mode chars e.g. "ov"<br><small>(Added in version 2.0.9. Older versions will return NULL)</small></td><td>string</td>
<tr><td>queue</td><td>Number of bytes in the send-queue<br><small>(Added in version 2.6.8. Older versions will return -1)</small></td><td>int</td>
<tr><td>server</td><td>Server name to which this channel belongs</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>type</td><td>Type of context this is: 1-Server 2-Channel 3-Dialog<br><small>(Added in version 2.0.2. Older versions will return -1)</small></td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>users</td><td>Number of users in this channel<br><small>(Added in version 2.0.8. Older versions will return -1)</small></td><td>int</td></tr>
"dcc" - list of DCC file transfers. Fields:
<blockquote> <table border=1>
<tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><td>Name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td></tr>
<tr><td>address32</td><td>Address of the remote user (ipv4 address)</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>cps</td><td>Bytes per second (speed)</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>destfile</td><td>Destination full pathname</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>file</td><td>File name</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>nick</td><td>Nickname of person who the file is from/to</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>port</td><td>TCP port number</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>pos</td><td>Bytes sent/received</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>poshigh</td><td>Bytes sent/received, high order 32 bits</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>resume</td><td>Point at which this file was resumed (or zero if it was not resumed)</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>resumehigh</td><td>Point at which this file was resumed, high order 32 bits</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>size</td><td>File size in bytes, low order 32 bits (cast it to unsigned)</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>sizehigh</td><td>File size in bytes, high order 32 bits</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>status</td><td>DCC Status: 0-Queued 1-Active 2-Failed 3-Done 4-Connecting 5-Aborted</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>type</td><td>DCC Type: 0-Send 1-Receive 2-ChatRecv 3-ChatSend</td><td>int</td></tr>
"ignore" - current ignore list.
<blockquote> <table border=1>
<tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><td>Name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td></tr>
<tr><td>mask</td><td>Ignore mask. .e.g: *!*@*.aol.com</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>flags</td><td>Bit field of flags. 0=Private 1=Notice 2=Channel 3=Ctcp<br>
4=Invite 5=UnIgnore 6=NoSave 7=DCC</td><td>int</td></tr>
"notify" - list of people on notify.
<blockquote> <table border=1>
<tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><td>Name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td></tr>
<tr><td>networks</td><td>Networks to which this nick applies. Comma separated. May be NULL.
<br><small>(Added in version 2.6.8)</small></td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>flags</td><td>Bit field of flags. 0=Is online.</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>on</td><td>Time when user came online.</td><td>time_t</td></tr>
<tr><td>off</td><td>Time when user went offline.</td><td>time_t</td></tr>
<tr><td>seen</td><td>Time when user the user was last verified still online.</td><td>time_t</td></tr>
<small>The entire "notify" list was added in xchat 2.0.8. Fields are
only valid for the context when xchat_list_get() was called
(i.e. you get information about the user ON THAT ONE SERVER ONLY). You
may cycle through the "channels" list to find notify information for every
"users" - list of users in the current channel.
<blockquote> <table border=1>
<tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><td>Name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td></tr>
<tr><td>away</td><td>Away status (boolean)<br><small>(Added in version 2.0.6. Older versions will return -1)</small></td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>lasttalk</td><td>Last time the user was seen talking<br><small>(Added in version 2.4.2. Older versions will return -1)</small></td><td>time_t</td></tr>
<tr><td>nick</td><td>Nick name</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>host</td><td>Host name in the form: user@host (or NULL if not known).</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>prefix</td><td>Prefix character, .e.g: @ or +. Points to a single char.</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>realname</td><td>Real name or NULL<br><small>(Added in version 2.8.6)</small></td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>selected</td><td>Selected status in the user list, only works for retrieving the user list of the focused tab<br><small>(Added in version 2.6.1. Older versions will return -1)</small></td><td>int</td></tr>
list = xchat_list_get(ph, <font color="#f800f8">"dcc"</font>);
<font color="#a02828"><b>if</b></font>(list)
xchat_print(ph, <font color="#f800f8">"--- DCC LIST ------------------</font><font color="#6858c8">\n</font><font color="#f800f8">"</font>
<font color="#f800f8">"File To/From KB/s Position</font><font color="#6858c8">\n</font><font color="#f800f8">"</font>);
<font color="#a02828"><b>while</b></font>(xchat_list_next(ph, list))
xchat_printf(ph, <font color="#f800f8">"</font><font color="#6858c8">%6s</font><font color="#f800f8"> </font><font color="#6858c8">%10s</font><font color="#f800f8"> </font><font color="#6858c8">%.2f</font><font color="#f800f8"> </font><font color="#6858c8">%d</font><font color="#6858c8">\n</font><font color="#f800f8">"</font>,
xchat_list_str(ph, list, <font color="#f800f8">"file"</font>),
xchat_list_str(ph, list, <font color="#f800f8">"nick"</font>),
xchat_list_int(ph, list, <font color="#f800f8">"cps"</font>) / <font color="#f800f8">1024</font>,
xchat_list_int(ph, list, <font color="#f800f8">"pos"</font>));
xchat_list_free(ph, list);
<h3><a name=win32>Plugins on Windows (Win32)</a></h3>
Yes, it can be done. All you need is either
<a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/vctoolkit2003/">MSVC</a> (Visual Studio) or
<a href="http://www.mingw.org">MINGW</a>, both these compilers are free to download.
Simply compile your plugin as a DLL. You should have the following files:
<li><a href="http://xchat.org/docs/xchat-plugin.h">xchat-plugin.h</a> - Main Plugin header</li>
<li>plugin.c - Your plugin, you need to write this one :)</li>
<li>plugin.def - A simple text file containing the following:</li>
<div class=box>
<br>Leave out <i>xchat_plugin_deinit</i> if you don't intend to define that
function. Then, to compile, type this at your command prompt:<br><br>
<div class=bbox>
<font color="#00FF00">MSVC</font>
<br> cl -O1 -MD -G5 -DWIN32 -c plugin.c<br>
<br> link /DLL /out:plugin.dll /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS plugin.obj /def:plugin.def /base:0x00d40000
<font color="#00FF00">GCC (MINGW)</font>
<br> gcc -Wall -Os -DWIN32 -c plugin.c<br>
<br> dllwrap --def plugin.def --dllname plugin.dll plugin.o<br><br>
<br>For a complete example, have a look at the source code of the <a href="http://xchat.org/win32/testing/xcdns-src.zip">DNS Plugin</a>, which also contains a Makefile.
<font color=red>Caveat:</font> Plugins compiled on Win32 MUST have a
global variable called <b>ph</b>, which is the plugin_handle, much like
in the <a href="#sample">sample plugin</a> above.
<h3><a name=gui>Controlling the GUI</a></h3>
A simple way to perform basic GUI functions is to use the /GUI command.
You can execute this command through the input-box, or by calling
xchat_command(ph, "GUI .....");.
<table border=0 cellpadding=4>
<tr><td>GUI ATTACH</td><td>Same function as "Attach Window" in the XChat menu (new for 2.6.2).</td></tr>
<tr><td>GUI DETACH</td><td>Same function as "Detach Tab" in the XChat menu (new for 2.6.2).</td></tr>
<tr><td>GUI APPLY</td><td>Similar to clicking OK in the settings window. Execute this after /SET to activate GUI changes (new for 2.8.0)</td></tr>
<tr><td>GUI COLOR <i>n</i></td><td>Change the tab color of the current context, where n is a number from 0 to 3.</td></tr>
<tr><td>GUI FOCUS</td><td>Focus the current window or tab.</td></tr>
<tr><td>GUI FLASH</td><td>Flash the taskbar button. It will flash only if the window isn't focused and will stop when it is focused by the user.</td></tr>
<tr><td>GUI HIDE</td><td>Hide the main xchat window completely (this is used by the Systray plugin).</td></tr>
<tr><td>GUI ICONIFY</td><td>Iconify (minimize to taskbar) the current xchat window.</td></tr>
<tr><td>GUI MSGBOX <i>text</i></td><td>Displays a asynchronous message box with your text (new for 2.4.5).</td></tr>
<tr><td>GUI SHOW</td><td>Show the main xchat window (if currently hidden).</td></tr>
Note, the FLASH, ICONIFY and COLOR args were added in xchat 2.0.8, they
will not work with previous versions.
<a name=menu>Starting from 2.4.5 you can add your own items to the menu bar. The menu command has this syntax</a>:
MENU [-eX] [-i<ICONFILE>] [-k<mod>,<key>] [-m] [-pX] [-rX,group] [-tX] {ADD|DEL} <path> [command] [unselect command]</pre>
For example:
MENU -p5 ADD FServe
MENU ADD "FServe/Show File List" "fs list"
MENU -k4,101 -t1 ADD "FServe/Enabled" "fs on" "fs off"
MENU -e0 ADD "FServe/Do Something" "fs action"
In the example above, it would be recommended to execute "MENU DEL FServe" inside your xchat_plugin_deinit function. The special item with name "-" will add a separator line.
Parameters and flags:
<table border=1 cellpadding=4 rules=all>
<tr><td>-eX</td><td>Set enable flag to X. -e0 for disable, -e1 for enable. This lets you create a disabled (shaded) item.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-iFILE</td><td>Use an icon filename FILE (new for 2.8.0). Not supported for toggles or radio items.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-k<mod>,<key></td><td>Specify a keyboard shortcut. "mod" is the modifier which is a bitwise OR of: 1-SHIFT 4-CTRL 8-ALT in decimal. "key" is the key value in decimal, e.g. -k5,101 would specify SHIFT-CTRL-E.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-m</td><td>Specify that this label should be treated as <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/pango/PangoMarkupFormat.html">Pango Markup</a> language. Since forward slash ("/") is already used in menu paths, you should replace closing tags with an ASCII 003 instead e.g.: xchat_command(ph, "MENU -m ADD \"<b>Bold Menu<\003b>\""); (new for 2.6.6).</td></tr>
<tr><td>-pX</td><td>Specify a menu item's position number. e.g. -p5 will cause the item to be inserted in the 5th place. New for 2.8.0: If the position is a negative number, it will be used as an offset from the bottom/right-most item.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-rX,group</td><td>Specify a radio menu item, with initial state X and a group name (new for 2.8.0). The group name should be the exact label of another menu item (without the path) that this item will be grouped with. For radio items, only a select command will be executed (no unselect command).</td></tr>
<tr><td>-tX</td><td>Specify a toggle menu item with an initial state. -t0 for an "unticked" item and -t1 for a "ticked" item.</td></tr>
If you want to change an item's toggle state or enabled flag,
just ADD an item with exactly the same name and command and specify the -tX -eX parameters you need.
<br><br>It's also possible to add items to XChat's existing menus, for example:<br>
<pre> MENU ADD "Settings/Sub Menu"
MENU -t0 ADD "Settings/Sub Menu/My Setting" myseton mysetoff
However, internal names and layouts of XChat's menu may change in the future, so use at own risk.
Here is an example of Radio items:
<pre> MENU ADD "Language"
MENU -r1,"English" ADD "Language/English" cmd1
MENU -r0,"English" ADD "Language/Spanish" cmd2
MENU -r0,"English" ADD "Language/German" cmd3</pre>
From 2.8.0, you can also change menus other than the main one (i.e popup menus). Currently they are:
<table border=1 cellpadding=4 rules=all>
<tr bgcolor="#999999"><td>Root Name</td><td>Menu</td></tr>
<tr><td>$TAB</td><td>Tab menu (right click a channel/query tab or treeview row)</td></tr>
<tr><td>$TRAY</td><td>System Tray menu</td></tr>
<tr><td>$URL</td><td>URL link menu</td></tr>
<tr><td>$NICK</td><td>Userlist nick-name popup menu</td></tr>
<tr><td>$CHAN</td><td>Menu when clicking a channel in the text area (since 2.8.4)</td></tr>
Example: MENU -p0 ADD "$TAB/Cycle Channel" cycle
<a name=tray>Starting from 2.8.0 you can manipulate XChat's system tray icon using the /TRAY command</a>:
TRAY -f <timeout> <file1> [<file2>] Flash tray between two icons. Leave off file2 to use default xchat icon.
TRAY -f <filename> Set tray to a fixed icon.
TRAY -i <number> Flash tray with an internal icon.
<small>2=Message 5=Highlight 8=Private 11=File</small>
TRAY -t <text> Set the tray tooltip.
TRAY -b <title> <text> Set the tray balloon.
<small>Supported on Windows from 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 on Linux (libnotify required on Linux).</small>
Filenames can be ICO or PNG format. PNG format is supported on Linux/BSD and Windows XP (but requires installation of GDI+ on Windows 2000). Set a timeout of -1 to use XChat's default.
<h3><a name=unicode>Handling UTF-8/Unicode strings</a></h3>
The XChat plugin API specifies that strings passed to and from xchat must be encoded in UTF-8.
What does this mean for the plugin programmer? You just have to be a little careful when
passing strings obtained from IRC to system calls. For example, if you're writing a file-server
bot, someone might message you a filename. Can you pass this filename directly to open()? Maybe!
If you're lazy... The correct thing to do is to convert the string to "system locale encoding",
otherwise your plugin will fail on non-ascii characters.
Here are examples on how to do this conversion on Unix and Windows. In this example, someone will
CTCP you the message "SHOWFILE <filename>".
static int ctcp_cb(char *word[], char *word_eol[], void *userdata)
if(strcmp(word[1], "SHOWFILE") == 0)
get_file_name(nick, word[2]);
static void get_file_name(char *nick, char *fname)
char buf[256];
FILE *fp;
<font color="#777777"> /* the fname is in UTF-8, because it came from the xchat API */</font>
</pre><font color="#33aa44">#ifdef _WIN32</font# translation of xchat-2.4.2.po to Hindi
# This file is put in the public domain.
# Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan@redhat.com>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: xchat-2.4.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: www.xchat.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-03-07 18:50+1100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-05-04 12:50+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan@redhat.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Hindi <fedora-trans-hi@redhat.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:350
msgid "Cannot create ~/.xchat2"
msgstr "~/.xchat2 बना नहीं सकता है"
#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:672
msgid "I'm busy"
msgstr "मैं व्यस्त हूँ"
#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:673
msgid "Leaving"
msgstr "छोड़ रहा है"
#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:719
msgid ""
"* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should\n"
" create a User Account and use that to login.\n"
msgstr ""
"* बतौर रूट IRC चलाना वेबकूफी है! आपको एक उपयोक्ता \n"
" खाता बनाना चाहिये और उसे लॉगिन के लिये प्रयोग करना चाहिये.\n"
#: src/common/dcc.c:61
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "प्रतीक्षारत"
#: src/common/dcc.c:62
msgid "Active"
msgstr "सक्रिय"
#: src/common/dcc.c:63
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "असफल"
#: src/common/dcc.c:64
msgid "Done"
msgstr "सम्पन्न"
#: src/common/dcc.c:65
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "जोड़ें"
#: src/common/dcc.c:66
msgid "Aborted"
msgstr "छोड़ा गया"
#: src/common/dcc.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot access %s\n"
msgstr "%s का अभिगम नहीं कर सकता\n"
#: src/common/dcc.c:1919
msgid "No active DCCs\n"
msgstr "कोई सक्रिय DCC नहीं\n"
#: src/common/ignore.c:120 src/common/ignore.c:124 src/common/ignore.c:128
#: src/common/ignore.c:132 src/common/ignore.c:136 src/common/ignore.c:140
#: src/common/ignore.c:144
msgid "YES "
msgstr "हां "
#: src/common/ignore.c:122 src/common/ignore.c:126 src/common/ignore.c:130
#: src/common/ignore.c:134 src/common/ignore.c:138 src/common/ignore.c:142
#: src/common/ignore.c:146
msgid "NO "
msgstr "नहीं "
#: src/common/ignore.c:373
#, c-format
msgid "You are being CTCP flooded from %s, ignoring %s\n"
msgstr "%s से आप CTCP फ्लडेड हो रहे हैं, %s को नजरअंदाज कर रहा है\n"
#: src/common/ignore.c:398
#, c-format
msgid "You are being MSG flooded from %s, setting gui_auto_open_dialog OFF.\n"
msgstr "%s से आप MSG फ्लडेड हो रहे हैं, gui_auto_open_dialog को बंद कर रहा है.\n"
#: src/common/notify.c:400
#, c-format
msgid " %-20s online\n"
msgstr " %-20s ऑनलाइन\n"
#: src/common/notify.c:402
#, c-format
msgid " %-20s offline\n"
msgstr " %-20s ऑफलाइन\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:70
msgid "No channel joined. Try /join #<channel>\n"
msgstr "कोई चैनल से जुड़ा नहीं है. /join #<channel> की कोशिश करें\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:76
msgid "Not connected. Try /server <host> [<port>]\n"
msgstr "संबंधित नहीं. /server <host> [<port>] की कोशिश करें\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:1375
msgid "I need /bin/sh to run!\n"
msgstr "मुझे /bin/sh चलाने की जरूरत है!\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:1618
msgid ""
"Commands Available:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
"समादेश उपलब्ध:\n"
" "
#: src/common/outbound.c:1653
msgid ""
"Type /HELP <command> for more information, or /HELP -l\n"
msgstr ""
"ज्यादा जानकारी के लिये /HELP <command>, या /HELP -l टंकित करें\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:1654
msgid ""
"User defined commands:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
"उपयोक्ता परिभाषित समादेश:\n"
" "
#: src/common/outbound.c:1746
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown arg '%s' ignored."
msgstr "अज्ञात arg '%s' अनदेखा किया गया."
#: src/common/outbound.c:2524
msgid "No such plugin found.\n"
msgstr "ऐसा कोई प्लगिन नहीं मिला.\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2529 src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:185
msgid "That plugin is refusing to unload.\n"
msgstr "प्लगिन अनलोड होने से मना कर रहा है.\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2686
msgid "ADDBUTTON <name> <action>, adds a button under the user-list"
msgstr "ADDBUTTON <name> <action>, उपयोक्ता सूची में बटन जोड़ें"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2688
msgid "ALLCHAN <cmd>, sends a command to all channels you're in"
msgstr "ALLCHAN <cmd>, आपके द्वारा शामिल सभी चैनल में समादेश भेजें"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2690
msgid "ALLSERV <cmd>, sends a command to all servers you're in"
msgstr "ALLSERV <cmd>, आपके द्वारा शामिल सभी सर्वर में समादेश भेजें"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2691
msgid "AWAY [<reason>], sets you away"
msgstr "AWAY [<reason>], आपको दूर सेट करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2693
msgid "BAN <mask> [<bantype>], bans everyone matching the mask from the current channel. If they are already on the channel this doesn't kick them (needs chanop)"
msgstr "BAN <mask> [<bantype>], मौजूदा चैनल से मास्क से मिलान करने वाले हर को प्रतिबंधित करता है. अगर वे पहले से चैनल पर हैं तो यह उनको किक नहीं करता है (chanop होना आवश्यक)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2695
msgid "CLEAR, Clears the current text window"
msgstr "CLEAR, मौजूदा पाठ विंडो को साफ करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2696
msgid "CLOSE, Closes the current window/tab"
msgstr "CLOSE, मौजूदा विंडो/टैब को बंद करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2699
msgid "COUNTRY [-s] <code|wildcard>, finds a country code, eg: au = australia"
msgstr "COUNTRY [-s] <code|wildcard>, देश कोड प्राप्त करता है, उदाहरण के लिये: au = australia"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2701
msgid "CTCP <nick> <message>, send the CTCP message to nick, common messages are VERSION and USERINFO"
msgstr "CTCP <nick> <message>, CTCP संदेश निक को भेजें, सामान्य संदेश VERSION और USERINFO हैं"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2703
msgid "CYCLE, parts current channel and immediately rejoins"
msgstr "CYCLE, मौजूदा चैनल से तुरत अलग होकर उससे जुड़ता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2705
msgid ""
"DCC GET <nick> - accept an offered file\n"
"DCC SEND [-maxcps=#] <nick> [file] - send a file to someone\n"
"DCC LIST - show DCC list\n"
"DCC CHAT <nick> - offer DCC CHAT to someone\n"
"DCC CLOSE <type> <nick> <file> example:\n"
" /dcc close send johnsmith file.tar.gz"
msgstr ""
"DCC GET <nick> - दिये जा रहा फाइल स्वीकार करता है\n"
"DCC SEND [-maxcps=#] <nick> [file] - किसी को फाइल भेजता है\n"
"DCC LIST - DCC सूची दिखायें\n"
"DCC CHAT <nick> - किसी को DCC CHAT का प्रस्ताव देता है\n"
"DCC CLOSE <type> <nick> <file> उदाहरण:\n"
" /dcc close send johnsmith file.tar.gz"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2715
msgid "DEHOP <nick>, removes chanhalf-op status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "DEHOP <nick>, मौजूदा चैनल पर उपनाम से चैनल आधा ऑपरेटर स्थिति हटाता है (chanop होना जरूरी)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2717
msgid "DELBUTTON <name>, deletes a button from under the user-list"
msgstr "DELBUTTON <name>, उपयोक्ता सूची के अंदर एक बटन मिटाता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2719
msgid "DEOP <nick>, removes chanop status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "DEOP <nick>, मौजूदा चैनल पर उपनाम से चैनल ऑपरेटर स्थिति हटाता है (chanop होना जरूरी)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2721
msgid "DEVOICE <nick>, removes voice status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "DEVOICE <nick>, मौजूदा चैनल पर उपनाम से ध्वनि स्थिति हटाता है (chanop होना जरूरी)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2722
msgid "DISCON, Disconnects from server"
msgstr "DISCON, सर्वर से विसंबंधित करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2723
msgid "DNS <nick|host|ip>, Finds a users IP number"
msgstr "DNS <nick|host|ip>, एक उपयोक्ता IP संख्या पाता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2724
msgid "ECHO <text>, Prints text locally"
msgstr "ECHO <text>, स्थानीय रूप से पाठ मुद्रित करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2727
msgid "EXEC [-o] <command>, runs the command. If -o flag is used then output is sent to current channel, else is printed to current text box"
msgstr "EXEC [-o] <command>, समादेश चलाता है. अगर -o फ्लैग का प्रयोग होता है तो आउटपुट मौजूदा चैनल को जाता है, नहीं तो मौजूदा पाठ बॉक्स में मुद्रित हो जाता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2729
msgid "EXECCONT, sends the process SIGCONT"
msgstr "EXECCONT, SIGCONT प्रक्रिया भेजता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2732
msgid "EXECKILL [-9], kills a running exec in the current session. If -9 is given the process is SIGKILL'ed"
msgstr "EXECKILL [-9], मौजूदा सत्र में एक चलायमान निष्पादन को मारता है. अगर -9 दिया जाता है तो प्रक्रिया SIGKILL हो जाता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2734
msgid "EXECSTOP, sends the process SIGSTOP"
msgstr "EXECSTOP, SIGSTOP प्रक्रिया भेजता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2735
msgid "EXECWRITE, sends data to the processes stdin"
msgstr "EXECWRITE, stdin प्रक्रिया को आंकड़ा भेजता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2739
msgid "FLUSHQ, flushes the current server's send queue"
msgstr "FLUSHQ, मौजूदा सर्वर के प्रेषण कतार को फ्लश करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2741
msgid "GATE <host> [<port>], proxies through a host, port defaults to 23"
msgstr "GATE <host> [<port>], मेजबान के द्वारा प्रॉक्सी करता है, 23 में मूलभूत पोर्ट करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2747
msgid "HOP <nick>, gives chanhalf-op status to the nick (needs chanop)"
msgstr "HOP <nick>, chanhalf-op स्थिति उपनाम को देता है (chanop होना जरूरत है)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2749
msgid ""
"IGNORE <mask> <types..> <options..>\n"
" mask - host mask to ignore, eg: *!*@*.aol.com\n"
" types - types of data to ignore, one or all of:\n"
" options - NOSAVE, QUIET"
msgstr ""
"IGNORE <mask> <types..> <options..>\n"
" मास्क - अनदेखा करने के लिये मेजबान मास्क करें, उदा: *!*@*.aol.com\n"
" प्रकार - अनदेखा करने के लिये आंकड़ा प्रकार, एक या सभी का:\n"
" विकल्प - NOSAVE, QUIET"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2756
msgid "INVITE <nick> [<channel>], invites someone to a channel, by default the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "INVITE <nick> [<channel>], किसी को चैनल में आमंत्रित करता है, मूलभूत रूप से मौजूदा चैनल में (chanop आवश्यक)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2757
msgid "JOIN <channel>, joins the channel"
msgstr "JOIN <channel>, चैनल से जोड़ता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2759
msgid "KICK <nick>, kicks the nick from the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "KICK <nick>, उपनाम को वर्तमान चैनल से किक करता है (chanop की जरूरत है)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2761
msgid "KICKBAN <nick>, bans then kicks the nick from the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "KICKBAN <nick>, मौजूदा चैनल से उपनाम को बैन व किक करता है (chanop आवश्यक)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2764
msgid "LAGCHECK, forces a new lag check"
msgstr "LAGCHECK, एक नये lag जांच के लिये दबाव डालता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2766
msgid "LASTLOG <string>, searches for a string in the buffer"
msgstr "LASTLOG <string>, बफर में स्ट्रिंग खोजता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2768
msgid "LOAD <file>, loads a plugin or script"
msgstr "LOAD <file>, एक प्लगिन या स्क्रिप्ट लोड करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2771
msgid "MDEHOP, Mass deop's all chanhalf-ops in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "MDEHOP, मौजूदा चैनल में सभी चैनलहाफ ऑपरेटर की ऑपरेटर स्थिति लेना (chanop होना जरूरी है)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2773
msgid "MDEOP, Mass deop's all chanops in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "MDEOP, मौजूदा चैनल में सभी चैनल ऑपरेटर की ऑपरेटर स्थिति लेना (chanop होना जरूरी है)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2775
msgid "ME <action>, sends the action to the current channel (actions are written in the 3rd person, like /me jumps)"
msgstr "ME <action>, मौजूदा चैनल में एक्शन भेजता है (एक्शन तृतीय पुरूष के रूप में लिखा जाता है, जैसे /me jumps)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2777
msgid "MKICK, Mass kicks everyone except you in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "MKICK, आपको छोड़ सभी को किक करता है चैनल में (chanop आवश्यक)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2780
msgid "MOP, Mass op's all users in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "MOP, मौजूदा चैनल में सभी उपयोक्ता को मास ऑपरेटर (chanop आवश्यक)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2781
msgid "MSG <nick> <message>, sends a private message"
msgstr "MSG <nick> <message>, एक निजी संदेश भेजता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2784
msgid "NAMES, Lists the nicks on the current channel"
msgstr "NAMES, मौजूदा चैनल पर उपनाम सूचीबद्ध करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2786
msgid "NCTCP <nick> <message>, Sends a CTCP notice"
msgstr "NCTCP <nick> <message>, एक CTCP सूचना भेजता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2787
msgid "NEWSERVER <hostname> [<port>]"
msgstr "NEWSERVER <hostname> [<port>]"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2788
msgid "NICK <nickname>, sets your nick"
msgstr "NICK <nickname>, आपका उपनाम सेट करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2791
msgid "NOTICE <nick/channel> <message>, sends a notice. Notices are a type of message that should be auto reacted to"
msgstr "NOTICE <nick/channel> <message>, सूचना भेजता है. सूचना एक प्रकार का संदेश है जो इससे स्वतः अनुक्रिया करना चाहिये"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2793
msgid "NOTIFY [<nick>], lists your notify list or adds someone to it"
msgstr "NOTIFY [<nick>], आपके नोटिफाई सूची को सूचीबद्ध करता है और इसमें कुछ को जोड़ता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2795
msgid "OP <nick>, gives chanop status to the nick (needs chanop)"
msgstr "OP <nick>, उपनाम को चैनल ऑपरेटर स्थिति देता है (chanop की आवश्यकता है)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2797
msgid "PART [<channel>] [<reason>], leaves the channel, by default the current one"
msgstr "PART [<channel>] [<reason>], चैनल छोड़ता है, मूलभूत रूप से मौजूदा चैनल को"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2799
msgid "PING <nick | channel>, CTCP pings nick or channel"
msgstr "PING <nick | channel>, CTCP उपनाम या चैनल पिंग करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2801
msgid "QUERY <nick>, opens up a new privmsg window to someone"
msgstr "QUERY <nick>, किसी के लिये निजी संदेश विंडो खोलता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2803
msgid "QUIT [<reason>], disconnects from the current server"
msgstr "QUIT [<reason>], मौजूदा सर्वर से विसंबंधित करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2805
msgid "QUOTE <text>, sends the text in raw form to the server"
msgstr "QUOTE <text>, सर्वर में पाठ कच्चे रूप में भेजता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2808
msgid "RECONNECT [-ssl] [<host>] [<port>] [<password>], Can be called just as /RECONNECT to reconnect to the current server or with /RECONNECT ALL to reconnect to all the open servers"
msgstr "RECONNECT [-ssl] [<host>] [<port>] [<password>], मौजूदा सर्वर में पुनः जुड़ने के लिये /RECONNECT के रूप में लाया सकता है या /RECONNECT ALL से सभी खुले सर्वर से फिर से जोड़कर"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2811
msgid "RECONNECT [<host>] [<port>] [<password>], Can be called just as /RECONNECT to reconnect to the current server or with /RECONNECT ALL to reconnect to all the open servers"
msgstr "RECONNECT [<host>] [<port>] [<password>], मौजूदा सर्वर में पुनः जुड़ने के लिये /RECONNECT के रूप में लाया सकता है या /RECONNECT ALL से सभी खुले सर्वर से फिर से जोड़कर"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2813
msgid "RECV <text>, send raw data to xchat, as if it was received from the irc server"
msgstr "RECV <text>, xchat में कच्चा आंकड़ा भेजता है, मानो यह irc सर्वर से प्राप्त किया गया"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2816
msgid "SAY <text>, sends the text to the object in the current window"
msgstr "SAY <text>, मौजूदा विंडो में वस्तु को पाठ भेजता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2819
msgid "SERVCHAN [-ssl] <host> <port> <channel>, connects and joins a channel"
msgstr "SERVCHAN [-ssl] <host> <port> <channel>, एक चैनल से संबंधित होता है औऱ शामिल होता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2822
msgid "SERVCHAN <host> <port> <channel>, connects and joins a channel"
msgstr "SERVCHAN <host> <port> <channel>, एक चैनल से संबंधित होता है औऱ शामिल होता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2826
msgid "SERVER [-ssl] <host> [<port>] [<password>], connects to a server, the default port is 6667 for normal connections, and 9999 for ssl connections"
msgstr "SERVER [-ssl] <host> [<port>] [<password>], सर्वर से जुड़ता है, सामान्य संबंधन के लिये मूलभूत पोर्ट 6667 है, और ssl संबंधन के लिये 9999 है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2829
msgid "SERVER <host> [<port>] [<password>], connects to a server, the default port is 6667"
msgstr "SERVER <host> [<port>] [<password>], एक सर्वर से जोड़ता है, मूलभूत पोर्ट 6667 है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2831
msgid "SET [-quiet] <variable> [<value>]"
msgstr "SET [-quiet] <variable> [<value>]"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2832
msgid "SETCURSOR [-|+]<position>"
msgstr "SETCURSOR [-|+]<position>"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2836
msgid "TOPIC [<topic>], sets the topic if one is given, else shows the current topic"
msgstr "TOPIC [<topic>], अगर एक दिया हुआ है तो टॉपिक सेट करता है, अन्यथा मौजूदा टॉपिक दिखाता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2838
msgid "UNBAN <mask> [<mask>...], unbans the specified masks."
msgstr "UNBAN <mask> [<mask>...], निर्दिष्ट मास्क पर से प्रतिबंध हटाता है."
#: src/common/outbound.c:2839
msgid "UNIGNORE <mask> [QUIET]"
msgstr "UNIGNORE <mask> [QUIET]"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2840
msgid "UNLOAD <name>, unloads a plugin or script"
msgstr "UNLOAD <name>, एक प्लगिन या स्क्रिप्ट अनलोड करता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2841
msgid "URL <url>, opens a URL in your browser"
msgstr "URL <url>, URL में ब्रॉउजर खोलता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2844
msgid "VOICE <nick>, gives voice status to someone (needs chanop)"
msgstr "VOICE <nick>, किसी को ध्वनि स्थिति देता है (chanop की आवश्यकता है)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2846
msgid "WALLCHAN <message>, writes the message to all channels"
msgstr "WALLCHAN <message>, सभी चैनल में संदेश लिखता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2848
msgid "WALLCHOP <message>, sends the message to all chanops on the current channel"
msgstr "WALLCHOP <message>, सभी चैनल ऑपरेटर को मौजूदा चैनल पर संदेश भेजता है"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2881
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s\n"
msgstr "उपयोग: %s\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2886
msgid ""
"No help available on that command.\n"
msgstr ""
"उस समादेश पर कोई सहायता उपलब्ध है.\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2892
msgid "No such command.\n"
msgstr "ऐसा कोई समादेश नहीं.\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:3216
msgid "Bad arguments for user command.\n"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता समादेश के लिये गलत तर्क.\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:3380
msgid "Too many recursive usercommands, aborting."
msgstr "कई recursive उपयोक्ता समादेश, विफल कर रहा है."
#: src/common/outbound.c:3453
msgid "Unknown Command. Try /help\n"
msgstr "अनजान समादेश. /help की कोशिश करें\n"
#: src/common/plugin.c:359 src/common/plugin.c:400
msgid "No xchat_plugin_init symbol; is this really an xchat plugin?"
msgstr "कोई xchat_plugin_init संकेतक; क्या यह वास्तव में एक xchat प्लगिन है?"
#: src/common/server.c:586
msgid "Are you sure this is a SSL capable server and port?\n"
msgstr "क्या आप निश्चित हैं कि यह एक SSL सक्षम सर्वर व पोर्ट है?\n"
#: src/common/server.c:937
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot resolve hostname %s\n"
"Check your IP Settings!\n"
msgstr ""
"%s मेजबाननाम हल नहीं कर सकता है\n"
"अपना IP सेटिंग जांचें!\n"
#: src/common/server.c:942
msgid "Proxy traversal failed.\n"
msgstr "प्रॉक्सी लेनदेन विफल.\n"
#: src/common/servlist.c:644
#, c-format
msgid "Cycling to next server in %s...\n"
msgstr "%s में अगला सर्वर में चक्रीय कर रहा है...\n"
#: src/common/servlist.c:1056
#, c-format
msgid "Warning: \"%s\" character set is unknown. No conversion will be applied for network %s."
msgstr "चेतावनी: \"%s\" संप्रतीक सेट अज्ञात है. %s संजाल के लिये कोई वार्तालाप लागू नहीं होगी."
#: src/common/textevents.h:6
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 added to notify list."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 सूची को सूचित करने के लिये जोड़ा गया"
#: src/common/textevents.h:9
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 Banlist:%C19 $4%C20 $2%C21 $3"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 प्रतिबंध सूची:%C19 $4%C20 $2%C21 $3"
#: src/common/textevents.h:12
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(You are banned)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t %C26 %B$1 %O से जुड़ नहीं सकता है (आप पर प्रतिबंध हैं)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:18
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 is now known as $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 अब $2 के रूप में जाना जाता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:21
msgid "%C18*$t$1%O $2"
msgstr "%C18*$t$1%O $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:24
msgid "%C21*%O$t%C21%B$1%O%C21 $2"
msgstr "%C21*%O$t%C21%B$1%O%C21 $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:27
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets ban on $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 $2 पर प्रतिबंध सेट करता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:30
msgid "%C22*%O$tChannel $1 created on $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tचैनल $1 $2 पर बनाया गया"
#: src/common/textevents.h:33
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes channel half-operator status from%C26 $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O आधा चैनल ऑपरेटर स्थिति %C26 $2 से हटाता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:36
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes channel operator status from%C26 $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O चैनल ऑपरेटर स्थिति %C26 $2 से हटाता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:39
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes voice from%C26 $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O ध्वनि%C26 $2 से हटाता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:42
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets exempt on $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 sets exempt on $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:45
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives channel half-operator status to%C26 $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O आधा चैनल ऑपरेटर स्थिति%C26 $2 को देता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:48
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets invite on $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 $2 पर आमंत्रण सेट करता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:51
msgid "%UChannel Users Topic"
msgstr "%UChannel उपयोक्ता विषय"
#: src/common/textevents.h:54
msgid "%C18%B%B$4$1%O%C18%O$t$2"
msgstr "%C18%B%B$4$1%O%C18%O$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:57
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets mode $2$3 $4"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 $2$3 $4 मोड सेट करता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:60
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Channel $1 modes: $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C22चैनल $1 मोड: $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:63
msgid "$4%C21%B$1%O$t%C21$2"
msgstr "$4%C21%B$1%O$t%C21$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:66
msgid "%C28-%C29$1/$2%C28-%O$t$3"
msgstr "%C28-%C29$1/$2%C28-%O$t$3"
#: src/common/textevents.h:69
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives channel operator status to%C26 $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O चैनल ऑपरेटर स्थिति %C26 $2 को देता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:72
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes exempt on $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 removes exempt on $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:75
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes invite on $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 $2 पर आमंत्रण हटाता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:78
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes channel keyword"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 चैनल कुंजी पटल हटाता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:81
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes user limit"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 उपयोक्ता सीमा हटाता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:84
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets channel keyword to $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 $2 में चैनल कुंजीवर्ड सेट करता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:87
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets channel limit to $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 $2 में चैनल सीमा सेट करता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:90
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes ban on $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 $2 पर से प्रतिबंध हटाता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:93
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives voice to%C26 $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O %C26 $2 में ध्वनि देता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:96
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Connected. Now logging in..."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C22संबंधित. अब लॉगिन कर रहा है..."
#: src/common/textevents.h:99
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Connecting to $1 ($2) port $3%O..."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C22 $1 ($2) पोर्ट $3%O में संबंधन पा रहा है..."
#: src/common/textevents.h:102
msgid "%C21*%O$t%C21Connection failed. Error: $1"
msgstr "%C21*%O$t%C21संबंधन विफल. त्रुटि: $1"
#: src/common/textevents.h:105
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tएक CTCP $1 $2 से प्राप्त करता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:108
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2 (to $3)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tएक CTCP $1 $2 (to $3) से प्राप्त करता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:111
msgid "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$tCTCP $2"
msgstr "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$tCTCP $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:114
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP Sound $1 from $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tएक CTCP ध्वनि $1 $2 से पाता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:117
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT to %C26$1%O aborted."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC %C26$1%O में बातचीत विफल रही."
#: src/common/textevents.h:120
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT connection established to %C26$1 %C30[%O$2%C30]"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC %C26$1 %C30[%O$2%C30] में चैट संबंधन स्थापित किया"
#: src/common/textevents.h:123
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT to %C26$1%O lost ($4)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT to %C26$1%O lost ($4)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:126
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a DCC CHAT offer from $1"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tएक DCC CHAT प्रस्ताव $1 से प्राप्त करता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:129
msgid "%C22*%O$tOffering DCC CHAT to $1"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tOffering DCC CHAT to $1"
#: src/common/textevents.h:132
msgid "%C22*%O$tAlready offering CHAT to $1"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t $1 को चैट का प्रस्ताव पहले ही भेज चुका है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:135
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC $1 connect attempt to%C26 $2%O failed (err=$3)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC $1 connect attempt to%C26 $2%O failed (err=$3)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:138
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived '$1%O' from $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tReceived '$1%O' from $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:141
#, c-format
msgid "%C24,18 Type To/From Status Size Pos File "
msgstr "%C24,18 Type To/From Status Size Pos File "
#: src/common/textevents.h:144
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a malformed DCC request from %C26$1%O.%010%C22*%O$tContents of packet: $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t %C26$1%O से अपरूप DCC आग्रह प्राप्त करता है.%010%C22*%O$tपैकेट की सामग्री: $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:147
msgid "%C22*%O$tOffering%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tOffering%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:150
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo such DCC offer."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tऐसा कोई DCC प्रस्ताव नहीं."
#: src/common/textevents.h:153
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $2%O to%C26 $1%O aborted."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $2%O to%C26 $1%O विफल रहा."
#: src/common/textevents.h:156
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O from%C26 $3%O complete %C30[%C26$4%O cps%C30]%O."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O from%C26 $3%O complete %C30[%C26$4%O cps%C30]%O."
#: src/common/textevents.h:159
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV connection established to%C26 $1 %C30[%O$2%C30]"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV %C26 $1 %C30[%O$2%C30] में संबंधन स्थापित किया"
#: src/common/textevents.h:162
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O from%C26 $3%O failed ($4)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O from%C26 $3%O failed ($4)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:165
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV: Cannot open $1 for writing ($2)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV: $1 को ($2) के लिखने के लिये नहीं खोल सकता."
#: src/common/textevents.h:168
msgid "%C22*%O$tThe file%C26 $1%C already exists, saving it as%C26 $2%O instead."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tफाइल%C26 $1%C पहले से मौजूद है, इसे%C26 $2%O रूप में सहेज रहा है."
#: src/common/textevents.h:171
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1 %Ohas requested to resume%C26 $2 %Cfrom%C26 $3%C."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C26$1 %Ohas requested to resume%C26 $2 %Cfrom%C26 $3%C."
#: src/common/textevents.h:174
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $2%O to%C26 $1%O aborted."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $2%O to%C26 $1%O विफल."
#: src/common/textevents.h:177
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O complete %C30[%C26$3%O cps%C30]%O."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O complete %C30[%C26$3%O cps%C30]%O."
#: src/common/textevents.h:180
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND connection established to%C26 $1 %C30[%O$2%C30]"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND संबंधन%C26 $1 %C30[%O$2%C30] से स्थापित"
#: src/common/textevents.h:183
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O failed. $3"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O failed. $3"
#: src/common/textevents.h:186
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1 %Ohas offered%C26 $2 %O(%C26$3 %Obytes)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C26$1 %Ohas offered%C26 $2 %O(%C26$3 %Obytes)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:189
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC $1%C26 $2 %Oto%C26 $3 %Cstalled - aborting."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC $1%C26 $2 %Oto%C26 $3 %Cstalled - विफल कर रहा है."
#: src/common/textevents.h:192
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC $1%C26 $2 %Oto%C26 $3 %Otimed out - aborting."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC $1%C26 $2 %Oto%C26 $3 %Otimed out - विफल कर रहा है."
#: src/common/textevents.h:195
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 deleted from notify list."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 को सूचना सूची से विलोपित किया गया."
#: src/common/textevents.h:198
msgid "%C22*%O$tDisconnected ($1)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tविसंबंधित ($1)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:201
msgid "%C22*%O$tFound your IP: [$1]"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tआपका IP पाया: [$1]"
#: src/common/textevents.h:204
msgid "$1$t$2"
msgstr "$1$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:207
msgid "%O%C26$1%O added to ignore list."
msgstr "%O%C26$1%O अनदेखे सूची में जोड़ा."
#: src/common/textevents.h:210
msgid "Ignore on %C26$1%O changed."
msgstr "%C26$1%O पर अनदेखा बदला गया."
#: src/common/textevents.h:213
#, c-format
msgid "%C24,18 "
msgstr "%C24,18 "
#: src/common/textevents.h:216
#, c-format
msgid "%C24,18 Hostmask PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG "
msgstr "%C24,18 Hostmask PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG "
#: src/common/textevents.h:219
msgid "%O%C26$1%O removed from ignore list."
msgstr "%O%C26$1%O को हटाया गया अनदेखे सूची से."
#: src/common/textevents.h:222
msgid " Ignore list is empty."
msgstr " अनदेखा सूची खाली है."
#: src/common/textevents.h:225
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(Channel is invite only)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(चैनल सिर्फ आमंत्रण के लिये है)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:228
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou have been invited to%C26 $1%O by%C26 $2%C (%C26$3%C)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tआप इसमें आमंत्रण किये गये हैं%C26 $1%O by%C26 $2%C (%C26$3%C)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:231
msgid "%C19*%O$t%C19%B$1 %B($3) has joined $2"
msgstr "%C19*%O$t%C19%B$1 %B($3) $2 में शामिल हुआ/हुई है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:234
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(Requires keyword)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(कीबोर्ड आवश्यक)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:237
msgid "%C21*%O$t%C21$1 has kicked $2 from $3 ($4%O%C21)"
msgstr "%C21*%O$t%C21$1 ने $2 को $3 से किक कर दिया है($4%O%C21)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:240
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou have been killed by $1 ($2%O%C22)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tआप इसके द्वारा किल किये गये हैं $1 ($2%O%C22)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:243
msgid "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$t$2%O"
msgstr "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$t$2%O"
#: src/common/textevents.h:246
msgid "%C16*%O$t$1%O"
msgstr "%C16*%O$t$1%O"
#: src/common/textevents.h:249
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22MOTD Skipped."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C22MOTD छोड़ आगे बढा."
#: src/common/textevents.h:252
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 already in use. Retrying with $2..."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 पहले से उपयोग में है. $2 के साथ फिर कोशिस कर रहा है..."
#: src/common/textevents.h:255
msgid "%C22*%O$tNickname already in use. Use /NICK to try another."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tउपनाम पहले से प्रयोग में है. /NICK का प्रयोग दूसरे के लिये कोशिश हेतु करें."
#: src/common/textevents.h:258
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo such DCC."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tऐसा कोई DCC नहीं."
#: src/common/textevents.h:261
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo process is currently running"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tकोई प्रक्रिया अभी चल नहीं रही है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:264
msgid "%C28-%C29$1%C28-%O$t$2"
msgstr "%C28-%C29$1%C28-%O$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:267
msgid "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$t$2"
msgstr "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:270
msgid "$tNotify list is empty."
msgstr "$tसूचना सूची खाली है."
#: src/common/textevents.h:273
msgid "%C24,18 %B Notify List "
msgstr "%C24,18 %B सूचना सूची "
#: src/common/textevents.h:276
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 users in notify list."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 सूचना सूची में उपयोक्ता."
#: src/common/textevents.h:279
msgid "%C22*%O$tNotify: $1 is offline ($2)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tNotify: $1 ऑफलाइन है ($2)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:282
msgid "%C22*%O$tNotify: $1 is online ($2)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tNotify: $1 ऑनलाइन है ($2)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:288
msgid "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 (%O%C23$2) has left $3"
msgstr "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 (%O%C23$2) ने $3 को छोड़ दिया"
#: src/common/textevents.h:291
msgid "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 (%O%C23$2) has left $3 (%O%C23$4)"
msgstr "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 (%O%C23$2) ने $3 (%O%C23$4) को छोड़ा है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:294
msgid "%C22*%O$tPing reply from $1: $2 second(s)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t $1 से पिंग जवाब: $2 सेकेंड"
#: src/common/textevents.h:297
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo ping reply for $1 seconds, disconnecting."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tकोई पिंग जबाव $1 सेकेंड के लिये नहीं, विसंबंधित हो रहा है."
#: src/common/textevents.h:300
msgid "%C28*%C29$3$1%C28*$t%O$2"
msgstr "%C28*%C29$3$1%C28*$t%O$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:303
msgid "%C18%B%B$3$1%O$t$2"
msgstr "%C18%B%B$3$1%O$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:306
msgid "%C22*%O$tA process is already running"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tA प्रक्रिया पहले से चल रहा है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:309
msgid "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 has quit (%O%C23$2)"
msgstr "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 ने छोड़ दिया (%O%C23$2)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:312
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets modes%B %C30[%O$2%B%C30]"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 मोड %B %C30[%O$2%B%C30] सेट करता है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:315
msgid "%C28-%C29$1/Wallops%C28-%O$t$2"
msgstr "%C28-%C29$1/Wallops%C28-%O$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:318
msgid "%C22*%O$tLooking up IP number for%C26 $1%O..."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tIP संख्या इसके लिये देख रहा है %C26 $1%O..."
#: src/common/textevents.h:321
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Connected."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C22Connected."
#: src/common/textevents.h:324 src/common/textevents.h:330
#: src/common/textevents.h:333
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1"
#: src/common/textevents.h:327
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Looking up $1"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C22 $1 को देख रहा है"
#: src/common/textevents.h:336
msgid "%C22*%O$tStopped previous connection attempt (pid=$1)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tपहले के संबंधन प्रयास को रोका (pid=$1)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:339
msgid "%C29*%O$t%C29Topic for $1%C %C29is: $2"
msgstr "%C29*%O$t%C29इसके लिये $1%C %C29टापिक है: $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:342
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 has changed the topic to: $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 ने टॉपिक बदल दिया है: $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:345
msgid "%C29*%O$t%C29Topic for $1%C %C29set by $2%C %C29at $3"
msgstr "%C29*%O$t%C29 $1%C %C29 के लिये टॉपिक $2%C %C29 के द्वारा $3 को सेट"
#: src/common/textevents.h:348
msgid "%C22*%O$tUnknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tअनजान मेजबान. शायद आपने इसे वर्तनी अशुद्ध लिख दिया है?"
#: src/common/textevents.h:351
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(User limit reached)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(उपयोक्ता सीमा समाप्त)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:354
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26Users on $1:%C $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C26Users on $1:%C $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:357
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %O$2%C27 $3"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %O$2%C27 $3"
#: src/common/textevents.h:360
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %Cis away %C30(%O$2%O%C30)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %Cis away %C30(%O$2%O%C30)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:363 src/common/textevents.h:369
#: src/common/textevents.h:384 src/common/textevents.h:387
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:366
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %OEnd of WHOIS list."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %OEnd of WHOIS list."
#: src/common/textevents.h:372
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:375
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2%O, signon:%C26 $3"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2%O, signon:%C26 $3"
#: src/common/textevents.h:378
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %C30(%O$2@$3%C30)%O: $4"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %C30(%O$2@$3%C30)%O: $4"
#: src/common/textevents.h:381
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %Oreal user@host%C27 $2%O, real IP%C27 $3"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %Oreal user@host%C27 $2%O, real IP%C27 $3"
#: src/common/textevents.h:390
msgid "%C19*%O$t%C19Now talking on $2"
msgstr "%C19*%O$t%C19अब $2 पर बात कर रहे हैं"
#: src/common/textevents.h:393
msgid "%C23*$tYou have been kicked from $2 by $3 ($4%O%C23)"
msgstr "%C23*$tआपको $2 से $3 ($4%O%C23) के द्वारा किक किया गया"
#: src/common/textevents.h:396
#, c-format
msgid "%C23*$tYou have left channel $3"
msgstr "%C23*$tआपने चैनल छोड़ा है $3"
#: src/common/textevents.h:399
msgid "%C23*$tYou have left channel $3 (%O%C23$4%O%C23)"
msgstr "%C23*$tआपने चैनल छोड़ा है $3 (%O%C23$4%O%C23)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:402
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou've invited%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O (%C26$3%O)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tआपने आमंत्रित किया है%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O (%C26$3%O)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:405
msgid "%C31%B%B$4$1%O$t%C30$2"
msgstr "%C31%B%B$4$1%O$t%C30$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:408
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou are now known as $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tआप अब $2 के रूप में जाने जायेंगे"
#: src/common/text.c:207
#, c-format
msgid "**** ENDING LOGGING AT %s\n"
msgstr "**** इसपर लॉगिंग समाप्त कर रहा है %s\n"
#: src/common/text.c:325
#, c-format
msgid "**** BEGIN LOGGING AT %s\n"
msgstr "**** इसपर लॉगिंग शुरू करें %s\n"
#: src/common/text.c:344
#, c-format
msgid ""
"* Can't open log file(s) for writing. Check the\n"
" permissions on %s/xchatlogs"
msgstr ""
"* लिखने के लिये लॉग फाइल नहीं खोल सकता. अनुमति को\n"
" %s/xchatlogs पर जांचें"
#: src/common/text.c:559
msgid "Left message"
msgstr "बांया संदेश"
#: src/common/text.c:560
msgid "Right message"
msgstr "दाहिना संदेश"
#: src/common/text.c:564
msgid "The nick of the joining person"
msgstr "शामिल व्यक्ति का नाम"
#: src/common/text.c:565
msgid "The channel being joined"
msgstr "शामिल हुआ चैनल"
#: src/common/text.c:566 src/common/text.c:611 src/common/text.c:668
msgid "The host of the person"
msgstr "व्यक्ति का मेजबान"
#: src/common/text.c:570 src/common/text.c:575 src/common/text.c:582
#: src/common/text.c:649 src/common/text.c:774 src/common/text.c:781
#: src/common/text.c:786 src/common/text.c:791 src/common/text.c:796
#: src/common/text.c:802 src/common/text.c:807 src/common/text.c:811
#: src/common/text.c:817 src/common/text.c:823 src/common/text.c:869
#: src/common/text.c:878 src/common/text.c:883 src/common/text.c:888
#: src/common/text.c:897 src/common/text.c:908 src/common/text.c:915
#: src/common/text.c:921 src/common/text.c:926 src/common/text.c:931
#: src/common/text.c:938 src/common/text.c:944 src/common/text.c:950
#: src/common/text.c:955 src/common/text.c:960 src/common/text.c:964
#: src/common/text.c:970 src/common/text.c:978 src/common/text.c:1012
#: src/common/text.c:1017
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:571
msgid "The action"
msgstr "क्रिया"
#: src/common/text.c:576
msgid "The text"
msgstr "पाठ"
#: src/common/text.c:577
msgid "Mode char"
msgstr "मोड चार"
#: src/common/text.c:578 src/common/text.c:651
msgid "Identified text"
msgstr "पहचाना गया पाठ"
#: src/common/text.c:583 src/common/text.c:639 src/common/text.c:645
#: src/common/text.c:650
msgid "The message"
msgstr "संदेश"
#: src/common/text.c:587 src/common/text.c:655
msgid "Old nickname"
msgstr "पुराना उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:588 src/common/text.c:656
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "नया उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:592
msgid "Nick of person who changed the topic"
msgstr "विषय बदलने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:593 src/common/text.c:599 src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:599
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:700
msgid "Topic"
msgstr "विषय"
#: src/common/text.c:594 src/common/text.c:598 src/common/text.c:1032
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:597 src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:691
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:176
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "चैनेल"
#: src/common/text.c:603 src/common/text.c:662
msgid "The nickname of the kicker"
msgstr "किक किया गये का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:604 src/common/text.c:660
msgid "The person being kicked"
msgstr "किक किया गया व्यक्ति"
#: src/common/text.c:605 src/common/text.c:612 src/common/text.c:616
#: src/common/text.c:621 src/common/text.c:661 src/common/text.c:669
msgid "The channel"
msgstr "चैनल"
#: src/common/text.c:606 src/common/text.c:663 src/common/text.c:670
msgid "The reason"
msgstr "तर्क"
#: src/common/text.c:610 src/common/text.c:667
msgid "The nick of the person leaving"
msgstr "छोड़ रहे व्यक्ति का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:617 src/common/text.c:623
msgid "The time"
msgstr "समय"
#: src/common/text.c:622
msgid "The creator"
msgstr "निर्माता"
#: src/common/text.c:627
msgid "Nick"
msgstr "उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:628 src/common/text.c:884
msgid "Reason"
msgstr "कारण"
#: src/common/text.c:629 src/common/text.c:776 src/common/text.c:859
msgid "Host"
msgstr "होस्ट"
#: src/common/text.c:633 src/common/text.c:638 src/common/text.c:643
msgid "Who it's from"
msgstr "यह कहां से है"
#: src/common/text.c:634
msgid "The time in x.x format (see below)"
msgstr "x.x प्रारूप में समय (नीचे देखें)"
#: src/common/text.c:644 src/common/text.c:686
msgid "The Channel it's going to"
msgstr "चैनल जिसमें यह जा रहा है"
#: src/common/text.c:674
msgid "The sound"
msgstr "ध्वनि"
#: src/common/text.c:675 src/common/text.c:680 src/common/text.c:685
msgid "The nick of the person"
msgstr "व्यक्ति का नाम"
#: src/common/text.c:679 src/common/text.c:684
msgid "The CTCP event"
msgstr "CTCP घटना"
#: src/common/text.c:690
msgid "The nick of the person who set the key"
msgstr "कुंजी सेट करने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:691
msgid "The key"
msgstr "कुंजी"
#: src/common/text.c:695
msgid "The nick of the person who set the limit"
msgstr "सीमा सेट करने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:696
msgid "The limit"
msgstr "सीमा"
#: src/common/text.c:700
msgid "The nick of the person who did the op'ing"
msgstr "ऑपरेटिंग करने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:701
msgid "The nick of the person who has been op'ed"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसन ऑपरेट किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:705
msgid "The nick of the person who has been halfop'ed"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसन आधा ऑपरेट किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:706
msgid "The nick of the person who did the halfop'ing"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसने आधा ऑपरेट किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:710
msgid "The nick of the person who did the voice'ing"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसने घ्वनि किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:711
msgid "The nick of the person who has been voice'ed"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसने व्यायस्ड किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:715
msgid "The nick of the person who did the banning"
msgstr "प्रतिबंध लगाने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:716 src/common/text.c:743
msgid "The ban mask"
msgstr "प्रतिबंध मास्क"
#: src/common/text.c:720
msgid "The nick who removed the key"
msgstr "कुंजी हटाने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:724
msgid "The nick who removed the limit"
msgstr "सीमा हटाने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:728
msgid "The nick of the person of did the deop'ing"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसने डिऑपरेटिंग किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:729
msgid "The nick of the person who has been deop'ed"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसने डिऑपरेटिंग किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:732
msgid "The nick of the person of did the dehalfop'ing"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसने डिहाफऑपरेटिंग किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:733
msgid "The nick of the person who has been dehalfop'ed"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसने डिहाफऑपरेटिंग किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:737
msgid "The nick of the person of did the devoice'ing"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसने डिव्यायसिंग किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:738
msgid "The nick of the person who has been devoice'ed"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसने डिव्यायसिंग किया गया है"
#: src/common/text.c:742
msgid "The nick of the person of did the unban'ing"
msgstr "प्रतिबंध हटाने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:747
msgid "The nick of the person who did the exempt"
msgstr "उसका उपनाम जिसने exempt किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:748 src/common/text.c:753
msgid "The exempt mask"
msgstr "exempt मास्क"
#: src/common/text.c:752
msgid "The nick of the person removed the exempt"
msgstr "exempt हटाने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:757
msgid "The nick of the person who did the invite"
msgstr "आमंत्रण देने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:758 src/common/text.c:763
msgid "The invite mask"
msgstr "आमंत्रण मास्क"
#: src/common/text.c:762
msgid "The nick of the person removed the invite"
msgstr "आमंत्रण हटाने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:767
msgid "The nick of the person setting the mode"
msgstr "मोड सेट करने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:768
msgid "The mode's sign (+/-)"
msgstr "मोड हस्ताक्षर (+/-)"
#: src/common/text.c:769
msgid "The mode letter"
msgstr "मोड पत्र"
#: src/common/text.c:770
msgid "The channel it's being set on"
msgstr "चैनल जिसपर सेट है"
#: src/common/text.c:775
msgid "Username"
msgstr "उपयोक्तानाम"
#: src/common/text.c:777
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "पूरा नाम"
#: src/common/text.c:782
msgid "Channel Membership/\"is an IRC operator\""
msgstr "चैनल सदस्यता/\"एक IRC ऑपरेटर है\""
#: src/common/text.c:787
msgid "Server Information"
msgstr "सर्वर जानकारी"
#: src/common/text.c:792 src/common/text.c:797
msgid "Idle time"
msgstr "सुस्त समय"
#: src/common/text.c:798
msgid "Signon time"
msgstr "साइनऑन समय"
#: src/common/text.c:803
msgid "Away reason"
msgstr "दूर का कारण"
#: src/common/text.c:812 src/common/text.c:818 src/common/text.c:826
#: src/common/text.c:1004
msgid "Message"
msgstr "संदेश"
#: src/common/text.c:819
msgid "Account"
msgstr "खाता"
#: src/common/text.c:824
msgid "Real user@host"
msgstr "वास्तविक user@host"
#: src/common/text.c:825
msgid "Real IP"
msgstr "वास्तविक IP"
#: src/common/text.c:830 src/common/text.c:839 src/common/text.c:845
#: src/common/text.c:1027
msgid "Channel Name"
msgstr "चैनल नाम"
#: src/common/text.c:834 src/common/text.c:990 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:338
msgid "Text"
msgstr "पाठ"
#: src/common/text.c:835 src/common/text.c:841 src/common/text.c:1028
msgid "Server Name"
msgstr "सर्वर नाम"
#: src/common/text.c:840
msgid "Nick of person who invited you"
msgstr "आपको आमंत्रित करने वाले का उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:846 src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:598
msgid "Users"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता"
#: src/common/text.c:850
msgid "Nickname in use"
msgstr "उपयोग में उपनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:851
msgid "Nick being tried"
msgstr "उपनाम के लिये कोशिश की गई"
#: src/common/text.c:855 src/common/text.c:891 src/common/text.c:902
#: src/common/text.c:909 src/common/text.c:922 src/common/text.c:939
#: src/common/text.c:1039 src/common/util.c:352
msgid "Error"
msgstr "त्रुटि"
#: src/common/text.c:860 src/common/text.c:994
msgid "IP"
msgstr "आईपी"
#: src/common/text.c:861 src/common/text.c:890
msgid "Port"
msgstr "पोर्ट"
#: src/common/text.c:865
msgid "PID"
msgstr "पीआईडी"
#: src/common/text.c:873
msgid "Channel name"
msgstr "चैनल नाम"
#: src/common/text.c:874 src/common/text.c:879
msgid "Modes string"
msgstr "मोड स्ट्रिंग"
#: src/common/text.c:889 src/common/text.c:927 src/common/text.c:932
#: src/common/text.c:973
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "IP पता"
#: src/common/text.c:895 src/common/text.c:920
msgid "DCC Type"
msgstr "डीसीसी क़िस्म"
#: src/common/text.c:896 src/common/text.c:901 src/common/text.c:906
#: src/common/text.c:913 src/common/text.c:933 src/common/text.c:937
#: src/common/text.c:943 src/common/text.c:949 src/common/text.c:956
#: src/common/text.c:965 src/common/text.c:971
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "फ़ाइलनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:907 src/common/text.c:914
msgid "Destination filename"
msgstr "गंतव्य फाइलनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:916 src/common/text.c:945
msgid "CPS"
msgstr "CPS"
#: src/common/text.c:951
msgid "Pathname"
msgstr "पाथनेम"
#: src/common/text.c:966 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:518 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:676
msgid "Position"
msgstr "स्थिति"
#: src/common/text.c:972 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:517 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:675
msgid "Size"
msgstr "आकार"
#: src/common/text.c:977
msgid "DCC String"
msgstr "DCC स्ट्रिंग"
#: src/common/text.c:982
msgid "Number of notify items"
msgstr "सूचना मद की संख्या"
#: src/common/text.c:986
msgid "Servername"
msgstr "सर्वरनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:998
msgid "Old Filename"
msgstr "पुराना फाइलनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:999
msgid "New Filename"
msgstr "नया फाइलनाम"
#: src/common/text.c:1003
msgid "Receiver"
msgstr "पाने वाला"
#: src/common/text.c:1008
msgid "Hostmask"
msgstr "होस्टमास्क"
#: src/common/text.c:1013
msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "मेजबाननाम"
#: src/common/text.c:1018
msgid "The Packet"
msgstr "पैकेट"
#: src/common/text.c:1022
msgid "Seconds"
msgstr "सेकेंड"
#: src/common/text.c:1026
msgid "Nick of person who have been invited"
msgstr "उपनाम जिसने आमंत्रण दिया है"
#: src/common/text.c:1033
msgid "Banmask"
msgstr "बैनमास्क"
#: src/common/text.c:1034
msgid "Who set the ban"
msgstr "किसने प्रतिबंध सेट किया है"
#: src/common/text.c:1035
msgid "Ban time"
msgstr "प्रतिबंध समय"
#: src/common/text.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error parsing event %s.\n"
"Loading default."
msgstr ""
"%s की व्याख्या में त्रुटि.\n"
"मूलभूत लोड कर रहा है."
#: src/common/text.c:1713
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot read sound file:\n"
msgstr ""
"ध्वनि फाइल नहीं पढ़ सकता है:\n"
#: src/common/util.c:296
msgid "Remote host closed socket"
msgstr "दूरस्थ मेजबान बंद सॉकेट"
#: src/common/util.c:301
msgid "Connection refused"
msgstr "कनेक्शन अस्वीकृत"
#: src/common/util.c:304
msgid "No route to host"
msgstr "मेजबान में कोई रूट नहीं"
#: src/common/util.c:306
msgid "Connection timed out"
msgstr "कनेक्शन टाइम आउट हो गया"
#: src/common/util.c:308
msgid "Cannot assign that address"
msgstr "वह पता नियत नहीं कर सकता है"
#: src/common/util.c:310
msgid "Connection reset by peer"
msgstr "संबंधी द्वारा संबंधन फिर सेट"
#: src/common/util.c:821
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "अंडोरा"
#: src/common/util.c:822
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "संयुक्त अरब अमीरात"
#: src/common/util.c:823
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "अफगानिस्तान"
#: src/common/util.c:824
msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
msgstr "एंटिगुआ और बर्बुडा"
#: src/common/util.c:825
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "एंग्विला"
#: src/common/util.c:826
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "अलबानिया"
#: src/common/util.c:827
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "आर्मेनिया"
#: src/common/util.c:828
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
msgstr "नीदरलैंड्स एंटीलेस"
#: src/common/util.c:829
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "अंगोला"
#: src/common/util.c:830
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "अंटार्कटिका"
#: src/common/util.c:831
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "अर्जेन्टिना"
#: src/common/util.c:832
msgid "Reverse DNS"
msgstr "विलोम DNS"
#: src/common/util.c:833
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "अमेरिकन समोआ"
#: src/common/util.c:834
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "आस्ट्रिया"
#: src/common/util.c:835
msgid "Nato Fiel"
msgstr "Nato Fiel"
#: src/common/util.c:836
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "आस्ट्रेलिया"
#: src/common/util.c:837
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "अरूबा"
#: src/common/util.c:838
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "अजरबैजान"
#: src/common/util.c:839
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
msgstr "बोस्निया और हर्जेगोविना"
#: src/common/util.c:840
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "बारबोडस"
#: src/common/util.c:841
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "बांग्लादेश"
#: src/common/util.c:842
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "बेल्जियम"
#: src/common/util.c:843
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "बुर्किना फासो"
#: src/common/util.c:844
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "बल्गारिया"
#: src/common/util.c:845
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "बहरीन"
#: src/common/util.c:846
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "बुरूंडी"
#: src/common/util.c:847
msgid "Businesses"
msgstr "व्यापार"
#: src/common/util.c:848
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "बेनिन"
#: src/common/util.c:849
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "बरमुडा"
#: src/common/util.c:850
msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
msgstr "ब्रुनेई दारूसलाम"
#: src/common/util.c:851
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "बोलिविया"
#: src/common/util.c:852
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "ब्राजील"
#: src/common/util.c:853
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "बहामा"
#: src/common/util.c:854
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "भूटान"
#: src/common/util.c:855
msgid "Bouvet Island"
msgstr "बौभेट द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:856
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "बोत्सवाना"
#: src/common/util.c:857
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "बेलारूस"
#: src/common/util.c:858
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "बेलाइज"
#: src/common/util.c:859
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "कनाडा"
#: src/common/util.c:860
msgid "Cocos Islands"
msgstr "कोकोस द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:861
msgid "Democratic Republic of Congo"
msgstr "कांगो लोकतांत्रिक गणतंत्र"
#: src/common/util.c:862
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "केंद्रीय अफ्रीकी गणतंत्र"
#: src/common/util.c:863
msgid "Congo"
msgstr "कांगो"
#: src/common/util.c:864
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "स्विट्जरलैंड"
#: src/common/util.c:865
msgid "Cote d'Ivoire"
msgstr "कोटे डि इवायर"
#: src/common/util.c:866
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr "कुक द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:867
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "चिली"
#: src/common/util.c:868
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "कैमरून"
#: src/common/util.c:869
msgid "China"
msgstr "चीन"
#: src/common/util.c:870
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "कोलंबिया"
#: src/common/util.c:871
msgid "Internic Commercial"
msgstr "इंटरनिक वाणिज्यिक"
#: src/common/util.c:872
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "कोस्टा रिका"
#: src/common/util.c:873
msgid "Serbia and Montenegro"
msgstr "सर्बीया अने मोन्टेनेग्रो"
#: src/common/util.c:874
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "क्यूबा"
#: src/common/util.c:875
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "केप वर्डे"
#: src/common/util.c:876
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr "क्रिसमस द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:877
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "साइप्रस"
#: src/common/util.c:878
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "चेक गणतंत्र"
#: src/common/util.c:879
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "जर्मनी"
#: src/common/util.c:880
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "दिबॉती"
#: src/common/util.c:881
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "डेनमार्क"
#: src/common/util.c:882
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "डोमिनिका"
#: src/common/util.c:883
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "डोमिनिकन गणतंत्र"
#: src/common/util.c:884
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "अल्जीरिया"
#: src/common/util.c:885
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "इक्वेडर"
#: src/common/util.c:886
msgid "Educational Institution"
msgstr "शैक्षणिक संस्थायें"
#: src/common/util.c:887
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "इस्टोनिया"
#: src/common/util.c:888
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "मिश्र"
#: src/common/util.c:889
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr "पश्चिम सहारा"
#: src/common/util.c:890
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "इरीट्रिया"
#: src/common/util.c:891
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "स्पेन"
#: src/common/util.c:892
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "इथोपिया"
#: src/common/util.c:893
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "फिनलैंड"
#: src/common/util.c:894
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "फिजी"
#: src/common/util.c:895
msgid "Falkland Islands"
msgstr "फाकलैंड द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:896
msgid "Micronesia"
msgstr "माइक्रोनेशिया"
#: src/common/util.c:897
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "फैरो द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:898
msgid "France"
msgstr "फ्रांस"
#: src/common/util.c:899
msgid "France, Metropolitan"
msgstr "फ्रांस, महानगर"
#: src/common/util.c:900
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "गैबन"
#: src/common/util.c:901
msgid "Great Britain"
msgstr "ग्रेट ब्रिटेन"
#: src/common/util.c:902
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "ग्रेनाडा"
#: src/common/util.c:903
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "जार्जिया"
#: src/common/util.c:904
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr "फ्रेंच गायना"
#: src/common/util.c:905
msgid "British Channel Isles"
msgstr "ब्रिटिश चैनल द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:906
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "घाना"
#: src/common/util.c:907
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "जिब्राल्टर"
#: src/common/util.c:908
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "ग्रीनलैंड"
#: src/common/util.c:909
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "गैंबिया"
#: src/common/util.c:910
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "गायना"
#: src/common/util.c:911
msgid "Government"
msgstr "सरकार"
#: src/common/util.c:912
msgid "Guadeloupe"
msgstr "गुआडेलोप"
#: src/common/util.c:913
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "भूमध्यरेखीय गायना"
#: src/common/util.c:914
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "ग्रीस"
#: src/common/util.c:915
msgid "S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isles"
msgstr "दक्षिणी ज्यार्जिया व दक्षिणी सैंडविच द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:916
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "गुआटेमाला"
#: src/common/util.c:917
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "गुआम"
#: src/common/util.c:918
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "गाइना बिसाउ"
#: src/common/util.c:919
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "गुयाना"
#: src/common/util.c:920
msgid "Hong Kong"
msgstr "हांग कांग"
#: src/common/util.c:921
msgid "Heard and McDonald Islands"
msgstr "हर्ड व मैकडोनाल्ड द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:922
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "होंडुरास"
#: src/common/util.c:923
msgid "Croatia"
msgstr "क्रोशिया"
#: src/common/util.c:924
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "हैती"
#: src/common/util.c:925
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "हंगरी"
#: src/common/util.c:926
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "इंडोनेशिया"
#: src/common/util.c:927
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "आयरलैंड"
#: src/common/util.c:928
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "इज़राइल"
#: src/common/util.c:929
msgid "India"
msgstr "भारत"
#: src/common/util.c:930
msgid "Informational"
msgstr "जानकारीपरक"
#: src/common/util.c:931
msgid "International"
msgstr "अंतर्राष्ट्रीय"
#: src/common/util.c:932
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr "ब्रिटिश इंडियन समुद्री क्षेत्र"
#: src/common/util.c:933
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "इराक"
#: src/common/util.c:934
msgid "Iran"
msgstr "इरान"
#: src/common/util.c:935
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "आइसलैंड"
#: src/common/util.c:936
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "इटली"
#: src/common/util.c:937
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "जमैका"
#: src/common/util.c:938
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "जोर्डन"
#: src/common/util.c:939
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "जापान"
#: src/common/util.c:940
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "कीनिया"
#: src/common/util.c:941
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "किर्गीस्तान"
#: src/common/util.c:942
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "कंबोडिया"
#: src/common/util.c:943
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "किरीबाती"
#: src/common/util.c:944
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "कोमोरोस"
#: src/common/util.c:945
msgid "St. Kitts and Nevis"
msgstr "सेंट किट्स तथा नेविस"
#: src/common/util.c:946
msgid "North Korea"
msgstr "उत्तर कोरिया"
#: src/common/util.c:947
msgid "South Korea"
msgstr "दक्षिण कोरिया"
#: src/common/util.c:948
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "कुवैत"
#: src/common/util.c:949
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "कैमन द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:950
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "कजाखस्तान"
#: src/common/util.c:951
msgid "Laos"
msgstr "लाओस"
#: src/common/util.c:952
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "लेबनान"
#: src/common/util.c:953
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr "सेंट लुसिया"
#: src/common/util.c:954
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "लिचेंस्टाइन"
#: src/common/util.c:955
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "श्रीलंका"
#: src/common/util.c:956
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "लाइबेरिया"
#: src/common/util.c:957
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "लेसोथो"
#: src/common/util.c:958
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "लिथुआनिया"
#: src/common/util.c:959
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "लक्समबर्ग"
#: src/common/util.c:960
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "लाटविया"
#: src/common/util.c:961
msgid "Libya"
msgstr "लीबिया"
#: src/common/util.c:962
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "मोरोक्को"
#: src/common/util.c:963
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "मोनाको"
#: src/common/util.c:964
msgid "Moldova"
msgstr "माल्डोवा"
#: src/common/util.c:965
msgid "United States Medical"
msgstr "संयुक्त राज्य मेडिकल"
#: src/common/util.c:966
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "मेडागास्कर"
#: src/common/util.c:967
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "मार्शल द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:968
msgid "Military"
msgstr "सैना"
#: src/common/util.c:969
msgid "Macedonia"
msgstr "मेसीडोनिया"
#: src/common/util.c:970
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "माली"
#: src/common/util.c:971
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "म्यनमार"
#: src/common/util.c:972
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "मंगोलिया"
#: src/common/util.c:973
msgid "Macau"
msgstr "मकाउ"
#: src/common/util.c:974
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "उत्तरी मरियाना द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:975
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "मार्टीनीक"
#: src/common/util.c:976
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "मारीटेनिया"
#: src/common/util.c:977
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "मोंट्सेराट"
#: src/common/util.c:978
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "माल्टा"
#: src/common/util.c:979
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "मॉरीशस"
#: src/common/util.c:980
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "मालदीव"
#: src/common/util.c:981
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "मलावी"
#: src/common/util.c:982
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "मेक्सिको"
#: src/common/util.c:983
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "मलेशिया"
#: src/common/util.c:984
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "मोजांबिक"
#: src/common/util.c:985
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "नामीबिया"
#: src/common/util.c:986
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "न्यू कैलिडोनिया"
#: src/common/util.c:987
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "नाइजर"
#: src/common/util.c:988
msgid "Internic Network"
msgstr "इंटरनिक संजाल"
#: src/common/util.c:989
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr "नॉरफॉक द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:990
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "नाइजीरिया"
#: src/common/util.c:991
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "निकारागुआ"
#: src/common/util.c:992
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "नीदरलैंड्स"
#: src/common/util.c:993
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "नार्वे"
#: src/common/util.c:994
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "नेपाल"
#: src/common/util.c:995
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "नौरू"
#: src/common/util.c:996
msgid "Neutral Zone"
msgstr "मध्यस्थ क्षेत्र"
#: src/common/util.c:997
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "निवे"
#: src/common/util.c:998
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "न्यू जीलैंड"
#: src/common/util.c:999
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "ओमान"
#: src/common/util.c:1000
msgid "Internic Non-Profit Organization"
msgstr "इंटरनिक गैर लाभकारी संगठन"
#: src/common/util.c:1001
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "पनामा"
#: src/common/util.c:1002
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "पेरू"
#: src/common/util.c:1003
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "फ्रेंच पोलीनेशिया"
#: src/common/util.c:1004
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "पापुआ न्यू गिनी"
#: src/common/util.c:1005
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "फिलीपीन"
#: src/common/util.c:1006
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "पाकिस्तान"
#: src/common/util.c:1007
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "पोलेंड"
#: src/common/util.c:1008
msgid "St. Pierre and Miquelon"
msgstr "सेंट पियरे व मिकेलन"
#: src/common/util.c:1009
msgid "Pitcairn"
msgstr "पिटकैर्न"
#: src/common/util.c:1010
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "प्यूरिटो रिको"
#: src/common/util.c:1011
msgid "Palestinian Territory"
msgstr "फिलीस्तीनी क्षेत्र"
#: src/common/util.c:1012
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "पुर्तगाल"
#: src/common/util.c:1013
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "पलाऊ"
#: src/common/util.c:1014
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "पराग्वे"
#: src/common/util.c:1015
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "कातार"
#: src/common/util.c:1016
msgid "Reunion"
msgstr "रीयूनियन"
#: src/common/util.c:1017
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "रोमानिया"
#: src/common/util.c:1018
msgid "Old School ARPAnet"
msgstr "ओल्ड स्कूल ARPAnet"
#: src/common/util.c:1019
msgid "Russian Federation"
msgstr "रूस परिसंघ"
#: src/common/util.c:1020
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "रवांडा"
#: src/common/util.c:1021
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "सऊदी अरब"
#: src/common/util.c:1022
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "सोलोमन द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:1023
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "सिचेलीस"
#: src/common/util.c:1024
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "सूडान"
#: src/common/util.c:1025
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "स्वीडन"
#: src/common/util.c:1026
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "सिंगापुर"
#: src/common/util.c:1027
msgid "St. Helena"
msgstr "सेंट हेलेना"
#: src/common/util.c:1028
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "स्लोवेनिया"
#: src/common/util.c:1029
msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"
msgstr "स्वालबर्ड और जेन मयेन द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:1030
msgid "Slovak Republic"
msgstr "स्लोवाक गणतंत्र"
#: src/common/util.c:1031
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "सियरा लियोन"
#: src/common/util.c:1032
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "सैन मेरिनो"
#: src/common/util.c:1033
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "सेनेगल"
#: src/common/util.c:1034
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "सोमालिया"
#: src/common/util.c:1035
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "सुरीनाम"
#: src/common/util.c:1036
msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
msgstr "साओ टोम अने प्रिन्साईप"
#: src/common/util.c:1037
msgid "Former USSR"
msgstr "भूतपूर्व USSR"
#: src/common/util.c:1038
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "अल सल्वाडोर"
#: src/common/util.c:1039
msgid "Syria"
msgstr "सीरिया"
#: src/common/util.c:1040
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "स्वाजीलैंड"
#: src/common/util.c:1041
msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
msgstr "तुर्क्स अने केईकोस द्वीपओ"
#: src/common/util.c:1042
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "चाड"
#: src/common/util.c:1043
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr "फ्रेंच दक्षिण परिक्षेत्र"
#: src/common/util.c:1044
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "टोगो"
#: src/common/util.c:1045
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "थाइलैंड"
#: src/common/util.c:1046
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "ताजीकिस्तान"
#: src/common/util.c:1047
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr "टोकेलाऊ"
#: src/common/util.c:1048
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "तुर्कमेनिस्तान"
#: src/common/util.c:1049
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "ट्यूनीशिया"
#: src/common/util.c:1050
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "टोन्गा"
#: src/common/util.c:1051
msgid "East Timor"
msgstr "पूर्वीय टाईमोर"
#: src/common/util.c:1052
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "तुर्की"
#: src/common/util.c:1053
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
msgstr "ट्रिनीदाद अने टोबेगो"
#: src/common/util.c:1054
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "तुवालू"
#: src/common/util.c:1055
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "ताइवान"
#: src/common/util.c:1056
msgid "Tanzania"
msgstr "तान्झानीया"
#: src/common/util.c:1057
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "उक्रेन"
#: src/common/util.c:1058
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "यूगांडा"
#: src/common/util.c:1059
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "यूनाइटेड किंगडम"
#: src/common/util.c:1060
msgid "US Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr "US माइनर बाहरी द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:1061
msgid "United States of America"
msgstr "युनाइटेड स्टेट आफ अमेरिका"
#: src/common/util.c:1062
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "उरुगवे"
#: src/common/util.c:1063
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "उजबेकिस्तान"
#: src/common/util.c:1064
msgid "Vatican City State"
msgstr "वेटिकन सिटी स्टेट"
#: src/common/util.c:1065
msgid "St. Vincent and the Grenadines"
msgstr "सेंट विंसेंट तथा ग्रेनेडाइन्स"
#: src/common/util.c:1066
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "वेनेजुएला"
#: src/common/util.c:1067
msgid "British Virgin Islands"
msgstr "ब्रिटिश बर्जिन द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:1068
msgid "US Virgin Islands"
msgstr "US वर्जिन द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:1069
msgid "Vietnam"
msgstr "विएतनाम"
#: src/common/util.c:1070
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "वैनुआटु"
#: src/common/util.c:1071
msgid "Wallis and Futuna Islands"
msgstr "वेलिश और फुटूना द्वीप"
#: src/common/util.c:1072
msgid "Samoa"
msgstr "समोआ"
#: src/common/util.c:1073
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "यमन"
#: src/common/util.c:1074
msgid "Mayotte"
msgstr "मयोटे"
#: src/common/util.c:1075
msgid "Yugoslavia"
msgstr "युगोस्लाविया"
#: src/common/util.c:1076
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "दक्षिण अफ्रीका"
#: src/common/util.c:1077
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "जांबिया"
#: src/common/util.c:1078
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "जिंबाबवे"
#: src/common/util.c:1088 src/common/util.c:1098 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:478
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:482 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:486 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:490
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:494
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "अज्ञात"
#: src/common/xchat.c:929
msgid "Direct client-to-client"
msgstr "Direct client-to-client"
#: src/common/xchat.c:930
msgid "Send File"
msgstr "फाइल भेजें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:931
msgid "Offer Chat"
msgstr "बातचीत का प्रस्ताव दें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:932
msgid "Abort Chat"
msgstr "बातचीत विफल करें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:933 src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:73
msgid "Version"
msgstr "संस्करण"
#: src/common/xchat.c:934
msgid "Userinfo"
msgstr "Userinfo"
#: src/common/xchat.c:935
msgid "Clientinfo"
msgstr "Clientinfo"
#: src/common/xchat.c:936 src/common/xchat.c:970 src/common/xchat.c:1021
msgid "Ping"
msgstr "पिंग"
#: src/common/xchat.c:937
msgid "Time"
msgstr "समय"
#: src/common/xchat.c:938
msgid "Finger"
msgstr "फिंगर"
#: src/common/xchat.c:939
msgid "Oper"
msgstr "आपरेटर"
#: src/common/xchat.c:940
msgid "Kill this user"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता खत्म करें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:941
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "मोड"
#: src/common/xchat.c:942
msgid "Give Ops"
msgstr "ऑपरेटर दर्जा दें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:943
msgid "Take Ops"
msgstr "ऑपरेटर दर्जा लें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:944
msgid "Give Half-Ops"
msgstr "आधा ऑपरेटर दर्जा दें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:945
msgid "Take Half-Ops"
msgstr "आधा ऑपरेटर दर्जा लें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:946
msgid "Give Voice"
msgstr "आवाज दें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:947
msgid "Take Voice"
msgstr "आवाज लें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:948
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "नज़रअंदाज़ करें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:949
msgid "Ignore User"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता नजरअंदाज करें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:950
msgid "UnIgnore User"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता अनदेखा न करें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:951
msgid "Kick/Ban"
msgstr "किक/प्रतिबंध"
#: src/common/xchat.c:952 src/common/xchat.c:1004
msgid "Kick"
msgstr "किक"
#: src/common/xchat.c:953 src/common/xchat.c:954 src/common/xchat.c:955
#: src/common/xchat.c:956 src/common/xchat.c:957 src/common/xchat.c:1003
msgid "Ban"
msgstr "प्रतिबंध"
#: src/common/xchat.c:958 src/common/xchat.c:959 src/common/xchat.c:960
#: src/common/xchat.c:961
msgid "KickBan"
msgstr "KickBan"
#: src/common/xchat.c:962 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:564 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:712
msgid "Info"
msgstr "जानकारी"
#: src/common/xchat.c:963
msgid "Who"
msgstr "कौन"
#: src/common/xchat.c:964 src/common/xchat.c:1017
msgid "WhoIs"
msgstr "WhoIs"
#: src/common/xchat.c:965
msgid "DNS Lookup"
msgstr "DNS Lookup"
#: src/common/xchat.c:966
msgid "Trace"
msgstr "ट्रेस"
#: src/common/xchat.c:967
msgid "UserHost"
msgstr "UserHost"
#: src/common/xchat.c:968
msgid "External"
msgstr "बाहरी"
#: src/common/xchat.c:969
msgid "Traceroute"
msgstr "ट्रेसरूट"
#: src/common/xchat.c:971
msgid "Telnet"
msgstr "टेलनेट"
#: src/common/xchat.c:972
msgid "Open Dialog Window"
msgstr "संवाद विंडो खोलें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:984
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "विसंबंधित"
#: src/common/xchat.c:985
msgid "Reconnect"
msgstr "फिर से जुड़ें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:986
msgid "Leave Channel"
msgstr "चैनल छोड़ें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:987
msgid "Join Channel..."
msgstr "चैनल से जुड़ें..."
#: src/common/xchat.c:988
msgid "Enter Channel to Join:"
msgstr "शामिल होने के लिये चैनल में दाखिल हों:"
#: src/common/xchat.c:989
msgid "Server Links"
msgstr "सर्वर लिंक"
#: src/common/xchat.c:990
msgid "Ping Server"
msgstr "सर्वर पिंग करें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:991
msgid "Hide Version"
msgstr "संस्करण छुपायें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1001
msgid "Op"
msgstr "Op"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1002
msgid "DeOp"
msgstr "DeOp"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1005
msgid "bye"
msgstr "bye"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1006
#, c-format
msgid "Enter reason to kick %s:"
msgstr "किक करने का कारण दें %s:"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1007
msgid "Sendfile"
msgstr "Sendfile"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1008
msgid "Dialog"
msgstr "संवाद"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1018
msgid "Send"
msgstr "भेजें"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1019
msgid "Chat"
msgstr "गपशप"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1020 src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:319 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:388
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:117 src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:200
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "खाली"
#: src/fe-gtk/about.c:102
msgid "About X-Chat"
msgstr "X-Chat के बारे में"
#: src/fe-gtk/about.c:124
msgid "A multiplatform IRC Client"
msgstr "मल्टीप्लेटफॉर्म IRC क्लाइंट"
#: src/fe-gtk/ascii.c:131
msgid "Character Chart"
msgstr "संप्रतीक चार्ट"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:153 src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:237
msgid "You must select some bans."
msgstr "आपको अवश्य कुछ प्रतिबंध चुनना चाहिये"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:253 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:175
msgid "Mask"
msgstr "मास्क"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:254 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:520
msgid "From"
msgstr "से"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:255
msgid "Date"
msgstr "तारीख़"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "X-Chat: Ban List (%s)"
msgstr "X-Chat: सूची प्रतिबंधित करें (%s)"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:315
msgid "Unban"
msgstr "प्रतिबंध हटायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:317
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "क्रॉप"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:321
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "ताज़ा करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:120
#, c-format
msgid "User and Channel Statistics: %d/%d Users on %d/%d Channels"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता व चैनल सांख्यिकी: %d/%d %d/%d पर चैनल"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:536
msgid "I can't save an empty list!"
msgstr "मैं एक खाली सूची सहेज नहीं सकता!"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:539 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:924
msgid "Select an output filename"
msgstr "एक आउटपुट फाइल नाम चुनें"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:607
#, c-format
msgid "X-Chat: Channel List (%s)"
msgstr "X-Chat: चैनल सूची (%s)"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:622
msgid "List display options:"
msgstr "प्रदर्शन विकल्प सूचीबद्ध करें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:634
msgid "Minimum Users:"
msgstr "न्यूनतम उपयोक्ता:"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:649
msgid "Maximum Users:"
msgstr "अधिकतम उपयोक्ता:"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:664
msgid "Regex Match:"
msgstr "Regex मिलान:"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:685
msgid "Apply Match to:"
msgstr "इसमें मैच लगायें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:709
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "लागू करो"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:751
msgid "Refresh the list"
msgstr "सूची ताजा करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:753
msgid "Save the list"
msgstr "सूची सहेजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:755 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:721
msgid "Join Channel"
msgstr "चैनल में शामिल हों"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:126
#, c-format
msgid "Send file to %s"
msgstr "%s में फाइल भेजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:346
#, c-format
msgid ""
" File: %s\n"
" To/From: %s\n"
" Size: %u\n"
" Port: %d\n"
" IP Number: %s\n"
"Start Time: %s Max CPS: %d\n"
msgstr ""
" फाइल: %s\n"
" प्रति/प्रेषक: %s\n"
" आकार: %u\n"
" पोर्ट: %d\n"
" IP संख्या: %s\n"
"आरंभ करने का समय: %s Max CPS: %d\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:379
msgid "That file is not resumable."
msgstr "वह फाइल नहीं संभव है."
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:383
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot access file: %s\n"
"Resuming not possible."
msgstr ""
"फाइल अभिगम नहीं कर सकता: %s\n"
"पुनर्बहाली संभव नहीं."
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:390
msgid "File in download directory is larger than file offered. Resuming not possible."
msgstr "डाउनलोड निर्देशिका का फाइल दिये गये फाइल से बड़ा है. पुनर्बहाली संभव नहीं."
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:394
msgid "Cannot resume the same file from two people."
msgstr "दो व्यक्ति से समान फाइल नहीं ले सकता."
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:509
msgid "MIME Type"
msgstr "माइम प्रकार"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:515 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:673 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:796
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:110
msgid "Status"
msgstr "स्थिति"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:516 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:674 src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:74
msgid "File"
msgstr "फाइल"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:519 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:678
msgid "ETA"
msgstr "ETA"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:529
msgid "X-Chat: File Receive List"
msgstr "X-Chat: फाइल प्राप्त सूची"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:558 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:711 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:826
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "छोड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:560 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:827
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "स्वीकारें"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:562
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "पुनरारंभ"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:566
msgid "Open"
msgstr "खोलें"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:677
msgid "Ack"
msgstr "Ack"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:679
msgid "To"
msgstr "को"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:689
msgid "X-Chat: File Send List"
msgstr "X-Chat: फाइल प्रेषण सूची"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:797
msgid "To/From"
msgstr "प्रति/प्रेषक"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:798
msgid "Recv"
msgstr "Recv"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:799
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "भेजी-डाक"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:800
msgid "StartTime"
msgstr "StartTime"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:810
msgid "X-Chat: DCC Chat List"
msgstr "X-Chat: DCC चैट सूची"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:139
msgid "*NEW*"
msgstr "*NEW*"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:140
msgid "EDIT ME"
msgstr "EDIT ME"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:305 src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:72
msgid "Name"
msgstr "नाम"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:306
msgid "Command"
msgstr "कमांड"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:333
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "ऊपर जाएँ"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:337
msgid "Move Dn"
msgstr "नीचे जाएँ"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:345
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "रद्द"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:349 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:413 src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:204
msgid "Save"
msgstr "सहेजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:357
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "नया जोड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:361 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:751 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:386
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "मिटाओ"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:369
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "सोर्ट"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:373
msgid "Help"
msgstr "मदद"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:170
msgid "Options"
msgstr "विकल्प"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:171
msgid "don't auto connect"
msgstr "स्वतः न जोड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:172
msgstr "DIRECTORY"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:173
msgid "use a different config dir"
msgstr "अलग कॉन्फिग निर्देशिका प्रयोग करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:174
msgid "don't auto load any plugins"
msgstr "किसी प्लगिन को स्वतः लोड न करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:175
msgid "show plugin auto-load dir"
msgstr "प्लगिन ऑटोलोड निर्देशिका"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:176
msgid "show user config dir"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता कॉन्फिग निर्देशिका दिखायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:177
msgid "show version information"
msgstr "संस्कऱम सूचना दिखायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:262
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to open font:\n"
msgstr ""
"पोर्ट खोलने में विफल:\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:622
msgid "Search buffer is empty.\n"
msgstr "ढूंढें बफर खाली है.\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:699
#, c-format
msgid "%d bytes"
msgstr "%d बाइट्"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:155
msgid "The Run Command action runs the data in Data 1 as if it has been typed into the entry box where you pressed the key sequence. Thus it can contain text (which will be sent to the channel/person), commands or user commands. When run all \\n characters in Data 1 are used to deliminate seperate commands so it is possible to run more than one command. If you want a \\ in the actual text run then enter \\\\"
msgstr "The Run Command action runs the data in Data 1 as if it has been typed into the entry box where you pressed the key sequence. Thus it can contain text (which will be sent to the channel/person), commands or user commands. When run all \\n characters in Data 1 are used to deliminate seperate commands so it is possible to run more than one command. If you want a \\ in the actual text run then enter \\\\"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:157
msgid "The Change Page command switches between pages in the notebook. Set Data 1 to the page you want to switch to. If Data 2 is set to anything then the switch will be relative to the current position"
msgstr "The Change Page command switches between pages in the notebook. Set Data 1 to the page you want to switch to. If Data 2 is set to anything then the switch will be relative to the current position"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:159
msgid "The Insert in Buffer command will insert the contents of Data 1 into the entry where the key sequence was pressed at the current cursor position"
msgstr "The Insert in Buffer command will insert the contents of Data 1 into the entry where the key sequence was pressed at the current cursor position"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:161
msgid "The Scroll Page command scrolls the text widget up or down one page or one line. Set Data 1 to either Up, Down, +1 or -1."
msgstr "The Scroll Page command scrolls the text widget up or down one page or one line. Set Data 1 to either Up, Down, +1 or -1."
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:163
msgid "The Set Buffer command sets the entry where the key sequence was entered to the contents of Data 1"
msgstr "The Set Buffer command sets the entry where the key sequence was entered to the contents of Data 1"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:165
msgid "The Last Command command sets the entry to contain the last command entered - the same as pressing up in a shell"
msgstr "The Last Command command sets the entry to contain the last command entered - the same as pressing up in a shell"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:167
msgid "The Next Command command sets the entry to contain the next command entered - the same as pressing down in a shell"
msgstr "The Next Command command sets the entry to contain the next command entered - the same as pressing down in a shell"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:169
msgid "This command changes the text in the entry to finish an incomplete nickname or command. If Data 1 is set then double-tabbing in a string will select the last nick, not the next"
msgstr "This command changes the text in the entry to finish an incomplete nickname or command. If Data 1 is set then double-tabbing in a string will select the last nick, not the next"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:171
msgid "This command scrolls up and down through the list of nicks. If Data 1 is set to anything it will scroll up, else it scrolls down"
msgstr "This command scrolls up and down through the list of nicks. If Data 1 is set to anything it will scroll up, else it scrolls down"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:173
msgid "This command checks the last word entered in the entry against the replace list and replaces it if it finds a match"
msgstr "This command checks the last word entered in the entry against the replace list and replaces it if it finds a match"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:175
msgid "This command moves the front tab left by one"
msgstr "This command moves the front tab left by one"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:177
msgid "This command moves the front tab right by one"
msgstr "This command moves the front tab right by one"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:179
msgid "This command moves the current tab family to the left"
msgstr "मौजूदा टैब परिवार को यह समादेश बांयी ओर बढ़ाता है"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:181
msgid "This command moves the current tab family to the right"
msgstr "मौजूदा टैब परिवार को यह समादेश दाहिनी ओर बढ़ाता है"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:183
msgid "Push input line into history but doesn't send to server"
msgstr "इतिहास में इनपुट लाइन डालें लेकिन सर्वर में मत भेजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:195
msgid "There was an error loading key bindings configuration"
msgstr "कुंजी बाइंडिंग विन्यास के भारण में त्रुटि थी."
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:439 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:440 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:441
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:442 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:724 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:730
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:735 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:905 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:921
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1064 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1117
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2494
msgid "<none>"
msgstr "<कोई नहीं>"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:688
msgid "Mod"
msgstr "Mod"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:689 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:784
msgid "Key"
msgstr "कुंजी"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:690
msgid "Action"
msgstr "क्रिया"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:699
msgid "X-Chat: Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "X-Chat: कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:746
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "नया जोड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:777
msgid "Shift"
msgstr "शिफ्ट"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:779
msgid "Alt"
msgstr "आल्ट"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:781
msgid "Ctrl"
msgstr "कंट्रोल"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:788
msgid "Data 1"
msgstr "Data 1"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:791
msgid "Data 2"
msgstr "Data 2"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:834
msgid "Error opening keys config file\n"
msgstr "मुख्य कॉनिफग फाइल खोलने में त्रुटि\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1005
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unknown keyname %s in key bindings config file\n"
"Load aborted, please fix %s/keybindings.conf\n"
msgstr ""
"Unknown keyname %s in key bindings config file\n"
"Load aborted, please fix %s/keybindings.conf\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1043
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unknown action %s in key bindings config file\n"
"Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings\n"
msgstr ""
"Unknown action %s in key bindings config file\n"
"Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1064
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Expecting Data line (beginning Dx{:|!}) but got:\n"
"Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings\n"
msgstr ""
"Expecting Data line (beginning Dx{:|!}) but got:\n"
"Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1133
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Key bindings config file is corrupt, load aborted\n"
"Please fix %s/keybindings.conf\n"
msgstr ""
"Key bindings config file is corrupt, load aborted\n"
"Please fix %s/keybindings.conf\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/gtkutil.c:154
msgid "Cannot write to that file."
msgstr "उस फाइल में नहीं लिख सकता है"
#: src/fe-gtk/gtkutil.c:156
msgid "Cannot read that file."
msgstr "उस फाइल को पढ़ नहीं सकता है"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:117 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:263
msgid "That mask already exists."
msgstr "वह मास्क पहले से मौजूद है"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:177 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1573
msgid "Private"
msgstr "निजी"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:178
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "सूचना"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:179
msgid "CTCP"
msgstr "सीटीसीपी"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:180
msgid "DCC"
msgstr "डीसीसी"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:181
msgid "Invite"
msgstr "निमंत्रित करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:182
msgid "Unignore"
msgstr "अनदेखा न करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:307
msgid "Enter mask to ignore:"
msgstr "अनदेखा करने के लिये मास्क दें: "
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:354
msgid "X-Chat: Ignore list"
msgstr "X-Chat: अनदेखा सूची"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:361
msgid "Ignore Stats:"
msgstr "अनदेखा स्थिति:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:369
msgid "Channel:"
msgstr "चैनलः"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:370
msgid "Private:"
msgstr "निजी:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:371
msgid "Notice:"
msgstr "सूचना:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:372
msgid "CTCP:"
msgstr "CTCP:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:373
msgid "Invite:"
msgstr "आमंत्रण करें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:384 src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:306
msgid "Add"
msgstr "जोड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:318
msgid "Dialog with"
msgstr "इसके साथ संवाद"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:574
#, c-format
msgid "Topic for %s is: %s"
msgstr "%s के लिये टॉपिक है: %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:578
msgid "No topic is set"
msgstr "कोई टापिक सेच नहीं है"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:974
msgid "No other tabs open, quit xchat?"
msgstr "कोई अलग टैब खुला नहीं है,xchat छोड़ें?"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1020
msgid "Insert color code"
msgstr "रंग कोड डालें"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1069
msgid "Beep on message"
msgstr "संदेश पर बीप करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1072
msgid "Show join/part messages"
msgstr "join/part संदेश दिखायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1074
msgid "Color paste"
msgstr "रंग पेस्ट"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1084
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "यहाँ जाएँ"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1097 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1251
msgid "Close Tab"
msgstr "टैब बंद करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1100 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1404
msgid "Detach Tab"
msgstr "टैब निकालें"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1291
msgid "Some file transfers still active, quit xchat?"
msgstr "कुछ फाइल स्थानांतरण अभी भी सक्रिय है, xchat छोड़ें?"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1441 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1547
msgid "User limit must be a number!\n"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता सीमा अवश्य एक संख्या होनी चाहिये!\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1569
msgid "Topic Protection"
msgstr "टॉपिक सुरक्षा"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1570
msgid "No outside messages"
msgstr "कोई बाहरी संदेश नहीं"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1571
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "गुप्त"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1572
msgid "Invite Only"
msgstr "सिर्फ आमंत्रण"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1574
msgid "Moderated"
msgstr "Moderated"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1575
msgid "Ban List"
msgstr "प्रतिबंध सूची"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1577
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "कीवर्ड"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1589
msgid "User Limit"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता सीमा"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1605
msgid "Close this tab/window"
msgstr "इस tab/window बंद करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1702
msgid "Show/Hide userlist"
msgstr "userlist दिखायें/छुपायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1815
msgid ""
"Unable to set transparent background!\n"
"You may be using a non-compliant window\n"
"manager that is not currently supported.\n"
msgstr ""
"Unable to set transparent background!\n"
"You may be using a non-compliant window\n"
"manager that is not currently supported.\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2008
msgid "Enter new nickname:"
msgstr "नया उपनाम दें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:116
msgid "Host unknown"
msgstr "मेजबान नाम"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:477
#, c-format
msgid "User: %s"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता: %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:481
#, c-format
msgid "Country: %s"
msgstr "देश: %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:485
#, c-format
msgid "Realname: %s"
msgstr "वास्तविक नाम: %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:489
#, c-format
msgid "Server: %s"
msgstr "सर्वर :%s"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:493
#, c-format
msgid "Last Msg: %s"
msgstr "अंतिम संदेश: %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:578
msgid "Menu Bar"
msgstr "सूची पट्टी"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:579
msgid "Topic Bar"
msgstr "टॉपिक पट्टी"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:583 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:159
msgid "User List"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता सूची"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:586
msgid "Mode Buttons"
msgstr "मोड बटन"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:592
msgid "User List Buttons"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता सूची बटन"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:662 src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:202
msgid "Copy selected URL"
msgstr "चुनें गये URL को कॉपी करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:725
msgid "Part Channel"
msgstr "चैनल छोड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:727
msgid "Cycle Channel"
msgstr "चक्रीय चैनल"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:750
msgid "X-Chat: User menu"
msgstr "X-Chat: उपयोक्ता मेनू"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:759
msgid "Edit This Menu..."
msgstr "यह मीनू संपादित करें..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:866
msgid ""
"Auto accepting DCC to your home directory\n"
"can be dangerous and is exploitable. Eg:\n"
"Someone could send you a .bash_profile"
msgstr ""
"Auto accepting DCC to your home directory\n"
"can be dangerous and is exploitable. Eg:\n"
"Someone could send you a .bash_profile"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:994
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "जमावट सहेजा गया."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1031
msgid ""
"User Commands - Special codes:\n"
"%c = current channel\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%n = your nick\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
"%v = xchat version\n"
"%2 = word 2\n"
"%3 = word 3\n"
"&2 = word 2 to the end of line\n"
"&3 = word 3 to the end of line\n"
"/cmd john hello\n"
"%2 would be \"john\"\n"
"&2 would be \"john hello\"."
msgstr ""
"User Commands - Special codes:\n"
"%c = current channel\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%n = your nick\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
"%v = xchat version\n"
"%2 = word 2\n"
"%3 = word 3\n"
"&2 = word 2 to the end of line\n"
"&3 = word 3 to the end of line\n"
"/cmd john hello\n"
"%2 would be \"john\"\n"
"&2 would be \"john hello\"."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1046
msgid ""
"Userlist Buttons - Special codes:\n"
"%a = all selected nicks\n"
"%c = current channel\n"
"%h = selected nick's hostname\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%n = your nick\n"
"%s = selected nick\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
msgstr ""
"Userlist Buttons - Special codes:\n"
"%a = all selected nicks\n"
"%c = current channel\n"
"%h = selected nick's hostname\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%n = your nick\n"
"%s = selected nick\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1055
msgid ""
"Dialog Buttons - Special codes:\n"
"%a = all selected nicks\n"
"%c = current channel\n"
"%h = selected nick's hostname\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%n = your nick\n"
"%s = selected nick\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
msgstr ""
"Dialog Buttons - Special codes:\n"
"%a = all selected nicks\n"
"%c = current channel\n"
"%h = selected nick's hostname\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%n = your nick\n"
"%s = selected nick\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1064
msgid ""
"CTCP Replies - Special codes:\n"
"%d = data (the whole ctcp)\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%s = nick who sent the ctcp\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
"%2 = word 2\n"
"%3 = word 3\n"
"&2 = word 2 to the end of line\n"
"&3 = word 3 to the end of line\n"
msgstr ""
"CTCP Replies - Special codes:\n"
"%d = data (the whole ctcp)\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%s = nick who sent the ctcp\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
"%2 = word 2\n"
"%3 = word 3\n"
"&2 = word 2 to the end of line\n"
"&3 = word 3 to the end of line\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1074
#, c-format
msgid ""
"URL Handlers - Special codes:\n"
"%s = the URL string\n"
"Putting a ! infront of the command\n"
"indicates it should be sent to a\n"
"shell instead of X-Chat"
msgstr ""
"URL Handlers - Special codes:\n"
"%s = the URL string\n"
"Putting a ! infront of the command\n"
"indicates it should be sent to a\n"
"shell instead of X-Chat"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1083
msgid "X-Chat: User Defined Commands"
msgstr "X-Chat: उपयोक्ता परिभाषित समादेश"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1090
msgid "X-Chat: Userlist Popup menu"
msgstr "X-Chat: उपयोक्ता सूची मेनू"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1097
msgid "X-Chat: Replace"
msgstr "X-Chat: बदलें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1104
msgid "X-Chat: URL Handlers"
msgstr "X-Chat: URL नियंत्रक"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1123
msgid "X-Chat: Userlist buttons"
msgstr "X-Chat: उपयोक्ता सूची बटन"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1130
msgid "X-Chat: Dialog buttons"
msgstr "X-Chat: संवाद बटन"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1137
msgid "X-Chat: CTCP Replies"
msgstr "X-Chat: CTCP उत्तर"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1225
msgid "_X-Chat"
msgstr "_X-Chat"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1226
msgid "Server List..."
msgstr "सर्वर सूची..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1229
msgid "New"
msgstr "नया"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1230
msgid "Server Tab..."
msgstr "सर्वर टैब..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1231
msgid "Channel Tab..."
msgstr "चैनल टैब..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1232
msgid "Server Window..."
msgstr "सर्वर विंडो..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1233
msgid "Channel Window..."
msgstr "चैनल विंडो..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1238 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1240
msgid "Load Plugin or Script..."
msgstr "प्लगिन या स्क्रिप्ट भारित करें..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1244
msgid "New Shell Tab..."
msgstr "नया शेल टैब..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1253
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "बाहर"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1255
msgid "_IRC"
msgstr "_IRC"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1256
msgid "Invisible"
msgstr "अदृश्य"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1257
msgid "Receive Wallops"
msgstr "वैलॉप पायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1258
msgid "Receive Server Notices"
msgstr "सर्वर सूचना पायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1260
msgid "Marked Away"
msgstr "दूर रूप में चिह्नित"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1262
msgid "Auto Rejoin when Kicked"
msgstr "किक किये जाने पर स्वतः जुड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1263
msgid "Auto Reconnect to Server"
msgstr "सर्वर से स्वतः जुड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1264
msgid "Never-give-up ReConnect"
msgstr "पुनः जुड़ें को कभी न छोड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1266
msgid "Auto Open Dialog Windows"
msgstr "स्वतः संवाद विंडो खोलें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1267
msgid "Auto Accept Direct Chat"
msgstr "सीधी बात के लिये स्वतः स्वीकृति दें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1268
msgid "Auto Accept Files"
msgstr "फाइल स्वतः स्वीकारें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1270
msgid "_Server"
msgstr "सर्वर (_S)"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1272
msgid "S_ettings"
msgstr "जमावट (_e)"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1273
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "प्राथमिकताएं..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1275
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "विस्तृत"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1276
msgid "Auto Replace..."
msgstr "स्वतः बदलें..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1277
msgid "CTCP Replies..."
msgstr "CTCP उत्तर..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1278
msgid "Dialog Buttons..."
msgstr "संवाद बटन..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1279
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts..."
msgstr "कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1280
msgid "Text Events..."
msgstr "पाठ घटना..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1281
msgid "URL Handlers..."
msgstr "URL नियंत्रक..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1282
msgid "User Commands..."
msgstr "उपयोक्ता समादेश..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1283
msgid "Userlist Buttons..."
msgstr "उपयोक्ता सूची बटन..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1284
msgid "Userlist Popup..."
msgstr "उपयोक्ता सूची पॉपअप..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1289
msgid "Reload Settings"
msgstr "जमावट फिर भारित करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1291
msgid "Save Settings now"
msgstr "अब जमावट सहेजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1292
msgid "Save Settings on exit"
msgstr "बाहर निकलने पर जमावट सहेजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1295
msgid "_Window"
msgstr "विंडो (_W)"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1296
msgid "Ban List..."
msgstr "प्रतिबंध सूची..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1297
msgid "Channel List..."
msgstr "चैनल सूची"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1298
msgid "Character Chart..."
msgstr "संप्रतीक चार्ट..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1299
msgid "Direct Chat..."
msgstr "सीधी बात..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1300
msgid "File Receive..."
msgstr "फाइल पायें..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1301
msgid "File Send..."
msgstr "फाइल भेजें..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1302
msgid "Ignore List..."
msgstr "सूची अनदेखा करें..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1303
msgid "Notify List..."
msgstr "सूची को बतायें..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1304
msgid "Plugins and Scripts..."
msgstr "प्लगिन और स्क्रिप्ट..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1305
msgid "Raw Log..."
msgstr "कच्चा लॉग..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1306
msgid "URL Grabber..."
msgstr "URL प्राप्तकर्ता..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1308
msgid "Reset Marker Line"
msgstr "मार्कर पंक्ति फिर सेट करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1309
msgid "C_lear Text"
msgstr "पाठ साफ करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1310
msgid "Search Text..."
msgstr "पाठ खोजें..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1311
msgid "Save Text..."
msgstr "पाठ सहेजें..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1313
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "मदद (_H)"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1314
msgid "_Contents"
msgstr "विषय सूची (_C)"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1316 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1318
msgid "_About"
msgstr "के बारे में (_A)"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1406
msgid "Attach Tab"
msgstr "टैब जोड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:109
msgid "User"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:111
msgid "Server"
msgstr "सर्वर"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:112
msgid "Last Seen"
msgstr "पिछली बार देखा गया"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:149
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "ऑफ़लाइन"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:169 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:199
msgid "Never"
msgstr "कभी नहीं"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:187
msgid "Online"
msgstr "ऑनलाइन"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:277
msgid "Enter nickname to add:"
msgstr "पता में उपनाम जोड़ें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:293
msgid "X-Chat: Notify List"
msgstr "X-Chat: सूची को बतायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:308
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "हटाएं"
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:75 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:341
msgid "Description"
msgstr "वर्णन"
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:150
msgid "Select a Plugin or Script to load"
msgstr "भारित करने के लिये प्लगिन या स्क्रिप्ट चुनें"
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:222
msgid "X-Chat: Plugins and Scripts"
msgstr "X-Chat: प्लगिन और स्क्रिप्ट"
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:228
msgid "_Load..."
msgstr "लोड (_L)..."
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:231
msgid "_UnLoad"
msgstr "अनलोड करें (_U)"
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:235
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "बंद करें (_C)"
#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:78
msgid "Save rawlog"
msgstr "rawlog सहेजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:94
#, c-format
msgid "X-Chat: Rawlog (%s)"
msgstr "X-Chat: Rawlog (%s)"
#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:123
msgid "Clear rawlog"
msgstr "rawlog साफ करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:126
msgid "Save rawlog..."
msgstr "कच्चा लॉग सहेजें..."
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:47
msgid "The window you opened this Search for doesn't exist anymore."
msgstr "The window you opened this Search for doesn't exist anymore."
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:91
msgid "X-Chat: Search"
msgstr "X-Chat: खोजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:100
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "ढूंढें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:114
msgid "Find"
msgstr "ढूंढें"
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:119
msgid "Close"
msgstr "बन्द करो"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:161 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:260
msgid "New Network"
msgstr "नया संजाल"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:493
#, c-format
msgid "Really remove network \"%s\" and all its servers?"
msgstr "वास्तव में संजाल \"%s\" और इसके सारे सर्वर को हटाता है?"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:614 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:630
msgid "User name and Real name cannot be left blank."
msgstr "उपयोक्ता नाम व वास्तविक नाम को खाली नहीं छोड़ा जा सकता."
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:981
#, c-format
msgid "X-Chat: Edit %s"
msgstr "X-Chat: संपादन %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1000
#, c-format
msgid "Servers for %s"
msgstr "%s के लिये सर्वर"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1011
msgid "Connect to selected server only"
msgstr "चुने गये सर्वर से सिर्फ जुड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1012
msgid "Don't cycle through all the servers when the connection fails."
msgstr "संबंधन विफल होने पर सभी सर्वर से चक्रीय न होयें."
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1014
msgid "Your Details"
msgstr "आपका विवरण"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1020
msgid "Use global user information"
msgstr "वैश्विक उपयोक्ता सूचना का प्रयोग करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1023 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1255
msgid "_Nick name:"
msgstr "उपनाम (_N):"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1027 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1276
msgid "_User name:"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता नाम (_U):"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1031
msgid "Real na_me:"
msgstr "वास्तविक नाम (_m):"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1034
msgid "Connecting"
msgstr "जोड़ हो रहा है"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1040
msgid "Auto connect to this network at startup"
msgstr "आरंभ में संजाल से स्वतः जुड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1042
msgid "Use a proxy server"
msgstr "प्रॉक्सी सर्वर का प्रयोग करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1044
msgid "Use SSL for all the servers on this network"
msgstr "इस संजाल पर सभी सर्वर के लिये SSL का प्रयोग करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1049
msgid "Accept invalid SSL certificate"
msgstr "अमान्य SSL प्रमाणपत्र स्वीकारें"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1055
msgid "C_hannels to join:"
msgstr "जुड़ने के लिये चैनल (_h):"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1057
msgid "Channels to join, separated by commas, but not spaces!"
msgstr "शामिल होने के लिये चैनल, कौमा से पृथक, लेकिन स्थान नहीं!"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1060
msgid "Connect command:"
msgstr "जोड़ें समादेश:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1062
msgid "Extra command to execute after connecting. If you need more than one, set this to LOAD -e <filename>, where <filename> is a text-file full of commands to execute."
msgstr "Extra command to execute after connecting. If you need more than one, set this to LOAD -e <filename>, where <filename> is a text-file full of commands to execute."
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1065
msgid "Nickserv password:"
msgstr "निकसर्व शब्दकूट:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1070
msgid "Server password:"
msgstr "सर्वर पासवर्ड:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1072
msgid "Password for the server, if in doubt, leave blank."
msgstr "सर्वर के लिये शब्दकूट, अगर संदेह है तो खाली छोड़ें."
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1075
msgid "Character set:"
msgstr "संप्रतीक सेट:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1148
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "संपादन (_E)"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1229
msgid "X-Chat: Server List"
msgstr "X-Chat: सर्वर सूची"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1245
msgid "User Information"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता जानकारी"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1262
msgid "Second choice:"
msgstr "दूसरा विकल्प:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1269
msgid "Third choice:"
msgstr "तीसरा विकल्प:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1283
msgid "Rea_l name:"
msgstr "वास्तविक नाम (_l):"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1329
msgid "Networks"
msgstr "संजाल"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1370
msgid "Skip server list on startup"
msgstr "आरंभ में सर्वर सूची छोड़कर बढ़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1401
msgid "_Edit..."
msgstr "संपादित करें (_E)..."
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1408
msgid "_Sort"
msgstr "क्रमबद्ध करें (_S)"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1424
msgid "C_onnect"
msgstr "जोड़ें (_o)"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1433
msgid "Connect in new tab"
msgstr "नये टैब मे जोड़ें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:95
msgid "Text Box Appearance"
msgstr "पाठ बॉक्स प्रकटन"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:96
msgid "Font:"
msgstr "फ़ॉन्टः"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:97
msgid "Background image:"
msgstr "पृष्ठभूमि चित्र:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:98
msgid "Scrollback lines:"
msgstr "स्क्रॉलबैक पंक्ति:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:99
msgid "Transparent background"
msgstr "पारदर्शी पृष्ठभूमि"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:100
msgid "Indent nick names"
msgstr "प्रमाणित उपनाम"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:101
msgid "Make nick names right-justified"
msgstr "उपनाम को राइट जस्टीफाइड बनायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:102
msgid "Tint (shade) transparency"
msgstr "टिंट (shade) पारदर्शी"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:103
msgid "Colored nick names"
msgstr "रंग किया गया उपनाम"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:104
msgid "Give each person on IRC a different color"
msgstr "IRC पर हर आदमी को अलग रंग दें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:105
msgid "Strip mIRC colors"
msgstr "स्ट्रिप mIRC रंग"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:106
msgid "Show marker line"
msgstr "मार्कर पंक्ति दिखायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:107
msgid "Insert a red line after the last read text."
msgstr "अंतिम पढ़े गये पाठ के बाद लाल रेखा दें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:108
msgid "Tint Settings"
msgstr "टिंट जमावट"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:109
msgid "Red:"
msgstr "लाल:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:110
msgid "Green:"
msgstr "हराः"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:111
msgid "Blue:"
msgstr "नीलाः"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:113 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:312
msgid "Time Stamps"
msgstr "समय चिह्न"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:114
msgid "Time stamp format:"
msgstr "काल पदचाप प्रारूप:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:115
msgid "See strftime manpage for details."
msgstr "विवरण के लिये strftime मैनपेज देखें."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:116
msgid "Enable time stamps"
msgstr "काल पदचाप सक्रिय करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:123
msgid "Nick Completion"
msgstr "उपनाम समाप्ति"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:124
msgid "Automatic nick completion"
msgstr "स्वतः उपनाम समाप्ति"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:125
msgid "Completes nick names without using the TAB key"
msgstr "बिना टैब कुंजी के प्रयोग के उपनाम पूरी करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:126
msgid "Nick completion suffix:"
msgstr "उपनाम समाप्ति प्रत्यय:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:128
msgid "Input Box Codes"
msgstr "इनपुट बॉक्स कोड"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:129
#, c-format
msgid "Interpret %nnn as an ASCII value"
msgstr "%nnn की एक ASCII मान के रूप में व्याख्या करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:130
msgid "Interpret %C, %B as Color, Bold etc"
msgstr "%C, %B को रंग, गहरा आदि के रूप में देखें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:132
msgid "Input Box Appearance"
msgstr "इनपुट बॉक्स प्रकटन"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:133 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:163
msgid "Use the Text box font and colors"
msgstr "पाठ बॉक्स फंट व रंग का प्रयोग करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:140
msgid "Off"
msgstr "बंद"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:141
msgid "Graph"
msgstr "ग्राफ"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:142
msgid "Info text"
msgstr "सूचना पाठ"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:143
msgid "Both"
msgstr "दोनों"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:149
msgid "A-Z, Ops first"
msgstr "A-Z, ऑपरेटर पहले"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:150
msgid "A-Z"
msgstr "A-Z"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:151
msgid "Z-A, Ops last"
msgstr "Z-A, ऑपरेटर अंतिम"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:152
msgid "Z-A"
msgstr "Z-A"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:153
msgid "Unsorted"
msgstr "बिना छांटा"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:160
msgid "User list sorted by:"
msgstr "इस रूप में उपयोक्ता सूची छांटी गई:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:161
msgid "Show hostnames in user list"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता सूची में मेजबाननाम दिखायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:162
msgid "User list buttons enabled"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता सूची बटन सक्रिय"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:164
msgid "Resizable user list"
msgstr "आकार बदलने योग्य उपयोक्ता सूची"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:166
msgid "Away tracking"
msgstr "दूर ट्रैकिंग"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:167
msgid "Enable away tracking"
msgstr "दूर ट्रैकिंग सक्रिय करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:168
msgid "On channels smaller than:"
msgstr "इससे छोटे चैनल पर:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:170
msgid "Action Upon Double Click"
msgstr "दोहरे क्लिक पर क्रिया"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:171
msgid "Execute command:"
msgstr "समादेस चलायें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:173
msgid "Extra Gadgets"
msgstr "अतिरिक्त गैजट"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:174
msgid "Lag meter:"
msgstr "लैग मीटर:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:175
msgid "Throttle meter:"
msgstr "थ्रोट्ल मीटर:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:182
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "विंडोज़"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:183 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:207 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1446
msgid "Tabs"
msgstr "टॉब्स"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:189
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "नीचे"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:190
msgid "Top"
msgstr "ऊपर"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:191
msgid "Left"
msgstr "बायाँ"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:192
msgid "Right"
msgstr "दाहिना"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:193
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "छुपा हुआ"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:200
msgid "Always"
msgstr "हमेशा"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:201
msgid "Only requested tabs"
msgstr "सिर्प आग्रहित टैब"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:208
msgid "Open an extra tab for server messages"
msgstr "सर्वर संदेश के लिये एक अलग टैब खोलें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:209
msgid "Open an extra tab for server notices"
msgstr "सर्वर सूचना के लिये एक अलग टैब खोलें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:210
msgid "Small tabs"
msgstr "छोटा टैब"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:211
msgid "Sort tabs in alphabetical order"
msgstr "अकारादि क्रम में सजायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:212
msgid "Focus new tabs:"
msgstr "नया टैब पर फोकस करें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:213
msgid "Shorten tab labels to:"
msgstr "इसमें टैब लेबल का छोटा करें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:213
msgid "letters."
msgstr "अक्षर"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:215
msgid "Tabs Location"
msgstr "टैब अवस्थिति"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:216
msgid "Show tabs at:"
msgstr "यहां टैब दिखायें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:218
msgid "Tabs or Windows"
msgstr "टैब या विंडो"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:219
msgid "Open channels in:"
msgstr "इसमें चैनल खोलें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:220
msgid "Open dialogs in:"
msgstr "इसमें संवाद खोलें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:221
msgid "Open utilities in:"
msgstr "इसमें उपयोगिता खोलें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:221
msgid "Open DCC, Ignore, Notify etc, in tabs or windows?"
msgstr "Open DCC, Ignore, Notify etc, in tabs or windows?"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:228
msgid "Files and Directories"
msgstr "फाइल और निर्देशिका"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:229
msgid "Download files to:"
msgstr "यहां फाइल डाउनलोड करें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:230
msgid "Move completed files to:"
msgstr "यहां पूरी की गई फाइल भेजें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:231
msgid "Save nick name in filenames"
msgstr "फाइलनाम में उपनाम सहेजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:232
msgid "Convert spaces to underscore before sending"
msgstr "भेजने से पहले स्थान को अंडरस्कोर में बदलें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:234
msgid "Network Settings"
msgstr "नेटवर्क विन्यास "
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:235
msgid "DCC IP address:"
msgstr "DCC IP पता:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:236
msgid "Claim you are at this address when offering files."
msgstr "दावा करें कि आप इस सूची पर हैं जब आप फाइल का प्रस्ताव भेज रहे हैं."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:237
msgid "First DCC send port:"
msgstr "पहला DCC प्रेषण पोर्ट:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:238
msgid "Last DCC send port:"
msgstr "अंतिम DCC प्रेषण पोर्ट:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:239
msgid "(Leave ports at zero for full range)."
msgstr "(पूरे रेंज के लिये पोर्ट शून्य पर छोड़ें)."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:240
msgid "Get my address from the IRC server"
msgstr "IRC सर्वर से मेरा पता लीजिये"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:241
msgid "Asks the IRC server for your real address. Use this if you have a 192.168.*.* address!"
msgstr "आपके वास्तविक पता के लिये IRC सर्वर से पूछता है. इसका उपयोग करें अगर आपके पास 192.168.*.* पता है!"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:243
msgid "Maximum File Transfer Speeds (bytes per second)"
msgstr "अधिकतम फाइल स्थानांतरण गति (बाइट्स प्रति सेकेंड)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:244
msgid "One upload:"
msgstr "एक अपलोड:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:245 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:247
msgid "Maximum speed for one transfer"
msgstr "एक स्थानांतरण के लिये अधिकतम गति"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:246
msgid "One download:"
msgstr "एक डाउनलोड:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:248
msgid "All uploads combined:"
msgstr "संयुक्त रूप से सभी अपलोड:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:249 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:251
msgid "Maximum speed for all files"
msgstr "सभी फाइल के लिये सर्वाधिक गति"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:250
msgid "All downloads combined:"
msgstr "सभी डाउनलोड संयुक्त रूप से:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:258
msgid "Default Messages"
msgstr "मूलभूत संदेश"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:259
msgid "Quit:"
msgstr "छोड़ें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:260
msgid "Leave channel:"
msgstr "चैनल छोड़े:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:261
msgid "Away:"
msgstr "दूर:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:263
msgid "Away"
msgstr "दूर"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:264
msgid "Announce away messages"
msgstr "दूर संदेश की घोषणा करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:265
msgid "Announce your away messages to all channels"
msgstr "अपने दूर होने के संदेश की सभी चैनल पर घोषणा करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:266
msgid "Show away once"
msgstr "एकबार दूर दिखायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:266
msgid "Show identical away messages only once"
msgstr "सिर्फ एकबार समरूप दूर संदेश दिखायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:267
msgid "Automatically unmark away"
msgstr "बतौर दूर स्वतः अचिह्नित करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:267
msgid "Unmark yourself as away before sending messages"
msgstr "संदेश भेजने के पहले स्वयं को दूर के रूप में अचिह्नित करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:270
msgid "(Can be a text file relative to ~/.xchat2/)."
msgstr "(~/.xchat2/ के संदर्भ में एक पाठ फाइल हो सकता है)."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:272
msgid "(Can be a text file relative to config dir)."
msgstr "(कॉन्फिग dir के संदर्भ में एक पाठ फाइल हो सकता है)."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:276
msgid "Alerts"
msgstr "चेतावनी"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:278
msgid "Flash taskbar on highlighted messages"
msgstr "हाइलाइट किये संदेश पर कार्यपट्टी फ्लैश करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:280
msgid "Beep on highlighted messages"
msgstr "हाइलाइट किये संदेश पर बीप करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:281
msgid "Extra words to highlight on:"
msgstr "हाइलाइट करने के लिये अतिरिक्त शब्द:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:282
msgid "(Separate multiple words with commas)."
msgstr "(कौमा के साथ पृथक बहु शब्द)."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:283
msgid "Beep on private messages"
msgstr "निजी संदेश पर बीप"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:284
msgid "Beep on channel messages"
msgstr "चैनल संदेश पर बीप"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:291
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "विस्तृत विन्यास"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:292
msgid "Auto reconnect delay:"
msgstr "स्वतः रूप से फिर जुड़ने में विलंब:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:293
msgid "Display MODEs in raw form"
msgstr "MODEs कच्चे प्रारूप में दिखायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:294
msgid "Whois on notify"
msgstr "Whois on notify"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:294
msgid "Sends a /WHOIS when a user comes online in your notify list"
msgstr "एक /WHOIS भेजें जब एक उपयोक्ता आपके नोटिफाई सूची में ऑनलाइन होता है"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:295
msgid "Hide join and part messages"
msgstr "शामिल व अलग संदेश छुपायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:295
msgid "Hide channel join/part messages by default"
msgstr "मूलभूत रूप से चैनल शामिल/अलग होने के संदेश को छुपायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:296
msgid "Auto Open DCC Windows"
msgstr "स्वतः खोलें DCC विंडो"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:297
msgid "Send window"
msgstr "भेजें विंडो"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:298
msgid "Receive window"
msgstr "विंडो पायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:299
msgid "Chat window"
msgstr "बातचीत विंडो"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:307 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1451
msgid "Logging"
msgstr "लॉगिंग"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:308
msgid "Enable logging of conversations"
msgstr "बातचीत के लॉगिंग को समर्थ करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:309
msgid "Log filename mask:"
msgstr "फाइलनाम मास्क लॉग करें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:310
#, c-format
msgid "(%s=Server %c=Channel %n=Network)."
msgstr "(%s=सर्वर %c=चैनल %n=संजाल)."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:313
msgid "Insert timestamps in logs"
msgstr "लॉग में टाइमस्टैंप दाखिल करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:314
msgid "Log timestamp format:"
msgstr "टाइमस्टैंप प्रारूप को लॉग करें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:315
msgid "(See strftime manpage for details)."
msgstr "(विवरण के लिये strftime मैनपेज देखें)."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:322
msgid "(Disabled)"
msgstr "(निष्क्रिय)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:323
msgid "Wingate"
msgstr "Wingate"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:324
msgid "Socks4"
msgstr "Socks4"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:325
msgid "Socks5"
msgstr "Socks5"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:326
msgid "HTTP"
msgstr "HTTP"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:332
msgid "Your Address"
msgstr "आपका पता"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:333
msgid "Bind to:"
msgstr "इससे जोड़ें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:334
msgid "(Only useful for computers with multiple addresses)."
msgstr "(बहु पता के साथ के कंप्यूटर के लिये सिर्फ उपयोगी)."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:336
msgid "Proxy Server"
msgstr "प्रॉक्सी सर्वर"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:337
msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "मेजबाननाम:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:338
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता नाम:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:339
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "शब्दकूट:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:340
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "पोर्टः"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:341
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "प्रकार:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:343
msgid "Authenticate to the proxy server (HTTP and Socks5)"
msgstr "प्रॉक्सी सर्वर से सत्यापित करें (HTTP और Socks5)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:566
msgid "(disabled)"
msgstr "(निष्क्रिय)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:567
msgid "A star (*)"
msgstr "तारा (*)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:568
msgid "A red star (*)"
msgstr "लाल तारा (*)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:569
msgid "Underlined"
msgstr "रेखांकित"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:666
msgid "Select an Image File"
msgstr "चित्र फाइल चुनें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:702
msgid "Select font"
msgstr "फंट चुनें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:776
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "ब्राउज़..."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:893
msgid "Mark identified users with:"
msgstr "इसके साथ पहचाने गये उपयोक्ता को चिह्नित करें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:895
msgid "Mark not-identified users with:"
msgstr "इसके साथ नहीं पहचाने गये उपयोक्ता को चिह्नित करें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:958
msgid "Select color"
msgstr "रंग चुनें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1038
msgid "Text Colors"
msgstr "पाठ रंग"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1040
msgid "mIRC colors:"
msgstr "mIRC रंग:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1048
msgid "Extra colors:"
msgstr "अतिरिक्त रंग:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1056 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1061
msgid "Foreground:"
msgstr "अग्रभूमि:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1057 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1062
msgid "Background:"
msgstr "पृष्ठभूमि:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1059
msgid "Marking Text"
msgstr "मार्किंग पाठ"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1064
msgid "Interface Colors"
msgstr "अंतरफलक रंग"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1066
msgid "New data:"
msgstr "नया आंकड़ा:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1067
msgid "Marker line:"
msgstr "मार्कर पंक्ति:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1068
msgid "New message:"
msgstr "नया संदेश:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1069
msgid "Away user:"
msgstr "दूर उपयोक्ता:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1070
msgid "Highlight:"
msgstr "उभारें:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1166 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:337
msgid "Event"
msgstr "घटना"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1172
msgid "Sound file"
msgstr "ध्वनि फाइल"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1207
msgid "Select a sound file"
msgstr "ध्वनि फाइल चुनें"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1279
msgid "Sound playing method:"
msgstr "ध्वनि चालक विधि:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1287
msgid "External sound playing _program:"
msgstr "बाह्य ध्वनि चालक प्रोग्राम (_p):"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1305
msgid "_External program"
msgstr "बाह्य प्रोग्राम (_E)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1315
msgid "_Automatic"
msgstr "स्वचालित (_A)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1328
msgid "Sound files _directory:"
msgstr "ध्वनि फाइल निर्देशिका (_d):"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1367
msgid "Sound file:"
msgstr "ध्वनि फाइल:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1382
msgid "_Browse..."
msgstr "ब्राउज...(_B)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1393
msgid "_Play"
msgstr "बजाएँ (_P)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1442
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "अंतरफलक"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1443
msgid "Text box"
msgstr "पाठ बॉक्स"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1444
msgid "Input box"
msgstr "इनपुट बॉक्स"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1445
msgid "User list"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता सूची"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1447
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "रंग"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1449
msgid "Chatting"
msgstr "बातचीत"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1450
msgid "General"
msgstr "सामान्य"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1452
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "ध्वनि"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1455
msgid "Network"
msgstr "संजाल"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1456
msgid "Network setup"
msgstr "संजाल सेटअप"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1457
msgid "File transfers"
msgstr "फाइल स्थानांतरण"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1564
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "श्रेणियां"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1694
msgid "Some settings were changed that require a restart to take full effect."
msgstr "Some settings were changed that require a restart to take full effect."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1722
msgid "X-Chat: Preferences"
msgstr "X-Chat: प्राथमिकतायें"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:160
msgid "There was an error parsing the string"
msgstr "स्ट्रिंग की व्याख्या में त्रुटि थी"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:168
#, c-format
msgid "This signal is only passed %d args, $%d is invalid"
msgstr "यह संकेत सिर्फ भेजा गया %d args है, $%d अमान्य है"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:276 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:299
msgid "Print Texts File"
msgstr "पाठ फाइल मुद्रित करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:340
msgid "$ Number"
msgstr "$ संख्या"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:350
msgid "Edit Events"
msgstr "घटना संपादित करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:418
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "इस रूप में सहेजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:423
msgid "Load From"
msgstr "इससे लोड करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:428
msgid "Test All"
msgstr "सबको जांचें"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:97
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:147
msgid "Select a file to save to"
msgstr "इसमें सहेजेने के लिये फाइल चुनें"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:187
msgid "X-Chat: URL Grabber"
msgstr "X-Chat: URL Grabber"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:200
msgid "Clear list"
msgstr "सूची साफ करें"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:202
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "कॉपी"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:204
msgid "Save list to a file"
msgstr "फाइल में सूची सहेजें"
#: src/fe-gtk/userlistgui.c:108
#, c-format
msgid "%d ops, %d total"
msgstr "%d ऑपरेटर, %d कुल"