summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/plugins/sysinfo/xsys-makefile
blob: 8b51a53da9b524d36dd47897cd1bf92393f0667d (plain) (blame)
#### SET THIS VALUE TO THE LOCATION OF THE `pci.ids` file ####
PCIIDS = /usr/share/misc/pci.ids

#BUTTON = -Dbuttonbar

CC = gcc
CFLAGS += -O2 -Wall -fPIC
LDFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -shared
OBJECTS = xsys.o parse.o pci.o match.o hwmon.o


	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(LIBRARY) $(OBJECTS) -lpci

xsys.o : xsys.c
parse.o : parse.c
pci.o : pci.c
match.o : match.c
hwmon.o : hwmon.c

.PHONY : clean
clean :
	rm -rf *.o *.so *~

.PHONY : install
install : $(LIBRARY)
	rm -f $(HOME)/.xchat2/
	cp ./$(LIBRARY) $(HOME)/.xchat2/
href='#n262'>262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622
// SelfRef - Pain-free self-referential pinned types
// Copyright (C) 2022 Soni L.
// This software is made with love by a queer trans person.
// With help from quinedot
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0


//! Pain-free self-referential/recursively-referential pinned types.
//! Because this crate optimizes for recursive references, it's much nicer to
//! use for porting/copying C code than alternatives. However, the cost is that
//! it requires generic associated types (GATs). Further, this is the only
//! crate for self-referential types which supports additional lifetimes than
//! the self-referential one (with the small ergonomic caveat that closures
//! don't support where bounds for now, so a proper trait has to be used).
//! When using this crate, all you have to do is define your struct like you
//! would in C, and then tell `selfref` about it. However, do watch out; the
//! following will not be usable, despite compiling:
//! ```rust
//! use selfref::opaque;
//! // This is the actual self-referential struct.
//! struct MySelfRefStruct<'this> {
//!     this: &'this MySelfRefStruct<'this>,
//! }
//! // This is a "marker" type, used to tell `selfref` about the type.
//! // This is actually the "type family" GAT pattern.
//! struct MySelfRefStructKey;
//! // This tells `selfref` about our type.
//! opaque! {
//!     impl Opaque for MySelfRefStructKey {
//!         type Kind<'this> = MySelfRefStruct<'this>;
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! That's because there's no way to create the reference
//! `&'this MySelfRefStruct<'this>` before constructing the struct! That is,
//! you cannot do this:
//! ```rust compile_fail
//! struct MySelfRefStruct<'this> {
//!     this: &'this MySelfRefStruct<'this>,
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     let x = MySelfRefStruct { this: &x };
//! }
//! ```
//! But then, you cannot do this in C either. Instead, to make it usable, we
//! use an `Option` and, to be able to set it, a `Cell`, like so:
//! ```rust
//! use std::cell::Cell;
//! use selfref::opaque;
//! struct MySelfRefStruct<'this> {
//!     this: Cell<Option<&'this MySelfRefStruct<'this>>>,
//! }
//! struct MySelfRefStructKey;
//! opaque! {
//!     impl Opaque for MySelfRefStructKey {
//!         type Kind<'this> = MySelfRefStruct<'this>;
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! and then we can use it:
//! ```rust
//! // lines from the above example have been omitted
//! # use std::cell::Cell;
//! #
//! use selfref::Holder;
//! use selfref::new_with_closure;
//! # use selfref::opaque;
//! use selfref::operate_in_closure;
//! #
//! # struct MySelfRefStruct<'this> {
//! #     this: Cell<Option<&'this MySelfRefStruct<'this>>>,
//! # }
//! #
//! # struct MySelfRefStructKey;
//! #
//! # opaque! {
//! #     impl Opaque for MySelfRefStructKey {
//! #         type Kind<'this> = MySelfRefStruct<'this>;
//! #     }
//! # }
//! fn main() {
//!     // first, construct the struct
//!     let holder = Box::pin(Holder::<'_, MySelfRefStructKey>::new_with(
//!         new_with_closure::<MySelfRefStructKey, _>(|_| {
//!             MySelfRefStruct {
//!                 this: Cell::new(None)
//!             }
//!         })
//!     ));
//!     // then, build the self-reference
//!     holder.as_ref().operate_in(
//!         operate_in_closure::<MySelfRefStructKey, _, _>(|this| {
//!             this.this.set(Some(this.get_ref()));
//!         })
//!     );
//! }
//! ```
//! # Examples
//! This is a more complex example borrowing from an external lifetime:
//! ```rust
//! #![feature(pin_macro)]
//! use core::cell::Cell;
//! use core::marker::PhantomData;
//! use core::pin::Pin;
//! use core::pin::pin;
//! use selfref::Holder;
//! use selfref::NewWith;
//! use selfref::OperateIn;
//! use selfref::opaque;
//! struct Foo<'a, 'b: 'a> {
//!     foo: Cell<Option<&'a Foo<'a, 'b>>>,
//!     t: &'b str,
//! }
//! struct FooKey<'b>(PhantomData<&'b str>);
//! opaque! {
//!     impl['b] Opaque for FooKey<'b> {
//!         type Kind<'a> = Foo<'a, 'b>;
//!     }
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     // can't use real closure, "hand-roll" a closure.
//!     struct FooBuilder<'b>(&'b str);
//!     impl<'k, 'b: 'k> NewWith<'k, FooKey<'b>> for FooBuilder<'b> {
//!         fn new_with<'a>(self) -> Foo<'a, 'b> where 'k: 'a {
//!             Foo {
//!                 foo: Default::default(),
//!                 t: self.0,
//!             }
//!         }
//!     }
//!     // a non-'static &str
//!     let stack_array: [u8; 5] = *b"hello";
//!     let stack_str = core::str::from_utf8(&stack_array).unwrap();
//!     // construct the struct
//!     let holder = pin!(Holder::new_with(FooBuilder(stack_str)));
//!     // setup the self-reference
//!     struct SetFooRef;
//!     impl<'k, 'b: 'k> OperateIn<'k, FooKey<'b>> for SetFooRef {
//!         type Out = ();
//!         fn operate_in<'a>(self, foo: Pin<&'a Foo<'a, 'b>>)
//!         where 'k: 'a {
//!   ;
//!         }
//!     }
//!     holder.as_ref().operate_in(SetFooRef);
//! }
//! ```

use core::marker::PhantomPinned;
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::mem;

/// An opaqueified self-referential struct "key".
/// # Safety
/// This is unsafe because there are a bunch of soundness invariants that need
/// to be upheld. The following list is non-exhaustive:
/// - `Kind` must not have a `Drop` impl in any "path" that may trace back to
///     the original self-referential type, if said `Drop` impl can observe
///     the self-referential type.
/// - We assume `Kind` has the same layout for any `'a`. This is true as of the
///     time of writing this, and relies on Rust not having lifetime
///     specialization.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use core::cell::Cell;
/// use selfref::Opaque;
/// struct Foo<'a> {
///     foo: Cell<Option<&'a Foo<'a>>>,
/// }
/// struct FooKey;
/// // SAFETY: Foo has no Drop impl and has the same layout for any 'a.
/// unsafe impl Opaque for FooKey {
///     type Kind<'a> = Foo<'a>;
/// }
/// ```
pub unsafe trait Opaque {
    /// The actual self-referential struct.
    type Kind<'a>: ?Sized where Self: 'a;
    fn ub_check() {

/// Creates an opaqueified self-referential struct "key".
/// Safe wrapper around [`Opaque`] that checks the soundness requirements at
/// compile-time.
/// There are 2 forms of this macro. The second form accepts type parameters.
/// Note that where bounds go after the impl block.
/// # Examples
/// Simple example:
/// ```rust
/// use core::cell::Cell;
/// use selfref::opaque;
/// struct Foo<'a> {
///     foo: Cell<Option<&'a Foo<'a>>>,
/// }
/// struct FooKey;
/// opaque! {
///     impl Opaque for FooKey {
///         type Kind<'a> = Foo<'a>;
///     }
/// }
/// ```
/// Type parameters and where bounds:
/// ```rust
/// use core::cell::Cell;
/// use core::fmt::Display;
/// use core::marker::PhantomData;
/// use selfref::opaque;
/// struct Foo<'a, T: Display> {
///     foo: Cell<Option<&'a Foo<'a, T>>>,
///     t: T,
/// }
/// struct FooKey<T>(PhantomData<T>);
/// opaque! {
///     impl[T] Opaque for FooKey<T> {
///         type Kind<'a> = Foo<'a, T>;
///     } where T: Display
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! opaque {
        impl Opaque for $key:ty {
            type Kind<$l:lifetime> = $kind:ty;
        } $(where $($bounds:tt)*)?
    ) => {
        unsafe impl $crate::Opaque for $key $(where $($bounds)*)? {
            type Kind<$l> = $kind where Self: $l;
            fn ub_check() {
                fn ub_detect_helper(
                    _f: impl ::core::ops::Fn(
                        for<$l> fn([&$l (); 0]) -> $kind,
                        for<$l> fn(&$l $kind)
                ) $(where $($bounds)*)? {
                ub_detect_helper(|f, g| {
                    let _foo: Self::Kind<'_> = f([]);
        impl[$($params:tt)+] Opaque for $key:ty {
            type Kind<$l:lifetime> = $kind:ty;
        } $(where $($bounds:tt)*)?
    ) => {
        unsafe impl<$($params)+> $crate::Opaque for $key
        $(where $($bounds)*)? {
            type Kind<$l> = $kind where Self: $l;
            fn ub_check() {
                fn ub_detect_helper<$($params)+>(
                    _f: impl ::core::ops::Fn(
                        for<$l> fn([&$l (); 0]) -> $kind,
                        for<$l> fn(&$l $kind)
                ) $(where $($bounds)*)? {
                ub_detect_helper(|f, g| {
                    let _foo: Self::Kind<'_> = f([]);

/// Holds an "opaqueified" `T::Kind`.
/// Note the lifetime, `'k`. This can be anything, as long as `T` outlives it.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use core::cell::Cell;
/// use selfref::Holder;
/// use selfref::new_with_closure;
/// use selfref::opaque;
/// #[derive(Default)]
/// struct Foo<'a> {
///     foo: Cell<Option<&'a Foo<'a>>>,
/// }
/// struct FooKey;
/// opaque! {
///     impl Opaque for FooKey {
///         type Kind<'a> = Foo<'a>;
///     }
/// }
/// fn main() {
///     // We can use a closure here, but we need to give the compiler a hint.
///     let holder = Holder::<'_, FooKey>::new_with(
///         new_with_closure::<FooKey, _>(|foo| Foo::default())
///     );
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Holder<'k, T> where T: Opaque + 'k {
  _pinned: PhantomPinned,
  inner: <T as Opaque>::Kind<'k>,

/// Helper trait for creating a [`Holder`].
/// This is necessary because closures don't work properly here.
/// See [`Holder::new_with`] for examples.
pub trait NewWith<'k, T: Opaque + 'k> {
    /// Creates a new `T::Kind` with an unbound lifetime.
    fn new_with<'a>(self) -> T::Kind<'a> where 'k: 'a, T::Kind<'a>: Sized;

impl<'k, T: Opaque + 'k, F> NewWith<'k, T> for F
    F: for<'a> FnOnce([&'a (); 0]) -> <T as Opaque>::Kind<'a>,
    fn new_with<'a>(self) -> T::Kind<'a> where 'k: 'a, T::Kind<'a>: Sized {

/// Helper for creating a [`Holder`] using a closure.
/// This only works if `K` is `'static`.
pub fn new_with_closure<K: Opaque, F>(f: F) -> F
    F: for<'a> FnOnce([&'a (); 0]) -> <K as Opaque>::Kind<'a>,
    for<'a> K::Kind<'a>: Sized,

impl<'k, T> Holder<'k, T> where T: Opaque {
    /// Creates a new holder.
    /// # Examples
    /// Simple example:
    /// ```rust
    /// use core::cell::Cell;
    /// use selfref::Holder;
    /// use selfref::new_with_closure;
    /// use selfref::opaque;
    /// #[derive(Default)]
    /// struct Foo<'a> {
    ///     foo: Cell<Option<&'a Foo<'a>>>,
    /// }
    /// struct FooKey;
    /// opaque! {
    ///     impl Opaque for FooKey {
    ///         type Kind<'a> = Foo<'a>;
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// fn main() {
    ///     // We can use a closure here, but we need to help the compiler.
    ///     let holder = Holder::<'_, FooKey>::new_with(
    ///         new_with_closure::<FooKey, _>(|foo| Foo::default())
    ///     );
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// Lifetime parameters:
    /// ```rust
    /// use core::cell::Cell;
    /// use core::marker::PhantomData;
    /// use selfref::Holder;
    /// use selfref::NewWith;
    /// use selfref::opaque;
    /// struct Foo<'a, 'b: 'a> {
    ///     foo: Cell<Option<&'a Foo<'a, 'b>>>,
    ///     t: &'b str,
    /// }
    /// struct FooKey<'b>(PhantomData<&'b str>);
    /// opaque! {
    ///     impl['b] Opaque for FooKey<'b> {
    ///         type Kind<'a> = Foo<'a, 'b>;
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// fn main() {
    ///     struct FooBuilder<'b>(&'b str);
    ///     impl<'k, 'b: 'k> NewWith<'k, FooKey<'b>> for FooBuilder<'b> {
    ///         fn new_with<'a>(self) -> Foo<'a, 'b> where 'k: 'a {
    ///             Foo {
    ///                 foo: Default::default(),
    ///                 t: self.0,
    ///             }
    ///         }
    ///     }
    ///     let stack_array: [u8; 5] = *b"hello";
    ///     // a non-'static &str
    ///     let stack_str = core::str::from_utf8(&stack_array).unwrap();
    ///     let holder = Holder::new_with(FooBuilder(stack_str));
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn new_with<F>(f: F) -> Self
        F: NewWith<'k, T>,  T::Kind<'k>: Sized
        Self {
            // it is important that the constructor cannot observe 'k!
            inner: f.new_with(),
            _pinned: PhantomPinned

/// Helper trait for working with a [`Holder`].
/// This is necessary because closures don't work properly here.
/// See [`Holder::operate_in`] for examples.
pub trait OperateIn<'k, T: Opaque + 'k> {
    /// The value returned by this operation.
    type Out;
    /// Do this operation.
    fn operate_in<'a>(self, x: Pin<&'a T::Kind<'a>>) -> Self::Out where 'k: 'a;

impl<'k, T: Opaque + 'k, F, R> OperateIn<'k, T> for F
where F: for<'a> FnOnce(Pin<&'a T::Kind<'a>>) -> R {
    type Out = R;
    fn operate_in<'a>(self, x: Pin<&'a T::Kind<'a>>) -> R where 'k: 'a {

/// Helper for working with a [`Holder`] using a closure.
/// This only works if `K` is `'static`.
pub fn operate_in_closure<K: Opaque, F, R>(f: F) -> F 
where F: for<'a> FnOnce(Pin<&'a <K as Opaque>::Kind<'a>>) -> R {

impl<'k, T> Holder<'k, T> where T: Opaque {
    /// Operates in this (pinned) holder.
    /// This "unwraps" the value in this holder, and binds its lifetime to a
    /// new stack frame.
    /// # Examples
    /// Simple example:
    /// ```rust
    /// #![feature(pin_macro)]
    /// use core::cell::Cell;
    /// use core::pin::pin;
    /// use selfref::Holder;
    /// use selfref::new_with_closure;
    /// use selfref::opaque;
    /// use selfref::operate_in_closure;
    /// #[derive(Default)]
    /// struct Foo<'a> {
    ///     foo: Cell<Option<&'a Foo<'a>>>,
    /// }
    /// struct FooKey;
    /// opaque! {
    ///     impl Opaque for FooKey {
    ///         type Kind<'a> = Foo<'a>;
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// fn main() {
    ///     let holder = pin!(Holder::<'_, FooKey>::new_with(
    ///         new_with_closure::<FooKey, _>(|foo| Foo::default())
    ///     ));
    ///     // Actually making our Foo refer to itself.
    ///     holder.as_ref().operate_in(
    ///         operate_in_closure::<FooKey, _, _>(|foo| {
    ///   ;
    ///         })
    ///     );
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// With lifetime parameters:
    /// ```rust
    /// #![feature(pin_macro)]
    /// use core::cell::Cell;
    /// use core::marker::PhantomData;
    /// use core::pin::Pin;
    /// use core::pin::pin;
    /// use selfref::Holder;
    /// use selfref::NewWith;
    /// use selfref::OperateIn;
    /// use selfref::opaque;
    /// struct Foo<'a, 'b: 'a> {
    ///     foo: Cell<Option<&'a Foo<'a, 'b>>>,
    ///     t: &'b str,
    /// }
    /// struct FooKey<'b>(PhantomData<&'b str>);
    /// opaque! {
    ///     impl['b] Opaque for FooKey<'b> {
    ///         type Kind<'a> = Foo<'a, 'b>;
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// fn main() {
    ///     struct FooBuilder<'b>(&'b str);
    ///     impl<'k, 'b: 'k> NewWith<'k, FooKey<'b>> for FooBuilder<'b> {
    ///         fn new_with<'a>(self) -> Foo<'a, 'b> where 'k: 'a {
    ///             Foo {
    ///                 foo: Default::default(),
    ///                 t: self.0,
    ///             }
    ///         }
    ///     }
    ///     let stack_array: [u8; 5] = *b"hello";
    ///     // a non-'static &str
    ///     let stack_str = core::str::from_utf8(&stack_array).unwrap();
    ///     let holder = pin!(Holder::new_with(FooBuilder(stack_str)));
    ///     // Actually making our Foo refer to itself.
    ///     struct SetFooRef;
    ///     impl<'k, 'b: 'k> OperateIn<'k, FooKey<'b>> for SetFooRef {
    ///         type Out = ();
    ///         fn operate_in<'a>(self, foo: Pin<&'a Foo<'a, 'b>>)
    ///         where 'k: 'a {
    ///   ;
    ///         }
    ///     }
    ///     holder.as_ref().operate_in(SetFooRef);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn operate_in<'i, F, R>(self: Pin<&'i Self>, f: F) -> R
        F: OperateIn<'k, T, Out=R>
        /// Converts Pin<&'a T::Kind<'k>> to Pin<&'b T::Kind<'b>>
        unsafe fn upcast_dangling<'a, 'b, 'c, T: Opaque + 'c>(
            x: Pin<&'a T::Kind<'c>>,
        ) -> Pin<&'b T::Kind<'b>>
        where T::Kind<'c>: 'a {

        f.operate_in(unsafe {
            upcast_dangling::<'i, 'k, '_, T>
            (self.map_unchecked(|self_ref| {