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path: root/plugins/hextray/resource.h
blob: b8008c2c49a6d7b6b6efbd8f4c70092fb6bdab84 (plain) (tree)

// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
// Used by resource.rc
#define IDD_ALERTS                      104
#define IDD_EVENTS                      105
#define IDD_SETTINGS                    106
#define IDD_ALERT                       107
#define IDD_PREF                        108
#define IDD_ABOUT                       109
#define IDR_TRAY_MENU                   110
#define ICO_XCHAT                       111
#define ICO_BANNED                      112
#define ICO_CHANMSG                     113
#define ICO_DISCONNECTED                114
#define ICO_HIGHLIGHT                   115
#define ICO_KICKED                      116
#define ICO_PMSG                        117
#define ICO_SNOTICE                     118
#define IDB_SD_LOGO                     119
#define IDC_PREF_OK                     1014
#define IDC_PREF_CANCEL                 1015
#define IDC_PREF_APPLY                  1016
#define IDC_AWAY_MSG                    1017
#define IDC_ALERT_TIME                  1018
#define IDC_TAB_CONTROL                 1019
#define IDC_ALERT_HOTKEY                1020
#define IDC_ALERT_MSG                   1021
#define IDC_ALERT_HOTKEY_TEXT           1022
#define IDC_ALERT_TIME_TEXT             1023
#define ACT_EXIT                        40001
#define ACT_SETTINGS                    40002
#define ACT_AWAY                        40003
#define ACT_BACK                        40004
#define ACT_RESTORE                     40005
#define IDC_STATIC                      -1

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        120
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40006
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1024
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101