/* HexChat * Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Peter Zelezny. * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Berke Viktor. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef HEXCHAT_XTEXT_H #define HEXCHAT_XTEXT_H #include <gtk/gtk.h> #ifdef USE_XFT #include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> #endif #ifdef USE_SHM #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <X11/extensions/XShm.h> #endif #define GTK_TYPE_XTEXT (gtk_xtext_get_type ()) #define GTK_XTEXT(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), GTK_TYPE_XTEXT, GtkXText)) #define GTK_XTEXT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_XTEXT, GtkXTextClass)) #define GTK_IS_XTEXT(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), GTK_TYPE_XTEXT)) #define GTK_IS_XTEXT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GTK_TYPE_XTEXT)) #define GTK_XTEXT_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_XTEXT, GtkXTextClass)) #define ATTR_BOLD '\002' #define ATTR_COLOR '\003' #define ATTR_BLINK '\006' #define ATTR_BEEP '\007' #define ATTR_HIDDEN '\010' #define ATTR_ITALICS2 '\011' #define ATTR_RESET '\017' #define ATTR_REVERSE '\026' #define ATTR_ITALICS '\035' #define ATTR_UNDERLINE '\037' /* these match palette.h */ #define XTEXT_MIRC_COLS 32 #define XTEXT_COLS 37 /* 32 plus 5 for extra stuff below */ #define XTEXT_MARK_FG 32 /* for marking text */ #define XTEXT_MARK_BG 33 #define XTEXT_FG 34 #define XTEXT_BG 35 #define XTEXT_MARKER 36 /* for marker line */ #define XTEXT_MAX_COLOR 41 typedef struct _GtkXText GtkXText; typedef struct _GtkXTextClass GtkXTextClass; typedef struct textentry textentry; typedef struct { GtkXText *xtext; /* attached to this widget */ gfloat old_value; /* last known adj->value */ textentry *text_first; textentry *text_last; guint16 grid_offset[256]; textentry *last_ent_start; /* this basically describes the last rendered */ textentry *last_ent_end; /* selection. */ int last_offset_start; int last_offset_end; int last_pixel_pos; int pagetop_line; int pagetop_subline; textentry *pagetop_ent; /* what's at xtext->adj->value */ int num_lines; int indent; /* position of separator (pixels) from left */ textentry *marker_pos; int window_width; /* window size when last rendered. */ int window_height; unsigned int time_stamp:1; unsigned int scrollbar_down:1; unsigned int needs_recalc:1; unsigned int grid_dirty:1; unsigned int marker_seen:1; unsigned int reset_marker_pos:1; GList *search_found; /* list of textentries where search found strings */ gchar *search_text; /* desired text to search for */ gchar *search_nee; /* prepared needle to look in haystack for */ gint search_lnee; /* its length */ gtk_xtext_search_flags search_flags; /* match, bwd, highlight */ GList *cursearch; /* GList whose 'data' pts to current textentry */ GList *curmark; /* current item in ent->marks */ GRegex *search_re; /* Compiled regular expression */ textentry *hintsearch; /* textentry found for last search */ } xtext_buffer; struct _GtkXText { GtkWidget widget; xtext_buffer *buffer; xtext_buffer *orig_buffer; xtext_buffer *selection_buffer; #ifdef USE_SHM XShmSegmentInfo shminfo; #endif GtkAdjustment *adj; GdkPixmap *pixmap; /* 0 = use palette[19] */ GdkDrawable *draw_buf; /* points to ->window */ GdkCursor *hand_cursor; GdkCursor *resize_cursor; int pixel_offset; /* amount of pixels the top line is chopped by */ int last_win_x; int last_win_y; int last_win_h; int last_win_w; int tint_red; int tint_green; int tint_blue; GdkGC *bgc; /* backing pixmap */ GdkGC *fgc; /* text foreground color */ GdkGC *light_gc; /* sep bar */ GdkGC *dark_gc; GdkGC *thin_gc; GdkGC *marker_gc; gulong palette[XTEXT_COLS]; gint io_tag; /* for delayed refresh events */ gint add_io_tag; /* "" when adding new text */ gint scroll_tag; /* marking-scroll timeout */ gulong vc_signal_tag; /* signal handler for "value_changed" adj */ int select_start_adj; /* the adj->value when the selection started */ int select_start_x; int select_start_y; int select_end_x; int select_end_y; int max_lines; int col_fore; int col_back; int depth; /* gdk window depth */ char num[8]; /* for parsing mirc color */ int nc; /* offset into xtext->num */ textentry *hilight_ent; int hilight_start; int hilight_end; guint16 fontwidth[128]; /* each char's width, only the ASCII ones */ #ifdef USE_XFT XftColor color[XTEXT_COLS]; XftColor *xft_fg; XftColor *xft_bg; /* both point into color[20] */ XftDraw *xftdraw; XftFont *font; XftFont *ifont; /* italics */ #else struct pangofont { PangoFontDescription *font; PangoFontDescription *ifont; /* italics */ int ascent; int descent; } *font, pango_font; PangoLayout *layout; #endif int fontsize; int space_width; /* width (pixels) of the space " " character */ int stamp_width; /* width of "[88:88:88]" */ int max_auto_indent; unsigned char scratch_buffer[4096]; void (*error_function) (int type); int (*urlcheck_function) (GtkWidget * xtext, char *word); int jump_out_offset; /* point at which to stop rendering */ int jump_in_offset; /* "" start rendering */ int ts_x; /* ts origin for ->bgc GC */ int ts_y; int clip_x; /* clipping (x directions) */ int clip_x2; /* from x to x2 */ int clip_y; /* clipping (y directions) */ int clip_y2; /* from y to y2 */ /* current text states */ unsigned int bold:1; unsigned int underline:1; unsigned int italics:1; unsigned int hidden:1; /* text parsing states */ unsigned int parsing_backcolor:1; unsigned int parsing_color:1; unsigned int backcolor:1; /* various state information */ unsigned int moving_separator:1; unsigned int word_or_line_select:1; unsigned int button_down:1; unsigned int hilighting:1; unsigned int dont_render:1; unsigned int dont_render2:1; unsigned int cursor_hand:1; unsigned int cursor_resize:1; unsigned int skip_border_fills:1; unsigned int skip_stamp:1; unsigned int mark_stamp:1; /* Cut&Paste with stamps? */ unsigned int force_stamp:1; /* force redrawing it */ unsigned int render_hilights_only:1; unsigned int in_hilight:1; unsigned int un_hilight:1; unsigned int recycle:1; unsigned int avoid_trans:1; unsigned int force_render:1; unsigned int shm:1; unsigned int color_paste:1; /* CTRL was pressed when selection finished */ /* settings/prefs */ unsigned int auto_indent:1; unsigned int thinline:1; unsigned int transparent:1; unsigned int shaded:1; unsigned int marker:1; unsigned int separator:1; unsigned int wordwrap:1; unsigned int overdraw:1; unsigned int ignore_hidden:1; /* rawlog uses this */ }; struct _GtkXTextClass { GtkWidgetClass parent_class; void (*word_click) (GtkXText * xtext, char *word, GdkEventButton * event); }; GtkWidget *gtk_xtext_new (GdkColor palette[], int separator); void gtk_xtext_append (xtext_buffer *buf, unsigned char *text, int len); void gtk_xtext_append_indent (xtext_buffer *buf, unsigned char *left_text, int left_len, unsigned char *right_text, int right_len, time_t stamp); int gtk_xtext_set_font (GtkXText *xtext, char *name); void gtk_xtext_set_background (GtkXText * xtext, GdkPixmap * pixmap, gboolean trans); void gtk_xtext_set_palette (GtkXText * xtext, GdkColor palette[]); void gtk_xtext_clear (xtext_buffer *buf, int lines); void gtk_xtext_save (GtkXText * xtext, int fh); void gtk_xtext_refresh (GtkXText * xtext, int do_trans); int gtk_xtext_lastlog (xtext_buffer *out, xtext_buffer *search_area); textentry *gtk_xtext_search (GtkXText * xtext, const gchar *text, gtk_xtext_search_flags flags, GError **err); void gtk_xtext_reset_marker_pos (GtkXText *xtext); void gtk_xtext_check_marker_visibility(GtkXText *xtext); gboolean gtk_xtext_is_empty (xtext_buffer *buf); typedef void (*GtkXTextForeach) (GtkXText *xtext, unsigned char *text, void *data); void gtk_xtext_foreach (xtext_buffer *buf, GtkXTextForeach func, void *data); void gtk_xtext_set_error_function (GtkXText *xtext, void (*error_function) (int)); void gtk_xtext_set_indent (GtkXText *xtext, gboolean indent); void gtk_xtext_set_max_indent (GtkXText *xtext, int max_auto_indent); void gtk_xtext_set_max_lines (GtkXText *xtext, int max_lines); void gtk_xtext_set_show_marker (GtkXText *xtext, gboolean show_marker); void gtk_xtext_set_show_separator (GtkXText *xtext, gboolean show_separator); void gtk_xtext_set_thin_separator (GtkXText *xtext, gboolean thin_separator); void gtk_xtext_set_time_stamp (xtext_buffer *buf, gboolean timestamp); void gtk_xtext_set_tint (GtkXText *xtext, int tint_red, int tint_green, int tint_blue); void gtk_xtext_set_urlcheck_function (GtkXText *xtext, int (*urlcheck_function) (GtkWidget *, char *)); void gtk_xtext_set_wordwrap (GtkXText *xtext, gboolean word_wrap); xtext_buffer *gtk_xtext_buffer_new (GtkXText *xtext); void gtk_xtext_buffer_free (xtext_buffer *buf); void gtk_xtext_buffer_show (GtkXText *xtext, xtext_buffer *buf, int render); void gtk_xtext_copy_selection (GtkXText *xtext); GType gtk_xtext_get_type (void); #endif