/* X-Chat * Copyright (C) 1998 Peter Zelezny. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <time.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include <io.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #endif #include "xchat.h" #include "notify.h" #include "cfgfiles.h" #include "fe.h" #include "server.h" #include "text.h" #include "util.h" #include "xchatc.h" GSList *notify_list = 0; int notify_tag = 0; static char * despacify_dup (char *str) { char *p, *res = malloc (strlen (str) + 1); p = res; while (1) { if (*str != ' ') { *p = *str; if (*p == 0) return res; p++; } str++; } } static int notify_netcmp (char *str, void *serv) { char *net = despacify_dup (server_get_network (serv, TRUE)); if (rfc_casecmp (str, net) == 0) { free (net); return 0; /* finish & return FALSE from token_foreach() */ } free (net); return 1; /* keep going... */ } /* monitor this nick on this particular network? */ static gboolean notify_do_network (struct notify *notify, server *serv) { if (!notify->networks) /* ALL networks for this nick */ return TRUE; if (token_foreach (notify->networks, ',', notify_netcmp, serv)) return FALSE; /* network list doesn't contain this one */ return TRUE; } struct notify_per_server * notify_find_server_entry (struct notify *notify, struct server *serv) { GSList *list = notify->server_list; struct notify_per_server *servnot; while (list) { servnot = (struct notify_per_server *) list->data; if (servnot->server == serv) return servnot; list = list->next; } /* not found, should we add it, or is this not a network where we're monitoring this nick? */ if (!notify_do_network (notify, serv)) return NULL; servnot = malloc (sizeof (struct notify_per_server)); if (servnot) { memset (servnot, 0, sizeof (struct notify_per_server)); servnot->server = serv; servnot->notify = notify; notify->server_list = g_slist_prepend (notify->server_list, servnot); } return servnot; } void notify_save (void) { int fh; struct notify *notify; GSList *list = notify_list; fh = xchat_open_file ("notify.conf", O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600, XOF_DOMODE); if (fh != -1) { while (list) { notify = (struct notify *) list->data; write (fh, notify->name, strlen (notify->name)); if (notify->networks) { write (fh, " ", 1); write (fh, notify->networks, strlen (notify->networks)); } write (fh, "\n", 1); list = list->next; } close (fh); } } void notify_load (void) { int fh; char buf[256]; char *sep; fh = xchat_open_file ("notify.conf", O_RDONLY, 0, 0); if (fh != -1) { while (waitline (fh, buf, sizeof buf, FALSE) != -1) { if (buf[0] != '#' && buf[0] != 0) { sep = strchr (buf, ' '); if (sep) { sep[0] = 0; notify_adduser (buf, sep + 1); } else notify_adduser (buf, NULL); } } close (fh); } } static struct notify_per_server * notify_find (server *serv, char *nick) { GSList *list = notify_list; struct notify_per_server *servnot; struct notify *notify; while (list) { notify = (struct notify *) list->data; servnot = notify_find_server_entry (notify, serv); if (!servnot) { list = list->next; continue; } if (!serv->p_cmp (notify->name, nick)) return servnot; list = list->next; } return 0; } static void notify_announce_offline (server * serv, struct notify_per_server *servnot, char *nick, int quiet) { session *sess; sess = serv->front_session; servnot->ison = FALSE; servnot->lastoff = time (0); if (!quiet) EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_NOTIFYOFFLINE, sess, nick, serv->servername, server_get_network (serv, TRUE), NULL, 0); fe_notify_update (nick); fe_notify_update (0); } static void notify_announce_online (server * serv, struct notify_per_server *servnot, char *nick) { session *sess; sess = serv->front_session; servnot->lastseen = time (0); if (servnot->ison) return; servnot->ison = TRUE; servnot->laston = time (0); EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_NOTIFYONLINE, sess, nick, serv->servername, server_get_network (serv, TRUE), NULL, 0); fe_notify_update (nick); fe_notify_update (0); if (prefs.whois_on_notifyonline) { /* Let's do whois with idle time (like in /quote WHOIS %s %s) */ char *wii_str = malloc (strlen (nick) * 2 + 2); sprintf (wii_str, "%s %s", nick, nick); serv->p_whois (serv, wii_str); free (wii_str); } } /* handles numeric 601 */ void notify_set_offline (server * serv, char *nick, int quiet) { struct notify_per_server *servnot; servnot = notify_find (serv, nick); if (!servnot) return; notify_announce_offline (serv, servnot, nick, quiet); } /* handles numeric 604 and 600 */ void notify_set_online (server * serv, char *nick) { struct notify_per_server *servnot; servnot = notify_find (serv, nick); if (!servnot) return; notify_announce_online (serv, servnot, nick); } static void notify_watch (server * serv, char *nick, int add) { char tbuf[256]; snprintf (tbuf, sizeof (tbuf), "WATCH +%s", nick); if (!add) tbuf[6] = '-'; serv->p_raw (serv, tbuf); } static void notify_watch_all (struct notify *notify, int add) { server *serv; GSList *list = serv_list; while (list) { serv = list->data; if (serv->connected && serv->end_of_motd && serv->supports_watch && notify_do_network (notify, serv)) notify_watch (serv, notify->name, add); list = list->next; } } static void notify_flush_watches (server * serv, GSList *from, GSList *end) { char tbuf[512]; GSList *list; struct notify *notify; strcpy (tbuf, "WATCH"); list = from; while (list != end) { notify = list->data; strcat (tbuf, " +"); strcat (tbuf, notify->name); list = list->next; } serv->p_raw (serv, tbuf); } /* called when logging in. e.g. when End of motd. */ void notify_send_watches (server * serv) { struct notify *notify; GSList *list; GSList *point; int len; len = 0; point = list = notify_list; while (list) { notify = list->data; if (notify_do_network (notify, serv)) { len += strlen (notify->name) + 2 /* + and space */; if (len > 500) { notify_flush_watches (serv, point, list); len = strlen (notify->name) + 2; point = list; } } list = list->next; } if (point) notify_flush_watches (serv, point, NULL); } /* called when receiving a ISON 303 - should this func go? */ void notify_markonline (server *serv, char *word[]) { struct notify *notify; struct notify_per_server *servnot; GSList *list = notify_list; int i, seen; while (list) { notify = (struct notify *) list->data; servnot = notify_find_server_entry (notify, serv); if (!servnot) { list = list->next; continue; } i = 4; seen = FALSE; while (*word[i]) { if (!serv->p_cmp (notify->name, word[i])) { seen = TRUE; notify_announce_online (serv, servnot, notify->name); break; } i++; /* FIXME: word[] is only a 32 element array, limits notify list to about 27 people */ if (i > PDIWORDS - 5) { /*fprintf (stderr, _("*** XCHAT WARNING: notify list too large.\n"));*/ break; } } if (!seen && servnot->ison) { notify_announce_offline (serv, servnot, notify->name, FALSE); } list = list->next; } fe_notify_update (0); } /* yuck! Old routine for ISON notify */ static void notify_checklist_for_server (server *serv) { char outbuf[512]; struct notify *notify; GSList *list = notify_list; int i = 0; strcpy (outbuf, "ISON "); while (list) { notify = list->data; if (notify_do_network (notify, serv)) { i++; strcat (outbuf, notify->name); strcat (outbuf, " "); if (strlen (outbuf) > 460) { /* LAME: we can't send more than 512 bytes to the server, but * * if we split it in two packets, our offline detection wouldn't * work */ /*fprintf (stderr, _("*** XCHAT WARNING: notify list too large.\n"));*/ break; } } list = list->next; } if (i) serv->p_raw (serv, outbuf); } int notify_checklist (void) /* check ISON list */ { struct server *serv; GSList *list = serv_list; while (list) { serv = list->data; if (serv->connected && serv->end_of_motd && !serv->supports_watch) { notify_checklist_for_server (serv); } list = list->next; } return 1; } void notify_showlist (struct session *sess) { char outbuf[256]; struct notify *notify; GSList *list = notify_list; struct notify_per_server *servnot; int i = 0; EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_NOTIFYHEAD, sess, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); while (list) { i++; notify = (struct notify *) list->data; servnot = notify_find_server_entry (notify, sess->server); if (servnot && servnot->ison) snprintf (outbuf, sizeof (outbuf), _(" %-20s online\n"), notify->name); else snprintf (outbuf, sizeof (outbuf), _(" %-20s offline\n"), notify->name); PrintText (sess, outbuf); list = list->next; } if (i) { sprintf (outbuf, "%d", i); EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_NOTIFYNUMBER, sess, outbuf, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); } else EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_NOTIFYEMPTY, sess, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); } int notify_deluser (char *name) { struct notify *notify; struct notify_per_server *servnot; GSList *list = notify_list; while (list) { notify = (struct notify *) list->data; if (!rfc_casecmp (notify->name, name)) { fe_notify_update (notify->name); /* Remove the records for each server */ while (notify->server_list) { servnot = (struct notify_per_server *) notify->server_list->data; notify->server_list = g_slist_remove (notify->server_list, servnot); free (servnot); } notify_list = g_slist_remove (notify_list, notify); notify_watch_all (notify, FALSE); if (notify->networks) free (notify->networks); free (notify->name); free (notify); fe_notify_update (0); return 1; } list = list->next; } return 0; } void notify_adduser (char *name, char *networks) { struct notify *notify = malloc (sizeof (struct notify)); if (notify) { memset (notify, 0, sizeof (struct notify)); if (strlen (name) >= NICKLEN) { notify->name = malloc (NICKLEN); safe_strcpy (notify->name, name, NICKLEN); } else { notify->name = strdup (name); } if (networks) notify->networks = despacify_dup (networks); notify->server_list = 0; notify_list = g_slist_prepend (notify_list, notify); notify_checklist (); fe_notify_update (notify->name); fe_notify_update (0); notify_watch_all (notify, TRUE); } } gboolean notify_is_in_list (server *serv, char *name) { struct notify *notify; GSList *list = notify_list; while (list) { notify = (struct notify *) list->data; if (!serv->p_cmp (notify->name, name)) return TRUE; list = list->next; } return FALSE; } int notify_isnotify (struct session *sess, char *name) { struct notify *notify; struct notify_per_server *servnot; GSList *list = notify_list; while (list) { notify = (struct notify *) list->data; if (!sess->server->p_cmp (notify->name, name)) { servnot = notify_find_server_entry (notify, sess->server); if (servnot && servnot->ison) return TRUE; } list = list->next; } return FALSE; } void notify_cleanup () { GSList *list = notify_list; GSList *nslist, *srvlist; struct notify *notify; struct notify_per_server *servnot; struct server *serv; int valid; while (list) { /* Traverse the list of notify structures */ notify = (struct notify *) list->data; nslist = notify->server_list; while (nslist) { /* Look at each per-server structure */ servnot = (struct notify_per_server *) nslist->data; /* Check the server is valid */ valid = FALSE; srvlist = serv_list; while (srvlist) { serv = (struct server *) srvlist->data; if (servnot->server == serv) { valid = serv->connected; /* Only valid if server is too */ break; } srvlist = srvlist->next; } if (!valid) { notify->server_list = g_slist_remove (notify->server_list, servnot); free (servnot); nslist = notify->server_list; } else { nslist = nslist->next; } } list = list->next; } fe_notify_update (0); }