import inspect import sys from contextlib import contextmanager from _hexchat_embedded import ffi, lib __all__ = [ 'EAT_ALL', 'EAT_HEXCHAT', 'EAT_NONE', 'EAT_PLUGIN', 'EAT_XCHAT', 'PRI_HIGH', 'PRI_HIGHEST', 'PRI_LOW', 'PRI_LOWEST', 'PRI_NORM', '__doc__', '__version__', 'command', 'del_pluginpref', 'emit_print', 'find_context', 'get_context', 'get_info', 'get_list', 'get_lists', 'get_pluginpref', 'get_prefs', 'hook_command', 'hook_print', 'hook_print_attrs', 'hook_server', 'hook_server_attrs', 'hook_timer', 'hook_unload', 'list_pluginpref', 'nickcmp', 'prnt', 'set_pluginpref', 'strip', 'unhook', ] __doc__ = 'HexChat Scripting Interface' __version__ = (2, 0) __license__ = 'GPL-2.0+' EAT_NONE = 0 EAT_HEXCHAT = 1 EAT_XCHAT = EAT_HEXCHAT EAT_PLUGIN = 2 EAT_ALL = EAT_HEXCHAT | EAT_PLUGIN PRI_LOWEST = -128 PRI_LOW = -64 PRI_NORM = 0 PRI_HIGH = 64 PRI_HIGHEST = 127 # We need each module to be able to reference their parent plugin # which is a bit tricky since they all share the exact same module. # Simply navigating up to what module called it seems to actually # be a fairly reliable and simple method of doing so if ugly. def __get_current_plugin(): frame = inspect.stack()[1][0] while '__plugin' not in frame.f_globals: frame = frame.f_back assert frame is not None return frame.f_globals['__plugin'] # Keeping API compat if sys.version_info[0] == 2: def __decode(string): return string else: def __decode(string): return string.decode() # ------------ API ------------ def prnt(string): lib.hexchat_print(, string.encode()) def emit_print(event_name, *args, **kwargs): time = kwargs.pop('time', 0) # For py2 compat cargs = [] for i in range(4): arg = args[i].encode() if len(args) > i else b'' cstring ='char[]', arg) cargs.append(cstring) if time == 0: return lib.hexchat_emit_print(, event_name.encode(), *cargs) attrs = lib.hexchat_event_attrs_create( attrs.server_time_utc = time ret = lib.hexchat_emit_print(, attrs, event_name.encode(), *cargs) lib.hexchat_event_attrs_free(, attrs) return ret # TODO: this shadows itself. command should be changed to cmd def command(command): lib.hexchat_command(, command.encode()) def nickcmp(string1, string2): return lib.hexchat_nickcmp(, string1.encode(), string2.encode()) def strip(text, length=-1, flags=3): stripped = lib.hexchat_strip(, text.encode(), length, flags) ret = __decode(ffi.string(stripped)) lib.hexchat_free(, stripped) return ret def get_info(name): ret = lib.hexchat_get_info(, name.encode()) if ret == ffi.NULL: return None if name in ('gtkwin_ptr', 'win_ptr'): # Surely there is a less dumb way? ptr = repr(ret).rsplit(' ', 1)[1][:-1] return ptr return __decode(ffi.string(ret)) def get_prefs(name): string_out ='char**') int_out ='int*') _type = lib.hexchat_get_prefs(, name.encode(), string_out, int_out) if _type == 0: return None if _type == 1: return __decode(ffi.string(string_out[0])) if _type in (2, 3): # XXX: 3 should be a bool, but keeps API return int_out[0] raise AssertionError('Out of bounds pref storage') def __cstrarray_to_list(arr): i = 0 ret = [] while arr[i] != ffi.NULL: ret.append(ffi.string(arr[i])) i += 1 return ret __FIELD_CACHE = {} def __get_fields(name): return __FIELD_CACHE.setdefault(name, __cstrarray_to_list(lib.hexchat_list_fields(, name))) __FIELD_PROPERTY_CACHE = {} def __cached_decoded_str(string): return __FIELD_PROPERTY_CACHE.setdefault(string, __decode(string)) def get_lists(): return [__cached_decoded_str(field) for field in __get_fields(b'lists')] class ListItem: def __init__(self, name): self._listname = name def __repr__(self): return '<{} list item at {}>'.format(self._listname, id(self)) # done this way for speed if sys.version_info[0] == 2: def get_getter(name): return ord(name[0]) else: def get_getter(name): return name[0] def get_list(name): # XXX: This function is extremely inefficient and could be interators and # lazily loaded properties, but for API compat we stay slow orig_name = name name = name.encode() if name not in __get_fields(b'lists'): raise KeyError('list not available') list_ = lib.hexchat_list_get(, name) if list_ == ffi.NULL: return None ret = [] fields = __get_fields(name) def string_getter(field): string = lib.hexchat_list_str(, list_, field) if string != ffi.NULL: return __decode(ffi.string(string)) return '' def ptr_getter(field): if field == b'context': ptr = lib.hexchat_list_str(, list_, field) ctx = ffi.cast('hexchat_context*', ptr) return Context(ctx) return None getters = { ord('s'): string_getter, ord('i'): lambda field: lib.hexchat_list_int(, list_, field), ord('t'): lambda field: lib.hexchat_list_time(, list_, field), ord('p'): ptr_getter, } while lib.hexchat_list_next(, list_) == 1: item = ListItem(orig_name) for _field in fields: getter = getters.get(get_getter(_field)) if getter is not None: field_name = _field[1:] setattr(item, __cached_decoded_str(field_name), getter(field_name)) ret.append(item) lib.hexchat_list_free(, list_) return ret # TODO: 'command' here shadows command above, and should be renamed to cmd def hook_command(command, callback, userdata=None, priority=PRI_NORM, help=None): plugin = __get_current_plugin() hook = plugin.add_hook(callback, userdata) handle = lib.hexchat_hook_command(, command.encode(), priority, lib._on_command_hook, help.encode() if help is not None else ffi.NULL, hook.handle) hook.hexchat_hook = handle return id(hook) def hook_print(name, callback, userdata=None, priority=PRI_NORM): plugin = __get_current_plugin() hook = plugin.add_hook(callback, userdata) handle = lib.hexchat_hook_print(, name.encode(), priority, lib._on_print_hook, hook.handle) hook.hexchat_hook = handle return id(hook) def hook_print_attrs(name, callback, userdata=None, priority=PRI_NORM): plugin = __get_current_plugin() hook = plugin.add_hook(callback, userdata) handle = lib.hexchat_hook_print_attrs(, name.encode(), priority, lib._on_print_attrs_hook, hook.handle) hook.hexchat_hook = handle return id(hook) def hook_server(name, callback, userdata=None, priority=PRI_NORM): plugin = __get_current_plugin() hook = plugin.add_hook(callback, userdata) handle = lib.hexchat_hook_server(, name.encode(), priority, lib._on_server_hook, hook.handle) hook.hexchat_hook = handle return id(hook) def hook_server_attrs(name, callback, userdata=None, priority=PRI_NORM): plugin = __get_current_plugin() hook = plugin.add_hook(callback, userdata) handle = lib.hexchat_hook_server_attrs(, name.encode(), priority, lib._on_server_attrs_hook, hook.handle) hook.hexchat_hook = handle return id(hook) def hook_timer(timeout, callback, userdata=None): plugin = __get_current_plugin() hook = plugin.add_hook(callback, userdata) handle = lib.hexchat_hook_timer(, timeout, lib._on_timer_hook, hook.handle) hook.hexchat_hook = handle return id(hook) def hook_unload(callback, userdata=None): plugin = __get_current_plugin() hook = plugin.add_hook(callback, userdata, is_unload=True) return id(hook) def unhook(handle): plugin = __get_current_plugin() return plugin.remove_hook(handle) def set_pluginpref(name, value): if isinstance(value, str): return bool(lib.hexchat_pluginpref_set_str(, name.encode(), value.encode())) if isinstance(value, int): return bool(lib.hexchat_pluginpref_set_int(, name.encode(), value)) # XXX: This should probably raise but this keeps API return False def get_pluginpref(name): name = name.encode() string_out ='char[512]') if lib.hexchat_pluginpref_get_str(, name, string_out) != 1: return None string = ffi.string(string_out) # This API stores everything as a string so we have to figure out what # its actual type was supposed to be. if len(string) > 12: # Can't be a number return __decode(string) number = lib.hexchat_pluginpref_get_int(, name) if number == -1 and string != b'-1': return __decode(string) return number def del_pluginpref(name): return bool(lib.hexchat_pluginpref_delete(, name.encode())) def list_pluginpref(): prefs_str ='char[4096]') if lib.hexchat_pluginpref_list(, prefs_str) == 1: return __decode(prefs_str).split(',') return [] class Context: def __init__(self, ctx): self._ctx = ctx def __eq__(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Context): return False return self._ctx == value._ctx @contextmanager def __change_context(self): old_ctx = lib.hexchat_get_context( if not self.set(): # XXX: Behavior change, previously used wrong context lib.hexchat_print(, b'Context object refers to closed context, ignoring call') return yield lib.hexchat_set_context(, old_ctx) def set(self): # XXX: API addition, C plugin silently ignored failure return bool(lib.hexchat_set_context(, self._ctx)) def prnt(self, string): with self.__change_context(): prnt(string) def emit_print(self, event_name, *args, **kwargs): time = kwargs.pop('time', 0) # For py2 compat with self.__change_context(): return emit_print(event_name, *args, time=time) def command(self, string): with self.__change_context(): command(string) def get_info(self, name): with self.__change_context(): return get_info(name) def get_list(self, name): with self.__change_context(): return get_list(name) def get_context(): ctx = lib.hexchat_get_context( return Context(ctx) def find_context(server=None, channel=None): server = server.encode() if server is not None else ffi.NULL channel = channel.encode() if channel is not None else ffi.NULL ctx = lib.hexchat_find_context(, server, channel) if ctx == ffi.NULL: return None return Context(ctx)