From 1f84c507a058f5baa01a632ce2478fa31854907d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TingPing Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 21:56:13 -0400 Subject: Reorganize files and migrate images to gresource --- share/ | 5 - share/doc/COPYING | 340 ------ share/doc/ | 2191 ---------------------------------- share/doc/ | 33 - share/doc/ | 36 - share/doc/ | 3 - share/doc/ | 89 -- share/icons/ | 13 - share/icons/hexchat-b.svg | 610 ---------- share/icons/hexchat-shadowless.svg | 745 ------------ share/icons/hexchat.ico | Bin 17542 -> 0 bytes share/icons/hexchat.svg | 746 ------------ share/misc/ | 23 - share/misc/hexchat.appdata.xml | 15 - share/misc/hexchat.desktop | 31 - share/misc/htm-mime.xml | 8 - share/misc/htm.desktop | 7 - share/pkgconfig/ | 4 - share/pkgconfig/ | 9 - 19 files changed, 4908 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 share/ delete mode 100644 share/doc/COPYING delete mode 100644 share/doc/ delete mode 100644 share/doc/ delete mode 100644 share/doc/ delete mode 100644 share/doc/ delete mode 100644 share/doc/ delete mode 100644 share/icons/ delete mode 100644 share/icons/hexchat-b.svg delete mode 100644 share/icons/hexchat-shadowless.svg delete mode 100644 share/icons/hexchat.ico delete mode 100644 share/icons/hexchat.svg delete mode 100644 share/misc/ delete mode 100644 share/misc/hexchat.appdata.xml delete mode 100644 share/misc/hexchat.desktop delete mode 100644 share/misc/htm-mime.xml delete mode 100644 share/misc/htm.desktop delete mode 100644 share/pkgconfig/ delete mode 100644 share/pkgconfig/ (limited to 'share') diff --git a/share/ b/share/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7642770e..00000000 --- a/share/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -SUBDIRS = pkgconfig - -if DO_GTK -SUBDIRS += icons misc -endif diff --git a/share/doc/COPYING b/share/doc/COPYING deleted file mode 100644 index 48c9fe9b..00000000 --- a/share/doc/COPYING +++ /dev/null @@ -1,340 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) 19yy - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA - - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/share/doc/ b/share/doc/ deleted file mode 100644 index 63cb6b7b..00000000 --- a/share/doc/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2191 +0,0 @@ -# XChat ChangeLog - -To see more details of bugs, go to this URL: - - - -Where "NUMBER" is the bug number. - -This log DOES NOT apply to XChat for Windows. - -There are always more changes than listed here, these are just the -highlights. The full CVS log is available at []( - -*** - -## 2.8.10 - dd/mm/yyyy - - - Emit the Topic Change event before setting the topic internally so plugins - can access the old topic inside the callback. - - Add two options url\_grabber and url\_grabber\_limit. - * url\_grabber is a boolean for enabling/disabling the url grabber - * url\_grabber\_limit is an integer controlling the number of URLs the - URL Grabber will keep around. Setting it to 0 leaves it unlimited as in - previous versions. - - Fixed a bug with the URL Grabber where it fails to grab a URL if the URL - is the first thing in the message. - - Change /ignore <nick> to always add !*@* if <nick> does not contain ? or * - - Perl (Lian Wan Situ) - * Added two new options to hook\_print, run\_after\_event and filter. See - documentation for details. - * When building on Windows, generate the name of the DLL for the Perl - library based on information from the header files instead of hardcoding - the value. - * Fixed a bug in the reinit handling code. The bug prevented the plugin from - cleaning up properly. Which includes unloading scripts and removing - their GUI entries. - * Remove the restriction on having only 1 package per script. Any inner - packages declared will also be unloaded when the script is unload. If - multiple script declare an inner package with the same name then unloading - or reloading one of those scripts will cause problems. - -*** - -## 2.8.8 - 30/May/2010 - - - Made balloon time adjustable via /set input\_balloon\_time (Nicoleau Fabien). - - Fixed a crash in the /SET command if a boolean value was loaded from config - file that isn't set to 0 or 1. - - Added -on and -off parameters to the /SET command. This can be used to set - bits, for example gui\_tweaks. - - Made scrolling backwards for the search window act better (Richard Hitt). - - [2045483] Made ESC key close the search window (Richard Rowell). - - Improved the reconnect logic. If a network is already open but disconnected, - it'll now get re-used if you use the Network List and connect to that same - network. - - Improved scrollback reloading speed significantly (Soeren Sandmann Pedersen). - - [2957047] Handle CTCPs when IDmsg is used correctly (Lian Wan Situ). - - [2987626] Allow /GHOST's password arg to be optional (Ori Avtalion). - - Added networks: 7-indonesia, ChattingAway, GeekShed, TURLINet. - - When switching tabs, make the treeview only scroll if the selected item - isn't visible [treeview-less-jumping.diff] (Brian Evans). - - Selecting an item in the nickmenu will now copy it to clipboard (Alex - Kutepow). - - New icons for notification area (systray): file offer, message and highlight - (Brian Evans). - - Defined a comparison routine for contexts in Python (Brian Evans). - - For the auto-join command, added an 'x' filler for empty keys. This works - around a bug in ircd-seven. - - When a single channel MODE changes, xchat will no longer re-issue a MODE - request for the titlebar display, but figure the new modes intelligently - (Brian Evans). - - Various text event changes (Brian Evans): - 1. Added "Private Action", "Private Action to Dialog", "SSL Message". - 2. Added "Identified text" parameter all the 'action' events. - 3. Added a $3 parameter to "Server Text". - - Perl (Lian Wan Situ) - * Fixed a bug that resulted in timer hooks being leaked because - "return REMOVE" from a timer callback was not unhooking like it was - supposed to - * Reverted the unintentional change to how the server argument of print() - and command() is interepreted when it is undef - * Add hook\_fd to the 'hooks' export tag - * Fixed a leak in XS\_Xchat\_get\_list(Vincent Pit) - * Change Xchat::register so that scripts calling it without a name or - version will still show up in the plugins and scripts window. - * Added calls to PERL\_SYS\_INIT3 and PERL\_SYS\_TERM which are required on - some platforms - * Added some additional guards to prevents bits of scripts from spilling - into each other - * Added "modes", "win\_ptr" and "xchatdirfs" to the list of keys that are - returned by context\_info() - * Changed the information displayed in the "Plugins & Scripts" for scripts - that do not call register() to show up as "" for the name and description - and "unknown" for the version - * /reloadall will now reload scripts in the same order they were loaded - * Make xchat\_send\_modes available as Xchat::send\_modes - * Add support for getting the network list using Xchat::get\_list( "networks" ) - * Xchat::strip\_code will now strip off ANSI escape codes as well - -*** - -## 2.8.6 - 11/Jun/2008 - - - Updated translations (de, fi, fr, hu, lt, nb, ru, th, zh\_CN). - - Fixed creation of ~/.xchat2/scrollback/ paths (xc284-scrollbmkdir.diff). - - Fixed a leak of file descriptors related to the scrollback feature - (resource leak) (xc284-fix-scrollbfdleak.diff). - - Stopped scrollback files growing too large by fixing the file-shrink code. - - Put a "Display scrollback from previous session" into the Setup GUI - (logging section) so people can turn this off without typing commands. - - Made /away work even when the reason setting is empty. - - Using /part on a channel that contains a quotation mark now works [1800855]. - - Changed the default encoding to "IRC" (CP1252/Unicode Hybrid) for both Unix - and Windows. - - Fixed a possible Channel List crash if you searched many times while the - download was still going. - - Fixed alert balloons failing if the text contained "<" characters [1827629]. - - The Drag&Drop files to userlist feature has been enabled again. - - Removed the /set tab\_icons setting and made it automatic (see FAQ for more - info about icons). - - Fixed a bug in creating files (save channel list, rawlog etc) that would set - the wrong permissions. - - Added command line argument --command=COMMAND which can be used in - conjuction with --existing (E.K.L.). This sends any xchat command to an - existing (running) client. - - A private SSL key/certificate can now be loaded from ~/.xchat2/client.pem. - - The Alerts settings now accept wildcards, instead of partitial string match - [1807563]. - - Changing away status during reconnect/disconnect will now remember it. - - You can now change your Away/Back status (all networks) in the tray menu. - - Favorite Channels / Auto-Join-List management: - * Network List window now has a "..." button to edit the auto-join-list in - a more friendly way. - * Channel(text area), Tree/Tab and Channel-List right-click menus now have a - "Add to Favorites" function. - * Previous limit of 300 bytes has been overcome. Now up to 2 KB worth of - channels/keys can be joined and it will be automatically split into - multiple lines, if necessary. - * Per-Channel settings now save to disk, including Logging and Scrollback - settings. - * /ChanOpt has been re-worked to be more like /Set. - - 'hostname:port' syntax is now accepted, if it's not an IPv6 address. - - The Userlist right-click menu now has icons and an option to add to friends - list. If you've edited this menu before you'll still get the old one. To get - the new one delete ~/.xchat2/popup.conf while XChat isn't running. - - ~/.xchat2/startup.txt is now loaded on launch (like /LOAD -e). Put any - commands you want executed at startup here. - - The lag-o-meter now has a full scale of 1.0 seconds. - - libnotify is now opened directly instead of using 'notify-send' to open - tray/balloon alerts. - - Added support for QuakeNet's /AUTH for nick password, when numeric 005 - NETWORK=QuakeNet is detected. - - You can now copy with IRC attributes and mIRC colors if CTRL key is down - when a selection is finished (on mouse release). This replaces the old - "Color paste" feature. - - Added a 'compact' flag to gui\_tweaks. This'll make the userlist and tree - spacing smaller. E.g. type /set -or gui\_tweaks 32 and restart to turn it on. - - The /CLEAR command takes a number as paramater (how many lines to clear). - - When there's missing information in the Userlist right-click menu, it'll - issue a silent /WHOIS and fill it in. This includes retrieving a person's - away-reason. - - Perl (Lian Wan Situ) - * /reloadall will now reload all the scripts that are currently load instead - of simply reruning the autoload routine - * gtk/glib/gdk errors and warnings have been redirected back to stderr so - they will no longer show up in the text box as a result of having the Perl - plugin loaded - * Check if the user has perl 5.6 instead of 5.8 and give an warning dialog - if they do (Peter Zelezny) - * Changed timer callbacks so that they are executed in the context that they - were created in - * Modified Xchat::print and Xchat::command to accept array references in - addition to strings for the channel and server parameters - - Plugin API: - * xchat\_emit_print() will now trigger Sound, Blink, Icon etc type events, - depending on user's settings. - * Fixed a bug where not all 32 elements were available in word[]/word\_eol[]. - -*** - -## 2.8.4 - 01/Jul/2007 - - - Updated translations (cs, de, ko, mk, sv, vi). - - System-Tray balloons now get the xchat icon instead of a generic one. - - Fixed the notify-send zombies (released as xc282-fixtrayzombies.diff). - - Fixed underscore ('\_') in real names in the nick-name right-click menu being - drawn as a underline. - - ut2004:// URLs are now underlined too. - - /set gui\_tray\_flags 4 will now enable a "Minimize to tray" feature. Clicking - the window minimize button will minimize to tray instead of the task-bar. - - Fixed bug: [1680762] Notify fails if network name contains spaces. - - Extended search paths so it hopefully works on Ubuntu now. - - Added a feature that reloads conversations from last time you used XChat - (type /set text\_replay 0 to disable it). - - Fixed /LASTLOG printing everything twice if you had Indented Nicks off. - - The CTRL-F keybinding (Find) is now disabled when using Emacs keys. - - Added /SET gui\_tweaks. See - - Fixed opening URLs on KDE that didn't begin with http:// or other protocol. - - A better quit dialog which warns you if you're connected to IRC or have - active file transfers. - - Fixed: [1741525] Cycle selected channel (Luca Falavigna). - - Fixed: [1737249] Doesn't recognize nicks with halfop mode on hovering. - - The userlist and treeview can now be placed on the same side, with a resize - handle in between them. They can also be dragged and dropped into place. - - When you hide the userlist using the View menu, the resize handle now - disappears too. It also disappears when you have a server tab in focus. - - If you have a tree on one side and userlist on the other, they'll both now - have a resize handle, previously the tree's size was fixed. - - The userlist can be hidden and shown with CTRL+F7. - - [1735116] Channel List's minimum users spin-button can now be set downward - even on networks that sent a list of channels of only a larger size. In this - case the Download button will flash to indicate you need to download a new - list. - - Changing the channel switcher type (Tree or Tabs) is also possible in the - setup dialog. - - The Ban List window now lists exceptions too (mode +e). - - Script and Plugin related changes: - * /SETTEXT with no argument now clears the input box. - * Python: Added a xchat.strip method for stripping IRC attributes and mIRC - color codes. - * C-API and Perl: Returning 0 from a FD hook will now remove the hook and - free all associated memory. - * /MENU now supports a $CHAN root aswell (see plugin20.html). - * Fixed GDK warning when using /MENU to add a key binding to a popup menu. - -*** - -## 2.8.2 - 01/Apr/2007 - - - Updated translations (be, ca, cs, el, hu, sv, uk, zh\_CN). - - Fixed the "Save As" function saving to the wrong folder in the URL Grabber. - - Fixed a bug in the "Copy Selected Link" URL right-click on non-ASCII chars. - - Fixed small bug: #100239 buffer overflow in setup dialog. - - Overhauled the Alerts section of the settings and added support for opening - system-tray balloons (libnotify required). - - Implemented /TRAY -b command on unix. - - Nick serv authentication is now sent without the ":" when using the - /NICKSERV or /NS method. #1655733. - - Added command line argument: - --minimize=level Begin minimized. Level 0=Normal 1=Iconified 2=Tray - - Plugin API: - * Added "modes" to xchat\_get_info(). Returns the current channel modes, if - they are known. - * Fixed "event\_event name" for xchat\_get\_info() to match the docs exactly, - but 2.8.0 (mis)behaviour works too. - - Perl (Lian Wan Situ) - * Execute the shutdown callback before removing the hooks so commands - created by the script can be used in the callback. - -*** - -## 2.8.0 - 03/Jan/2007 - - - Updated translations (cs, de, gl, hu). - - XChat now requires at least GTK+ 2.10. - - Added a system tray icon (aka Notification Area). This is probably the - biggest feature addition in this series. Also added a /TRAY command so - scripts can manipulate the icon. - - Added partial support for numeric 005 token ELIST (min users only). - - Brand new channel list window: GtkTreeView, nicer layout, less CPU power - when downloading very large list, uses less memory, supports regexp/ - patternmatch/substring search and supports downloading LIST with minusers to - save time (only on some networks that support ELIST). - - Overhauled URL opening on Unix, it now tries xdg-open first, then auto- - detects Gnome or KDE to run gnome-open or kfmclient. URLs with quotes - should also work now (changed to execv()). - - Settings: Warn the user when trying to put the tree on the top/bottom. - - Fixed DCC ack reading so it doesn't use MSG\_PEEK. - - Channel modes are no longer shown in the titlebar if they contain a key. - - Added /GUI APPLY command, which does that same as pressing OK in the - settings window (e.g use it after /set). Mainly for scripters. - - Allow changing the logging folder if the log filename is set to a full path - in the settings window (starts with a '/'). - - Added 'Your Action' text event. - - Separated out /away and /back commands so it's obvious what they'll do. - - Changes to /MENU command (See plugin20.html for details): - * Now works for popup menus too. - * Allows creation of radio menu items. - * -p arg can now to be negative to give a position offset from right/bottom. - * -i arg to specify an icon file. - - Plugin API: - * Added event\_text to xchat\_get\_info(). - - Perl (Lian Wan Situ) - * Fixed hook\_command so that it won't override the help message for builtin - commands unless a help message was specified. - * Perl Win32: Warn the user about trying to load 64-bit ActivePerl. - -*** - -# 2.6.8 - 16/Oct/2006 - - - Updated translations (be, de, el, es, fi, hu, it, ja, lt, pt, ru, sv, vi). - - Removed "xchat-remote" and "", it's now apart of the "xchat" binary. - There is now a new dbus interface, see src/common/dbus/README for details. - (Claessens Xavier). - - Python: Fixed "restricted mode" errors on win32 [1512076]. - - Special-cased BRASnet for nickserv. - - Fixed using the /MENU args -p and -e at the same time. - - Fixed /reconnect and auto-reconnect issue [1525383]. - - Plugin API: - * Added fields: lag, queue to the "channels" list. - * Added fields: sizehigh to the "dcc" list. - * Added fields: networks to the "notify" list. - * Handle gracefully plugins that try to execute commands with invalid UTF-8. - * Added /GETFILE command, to open a file dialog. - * Command hooks that start with a period ('.') will now be hidden from /HELP - and /HELP -l. - - Fixed: [1544960] quitting via tabs behaves bad on bncs. - - Fixed: [1551620] --version flag needs display. - - Fixed: [1539236] problem with the /url command (irc:// handling). - - Fixed: [1568931] treeview problem: closing tabs by holding shift and - clicking. - - "Clear" button in Ban List window now has a 'Are you sure?' dialog for - safety. - - The notify list can now contain entries specific to only one or more IRC - networks. - - Userlist popup menu and buttons: added %e for 'current network name'. - - Added option: 'Flash taskbar on any private messages'. - - Added a new encoding choice: "IRC (Latin-1/UTF-8 hybrid)". - How it works is described at: - - Added /LastLog -r . - - The DCC windows have been remodeled and are much nicer now. Ported to - GtkTreeView, the buttons are context sensitive, the window remembers its - size and uploads and downloads are combined in one window. - - Perl (Lian Wan Situ) - * Changed Xchat::print and Xchat::command to return false if they are called - with either no arguments or undef - * Changed Xchat::user\_info so that it works even if the nick parameter - contains color codes - -*** - -## 2.6.6 - 18/Jul/2006 - - - Updated translations (es, fr, sr). - - Fixed connecting to a IRC server via proxy (bug in 2.6.4 only). - - Fixed the invisible cursor color when using GTKSpell and a black - input box (when "Use the text box font & colors" is ON). - - Allow loading a cert/privatekey file from ~/.xchat2/.pem - - Improved the fallback routine when you receive non-UTF8 messages. It - can now handle CP1252 from mIRC users and the ISO-8859-15 Euro symbol. - - Added CHANOPT command for setting channel specific options such as showing - of joins and part, beep on message and color paste (Lian Wan Situ). - - /CLEAR HISTORY will clear your command history. - - Fixed a crash if you left a Ban-List window open after closing the - associated channel and then clicking Refresh. - - Added an option of using 'Last-Spoke' nick completion order in Settings > - Input Box. - - The /QUERY command now has -nofocus arg, which scripts might find useful. - - You can now /set gui\_url\_mod 0, to allow left-clicking URLs (default is - 4, for CTRL). - - XChat will now respect gtk-button-images=0 set in ~/.gtkrc-2.0. - - Added a ./configure option to use your preferred spelling library: - --enable-spell=type. Where type can be: none static libsexy gtkspell. - Note that using gtkspell will force the inputbox to become a GtkTextView. - - Advanced users can /set tab\_small 2, to get _extra_ small tabs. - - Added /SPLAY . - - Plugin API: - * The second args to xchat\_list_int and xchat\_list\_str can now be NULL as - a shortcut to "channels" list for current context only. - * Added bits 6-8 to the field "flags" in the "channels" list. - * /GUI MSGBOX can now contain Pango markup. - * Added -m arg to /MENU. See plugin20.html for more. - - Perl (Lian Wan Situ) - * Fixed a bug with Xchat::print that prevents printing out a - single 0(Lian Wan Situ) - * Fixed a bug in Xchat::get\_prefs that was clobbering the stack(Sergio Luis) - * Allow scripts that use a non-existent function for the shutdown callback - to be unloaded(Lian Wan Situ) - * Added check in set\_context for undef - * Added the fields from get\_list "channels" for the current context to the - result of context\_info - -*** - -## 2.6.4 - 08/Jun/2006 - - - Updated translations (de, el, es, gl, hu, nl, sv, vi, zh\_TW). - - Fixed opening a irc:// URL via "xchat -a --url=abc123" command while - "Skip serverlist on startup" is off. This fix is only relevant when - opening an initial instance of xchat (i.e not via dbus). - - Fixed the tree layout "flashing" (redrawing slowly) after you - switched to tabs and back to tree. - - Fixed plugin/script get\_list("users") causing a critical GDK warning - when not executed from the front-most tab. - - Added spelling support in the input-box via GTKSpell. - - Improved the error reporting when connecting through a Socks proxy. - - DCC file transfers via http/socks45/wingate proxy is now supported - (Damjan Jovanovic & me). - - Fixed Socks 5 failing on 64-bit CPUs. - - Added support for connecting through a Microsoft ISA Proxy, requires - libntlm at build time (Pavel Fedin). - - You can now mark and copy timestamps if you hold down SHIFT. - - Timestamps are now preserved in the /lastlog command. Also fixed a - bug where the separator line disappeared during /lastlog. - - Added a Browse button to the DCC download folder setting. - - Made the setup window a little neater and Gnome-like. - - Improved the notify window a little and fixed a small memory leak. - - Fixed CTCPs being truncated in the RawLog window. - - Added an option to open a "Save As..." dialog when receiving a - DCC file offer. - - Fixed a crash if you try to remove a network from the list while - it's in a auto-reconnect delay [debian bug #364858]. - - Python: Fixed some memory usage bugs. - - Perl: Turned on utf8 flag for things that should have it on. - -*** - -## 2.6.2 - 27/Mar/2006 - - - Updated translations (de, fr, ja, sv). - - Made "/server freenode" send auto-join channels but not - "/server irc://freenode". - - Fixed building of xchat-text (although not recommended!). - - Fixed using Strip mIRC colors & Color nicks at the same time. - - Fixed a bug in timestamp drawing using non-fixed-width font [1404341]. - - Fixed display of realname in the nick-name right-click menu when it - contains a '<' or '&' character [1403069]. - - Added support for UniBG's nickserv (ongeboren). - - The move-to-complete-dir routine now treats encoding/UTF8 correctly. - - Show help when using wrong args for /DCC, instead of silence. - - Support receiving 2048 bytes per line from server and dcc-chat, so we - can support 512 UTF-8 characters that some servers now send. - - Added /gui detach and /gui attach commands for scripters. - - The server list window now remembers its size. - - TCL: Added 'selected' flag to users list. - - Perl: - * Fixed strip\_code so that it no longer takes off extra commas (LifeIsPain) - * Fixed filename checks so that '/load ""' - will also work (Lian Wan Situ). - * Fixed hook\_fd to work with sockets on Windows (Vince Pit). - -*** - -## 2.6.1 - 06/Jan/2006 - - - Updated translations (de, el, fi, fr, gl, hu, ko, nl, pa, sq, vi). - - Added support for log rotation based on time or date. - - Double-click in tree layout will now expand/collapse (Lian Wan Situ). - - Keys to move tabs around now work in Tree layout too (Lian Wan Situ/Me). - - Largely re-written "Search Text" function with much better - behaviour and match case on/off and search backwards options - (Richard Hitt and Me). - - The parent row in the tree layout now changes color if you have - that group collapsed (Lian Wan Situ). - - Fixed crash when trying to Detach or Close a utility tab via - right-click, when it's not the currently focused tab. - - Made DCC resume handle case-insensitive file systems properly. - - Fixed the flashing when you click on a colored treeview row. - - Fixed auto-completion during /exec -o [1375530]. - - Added "Join Channel" menu item to the Server menu. - - Unshade the Disconnect menu item when a connection is in progress. - - Fixed a possible crash in changing color settings before changing - to/from the tree layout (SF bug #1349088). - - Added "Auto accept file offers" to the File Transfer settings. - - Added support for brackets "<>" around nicknames in cut and paste, - without displaying them (hidden text) (Camillo Lugaresi). - - Fixed opening URL irc://NetWork/#channel not joining the channel - [1362155]. - - Fixed the nickname label becoming small when you're marked Back - if you have "Small tabs" turned on. - - The textevents GUI has been re-written to use GtkTreeView. - - Randomized DNS lookups on Mac OS X on hostnames that return - multiple IP numbers (SG / CL). - - Added a dialog window to help newbies join a channel. - - Opening irc:// URLs will now JOIN only if you are already connected - to the network. - - Plugin API (Lian Wan Situ): - * Added selected flag to "users" list. - * Added "id" to xchat\_get_prefs. - * Changed xchat\_find_context (ph, channel, NULL) to return results - from the same server group as the current context when possible. - - Perl (Lian Wan Situ): - * using emit\_print/command/recv will no longer trigger their own - callbacks. - * Fix compiling issues with versions older than 5.8.2. - * Make all scripts appear in the "Plugins and Scripts" window, even - those that do not call register(). - -*** - -## 2.6.0 - 03/Nov/2005 - - - Updated translations (nl, zh\_TW). - - Message boxes are now warning, error or info with appropriate icon. - - Red marker line feature enabled by default. - - Added /SEND [file] which will automatically switch to PSEND - when detecting a private net address. - - Simplified default nick-right-click menu. - - Show "Last Talk" in nick-right-click menu as "minutes ago". - - Strip mIRC colour from away message in right-click menu. - - Warn when opening banlist in non-channel. - - Reorganised and simplified IRC/Server menus and new View menu. - - The editable Server menu is no more, if you want it type - /set gui\_usermenu 1 and restart. - - Option to view channels in tabs or tree structure. - - Shorter titlebar text for better viewing in taskbar. - - Disabled key-search in server list, as GTK's auto-find does this - better. - - Removed "Connect in new tab" button in server list, it now does it - intelligently. Use stock Connect icon. - - Removed "Tint (shade) transparency" item from settings and figure - it out based on tint values. - - When closing a tab, re-focus the one near by, instead of always the - last. - - Firefox style close button. - - The lag and throttle metres now have tooltips that give you real - information (hover the pointer over them). - - Added workaround to show on-join ChanServ notices in the right tab. - - Tab scroll buttons are now side-by-side when in vertical mode. - - Automatically change key shortcut of "Marked Away" if the - translation already uses ALT-A for the Help menu (e.g \_Aide in - French). - - Your nickname in the bottom-left corner now turns gray when you are - marked away, just like the userlist. - - Introduced a delay before joining channels, to allow for FreeNode's - short comings. If a umode +e is received it'll send auto-join - channels immediately. - - Plugin API: Added win\_ptr to xchat\_get\_info. - - Non-irc (utility) tabs can now be detached aswell. - - Fixed behaviour problems of the userlist pane, which might be set - incorrectly if the window was resized while a server-tab is focued. - - Added a confirm-dialog when trying to close a server-tab with - children. - - Server list's edit window now gives you an option of a network - specific "Second choice" nickname. - - Auto detect RusNet and use /NICKSERV to identify instead of /MSG. - - Added /Ghost command. - - Fixed: The WHOIS away-line ignored irc\_whois\_front setting. - - Scroll-wheel now works while hovering over a tab (Lian Wan Situ). - - The input box right-click menu now has bold, underline and italic. - - Added xchat-remote for launching irc:// URLs in existing xchat - and other functions (Claessens Xavier). - - WIN32: Auto-loading perl scripts now also works from: - C:\Program Files\XChat\Plugins\ - - Better command-line parameter parsing via GOption. - - Tab completion order can now be in "last talk" order if you - /set completion\_sort 1. - - "Channel Action" and "Channel Action Hilight" now have a 3rd - argument of "Mode char", just like normal message events. The last - talk time is also now updated on actions. - - Reworked the Character Chart window so you can find your char. - - Perl: - - fixed so that printf and commandf are exported - - print and printf can also be called as prnt and prntf, this is to - avoid clashing with the builtins. - - Deprioritized MODE/WHO to reduce join lag. - - WIN32: Mask out more invalid filename characters when writing to - log files. - -*** - -## 2.4.5 - 10/Sep/2005 - - - Updated translations (cs, el, fr, gl, it, nl, sl, sr, vi, zh\_TW). - - Fixed incorrect information displayed in Plugins & scripts window - under unix (xc244-fixpluginns.diff). - - Added "/set irc\_whois\_front 1" option to show WHOIS in front tab. - - Lots of speed ups under the hood, mainly in handling of URL - highlighting during mouse motion. Also now allows underlining - .name and .info domains [1230265]. - - Moved the "Insert color code" menu into the input box's right- - click menu. - - Fixed "Your Message" messing up when starting with a comma - [1230269]. - - Added /id command to identify yourself to nickserv. - - Added /gui MSGBOX for scripters. - - Added /menu command which lets plugins/scripts add their own - menu items. - - Added support for passive DCC chat via /DCC PCHAT . - - Added support for DCC sending and receiving very large files - (above 4 GB). - - Improved layout of "Info" button in the DCC windows. - - Improved layout of the nick-name right-click menu. - - Improved /help command's display of plugins/script commands. - - Fixed two bugs in detaching tabs (or CTRL-I) [1228926]. - - Added /uselect command for scripters to select nick names in the - channel userlist (Daniel P. Stasinski). - - Fixed possible crashes while using the SJIS (Japanese) charset. - - Fixed various memory leaks in right-click menus. - -*** - -## 2.4.4 - 20/Jun/2005 - - - Updated translations (hi, ko, lt, pa, ru, vi, zh_TW). - - People's away message is now shown in the right-click menu, if - known (Christopher Aillon). - - The "Bind to:" setting can now be set to [1176256]. - - Plugin API: Don't crash if a print-event closes the current context - and doesn't eat the event [1175674]. - - Disabled parsing of quotation marks for /JOIN, so you can join - channels with a quote in them (Dan Fruehauf). - - Fixed truncation of the URL in the right-click menu. Now handles - UTF-8 properly [1188229]. - - Fixed use of CP1255 charset, which would chop the last char when - receiving messages [1122089]. - - The DCC windows now allow multiple selection and the columns auto - resize (Dan Fruehauf). - - Added "CTCP Sound to Channel" event [1159445]. - - You can now drag and drop files into dialog windows to start file - transfers. - - Perl: - - Fix to allow fully qualified variable names to work as well. - - Enabled individual script unloading. - - Enabled reloading scripts using XS modules. - - Fixed handling of filenames with spaces in them. - - Added /reload which works like /load but it will do an unload first - it is not necessary to use the full path with this command, just - the file name is enough. - - Fix print callbacks for cases where there are NULL elements between - non-NULL elements. - - Fixed: "XChat can't ban users with long idents" (Dan Fruehauf) - [1159447]. - - Implemented taskbar flashing on unix. Requires a window manager - or taskbar that supports XUrgency flag (Adil). - -*** - -## 2.4.3 - 31/Mar/2005 - - - Updated translations (de, sq, zh\_CN). - - Fixed crash of server list connect button when no network is - selected while using GTK's auto-find feature [1166669]. - - Fixed handling of WhoIs Special event on some networks where it - could chop off the first character [1164315]. - - Plugin API changes: Added "nickserv" field to xchat\_get\_info. - - Python: Fixed get\_list() incorrectly failing when the list - contained a time field [1171525]. - - Perl: Make scripts using calls with fully qualified subs work again - [1170139] (Lian Wan Situ). - - Fixed input-box input-method (GTK I.M.) problem [1168239]. - - Fixed: Ignore and Notify windows incorrectly used the stock CLOSE - button instead of DELETE [1170655]. - - Placed Close/Connect buttons in correct position in server list - [1165474]. - -*** - -## 2.4.2 - - - Updated translations (ca, de, lt, nl, ru, sk, sr, vi). - - Added command line args -u and -p. - - Fixed handling of "MODE -o+o nick nick" (#1094026). - - Plugin API changes: - * Added "Key Press" print event. - * Added "state\_cursor" for xchat\_get\_prefs. - * Added xchat\_strip and xchat\_free functions. - * Added "lasttalk" field to "users" list. - * Added "charset" field to xchat\_get_info. - - Perl plugin changes (Lian Wan Situ): - * Move each script into their own unique package/namespace. Scripts - containing multiple packages will not be loaded. - * When warning messages are emitted you will now be told which - script it came from. - * Xchat::set\_context will now accept Xchat::set\_context( $channel ) - and Xchat::set\_context( $channel, $server ) in addition to - Xchat::set\_context( $context ). - * Fix display of loaded scripts in the Plugins and Scripts window. - - TCL: Fixed crash with invalidated TCL timer (#1110306) (Daniel P. - Stasinski). - - /TIMER now supports timeouts to one decimal place. - - Fixed possible crash of open-file dialog on 64-bit machines. - - Pressing CTRL-O in the DCC Receive window will now open your - downloads folder. - - Win32: Default download folder changed to "My Documents\Downloads". - - Added -quiet arg to the /charset command. - - The /country command now supports a wildcard search. - - The user is now warned when real/user name is left blank in the - server list window. - - Added the /URL command. - - Added a text event for all unknown WHOIS reply lines. - - Added /ALLCHANL which sends to the current server only. - - Actions (/ME) are now treated like PRIV/CHAN for purposes of the - ignore list. - -*** - -## 2.4.1 - - - Updated translations (ca, de, eu, it, ko, mk, nb, nl, pt, ru, sl, - sq, uk, zh\_TW). - - Fixed custom marker-line color not reloading. - - Brought back the "Connect to selected server only" option in the - Serverlist edit window (it's like the reverse of "Cycle until - connected" in 2.0.x). - - You can now move networks and servers via Shift+Up/Down (in the - ServerList window). - - Small efficiency improvements in receiving dcc. It will now not - send ACKs while the input buffer is non-empty. - - Python: Fixed crash when a timer callback routine executes - xchat.unhook() and returns false. - - Fixed playing sound files with spaces in them. - - Added support for NickServ on DalNet and FreeNode. - - Plugin API: Added xchat\_get_info(ph,"inputbox");. - - Added /settext and /setcursor commands for scripters. - - You can now scroll tabs with the mouse-wheel while hovering over - the arrow buttons. - - Fixed connecting to a SSL server via http proxy (#1054152). - - Fixed: Opened server tab doesn't count as "requested" (#1044227). - -*** - -## 2.4.0 - - - Updated translations (ca, de, eu, it, ko, lt, nl, sk, sr, zh\_CN). - - Fixed a possible crash in loading pevents.conf. - - Made default URL handlers work with Firefox 0.9.x by adding the - "-a firefox" argument. - - Plugin API: Added xchat\_get_info field "libdirfs". - - Fixed crash when trying to dcc send a filename which has encoding - that doesn't match G\_FILENAME\_ENCODING. - -*** - -## 2.1.1 - - - Updated translations (de, kr, lt, sk, sr, zh\_CN). - - Added some rudimentary support for the IDENTIFY-MSG feature. - - Perl: Added Xchat::context\_info (Lian Situ). - - TCL: Added support for time fields in getlist (Daniel P.Stasinski). - - Added "Open Dialog" event, so you can add a sound-file to it. - - The standard beep can now be overridden with a sound-file. - - Fixed tab-nick-completion's cycling behaviour. - - New keyboard shortcut for line up and down (shift-arrow up/down). - - Fixed: [986958] tab completion with GTK Input-Methods. - -*** - -## 2.1.0 - - - Updated translations (eu). - - Tab nick completion fixes: Crash with space-tab and glib critical - warning (Ian Kumlien). - - Heavily reworked the Preferences window. It should be alot clearer - now, and more gnome-like. - - 'Pop new tabs to front' setting now has three options (Kyoshiro). - - New colors and text-events, using a white background. - - Config files are not saved to disk unless you edit the defaults. - This makes it easier to change language (for print events, popup - menu etc). - - Brand new Server List window. Now much simpler and intuitive. Also - includes an entry box for NickServ password. - - The vertical separator line now has its own pointer when you hover - over it (Richard Gobeille). - - Alphabetical tab sorting now works and is enabled by default. - - Added "Small Tabs" option (reduces the font size). - - Brand new Sound-Events editor in the Preferences window. - - Added socks5 authentication support (Benjamin Foster). - - Win32: fixed auto-loading of TCL scripts. - -*** - -## 2.0.10 - - - Updated translations (ru, sr). - - Fixed compiling on systems other than linux/freebsd [969643]. - (Samuel Mimram). - - Fixed compiling with an old version of GTK (2.0.x). - - Further BiDi fixes in xtext (Ilya Konstantinov). - - Brand-new tab completion code (Ian Kumlien). This also fixes: - Tab expansion not working behind umlauts [956127]. - Plugin commands can now be tab-completed too (Frank Thieme). - - Fixed parsing URIs on userlist drag-n-drop (Jonas Heylen). - - Added Sort button to the server list window (David Oftedal and - Tim-Philipp Mueller). - - Tab button selection fix (Guillaume Knispel). - - Added marker-line feature. Shows a red-line to indicate the place - where you last read up to (Thomas Kockerbauer). - - The "Get my IP from Server" feature now works on networks that - hide your hostname too (by using the USERHOST command). - - Win32: Fixed CPS calculation for file transfers [824934]. - - Fixed: Ping timeout when the system clock changes [789140]. - - Fixed: Private messages delivered to status window when nickname - is the same as the network [977550]. - - Maximised window-state is now saved. - - Double middle-clicking a nickname in the text area will now select - it in the userlist. - - Included a work-around to stop X-Sys plugin crashing with GTK 2.4. - - Fixed: /list output going to the current tab [970746]. - - Fixed: Serverlist crash while editing a port-number, and switching - to another network before pressing enter [968652]. - - Made it possible to execute multiple "Connect Command:"s in the - ServerList window, when they're separated by ctrl-shift-a. - -*** - -## 2.0.9 - - - Updated translations (bg, cs, de, en\_GB, eu, fi, lt, nl, ru, sk, - uk, wa). - - Fixed the Socks5 overflow security bug. - - DCC IP address setting can now be a hostname too (Flavio - Chierichetti) [773229]. - - Don't try random DCC ports when a range is set (mib) [889987]. - - Fix: Spurious nick completion (mib) [916944]. - - Serverlist passwd box is now masked (Cristian Peraferrer) [920113]. - - Fix: Sometimes messes up the tab order on reconnect (Gabor Szeder) - [941773]. - - Fix: Crashes when setting $CHARSET to nonexistant charset [945855]. - - Plugin API: Added some fields to the "channels" list. - - Plugin API: Added "win\_status" and "xchatdirfs" fields to - xchat\_get\_info. - - Plugin API: Added xchat\_send\_modes() function. - - Fix: Unload, then reload a plugin on FreeBSD fails (Kevin Leung). - - Plugins should now work on HPUX too. - - Perl-plugin: Fixes for 3 arg version of emit\_print, unhooking the - same hook multiple times and get\_list returning correct values for - address32 field and some memory leaks (Lian Situ). - - Made menu keybindings work when the menubar is hidden on GTK 2.4. - - Added support for the new GTK 2.4 file chooser dialog. - - Fix for BiDi in xtext (Ilya Konstantinov). - - Smaller bug fixes [962211] [958599] [950353] and - [945617] (Frederic Krueger). - -*** - -## 2.0.8 - - - Updated translations (az, es, fi, lt, mk, nl, ru, sk, sl, sr, sv, - zh\_CN). - - Added color, flash and iconify args to /GUI command (this is for - use in scripts and plugins only). - - Plugin API: Added "notify" list. - - Plugin API: Added id, users, flags fields for "channels" list. - - Win32: Better error messages for file i/o and winsock errors. - - New Perl interface (with backward compatibility)! (Lian Situ). - - Fixed command-character buglet [873541]. - - Win32: Improved incorrect CPS display for file transfers. - - Added "Copy Selected URL" option to URL popupmenu (Mike Battersby). - - Added work-around for "Get my IP from server" not working on PTNet - (Mario Freitas). - - Fixed: Alt+numbers do not work with X Input Method [896968] (Marius - Gedminas). - - Added support for "+port" to indicate SSL connections. - - Fixed non-ASCII chars in time-stamp bug [918445]. - - Smaller bug fixes: [870073] [890891]. - -*** - -## 2.0.7 - - - Updated translations (fi, nl). - - Fixed dcc psend crash [858539]. - - Fixed bug where an error message was erroneously displayed while - transfering files with fast-send turned off. Also, allow fastsend - to be used with psend (Daniel Dubois). - - Print more informative messages when Perl scripts fail to load - (Andy). - - Win32: Added native sound playing support. - - Win32: Fixed possible crash upon exit while still connected. - - Fixed notify's Lastseen column for offline users [864185]. - - Report more informative error when DCC write to disk fails. - - Fixed crash when xchat.conf contains oversized strings [750403]. - -*** - -## 2.0.6 - - - Updated translations (de, lt, sl, sr). - - Fixed detection of Python on amd64 (Mads Martin Joergensen). - - Don't loose editbox contents when pressing up, then down arrow - (Ricky Clarkson). - - Fixed missing dcc flag on new ignores via gui. - - Fixed missing separator bar on PseudoColor displays. - - Fixed some 64-bit issues (xc205-fix64bit.diff). - - Apply tint changes instantly. - - Fixed DCC resume with mirc >= 6.1. - - Python plugin changes: - * Fixed the reentrancy problem which made xchat freeze when some - python code made xchat trigger a python callback somewhere. - * Implemented xchat\_emit\_print() and xchat\_get\_prefs() support. - * Fixed softspace support for python 2.3. This problem was making - print statements yield an extra space at the next line start. - * Other minor changes. - (Gustavo Niemeyer, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro, Marko Kreen). - - Fixed request of a MODE on a channel you're not in changing the - current titlebar [820998]. - - Restored compatibility with older Perl that lacks call\_pv(). - - Use sigaction inplace of signal() for better compatibility. - - Win32: Don't try to open logfiles with a "\" in them, windows wont - allow it. Instead, the "\" is replaced by a "\_". - - Backported HTTP authentication code from 1.8.11 (you can now - specify a username and password for HTTP proxies). - - When beep on highlight is on, beep on channel actions too - (Christopher A. Aillon) - - Added active dcc send feature (/dcc PSEND). More info here: - - (Daniel Dubois and Emmanuel Jeandel). - - URL Handlers menu now removes programs that arn't in PATH. - - Added "away" users field for plugin API. - - Smaller bug fixes: 822199, 786267, 783172, 811971, 756048, 844919. - -*** - -## 2.0.5 - - - Updated translations (ca, fi, lt, nl, sk, sv, zh\_CN). - - Fixed detection of Python 2.3 in configure script (anonymous). - - DCC Send file-selection dialog now supports multi-select. - - Reset away status after auto-reconnect from a ping timeout. - - Perl: Fixed IRC::user\_info always matching the first entry. - - More C89 fixes for non-gcc compilers (Albert Chin). [781809]. - - xtext: now double buffered and flicker free. Also some efficiency - tweaks for exposure events and multi-wrapped lines. - - Removed buggy numeric 338 support [783945]. - - Nick completion in dialogs and channel completion (Jay Cornwall). - - Print informative error messages when dcc resume isn't possible. - - Fixed performance of dcc recv, send and chat windows. - - Fixed tab-arrow buttons show/hide (Lloyd Williams) [783681]. - - Fixed lastlog bugs [791220]. - - win32: Faster tinting, and uses MMX when in 16 or 32bit color. - - Execute /sigusr2 on receiving SIGUSR2 signal (Michael Guidero). - - /IGNORE command and window now have an extra "DCC" category. - - Alert user when logfiles fail to open (Jay Cornwall). - - Fixed missing underlining of IP numbers (2.0.4 only). - - Allow accepting DCC sends from ports below 1024. - - Connect to URL given on commandline even if 'No Serverlist on - Startup' is off [804648]. - - Fixed problem in allocating colors while in 8bit PseudoColor. - - xtext: tinting now shades towards your background color, making it - usable with white backgrounds. Tints can also use XShm for extra - speed with --enable-shm at ./configure time (experimental). - - Perl: IRC::add\_print\_handler callbacks now get parameters in - $\_[1...x], with $\_[0] left for compatibility (Lian wan Situ). - - Perl: added command\_with\_channel command (Alexander Werth) - [801711]. - - Smaller bug fixes: [798655]. - -*** - -## 2.0.4 - - - Updated translations (lt, sv, zh\_CN). - - Fixed crash on tinted transparency (xc203-fixtint.diff). - - Fixed incorrect dcc cps calculation (xc203-fix-cps.diff). - - Allow fullpath and relative filenames for Text Events sound files - (Anthony Dragunov). - - Added /GUI command (mainly for use by scripts). - - Solaris build fixes for ipv6. - - Added -n, --no-plugins command-line arg. - - Added a feature to change the color of away users. - - Moved default dcc and sound dirs inside ~/.xchat2/ (SilvereX). - - Fixed bug [753742] When server tab and query had the same name, - private messages could go to the wrong tab. - - Support others users too, when expanding ~ in filenames (Neox). - [767514]. - - Underline "ipnumber:port" style urls too (Alex & dobler). - - Added support for ircu numerics 330 and 338 (phaseburn). - - C89 fixes, should now compile with HP UX and Sun C Compilers - (Albert Chin). [777106]. - - Smaller bug fixes: [773245] [779166]. - - Close tabs on shift-leftclick (Jay Cornwall). - -*** - -## 2.0.3 - - - Updated translations (ca, fr, ja, sv). - - Fixed URL grabber not filling up (xc202-fixurlg.diff). - - Fixed crash when holding down Ctrl-I (xc202-fixdetach.diff). - - Use Shift-Ctrl-W for Close only when Emacs key theme is enabled. - - Fixed corrupt left margin with indent-nicks off and timestamp on. - - Remove invalid chars from inbound text when conversion fails. Fall - back to ISO-8859-1 when using UTF-8 only (Ilya Konstantinov). - - Fixed perl IRC::get\_info(3) crash when not connected [732496]. - - Fixed crash on long output lines for /exec -o [731187]. - - Made "Move completed files to:" and "Save nickname in filenames" - work at the same time (Matthew Gabeler-Lee). - - xtext: fix redraw when new additions not on current page. - - win32: Added /set identd 0 switch to turn off built-in identd. - - Added 6-8 for perl's IRC::get\_info to retreive network, host and - topic (Ryan). - - Iterate in alpha order instead of op-alpha for nickcompletion - (Gauss\_Z88). - - Fixed ChannelList crash on invalid regex match string. - - Added hide join/parts setting to gui (Jason Wies). - - Added Delete All button to ignore window (Mohammed Sameer). - - Don't allow adding empty names to notify list [741589]. - - Made message fragmentation code utf8 friendly so it always splits - on a multibyte char boundary [748653]. - - Support 2 to 4 GB files in DCC (contrary to 1.9.4 changelog, it - didn't work until now). - - Python: Fixed crash when returning 0 from a timer (Steve Green). - - Multihead fixes for popup menus. - - Added support for numeric 307 and 320 "is an identified user". - - Allow setting a blank topic via the GUI [720407]. - -*** - -## 2.0.2 - - - Updated translations (lt, ms, nl, pt, sv, zh\_CN). - - Fixed a few minor mem leaks in the server and user list. - - Changes to: UrlGrabber, Notify, Plugins, Ignore and Banlist GUIs. - Changed GtkCList to GtkTreeview, and general enhancement to these - guis (Vincent Ho). - - win32: made it possible to compile with ipv6. - - Added /MOP. - - Fixed pageup/pagedown wrong window bug [710784]. - - Fixed no timestamps in top-level windows bug [710787]. - - Fixed first word being skipped in perl add\_command_handler("", cb); - [711802]. - - Fixed WHOIS away line appearing in different tab [695932]. - - win32: fixed transparency [699425]. - - win32: fixed ssl "Error 2" connection bug. - - Made all toplevel dialog windows transients of the main window. - - Show filesize/pos in DCC window as KB and MB (Aaron Chernosky). - - Added /set tab\_dnd 0/1 option. - - Fixed userlist insertion/deletion GUI performance problem [704233]. - - Each toplevel window now has a "role". - - Smaller bugs fixed: [698449] [718851]. - - TCL plugin fixes for context lookups (Daniel P. Stasinski). - - Changed Close Tab keybinding to Shift-Ctrl-W to avoid conflict with - emacs editing. - - Used a new algorithm for Userlist and UrlGrabber. This one does - insertion, lookup and deletion in O(log n). - -*** - -## 2.0.1 - - - Updated translations (am, ca, lt). - - Save serverlist before connecting (Joe Drew). - - OpenBSD compile fixes. - - (Encoding) Fallback outgoing text to "?" for unconvertable chars. - [674798]. - - Hide tab scrolling buttons when they're not needed. - - Fixed --disable-xlib compiles. - - Fixed use of %h in dialog-tab buttons [688937]. - - Fixed printing/logging timestamps that contain invalid utf8 - [688548]. - - Added "Resizable userlist" option (default ON). - - Strip colors on topic change. - - Fixed (snotice) and (notice) tabs being swapped [687437]. - - Made more strings translatable. - - Allow loading empty text events [691191]. - - Fixed xtext race condition [678874]. - - Added ability to show/hide the channel-mode buttons (default OFF). - - Use the network name in server-tab rather than full hostname. - - Added keybindings for moving tab-families, default is ctrl-shift - PageUp and PageDown (Vincent Ho). - - Added 'Beep on highlighted messages' option (Jirka Kosina). - - Use DND to detach tabs. - - Interpret %C, %B etc in quit reasons. - - Added more items to the right-click tab menu. - - Some misc UI cleanups. - -*** - -## 2.0.0 - - - Updated translations (de, es, lt, nl, sk, sl). - - Fixed half cut off dates in notify window. - - Fixed tabs loosing red/blue color when being renamed. - - Fixed initial query tabs not being truncated. - - Make tabs red on channel actions too. - - Configure script python detection fixes (Johan Dahlin). - - Added /charset command. - - Don't auto remove stalled DCCs unless dcc\_remove setting is on. - - Avoid recursive UserCommand buffer overflow. - - Added xchat\_emit\_print() to plugin interface. - - Left and Right positioned tabs are possible again (Lloyd Williams). - - Added /timer -repeat and -quiet args. - - Possible tcl plugin crash fixes (Daniel P. Stasinski). - - Group multiple op/voice in one print event. - - Fixed plugin loading on solaris. - - Python fixes (Gustavo Niemeyer): - * Fixed bug which made Python plugins crash randomly. - * Introduced a new xchat.hook\_unload() function, as requested by - many people. This will call a given callback at module unload - time. - * Now /py load will succeed if filename is the name of a - file inside "xchatdir" (~/.xchat2). - * Fixed some leakings. - -*** - -## 2.0.0pre1 - - - Updated translations (sv, es, am, el, lv, no). - - Fixed possible blank userlist after another tab was detached. - - Changed default keybinding for next/prev-tab to ctrl-pageup/down, - as per standard. - - Added IPAddress field to "DCC SEND Offer" text event. - - Fixed perl IRC::print\_with\_channel 1.8.x incompatibility. - - xtext: Fixed bugs in new scrolling code. - - Use filesystem encoding for log filenames. - - Focus the inputbox when left-clicking in xtext. - - Focus the inputbox when typing while the userlist is in focus. - - Fixed bug where text typed could be sent to the wrong window after - a detach. - - New default icon again, this one scales better (Dagmar d'Surreal). - - Send /LIST args on galaxynet. - - Added settings to change inputbox and userlist styles to the same - as the main text area. - - Don't allow the Perl plugin to be loaded twice (Ian Kumlien). - - Fixed servlist crash on 'use global' off and empty nick field. - - Added missing address field to Perl's IRC::dcc\_list. - - Added irc\_conf_mode setting (via /set only). - - Save xchat.conf safely (Michael Witrant). - - Added support for numeric 005 token NAMESX. - - Added TCL Plugin (Daniel P. Stasinski). - - Added 'Add' button to serverlist, due to popular demand. - - Update intl/ to 0.11.4. - - Win32 fixes/makefile for python plugin (James Potts). - - Win32: fixed clipboard bugs and dcc receive. - - Plugin iface: Added dcc-list fields "address32" and "port". - - Try to use pkg-config to find openssl. - - Report errno/strerror on dcc failures. - - Python print buffering fixes (Gustavo Niemeyer). - - Treat NOTICE +#channel correctly. - - Check for common unix paths and don't treat them as commands. - -*** - -## 1.9.8 - - - Added Amharic translation (Daniel Yacob). - - Updated Spanish translation (Pablo del Campo). - - Updated Lithuanian translation (Rimas Kudelis). - - Updated Latvian translation (Artis Trops). - - Fixed serverlist entry box text corruption (xc197-fixservlist.diff) - - Fixed the non-mmx tinted-tranparency code crashing. - - Fixed interpretation of mIRC color 99 [653094]. - - Use Pango renderer by default, for better i18n. - - Scroll 1/10 of a page with the mouse wheel (Soeren Sandmann). - - Reimplemented -a, --no-auto argument. - - Fixed a bug in entering text with GTK2 IMs [653751]. - - Final fix for filenames' encoding in DCC. - - New unicode character chart window. - - xtext: properly recalculate text widths after a font change. - - Fixed perl IRC::dcc\_list 1.8.x incompatibility (Charles Lopes). - - xtext: Implemented scrolling instead of full redraws when not using - a background image or transparency. This improves scrolling on - machines that draw AA text very slowly. - - Reimplemented 'Move front tab left/right' keybinding. - - Provide default usermenu and buttons for translation. - - New default icon (Dagmar d'Surreal). - - Report the average KBs when a transfer is finished. - - Attempt to create dcc-download dir when changed in the setup gui. - - Apply character set conversions to DCC Chat aswell (Steve Green). - - xtext: Fixed hilight-text in scrollback after new addition bug. - - Channellist gui cleanup. - - Renamed a few defines in xchat-plugin.h to avoid namespace - pollution. - - Fixed loading background image crash (from 1.9.7). - - Fixed broken drawing of mIRC color 0. - -*** - -## 1.9.7 - - - Updated Swedish translation (Christian Rose). - - Updated Spanish translation (Pablo del Campo). - - Updated Dutch translation (Bart Coppens). - - Added /GETSTR and /GETINT. - - Misc. serverlist bug fixes (Shaun Guth). - - Plugin changes/fixes: - * Added xchat\_get\_info("network"). - * Added new function: xchat\_hook_fd(). - * Fixed "DCC Chat Text" event (Daniel P. Stasinski). - * Added "Open Context" print event. - * Fixed implementation of EAT\_ return codes. - * Keep the leading ":" in server events passed to plugins. - * Added hack to make plugins possible on win32. - * Fixed /unload crash. - - Fixed changing tabs via keyboard. - - Added a few keyboard accelerators to the menubar. - - Fixed close-tab-0 crash. - - Fixed userlist popup menu disappearing on button-release. - - Fixed color paste. - - Added a character set selector to the serverlist. - - Send DCC filenames in system encoding (gets converted if a charset - is chosen in the serverlist). - - Fixed possible Search Text crash. - - Removed --enable-japanese-conv configure option (isn't this - superseded by the new charset selector?). - - Use --enable-openssl by default. - - Fixed your nick not changing in dialog windows. - - xtext: deal better with invalid utf8. - - Made it possible to do /server . - - win32: backported tint/transparency code from 1.8.10. - -*** - -## 1.9.6 - - - Updated Spanish translation (Pablo del Campo). - - Added Estonian translation (Ilmar Kerm). - - Made switching to dialog tabs faster: - * Draw xtext only once when switching to a dialog tab. - * Do not recalculate the tinted-transparency. - - Fixed another text-off-the-bottom bug. - - Fixed background color other than black not working. - - Fixed dialog windows not being logged (Joanne Hunter). - - Fixed topic entry box going blank bug. - - Added Insert-color-code and encoding submenu in the bottom-right - button. - - Apply more settings without needing a restart: - * Background image. - * Time stamp text on/off. - * Palette changes. - - Implemented %n for log-filename-mask. - - Reconfigured the menubar a bit. - - Validate inbound utf8 text to avoid reading beyond buffer and - fall back to iso-8859-1. - - win32 compile fixes. - - Don't convert commas to %2c in urls. - - Auto open dialog when dcc chat offer connects (Steve Green). - - Make setting "Open Utilities in: Windows" work. - - Added a way to reorder networks in the serverlist window (still - want to add DND later). - -*** - -## 1.9.5 - - - Fixed the PL\_perl\_destruct\_level crash (Bernard Blackham). - - Fixed the perl readdir crash. - - Added tab scrolling buttons (Lloyd Williams). - - Added DCC throttle and better CPS calculation (Richard Fuchs). - - Added three configurable tab-highlight colors (Nehal Mistry and - Joanne Hunter). - - Added dynamic support for two levels above Op (red & purple icons). - - Changed the op/voice icons, now more macosx like. - - Serverlist progress: - * Now remembers your last network selection. - * Non-global User/real/nick are now implemented. - * Added all 1.8.x default servers. - - Added Clear Rawlog button. - - Throttle and Lag meter settings implemented. - - Fixed /lastlog. - - xtext: Fixed exposure-before-print crash. - - xtext: Fixed providing UTF8 selection data. - - xtext: Fixed text scrolling past the bottom bug. - - Added DCC-completed-dir setting, which can move completed DCC files - to a different directory (Chris Morgan). - - Update build environment to autoconf 2.53. - - Cleanup various scripts. Use libtool to - build perl and python plugins (John). - - Added support for numeric 005 options: CHARSET=UTF-8 and - CASEMAPPING=ascii. - - Delinking/Relinking IRC windows re-implemented. - - Dialog window buttons re-implemented. - - Gnome2-ify the desktop file. Install to $(datadir)/applications. - -*** - -## 1.9.4 - - - Make DCC support up to 4GB files (previously 2GB). - - Fixed possible crash when receiving a message from a channel that - was already parted. - - Fixed random /part reasons not working. - - Fixed compile on RHL 8.0. - - Fixed xchat-text connect crash. - - Updated included intl/ to 0.10.38. - - Update transparency when background image changes. - - Fixed the progress-connecting-bar appearing in all tabs. - - More IRC protocol abstractions; tcpsend2 (James D. Taylor). - - New server list GUI almost complete. - - Merged some small 1.8.11 fixes. - - Reopen logfiles on SIGUSR1. - - Added Tint RGB settings (foser). - -*** - -## 1.9.3 - - - Updated Spanish translation (Pablo Gonzalo del Campo). - - Updated Swedish translation (Christian Rose). - - Added mIRC's passive dcc support, receiving only (Richard Fuchs). - - Added InputBox settings to settings GUI. - - Make DCC support up to 4GB files (previously 2GB). untested. - - Fix checks for Xft.h in configure script. - - Fix perl add\_message\_handler() xchat 1.8.x incompatability. - - Fix default DCCRECV text event using bad $ variable and crashing. - - Fix /query #foo, /join #foo crash. - - Fix utf8-conversion-fail sending truncated text. - - Use $datadir/locale for LOCALEDIR (Albert Chin-A-Young). - - More work done on Serverlist 2, but not fully functional yet. - - Pasting from one tab to another now works. - -*** - -## 1.9.2 - - - Fixed DCC Chat offer crash (1.9.1 bug only). - - xtext: Xft tweaks. Included Pango backend for when Xft can't be - used directly. - - xtext: improved rendering selections (less unnecessary redrawing). - - xtext: fixed marking multibyte utf8 chars. - - Included brand new Python interface plugin (Gustavo Niemeyer). - - Perl is now a plugin. - - Plugin API: Changed xchat\_unhook() return value and type. - - Plugin API: Added "ignore" list. - - Plugin gui window can now load/unload scripts aswell. - - Plugins are now autoloaded from $libdir/xchat/plugins. - - Double-click userlist works again. - - Strip spaces from join-channel in serverlist (Mathias Hasselmann). - - The menu in the bottom right corner now works. - -*** - -## 1.9.1 - - - Fixed serverlist and rawlog crashes. - - Fixed some 64-bit issues (Elliot Lee). - - Fixed unrealized xtext crashes and warnings (Elliot Lee). - - Removed --disable-glib configure option. - - Added Save rawlog button. - - Auto detect socklen\_t. - - All new plugin interface. See plugins/plugin20.html. - - Made perl.c use the new plugin interface. - - Made the whole system use the cmdchar setting. This means all - usercommands, popup commands etc mustn't start with a "/" char. - - Removed the mail checker, it's now a plugin. - - Cleaned up some text events code. Added/Changed/Removed some - events too. TextEvents window now lists them alphabetically. - - Convert inputbox from utf8 to locale before sending (xLoneStar). - - Use ~/.xchat2/ for all configs (may change to ~/.xchat-2.0 - when stable). - - Made DCC GUI display KB/s instead of cps. - - Ignore code cleanups; ignore.conf no longer compatible. - - Created the start of an IRC protocol abstraction layer. - - Plugged JCode memory leak. - - Ask before quiting when some DCCs still active. - - Rewrote most of the maingui code. Now there's only one virtual - tab that is re-filled with new information when switching tabs. - - Added right-click tab menu. - - Plugged potential /dns security hole. - - Converted userlist to GtkTreeView. - - Right-click userlist menu now works with a multi-selection. - - Drag and drop to userlist no longer requires libgnome. - - Included an ircII style /timer plugin. - - Now accepts irc:// URLs on the command line. - - Tabs are now ordered in server groups. - - Make gettext use utf8 (teuf). - - Whole new setup window. - - Notify gui has an add dialog window. - - Nickname on the bottom left is clickable. - - Cleaned up /set variable names. - - Made scrollwheel work with GTK+ 2.0 (Lloyd Williams). - - xtext: Added XFT support. - - xtext: Added UTF8 selection support. - -*** - -## 1.9.0 - - - Ported to GTK+ 2.0 (BIG!). - -*** - -## 1.8.7 - - - Updated Swedish translation (Christian Rose). - - Updated Russian translation (Anton Farygin). - - Added Latvian translation (Artis Trops). - - Made a work-around for a refresh glitch when delinking a tab under - gnome (the topic bar was overlapped). - - Fixed the need for signed chars (e.g. on PPC and s390). - - Fixed background garbage being drawn when using hidden tabs. - - Cleaned up alot of the nick completion code. Fixed some behaviour - too (Mukund, dinkles, me). - - Connect Cmd is executed again if you get auto-reconnected. - - Added safe-gaurd to stop duplicate nicks in userlist. - - Added an option to automatically remove finished/failed dccs - from the list. Use /set dcc\_remove ON to enable it. - - Added an option to truncate long channel tabs. Use: - /set truncchans xx, where xx is the max chars (Jyrki Muukkonen). - - Made the default popup menu, dialog buttons, userlist buttons, - usermenu and urlhandlers translatable (via gettext). - - MMX tinting is now built on any x86 machine (it's checked at - runtime anyway). - - Added "Automatic Unmark Away" option in setup->away (Mads Martin). - - Immediately abort file transfers when out of space. - - Fixed a serious CTCP reply vulnerability. - -*** - -## 1.8.6 - - - Updated Danish translation (Morten Brix Pedersen). - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - - Updated French translation (Olivier Berger). - - The server "Connect cmd" is now executed before auto-join-channels, - so you can use it to authenticate to nickserv etc. - - Fixed autoresume again, for the last time... no, really. - - Fixed sending parts for all channels instead of one quit when you - exit the whole program (helps bncs). - - Autocomplete in the middle of a sentence won't jump to the end of - the textbox (Darell Tan). - - Fixed the buggy 1.8.5 outbound queue. It now sends privmsg/notice - with a lower priority, but never out-of-order. - -*** - -## 1.8.5 - - - Updated Slovak translation (Stano Visnovsky). - - Updated Swedish translation (Christian Rose). - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - - Updated Hebrew translation (Dan Fruehauf). - - Some fixes to the MODE parser. - - Added ability to customize dialog tab buttons (Oskar Liljeblad). - - Added an extra field in the EditServer window to enter a command - to execute after logging in. - - /load -e can now load a file of commands to execute. - - Added ability to change the log timestamp format (Jyrki Muukkonen). - - Fixed default keybinding for Shift-PageUp (Mukund). - - Changed the outbound throttle behaviour. Now only privmsgs and - notices go to the back of the queue, everything else goes to the - front. - - Made it possible to compile with older than 5.6 perl again. - - The main window's size and position is now saved on exit. Use - /set mainwindow\_save OFF to revert to the old behaviour. - - Avoid auto-resuming the same file from two different people - (without breaking autoresume this time). - - Removed /sslserver and added a -ssl arg to /server, /reconnect, - /servchan and /newserver. - - Added support for /server irc://host:port/channel. - - Added some mmx asm code written by Willem Monsuwe for tinting - transparency. Use --disable-mmx to revert to gdk-pixbuf method. - - Fixed resetting your away status after an auto-reconnect. - -*** - -## 1.8.4 - - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre and Manuel - García Aguilar). - - Updated Russian translation (Valek Filippov). - - Fixed lockup when a file being offered is shortened before being - accepted. - - Fixed ** ERROR **: file python.c: line 743 (pysH\_Eget\_users): - assertion failed: (cur->hostname). - - /kickban now deops and bans in one line (-o+b) (Felix Nawothnig). - - Auto-nickcompletion now uses the nicksuffix setting (Mukund). - - win32: change log-filenames with a | character to \_. - - When binding to a set hostname/ip, it would try to bind to port - 65535 - fixed. - - Fixed crash when closing a dcc chat in a perl-dcc-chat-callback. - - Added option "Beep on Channel Messages" and a Beep button to the - toolbox ("<" button in the botton right) (Jason Wies). - - Avoid auto-resuming the same file from two different people. - - /close -m now closes all dialog/query windows. - -*** - -## 1.8.3 - - - xtext: marked text goes to clipboard aswell as primary selection. - - xtext: some speedup optimizations. - - xtext: fixed a problem when rendering a fixed-width font with - missing chars. - - Fixed hints for "You're kicked" text event, which showed the $ vars - incorrectly. - - When a user is seen to quit or join a channel you're in, your - notify list will be modified instantly. No notify textevent is - shown if it happened in the front-most tab (Alexander Hvostov). - - Fixed binding server connects to different interface/address - (ipv4 only) (Claus Riemann). - - Avoid negative ping timeout when system clock changes. - - Updated Italian translation (Stefano Fava). - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - - Added text event "Channel Notice" so you can differentiate between - private and channel notices (Fuentes Xavier). - - Added ability to dcc send filenames with spaces. See "Fill Spaces" - setting in Setup->File Transfer (Fuentes Xavier). - - Included some makefiles for ms visual c. - -*** - -## 1.8.2 - - - Fixed kick messages showing only the first word of the reason. - - Fixed GTK warnings thrown up when closing a dialog window. - - Fixed a bug in sending quit reasons. - - Fixed a problem with handling op/voice modes that caused halfops to - appear in the userlist when using bahamut. - - Kanji conversion is now turned ON when locale is ja (Akira TAGOH). - - Saved some memory when loading .conf files (about 40k). - - When changing fonts, it now changes in the inputbox without having - to restart. - - Added safeguard to stop recursive user commands. - - Added two /set variables dialog\_width and dialog\_height. Use these - to set the default size of dialog windows. - - Win32: fixed crash of 'Auto Accept DCC Send' menu item. - -*** - -## 1.8.1 - - - Fixed crash in having server tabs ON and channel tabs OFF. - - Fixed crash when closing the channel list window AFTER all its - server windows were closed. - - Fixed potential crash of the font dialog in settings. - - Made /exec read data line-by-line (Richard Fuchs). - - Disabled the menubar while in shelltabs (it was dangerous to use it - anyway). - - Fixed the banlist window's Unban, which selected the wrong rows - sometimes. - - The Perl interpreter is now started only when loading the first - script, to save memory when not using scripts. - - Fixed lag/throttle meters not updating when set to text-only. - - Fixed two small memory leaks. - - Directories in your logmask are now created, so you can use masks - like "%c/%y.log" in Setup->Logging (Tobias v. Koch). - - xtext: FontSet rendering speedups. - - Win32: made word and line selection work in xtext. - - Win32: added url handler that sends to windows' shell. - - Win32: rendering 8bit characters should now work. - -*** - -## 1.8.0 - - - Fixed a memory leak in popup menus. - - Fixed crash in receiving private actions. - - Added /set variable 'perccolor'. Options effect input box are now: - perccolor: parse %C,%B,%U etc (default ON). - percascii: parse %XXX (where XXX is an ascii value) (default OFF). - Note: if perccolor is OFF, percascii will not work. - - Win32: Fixed incorrect calculation of ping time. - - Win32: Server lookup and connect is now threaded. - - Win32: Server connection error now reported correctly. - - Win32: A simple identd server is now builtin. - - Win32: Copying text from xtext to clipboard now works. - - Updated Swedish translation (Christian Rose). - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - -*** - -## 1.7.8 - - - xtext: Fixed parsing of "%C2, " to match mIRC, i.e. bg color is not - reset, fg changes to 2 and the comma is printed (Fuentes Xavier). - - xtext: a fix for multibyte text wrapping (Tetsuo YAMAMOTO). - - Made notify NOT announce everyone offline when you first login. - - Multiple WATCHes are sent on one line for notifies, to reduce lag. - - Added an internal /unban command which takes multiple masks. You - might want to remove the old usercommand (Tobias v. Koch). - - Banlist window now sends multiple modes per line. - - Fixed a memory leak in perl (Martin Persson). - - Removed the tooltip for userlistinfo, it seemed to cause corruption - on some gtk+ themes. - - Made xchat not interpret %C,%B etc when percascii is OFF, .e.g: - /set percascii OFF - - Fixed ops/voice counts when networks allow you to voice/op people - that are already voiced/oped (like EFnet). - - Fixed building with --disable-glib. - - IPv6 reverted to off by default, use --enable-ipv6 to enable. - - Win32 fixes: dcc send/recv now works and fixed a bug in loading - some .conf files by using the O\_BINARY flag. - - Changed the xchat icon - old one was a bit too dark. - - Updated Greek translation (Fanis Dokianakis). - -*** - -## 1.7.7 - - - Re-added support for '+' channels when there's no 005 numeric. - - Made the new $3 null terminated (works better that way). - - Fixed Doubleclick-user when disabling userlist icons. - - Fixed SSL build. - - Win32 port (some code from Alex Badea's 1.5.11win32 port used). - - More code cleanups, removed all extern prototypes from fe-gtk/. - - Titlebar text now shows unknown channel modes too. - - Made persist chans work with /reconnect aswell. - - Avoid pastes of common unix directories being treated as irc - commands (Chema Celorio). - - Removed the Delete word forward/backward functions from - KeyBindings. GTK handles these already, why were they ever there? - - Made %h work for dialog windows' popup menu too. - - Fixed treeview not setting channels red and blue. - - The info above the userlist now gets a tooltip which gives you - some extra info. - - The nickgad (to the left of your nickname) now gets a text prefix - char if userlist icons are disabled. - - Timestamp format is now configurable in Setup->IRC Input/Output. - -*** - -## 1.7.6 - - - xtext: tweaks to make url highlights less flickery. - - Added some support for ircd numeric 005. MODES>=6, CHANTYPES, - CHANMODES, WATCH and PREFIX are supported. This means dynamic - support of different channel and user modes. The userlist icons - only support *@%+ though (admin, op, half op, voice), will have to - find a way to make these dynamic in the future. Also, made a new - file modes.c and rewrote mode handling in general to support this, - so what did I break? - - Added option 'Userlist icons' (default ON). Lets you turn off - userlist icons for ops, voice etc and get the plain text @+ (in - Setup->Interface). Might be useful for ircd's that have weird - and wacky access levels. - - Added support for WATCH command for use in notify list. Numeric 005 - must list WATCH for this to work. - - Added an extra arg $3 for channel message printevents. This is the - prefix char of the person talking, e.g. '@' for Ops. - - Resolve irc-server name only if using a non-socks4 proxy. This - allows you to connect even with a non-working dns. Also made the - socks5 code more "correct" (Richard Fuchs). - - Some code cleanups, got rid of most of the extern functions in c - files and moved them to h files. - - Perl has a valid context at startup again (broken in 1.7.4). - - Fixed leak of awaymessages for "Show away once" feature. - -*** - -## 1.7.5 - - - Fixed some buggy catalogs for gettext 0.10.37 (OpenBSD users). - Compiling with 0.10.35 will now break, there's always - ./configure disable-nls. - - Fixed python autoloading due to new serverlistcode (Richard Fuchs). - - Made perl/python/plugins autoload when first irc window is open - (rather than when serverlist opens), incase they need to print. - - Changed serverlist opening behaviour. It now obays the - 'No ServerList on startup' setting regardless of auto-connects. - - Fixed buggy Quit menu item (1.7.4 bug). - - DCC cleanups, including some endian fixes. - - DCC windows don't go to front when new xfers appear (1.7.3 bug). - - Rewrites to a few vital xtext functions. This seems to have speed - up rendering with a FontSet and fix the -/+1 line bug. - - Fixed Shelltab not opening sometimes (actually a 1.7.4 ipv6 bug). - - Added ability to change font for Shelltabs only: - /set font\_shell - -*** - -## 1.7.4 - - - On startup, serverlist now opens without any other windows, looks - neater, less confusing for newbies. If you disable serverlist at - startup, a normal irc will open instead. - - Made a few things more userfriendly, "DCC Send" -> "File Send". No - need to refer to the protocol in the GUI! - - Fixed a xtext bug rendering a background color of 1 incorrectly. - - Unprintable characters used to cause problems to xtext (who would - have thought gdk\_char\_width returns a different value to - gdk\_text\_width?) - fixed. - - xtext renders only once when switching tabs (used to render twice - because gtk gives us 2 expose signals, why?). - - When you change your nick it changes in the titlebar now too. - Server name is now reported in dialog windows' titlebar. - - Having Strip mIRC Color ON will now strip it from dcc chats too. - - Added (really this time) perl functions add\_user\_list, - sub\_user\_list, clear\_user\_list for manipulating the userlist of a - channel (Lloyd Williams). - - Various code cleanups, including a rewrite of the IPv6 code. - Removed /6server and 'Use IPv6' check-box in the serverlist. It - automatically handles IPv6/IPv4 addresses now. - - Added a check-box in the serverlist edit window for "Use Proxy". - -*** - -## 1.7.3 - - - Added server hostname as $3 for quit print event (Bjorn Olievier). - - Some fixes to the gnomepanel code. Panel no longer asks to restart - applet on quit, removing the applet doesn't exit xchat (George). - - Fixed fd leaks in /exec and python (Richard Fuchs). - - user@host gets logged in query windows (Richard Fuchs). - - Fixed the 'Marked Away' & 'Save Settings on exit' check menu items - (when using --disable-gnome). - - Workaround for ipv6 build failing on some glibcs (Tobias von Koch). - - DCC won't try to resume if local file is bigger than remote offer. - - Fixed xtext drawing/wordwrap and textmarking bugs. - - Horizontal scrollbar appears in channellist window when needed. - - Fixed color paste. Does this affect multibyte pasting? Please - report (Darell Tan). - - Fixed titlebar text for notices/snotices tabs. - - The topic box gets a tooltip of the current topic. - -*** - -## 1.7.2 - - - Fixed some Python mem leaks and signal/event handlers can now - return non-null integer to tell xchat to stop processing the event - (like perl handling functions) (Richard Fuchs). - - Got rid of the Linger timeout. This was a lame solution to stop the - loss of QUIT messages when closing the socket too early. Now xchat - just delays closing sockets by 5 seconds (even on quiting the app). - No more 1 second delay when you close a tab or the whole app! - - Fixed some memory leaks in the banlist window. - - Added 'B' channel-mode button to access the banlist. - - Added Turkish translation (Ozgur Dogan GUNES). - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - - Fixed the throttle setting (which was reversed! who did that?). - - Added IRC::notify\_list. (Matthew Gabeler-Lee). - - Don't crash when bind fails for dcc send. - - Don't send garbage to server when ban\_type is invalid. - - Rewrote a whole heap of bad code in maingui.c. When opening a new - tab/window it always uses the same functions instead of having the - code repeated a few times. This is pretty big so expect some things - to break. This also means dcc/chanlist etc tabs get the < > buttons - too. - - /KICKBAN now deops users first (Tobias von Koch). - -*** - -## 1.7.1 - - - Turning off server tabs should work again (1.7.0 bug). - - Some ipv6 fixes. - - Added a few TextEvents that used to be hardcoded. - - Updated jcode (Takuo Kitame). - - Fixed possible crash in palette window (1.7.0 bug). - - Rewrote the EscapeCode->mIRC color conversion for /exec. - - Added option to explicitly set your dcc IP (Jim Seymour). - - Added Opera and w3m to default URL Handlers. - - New serverlist/window icon - just for a change. - - Updated Korean translation (Kim SeungBaeck). - - Added hook\_timeout to the XChat.XChat() python class so you can - XChat.XChat().hook\_timeout(delay, handler). It is a one time - function like the perl version (Donald Kjer). - - /RECONNECT can now takes args like /SERVER, the difference - being that it'll rejoin all your channels (Angel). - -*** - -## 1.7.0 - - - Updated German translation (Benedikt Roth). - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - - Updated Japanese translation (Takuo Kitame). - - Added Norwegian translation (Kjartan Maraas). - - Fix for bug in 1.4.x serverlist.conf loading. - - Away status and reason is re-send to the server if you get - disconnected (Daniel Rall). - - Added option to have one tab for notices, configurable under - Inferface/Window layout (Alex Badea). - - Added another meter component that measures the server send queue - from the throttle system (pref: throttlemeter), added UI support - for showing the lag and throttle as either progress bars, info - boxes, both, or none (Alex Badea). - - Added a command to flush the send queue (/FLUSHQ) and one for - forcing a new lag check (/LAGCHECK) (Alex Badea). - - Added option 'persist\_chans', when ON once a session is created - for a channel, no other channel will be assigned to that session, - regardless of any parts or kicks (Alex Badea). - - Compile errors while loading a perl script are printed on the main - window. Warnings issued by perl scripts are also printed on the - main window. This allows script writers to use the perl command - 'warn' to point out strange things. Perl errors no longer make - xchat crash. The error message is written on the main window and - the command execution is stopped (Frodo Baggins). - - Added IPv6 support for making server connections. See - ./configure --enable-ipv6 and /6SERVER command (\\bonxo\\@IRCnet). - - Added Banlist window (Salvatore Insalaco). - - You can now specify which dir ssl is in, e.g.: ./configure - --enable-openssl=/usr/local/ssl (Richard Fuchs). - - Added InterScan proxy traversal support (is this the correct name - for this proxy? Looks like a httpd proxy to me) (Alex Riesen). - - Added Japanese code conversion support, see ./configure - --enable-japanese-conv (Takuo Kitame). - - xtext: smooth (pixel-based) scrolling. - -*** - -## 1.6.4 - - - Fix for using a DCC port range (Lawrence Gold). - - Fix for building on UnixWare 7 (Ronald Joe Record). - - Added Chinese translations - zh\_TW.Big5 and zh\_CN (Kevin Peng and - Anthony Fok Tung-Ling). - - Added Finnish translation (Jarkko Ranta). - - Revamped the default URLHandlers to add Galeon and Mozilla. - - Clicking Accept on a DCC chat that you offered would loop - fixed. - - Fixed percentage display for DCC receive (Matthew Gabeler-Lee). - - Fixed bug in indent and timestamps (Dmitriy Zavin). - - Fixed crash bug in xchat-text and DCC send being aborted remotely. - - Made /lastlog more efficient for very large scrollback buffers. - - Beep on private actions too (Richard Fuchs). - - /MSG'ing a channel or nick will show up in the destination tab - instead (Richard Fuchs). - -*** - -## 1.6.3 - - - Updated Swedish translation (Christian Rose). - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - - Right-click toggle menu items used to crash under gnome (bug in - gnome-libs?) - work around. - - xtext: Efficiency improvements: text mark, word and line select. - - xtext: fixes for multibyte characters (UNO Takeshi). - - Fixed bug in resizing a tinted-transparent window (deb bug #79674). - - Some OS2 compilation fixes (pla). - - Fixed PONG parsing (Stefano Barbato). - - Fixed a leak of file descriptors. - - Fixed /ALLSERV. - - Fixed /BAN to replace ~ with * in username (Stefan Scholl). - - Fixed /ME through DCC CHAT while not connected to server (#81031). - - Work-around for UnrealIRCd's duplicate /NAMES bug. - - Fixed DCC receiving filenames with spaces. - -*** - -## 1.6.2 - - - xtext: Fixed the mark-clear bug (gnome bug #34584). - - Updated German translation (Tamer Fahmy). - - Commas are replaced with %2c in URLs, as to not confuse poor old - Netscape (deb bug #70905). - - Bluestring to 300 chars (deb bug #79138). - - Added option /SET percascii, which can disable/enable translation - of %XXX into an ascii value while typing (deb bug #76122). - - New hotkey hook: key\_action\_put\_history. Only inserts line into - history, but doesn't send it to the server (DaP). - - Lots of SSL updates: - * Make accept\_invalid\_cert optional on /sslserver (DaP). - * Print verbose information of SSL session on connect (DaP). - * Clean up code at X509\_V\_ERR\_DEPTH\_ZERO\_SELF\_SIGNED\_CERT checking - (DaP). - -*** - -## 1.6.1 - - - xtext: Fixed lockup with certain sized fonts. - - xtext: Made some changes to improve efficiency when using really - large scrollback buffers (only noticable when doublebuffer off). - - Fixed a bug in /help crashing on longer than 10 char UserCommands. - - Fixed autoreconnect while using a proxy server. - - Never-give-up ReConnect does just that (even more so than before :) - - Fixed the channelmode buttons mouse-over problem. - - Fixed percentage display for large files in dcc recv/send gui. - - StartTime in dcc chat gui no longer Jan 1 1970. - - Fixed DCC send behind IP-Nat (Bernhard Valenti) - . - - Added Lithuanian translation (Gediminas Paulauskas). - - The < > buttons arn't shown for non-tab windows (Aaron Lehmann). - - Fixed the (-1,-1) transparency problem for non-tab windows. - -*** - -## 1.6.0 - - - xtext: More efficient handling of expose events, text marking and - url highlighting when double buffer is OFF. - - xtext: Fixed a very rare bug that could cause BadGC errors or the - separator bar not to be drawn. - - Fixed crash in right-clicking URLs in the URL Grabber window. - - If Check-For-Replace is in the keybindings for Return, it'll - actually work again. - - USER login command now sends your nodename instead of 'localhost' - to please some IRCNet servers. - - Updated Swedish translation (Christian Rose). - -*** - -## 1.5.11 - - - Updated Slovak translation (Stano Visnovsky). - - Updated Swedish translation (Christian Rose). - - Updated Greek translation (Fanis Dokianakis). - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - - If Never-Give-Up Reconnect is ON, it won't give up on DNS failer. - - '/me is back' is sent again when Announce Away Messages is ON. - - If channelmode buttons were OFF and you joined a channel with a - userlimit xchat would crash - fixed. - - /sslserver's password arg. is now optional (Daniel Richards). - - SSL accepts self signed certs (Daniel Richards). - - Fixed the unnecessary window resizes when opening a new tab. - - Changed the tinting code a bit (thanks gnapster :). - - Transparent shell tabs update too when they are moved. - -*** - -## 1.5.10 - - - Added "Enable double buffer" toggle in Setup->Channel windows. - - Double buffer is now OFF by default (seems to use less CPU). - - Timestamps didn't turn ON while indent was OFF - fixed. - - Updated Swedish translation (Christian Rose). - - Added some extra text events: Channel Msg hilight, Channel - Action hilight (near top of the list). No more cardcoded color - codes! Also hilighting in actions works, and you can make the whole - message hilighted if you change the event text. - - Initial window size is actually set to your settings (this will - never be perfect I guess, sometimes to the window still resizes - itself without warning). - - Hidemenubar setting didn't work properly for non-tabs and when - delinking windows - fixed. - - Notices appear in front tab even when server tabs are enabled. - - Changed Away behaviour again. No more /back, /away with no args - brings you back. The menu-item's state is what the server tells - it, it even changes when you switch tabs to another server. Xchat - assumes you are not away when you first connect. irc::get\_info(5) - returns the away state. One day the other UserModes menu items will - show correct states. Is everyone happy now? - - Translation tables didn't work for outgoing text - fixed. - - Cleaned up a few xchat.conf names, a few settings may not load up - from 1.5.9 - just set them again. - -*** - -## 1.5.9 - - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - - Added Hebrew translation (Dan Fruehauf). - - Fixed crash bug when partreason was not set. - - Dialog tabs obay the hidetopicbar setting now too (the one in the - right-click menu). - - Cleaned up the settings gui: the whole window is more compact now, - some toggles in two columns, numbers use a spin-button, entry boxes - are larger and option-menus are more consistant. - - The "o=xx v=xx t=xx" display is finally changed. - - Changed most of xtext.c to use gdk instead of Xlib. - - Added configure option: - --disable-xlib disable use of xlib (for non X11 systems) - This might help compile xchat on other GTK supported systems like - BeOS and Win32 (havn't tried it though). - - Neater /set list. - - You can now set a nickname per server (see serverlist edit window). - - Changed the behaviour of /away and added /back (James Crawford). - - Away reason can now be a text file of random reasons too. - -*** - -## 1.5.7 -> 1.5.8 - - - Updated Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - - Updated Swedish translation (Christian Rose). - - Updated Greek translation (Dokianakis Fanis). - - Updated German translation (Tamer Fahmy). - - Added Catalan translation (Pablo Saratxaga). - - Added option "Always timestamp logs" which timestamps log files - even if on-screen timestamps are off (Mike Guidero). - - Added entry "Part Reason: ". Also part and quit reasons can be - a filename of random reasons (filename relative to ~/.xchat/). - - Took out /unban as a internal command, add it as a usercommand - /quote MODE %c -b &2 instead. - - Added a text event for banlist. Try /banlist and it'll be a bit - more readable now. - - Changed output throttle system (undernet style) (Alex Badea). - - Added 1 second linger socket option to stop QUIT msgs from being - lost (they still get lost sometimes, why?). - -*** - -## 1.5.6 -> 1.5.7 - - - Fixed transparency-leak problems in 1.5.6 - - New code to create shaded transparency, taken from latest zvt. - (is it better?) - - URL handlers are now executed without a shell. - ( - - Fixed a bug in xchat.conf and serverlist.conf loading. - - When spliting msgs (longer than the IRC 512 limit), it used to - loose some chars - fixed. - - Added feature to choose DCC port range (Lars Sundqvist). - - Fixed perl-stack overflow probs in irc::userlist() and others. - Added perl functions user\_list\_short() and perl\_script\_list() - (Mike Guidero). - - MHz is now detected on FreeBSD 4.x/5.x (Jonathan Perkin). - - It's now possible to "/dcc close chat nick" within a DCC perl - input handler without crashing xchat. (Geoffrey Higginson). - - Fixed a problem with the usermenu not updating sometimes. - -*** - -## 1.5.5 -> 1.5.6 - - - Added option pingtimeout, which pings the server instead. - /set pingtimeout 90 is default (small values will malfunction). - You also need the lagometer enabled for this to work. - - No longer using fnmatch() for ignore etc (because the way it - handles [ and ]). Using function from ircu2.10.08. - - Some fixes to code & to make it compile using - Solaris C (Albert Chin). - - New Spanish translation (Antonio de la Torre). - - New Russian translation (Alex Samorukov). - - New Hungarian translation (Horvath Szabolcs). - - Added Portuguese translation (Vitor Antunes). - - Added Slovak translation (Martin Pekar). - - Added /allserv and /allchan . They send a command to - all currently connected servers and joined channels. Also added - usercommands /ame and /amsg which make use of this. - - Added sock5 traversal, see Setup->Proxy Server (Alex Badea). - (The numbers for proxy\_type are now 0=disabled, 1=wingate, - 2=socks4, 3=socks5). - - A few more buffer overflow checks (nick & channel length). - - Mapped mIRC color 99 to "no background" (mIRC lame!). - - Some efficiency tweaks to xtext. - - Added SSL support (see --enable-openssl and /help server) (DaP). - This seems to be highly experimental, as I don't know of any IRC - servers that can do SSL yet. - - Changed history behaviour, more like GNU (DaP). - i.e. Doesn't wrap and the bottom line is blank. - - Added option "InputBox Always In Focus" (DaP). - - Added option "Show Nickgad" (DaP). - - Added option "Show invites in the active Window" (DaP). - - Added option "Send /Whois" in notifies section, which sends a - /whois when someone comes online (DaP). - - Added an event for numeric 341, you inivited someone (DaP). - - Title bar text changed/improved a bit (DaP). - - Added actions for EditKeyBindings: MoveFrontTabLeft and - MoveFrontTabRight, like the <> buttons, but for keyboard (DaP). - - Implemented timeout events in the text frontend (Alex Badea and - fixed by me :). - - Dcc Recv/Send tabs won't resize the window when open. - - Added configure option --disable-glib. - - Transparent windows update when background changes (Aaron Lehmann). - - serverlist.conf is slightly changed! You WILL be able to load your - old 1.5.5 or 1.4.x server list, but older versions WON'T load lists - from 1.5.6, so backup your serverlist.conf if you need to. - -*** - -## 1.5.4 -> 1.5.5 - - - Fix for show/hide menu under gnome. - - Added -a and --noauto arg (don't auto connect to any servers). - - Added internal /list command, which sends the correct args according - to ircd type (it detects undernet and dalnet to send >0,<10000). - Remove any old /list usercommands you might have. - - /op /deop ... etc send up to six modes per line if using undernet. - - As discussed in the mailinglist, changed DCC resume to send and - expect to receive ACKs as an absolute, rather than an offset from - the resume point. It *should* work with mIRC now, but break with - old versions of xchat and probably BitchX. - - Added option "Limited Tab Highlighting" (Francis Litterio). - -*** - -## 1.5.3 -> 1.5.4 - - - Lack of gdk\_pixbuf is detected correctly now (configure script). - - textmarking is no longer a timeout event, is this better or worse? - - Added Turkish translation (Fatih Demir). - - Added Russian translation (Valek Filippov). - - Added Ukrainian translation (Yuri Syrota). - - Added configure option --disable-zvt. Also, zvt shell tab can be - compiled in even without gnome (and is by default, if gnome-config - can be found to provide the LDFLAGS). - - Added "Delete Word Forward" function in Edit Key Bindings. Bind - this to Alt-d for that emacs feel (Francis Litterio). - - Ping times show one extra decimal place. - - You can now hide the menubar too, click left mouse in the text area - to get a popup version of the menu (middle mouse in dialogs). - - Added the proxy settings to the GUI, Setup->IRC->Proxy Server. - - Added a keyword TOGGLE for usermenu. Delete your old usermenu.conf - to see the new default one. - - Configure script now cleans up the CFLAGS & LDFLAGS (removes - duplicate words), let's hope this doesn't break on some boxses. - -*** - -## 1.5.2 -> 1.5.3 - - - Fixed a rare overflow bug in auto\_insert(). - - Pressing OK in the settings window on slow machines (p233?) was - pretty slow, maybe it's faster now. - - Corrected some inputgad behaviour (Aaron Lehmann). - - Fix for 64bit machines (alpha) in xtext (word clicks). - - Updated German translation (Benedikt Roth). - - Updated Danish translation (Birger Langkjer). - - If you disconnect (/discon, /quit...) a server during the reconnect - delay, it is actually removed now. - - Added option "Give the userlist style" (DaP). - - Translation tables support can be turned off (--disable-trans), for - you minimalist freaks. - - Added Hebrew support, compile time: --enable-hebrew, run time: - /set hebrew 0/1 (Dan Aloni). - - Added new setting, "nick completion character" (Francis Litterio). - - Added new setting, "Old-style Nickname Completion", which makes it - act much like 1.4.x (Francis Litterio). - - Added "Delete Word" function to EditKeyBindings (Francis Litterio). - - Now using gdk-pixbuf for decoding pictures and tinted transparency. - (Tints don't seem to work 100% yet). (Andreas Persenius). - - Added halfop support (mode +h). This includes support in the - userlist, /hop, /dehop, /mdehop and new textevents (Elizandro G. Roos). - -*** - -## 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2 - - - --disable-gnome should work again. - - Fixed a bug in right-click nick menu. - - Should compile with glibc 2.1.3 (no more 'struct user' errors). - - Added Romanian translation (Dan Damian). - - CTCP flood protection won't kick in for ACTIONs. - - Removed the theme code. - - Made pixmaps.c, all code to decode/free/etc pixmaps is in here. - - WM\_HINTS icon is set for the app. - - Removed the "-c" flag (it's automatic now). - -*** - -## 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1 - - - Shell tabs are now delinkable. - - Added a "show/hide topic bar" button (bottom right), I didn't know - where else to put this. - - Hidding the userlist is saved and any new tabs/windows open will - have the userlist hidden. - - You can now turn off/on perl warnings with /set perlwarnings 0/1. - - Tab-key nick completion even more like GNU readline (Gerard Daubar). - - Rewrote the function that handles %variables in userlist buttons, - user commands and ctcp replies (all use the same function now), - please report any bugs (especially if someone can overflow you from - remote ;) - as a consequence, you can use % and & (word/word\_eol) - for ctcp replies now. Also added %m for machine info. - - Nickname-popup-menu, URLmenu and Usermenu all use the same code now - (it means you can make submenus in all 3). - - Double eval back in perl.c - - Dialogs/querys also have a toolbox button (just for consistancy). - - Added lagometer (/set lagometer 0 to turn it off), this isn't quiet - finished yet (and doesn't work on IRCNet because it refuses to - reply to pings correctly). - -*** - -## 1.4.2 -> 1.5.0 - - - Some changes & cleanups to the parser code (inbound/outbound). - - Ran all source through indent, using: - indent -bli0 -bls -ce -ts3 -i3 - (please use this in your patches, I used GNU indent 2.2.4). - - If you send a message (channel or query window) longer than 512 - bytes (maximum allowed by the ircd) it will be split into two - smaller messages instead of being truncated. - - Some gui touchups and changes. - - You can now enable/disable the output throttle with /set throttle. - - Added /timer. - - Overhauled the ChannelList window (Joshua Gough). - - Added proxy traversal support for socks and wingate, no gui yet so - use /set proxy\_host, proxy\_port, proxy\_type (1=socks, 2=wingate). - - Added /userlist. - - Opaque-window-move used to be slow on some windowmanagers even - with transparency turned off - fixed. - - Tab-key completion is more like GNU readline (Wes Peters). - - Now possible to use modules in perl scripts (Andreas Scherbaum). - - irc::get\_info(4) returns the current xchat dir (Mike Guidero). - - Added irc::get\_prefs() (returns a /set variable) (Leo Cacciari). - - /set is now possible. - - Added Show-Userhost-in-Userlist option (Nicolas Dimitrijevic). - - Build tree cleaned up so 'make dist' can work. - - Added flood protection from CTCP and mass-dialogs-opening (Bruj0) - (see variables *\_limit). - -*** - -## 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2 - - - Compilation fixes for IRIX (David Kaelbling). - - Compilation fixes for AIX (Rodrigo Barbosa). - - Compilation fixes for OpenBSD. - - Should now compile with certain beta/alpha versions of Perl. - - "Scrollbar snapping to top" bug fixed. - - Corrected some text marking behaviour. - - Made use of fnmatch(), if available (for chanlist, ignore etc). - - Configure script is now generated with a sane version of autoconf. - - Alt-minus and Alt-plus now wrap around (AGL). - -*** - -## 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1 - - - Fixed a bug that could make new text not appear while marking text. - - xtext: Further improved performance when double buffering is turned - off (marking text & URL hilights are almost flicker free). - - xtext: Double buffer is now freed at each render operation, this - should reduce memory usage if you have many tabs open. - - If you closed a server while it was in the reconnect-delay, xchat - would crash - fixed. - - No more zombies when doing /discon while connection in progress. - - Added "/clear all" command (Paul de Regt). - - Hilights only work on full word matches now (Brendan O'Dea). - - Some Solaris compilation fixes (David Morgan). - - Danish translation updated (Birger Langkjer). - - Italian translation updated (Stefano Fava). - - Greek translation added (Fanis Dokianakis). - - Dutch translation upated (Arjan Scherpenisse). - - Removed some very old translations: fr\_CA, no, pl, ru and sv. - (If someone wants to update these, you're welcome to). - - Channel mode "+h nick" (half Op) is now reported correctly (still - not supported in the userlist though). - - Having indent nicks OFF in channel windows and ON in dialog windows - didn't work - fixed. - - Sometimes ignores wouldn't save - fixed. - - -[]( diff --git a/share/doc/ b/share/doc/ deleted file mode 100644 index 75c8cb99..00000000 --- a/share/doc/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -# FiSHLiM - -FiSHLiM is an XChat plugin for FiSH IRC encryption. It's my attempt at making a simple, lightweight and secure plugin for this encryption protocol. For more info, please visit the [FiSHLiM website]( - -For installation instructions, see the INSTALL file in the sources. - -## Features - -Working: - - * Sending/receiving messages - * Topic decryption - * Using unecrypted keys / keys without a password from blow.ini - * Pure protocol-level filtering (works with highlighting, nick coloring etc) - * Partially encrypted messages (i.e. prefixed with nickname by a bouncer) - -Not working: - - * Key exchange - * Password-protected key storage - * Topic encryption - * Remote exploitation (hopefully!) - * Plaintext content that contain +OK is decrypted twice - -## Commands - -Keys are stored in the configuration file in ~/.config/hexchat/addon_fishlim.txt. To set the encryption key for the nick or channel to password: - -
/setkey  [nick or #channel]  password
- -To delete the given nick or channel from the configuration file: - -
/delkey  nick-or-#channel
diff --git a/share/doc/ b/share/doc/ deleted file mode 100644 index bd36472e..00000000 --- a/share/doc/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -# HexChat Hacking Guidelines - -Just some tips if you're going to help with HexChat code (patches etc): - -* Use tabs, not spaces, to indent and align code. - -* Use a tab size of 4 (most editors will let you choose this). - Type :set ts=4 in vim/gvim. - -* Try to stick to the same consistant coding style (vertically aligned braces, a space after if, while, functions etc.): - -```C -void -routine (void) -{ - if (function (a, b, c)) - { - x = a + 1; - } -} -``` - -* Don't use "//" C++ style comments, some compilers don't like them. - -* When opening a file with Unix level functions (open, read/write, close) - as opposed to the C level functions (fopen, fwrite/fread, fclose), use - the OFLAGS macro. This makes sure it'll work on Win32 as well as Unix e.g.: - -
fh = open ("file", OFLAGS | O_RDONLY);
- -* Use closesocket() for sockets, and close() for normal files. - -* Don't read() from sockets, use recv() instead. - -* Patches are only accepted as a Github Pull request: - diff --git a/share/doc/ b/share/doc/ deleted file mode 100644 index 30d91a31..00000000 --- a/share/doc/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -# HexChat-Text - -HexChat-Text is an experimental text frontend for HexChat. If anyone wants to add ncurses support, they are welcome to. diff --git a/share/doc/ b/share/doc/ deleted file mode 100644 index dc66e0ac..00000000 --- a/share/doc/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -# HexChat ReadMe - -X-Chat ("xchat") Copyright (c) 1998-2010 By Peter Zelezny. -HexChat ("hexchat") Copyright (c) 2009-2013 By Berke Viktor. - -This program is released under the GPL v2 with the additional exemption -that compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed. You may -provide binary packages linked to the OpenSSL libraries, provided that -all other requirements of the GPL are met. -See file COPYING for details. - -For building instructions, see [Building]( - - -## What is it? - -HexChat is an IRC client for Windows and UNIX operating systems. I.R.C. is -Internet Relay Chat, see []( for more information about IRC -in general. HexChat runs on most BSD and POSIX compliant operating systems. - - -## Requirements: - - * GTK+ 2.24 - * GLib 2.28 - -HexChat is known to work on, at least: - - * Windows Vista/7/8 - * Linux - * FreeBSD - * OpenBSD - * NetBSD - * Solaris - * AIX - * IRIX - * DEC/Compaq Tru64 UNIX - * HP-UX 10.20 and 11 - * OS X - - -## Notes for packagers: - -If you need your packages to work on i386, you don't need to compile with ---disable-mmx, because it's also checked at run-time. - - -## Python Scripts: - -Consider using the Python interface for your scripts, it's a very nice -API, allows for loading/unloading individual scripts, and gives you -almost all the features of the C plugin API. For more info, see the -[HexChat Python Interface]( - - -## Perl Scripts: - -Perl 5.8 or newer is required. For more info, see the -[HexChat Perl Interface]( - - -## Autoloading Scripts and Plugins: - -The root of your HexChat config is: - - * Windows: %APPDATA%\HexChat - * Unix: ~/.config/hexchat - -Referred to as <config> from now. HexChat automatically loads, at startup: - - * <config>/addons/*.pl Perl scripts - * <config>/addons/*.py Python scripts - * <config>/addons/*.dll Plugins (Windows) - * <config>/addons/*.so Plugins (Unix) - -## Control Codes: - - * %% - A single percentage sign - * %C - Control-C (mIRC color code) - * %B - Bold Text - * %U - Underline Text - * %R - Reverse Text - * %O - Reset all Text attributes - * %XXX - ASCII XXX (where XXX is a decimal 3 digit number, e.g.: %007 sends a BEEP) - -%Cforeground,background will produce a color code, e.g.: %C03,10 - -These are now disabled by default (see _Settings_ `->` _Preferences_ `->` _Input Box_). -Instead you can insert the real codes via ctrl-k, ctrl-b and ctrl-o. diff --git a/share/icons/ b/share/icons/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1096c04c..00000000 --- a/share/icons/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -icon_DATA = ../../src/pixmaps/hexchat.png -icondir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps - -hicolor_DATA = hexchat.svg -hicolordir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps - -UPDATE_ICON_CACHE = gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t $(datadir)/icons/hicolor || : - -install-data-hook: - $(UPDATE_ICON_CACHE); - -uninstall-hook: - $(UPDATE_ICON_CACHE); diff --git a/share/icons/hexchat-b.svg b/share/icons/hexchat-b.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 6f9a87dc..00000000 --- a/share/icons/hexchat-b.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,610 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - image/svg+xml - - - - - Guglielmi David - - - - - - Peter Zelezny - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/share/icons/hexchat-shadowless.svg b/share/icons/hexchat-shadowless.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 8ab625fe..00000000 --- a/share/icons/hexchat-shadowless.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,745 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - image/svg+xml - - - - - Guglielmi David - - - - - - Peter Zelezny - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/share/icons/hexchat.ico b/share/icons/hexchat.ico deleted file mode 100644 index 694937df..00000000 Binary files a/share/icons/hexchat.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/share/icons/hexchat.svg b/share/icons/hexchat.svg deleted file mode 100644 index c8737879..00000000 --- a/share/icons/hexchat.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,746 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - image/svg+xml - - - - - Guglielmi David - - - - - - Peter Zelezny - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/share/misc/ b/share/misc/ deleted file mode 100644 index ef14c01e..00000000 --- a/share/misc/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -util_DATA = hexchat.desktop -utildir = $(datadir)/applications - -appdata_DATA = hexchat.appdata.xml -appdatadir = $(datadir)/appdata - - -if WITH_TM -util_DATA += htm.desktop -mime_DATA = htm-mime.xml -mimedir = $(datadir)/mime/packages - -UPDATE_MIME_DATABASE = update-mime-database "$(datadir)/mime" || : -UPDATE_DESKTOP_DATABASE = update-desktop-database -q "$(datadir)/applications" || : - -install-data-hook: - $(UPDATE_MIME_DATABASE); - $(UPDATE_DESKTOP_DATABASE); - -uninstall-hook: - $(UPDATE_MIME_DATABASE); - $(UPDATE_DESKTOP_DATABASE); -endif diff --git a/share/misc/hexchat.appdata.xml b/share/misc/hexchat.appdata.xml deleted file mode 100644 index cf43ac96..00000000 --- a/share/misc/hexchat.appdata.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ - - - hexchat.desktop - CC0 - -

HexChat is an easy to use yet extensible IRC Client. It allows you to securely join multiple networks and talk to users privately or in channels using a customizable interface. You can even transfer files.


HexChat supports features such as: DCC, SASL, proxies, spellcheck, alerts, logging, custom themes, and Python/Perl scripts.

- - - - - -
- diff --git a/share/misc/hexchat.desktop b/share/misc/hexchat.desktop deleted file mode 100644 index f82465c7..00000000 --- a/share/misc/hexchat.desktop +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -[Desktop Entry] -Name=HexChat -Name[zh_TW]=網路清談 -GenericName=IRC Client -GenericName[de]=IRC-Client -GenericName[es]=Aplicación de IRC -GenericName[fi]=IRC-sovellus -GenericName[fr]=Client IRC -GenericName[hu]=IRC-kliens -GenericName[it]=Cliente IRC -GenericName[lt]=IRC klientas -GenericName[nb]=IRC-klient -GenericName[pl]=Klient IRC -GenericName[pt_BR]=Cliente de IRC -GenericName[sl]=Odjemalec IRC -GenericName[sv]=IRC-klient -GenericName[ro]=Client de IRC -GenericName[zh_TW]=HexChat 聊天程式 -Comment=Chat with other people using Internet Relay Chat -Comment[fr]=Discutez avec tout le monde sur l'Internet Relay Chat -Comment[de]=Sich über Internet Relay Chat mit andern Leuten unterhalten -Comment[it]=Chiacchierare con la gente sull'Internet Relay Chat -Comment[nb]=Snakk med mennesker på Internet Relay Chat -Exec=hexchat %U -Icon=hexchat -Terminal=false -Type=Application -Categories=GTK;Network;IRCClient; -StartupNotify=true -X-GNOME-UsesNotifications=true -MimeType=x-scheme-handler/irc;x-scheme-handler/ircs; diff --git a/share/misc/htm-mime.xml b/share/misc/htm-mime.xml deleted file mode 100644 index f76b689b..00000000 --- a/share/misc/htm-mime.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ - - - - HexChat theme archives - - - - diff --git a/share/misc/htm.desktop b/share/misc/htm.desktop deleted file mode 100644 index 53cac289..00000000 --- a/share/misc/htm.desktop +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -[Desktop Entry] -Name=HexChat Theme Manager -Exec=thememan %f -Icon=hexchat -Terminal=false -Type=Application -MimeType=application/x-hct; diff --git a/share/pkgconfig/ b/share/pkgconfig/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7ee0ac95..00000000 --- a/share/pkgconfig/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -pkgcfgdir = $(pkgconfigdir) -pkgcfg_DATA = hexchat-plugin.pc - -EXTRA_DIST = diff --git a/share/pkgconfig/ b/share/pkgconfig/ deleted file mode 100644 index 23957236..00000000 --- a/share/pkgconfig/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -prefix=@prefix@ -exec_prefix=${prefix} -includedir=@includedir@ -hexchatlibdir=@hexchatlibdir@ - -Name: HexChat plugins -Description: Header and path for HexChat plugins -Version: @VERSION@ -Cflags: -I${includedir} -- cgit 1.4.1