summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/src/common/proto-irc.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-04-14Fix missing first letter in busy server error popupBerke Viktor
2013-04-10Request 'sasl' even if it's the only recognized capMantas Mikulėnas
2013-04-08Handle numeric 900TingPing
2013-04-04get account from whoisTingPing
2013-04-04regular who doesn't send accountTingPing
2013-04-04Fixed compiler error.Arnavion
2013-04-03Add MONITOR supportTingPing
2013-04-03Fix realnameTingPing
2013-04-03Support account-notify and extended-join capabilitiesTingPing
2013-04-03Merge pull request #448 from TingPing/awaynotify2TingPing
Add away-notify support
2013-03-25Remove old CAPAB stuffTingPing
We already check for identify-msg elsewhere
2013-03-20Redesign the Ban List window. Closes Issues #303, #342, #427RichardHitt
This is a combination of 18 commits. The first commit's message is: Here is the initial banlist branch of RichardHitt/hexchat. Changed files are only src/fe-gtk/{banlist.c,fe-gtk.h}. This version works and contains my first efforts at selective sensitization of radio buttons and control buttons. From this point I intend to undertake a stepwise redesign. Step 1 will be to make the existing banlist code work for multiple simultaneous banlist windows (for different channels, obviously). It will be a hackathon with the only goal of getting it working. Step 2 will be the objectization and alpha-stage tidying-up of all the terrible looking stuff I will have done in Step 1. This is the 2nd commit message: Here's the post-Step-1 commit. It works for multiple banlist windows. Note particularly what I've done to banlist.h. Note that for many functions in banlist.c the argument is now a banlist_info *, rather than a session *. Note in banlist.c the initialization of array modes[] which contains driving information for the checkboxes. Of course those checkboxes aren't yet implemented. Maybe in Step 2 I will change to checkboxes from radio buttons; but definitely I will change to letting modes[] drive processing. This is the 3rd commit message: Converted to checkboxes. Much additional work. Note that the infrastructure for Auto-invite is not yet present in the hexchat tree. I'm nearly done with banlist, I think! This is the 4th commit message: Fleshed out 'invite'. Tagged masks uniformly, e.g. (b) (e) (I). General cleanup, nearly at the point of beta quality. This is the 5th commit message: Added fourth mode type: quiet. Did lots and lots of cleanup. Beta-ready? This is the 6th commit message: Get the banlist timestamps properly sortable. This is the 7th commit message: Redesign the supports_foo() routines. Now they're responsible for setting the flags in ->capable, ->readable, ->writeable. This is the 8th commit message: Deleted a couple of RBH comments. This is the 9th commit message: Now the ESC key will close the banlist window. This is the 10th commit message: Fix the fe-text occurrence of fe_add_ban_list(). This is the 11th commit message: Fixed also fe_ban_list_end() and removed fe_is_banwindow(). This is the 12th commit message: Use old-style initialization for array of structures modes[] This is the 13th commit message: Oops, incomplete regression of modes[] initialization. This fixes. This is the 14th commit message: Fixed strptime buy implementing a special version here. Fixed column width concerns by setting resizable and autosize. This is the 15th commit message: Get rid of testing line. This is the 16th commit message: Changed to gtkutil_destroy_on_esc () This is the 17th commit message: Remove no-longer-used functnion This is the 18th commit message: Minor cleanups to banlist.c, banlist.h Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. Author: RichardHitt <> Committer: Richard Hitt <> Not currently on any branch. Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) modified: src/common/fe.h modified: src/common/hexchat.h modified: src/common/inbound.c modified: src/common/modes.c modified: src/common/proto-irc.c modified: src/common/server.c modified: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c modified: src/fe-gtk/banlist.h modified: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c modified: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.h modified: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c modified: src/fe-text/fe-text.c
2013-03-12Add away-notify supportTingPing
2012-12-23fix incorrect FSF addressDan Mashal
2012-11-03More robust CAP management and CAP multi-prefix supportBerke Viktor
2012-11-03Add text events for CAP ACK/REQBerke Viktor
2012-11-03Provide text events for SASL auth, SASL responses and server capabilitiesBerke Viktor
2012-10-30Nah, even more rebrandingBerke Viktor
2012-10-25Move SASL passphrase generation code to utilsBerke Viktor
2012-10-25Hide "empty" SASL messages during authBerke Viktor
2012-10-25Built-in SASL support and other CAP fixesBerke Viktor
2012-10-25Bypass the identify-msg patch as well, breaks SASLBerke Viktor
2012-10-24A lot more rebrandingBerke Viktor
2012-10-24Add support for ircd-seven identify-msg (author unknown)Berke Viktor
2012-10-24Fix error message printing for raw numeric 263Berke Viktor
2012-10-22Variable cleanup for irc_*Berke Viktor
2012-10-22Variable cleanup for dcc_*Berke Viktor
2012-07-21Some aid for compiler warningsBerke Viktor
2012-06-16Fix string handling for Turkish localeBerke Viktor
2012-03-16Merge branch 'master' into wdkBerke Viktor
2012-03-15update xchat to r1503Berke Viktor
2011-12-11initial patches for linux compatibilityBerke Viktor
2011-02-28add wdk changes to named
2011-02-24add xchat
.user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" /> <Import Project="fontconfig.props" /> </ImportGroup> <ImportGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'" Label="PropertySheets"> <Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" /> <Import Project="fontconfig.props" /> </ImportGroup> <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" /> <PropertyGroup> <_ProjectFileVersion>11.0.50727.1</_ProjectFileVersion> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'"> <OutDir>Debug\</OutDir> <IntDir>Debug\</IntDir> <LinkIncremental>true</LinkIncremental> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'"> <LinkIncremental>true</LinkIncremental> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'"> <OutDir>Release\</OutDir> <IntDir>Release\</IntDir> <LinkIncremental>false</LinkIncremental> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'"> <LinkIncremental>false</LinkIncremental> </PropertyGroup> <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'"> <PreBuildEvent> <Command> </Command> </PreBuildEvent> <ClCompile> <Optimization>Disabled</Optimization> <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>.\;.\fontconfig;.\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories> <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;HAVE_CONFIG_H;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> <MinimalRebuild>true</MinimalRebuild> <BasicRuntimeChecks>EnableFastChecks</BasicRuntimeChecks> <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDebug</RuntimeLibrary> <PrecompiledHeader /> <WarningLevel>Level3</WarningLevel> <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat> <DisableSpecificWarnings>4244;4819;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)</DisableSpecificWarnings> </ClCompile> <Link> <OutputFile>.\fc-lang\fc-lang.exe</OutputFile> <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation> <ProgramDatabaseFile>$(OutDir)fc-lang.pdb</ProgramDatabaseFile> <SubSystem>Console</SubSystem> <RandomizedBaseAddress>false</RandomizedBaseAddress> <DataExecutionPrevention /> <TargetMachine>MachineX86</TargetMachine> </Link> <PostBuildEvent> <Command>if exist .\fc-lang\fclang.h goto END cd fc-lang fc-lang.exe -d . aa.orth ab.orth af.orth am.orth ar.orth as.orth ast.orth av.orth ay.orth az_az.orth az_ir.orth ba.orth bm.orth be.orth bg.orth bh.orth bho.orth bi.orth bin.orth bn.orth bo.orth br.orth bs.orth bua.orth ca.orth ce.orth ch.orth chm.orth chr.orth co.orth cs.orth cu.orth cv.orth cy.orth da.orth de.orth dz.orth el.orth en.orth eo.orth es.orth et.orth eu.orth fa.orth fi.orth fj.orth fo.orth fr.orth ff.orth fur.orth fy.orth ga.orth gd.orth gez.orth gl.orth gn.orth gu.orth gv.orth ha.orth haw.orth he.orth hi.orth ho.orth hr.orth hu.orth hy.orth ia.orth ig.orth id.orth ie.orth ik.orth io.orth is.orth it.orth iu.orth ja.orth ka.orth kaa.orth ki.orth kk.orth kl.orth km.orth kn.orth ko.orth kok.orth ks.orth ku_am.orth ku_ir.orth kum.orth kv.orth kw.orth ky.orth la.orth lb.orth lez.orth ln.orth lo.orth lt.orth lv.orth mg.orth mh.orth mi.orth mk.orth ml.orth mn_cn.orth mo.orth mr.orth mt.orth my.orth nb.orth nds.orth ne.orth nl.orth nn.orth no.orth nr.orth nso.orth ny.orth oc.orth om.orth or.orth os.orth pa.orth pl.orth ps_af.orth ps_pk.orth pt.orth rm.orth ro.orth ru.orth sa.orth sah.orth sco.orth se.orth sel.orth sh.orth shs.orth si.orth sk.orth sl.orth sm.orth sma.orth smj.orth smn.orth sms.orth so.orth sq.orth sr.orth ss.orth st.orth sv.orth sw.orth syr.orth ta.orth te.orth tg.orth th.orth ti_er.orth ti_et.orth tig.orth tk.orth tl.orth tn.orth to.orth tr.orth ts.orth tt.orth tw.orth tyv.orth ug.orth uk.orth ur.orth uz.orth ve.orth vi.orth vo.orth vot.orth wa.orth wen.orth wo.orth xh.orth yap.orth yi.orth yo.orth zh_cn.orth zh_hk.orth zh_mo.orth zh_sg.orth zh_tw.orth zu.orth ak.orth an.orth ber_dz.orth ber_ma.orth byn.orth crh.orth csb.orth dv.orth ee.orth fat.orth fil.orth hne.orth hsb.orth ht.orth hz.orth ii.orth jv.orth kab.orth kj.orth kr.orth ku_iq.orth ku_tr.orth kwm.orth lg.orth li.orth mai.orth mn_mn.orth ms.orth na.orth ng.orth nv.orth ota.orth pa_pk.orth pap_an.orth pap_aw.orth qu.orth rn.orth rw.orth sc.orth sd.orth sg.orth sid.orth sn.orth su.orth ty.orth wal.orth za.orth lah.orth &lt; fclang.tmpl.h &gt; fclang.h cd .. :END </Command> </PostBuildEvent> </ItemDefinitionGroup> <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'"> <PreBuildEvent> <Command> </Command> </PreBuildEvent> <ClCompile> <Optimization>Disabled</Optimization> <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>.\;.\fontconfig;.\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories> <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;HAVE_CONFIG_H;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> <BasicRuntimeChecks>EnableFastChecks</BasicRuntimeChecks> <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDebug</RuntimeLibrary> <PrecompiledHeader> </PrecompiledHeader> <WarningLevel>Level3</WarningLevel> <DebugInformationFormat>ProgramDatabase</DebugInformationFormat> <DisableSpecificWarnings>4244;4819;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)</DisableSpecificWarnings> </ClCompile> <Link> <OutputFile>.\fc-lang\fc-lang.exe</OutputFile> <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation> <ProgramDatabaseFile>$(OutDir)fc-lang.pdb</ProgramDatabaseFile> <SubSystem>Console</SubSystem> <RandomizedBaseAddress>false</RandomizedBaseAddress> <DataExecutionPrevention> </DataExecutionPrevention> </Link> <PostBuildEvent> <Command>if exist .\fc-lang\fclang.h goto END cd fc-lang fc-lang.exe -d . aa.orth ab.orth af.orth am.orth ar.orth as.orth ast.orth av.orth ay.orth az_az.orth az_ir.orth ba.orth bm.orth be.orth bg.orth bh.orth bho.orth bi.orth bin.orth bn.orth bo.orth br.orth bs.orth bua.orth ca.orth ce.orth ch.orth chm.orth chr.orth co.orth cs.orth cu.orth cv.orth cy.orth da.orth de.orth dz.orth el.orth en.orth eo.orth es.orth et.orth eu.orth fa.orth fi.orth fj.orth fo.orth fr.orth ff.orth fur.orth fy.orth ga.orth gd.orth gez.orth gl.orth gn.orth gu.orth gv.orth ha.orth haw.orth he.orth hi.orth ho.orth hr.orth hu.orth hy.orth ia.orth ig.orth id.orth ie.orth ik.orth io.orth is.orth it.orth iu.orth ja.orth ka.orth kaa.orth ki.orth kk.orth kl.orth km.orth kn.orth ko.orth kok.orth ks.orth ku_am.orth ku_ir.orth kum.orth kv.orth kw.orth ky.orth la.orth lb.orth lez.orth ln.orth lo.orth lt.orth lv.orth mg.orth mh.orth mi.orth mk.orth ml.orth mn_cn.orth mo.orth mr.orth mt.orth my.orth nb.orth nds.orth ne.orth nl.orth nn.orth no.orth nr.orth nso.orth ny.orth oc.orth om.orth or.orth os.orth pa.orth pl.orth ps_af.orth ps_pk.orth pt.orth rm.orth ro.orth ru.orth sa.orth sah.orth sco.orth se.orth sel.orth sh.orth shs.orth si.orth sk.orth sl.orth sm.orth sma.orth smj.orth smn.orth sms.orth so.orth sq.orth sr.orth ss.orth st.orth sv.orth sw.orth syr.orth ta.orth te.orth tg.orth th.orth ti_er.orth ti_et.orth tig.orth tk.orth tl.orth tn.orth to.orth tr.orth ts.orth tt.orth tw.orth tyv.orth ug.orth uk.orth ur.orth uz.orth ve.orth vi.orth vo.orth vot.orth wa.orth wen.orth wo.orth xh.orth yap.orth yi.orth yo.orth zh_cn.orth zh_hk.orth zh_mo.orth zh_sg.orth zh_tw.orth zu.orth ak.orth an.orth ber_dz.orth ber_ma.orth byn.orth crh.orth csb.orth dv.orth ee.orth fat.orth fil.orth hne.orth hsb.orth ht.orth hz.orth ii.orth jv.orth kab.orth kj.orth kr.orth ku_iq.orth ku_tr.orth kwm.orth lg.orth li.orth mai.orth mn_mn.orth ms.orth na.orth ng.orth nv.orth ota.orth pa_pk.orth pap_an.orth pap_aw.orth qu.orth rn.orth rw.orth sc.orth sd.orth sg.orth sid.orth sn.orth su.orth ty.orth wal.orth za.orth lah.orth &lt; fclang.tmpl.h &gt; fclang.h cd .. :END </Command> </PostBuildEvent> </ItemDefinitionGroup> <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'"> <PreBuildEvent> <Command> </Command> </PreBuildEvent> <ClCompile> <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>.\;.\fontconfig;.\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories> <PreprocessorDefinitions>HAVE_CONFIG_H;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDLL</RuntimeLibrary> <PrecompiledHeader /> <WarningLevel>Level3</WarningLevel> <DebugInformationFormat>ProgramDatabase</DebugInformationFormat> <DisableSpecificWarnings>4244;4819;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)</DisableSpecificWarnings> </ClCompile> <Link> <OutputFile>.\fc-lang\fc-lang.exe</OutputFile> <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation> <SubSystem>Console</SubSystem> <OptimizeReferences>true</OptimizeReferences> <EnableCOMDATFolding>true</EnableCOMDATFolding> <RandomizedBaseAddress>false</RandomizedBaseAddress> <DataExecutionPrevention /> <TargetMachine>MachineX86</TargetMachine> </Link> <PostBuildEvent> <Command>if exist .\fc-lang\fclang.h goto END cd fc-lang fc-lang.exe -d . aa.orth ab.orth af.orth am.orth ar.orth as.orth ast.orth av.orth ay.orth az_az.orth az_ir.orth ba.orth bm.orth be.orth bg.orth bh.orth bho.orth bi.orth bin.orth bn.orth bo.orth br.orth bs.orth bua.orth ca.orth ce.orth ch.orth chm.orth chr.orth co.orth cs.orth cu.orth cv.orth cy.orth da.orth de.orth dz.orth el.orth en.orth eo.orth es.orth et.orth eu.orth fa.orth fi.orth fj.orth fo.orth fr.orth ff.orth fur.orth fy.orth ga.orth gd.orth gez.orth gl.orth gn.orth gu.orth gv.orth ha.orth haw.orth he.orth hi.orth ho.orth hr.orth hu.orth hy.orth ia.orth ig.orth id.orth ie.orth ik.orth io.orth is.orth it.orth iu.orth ja.orth ka.orth kaa.orth ki.orth kk.orth kl.orth km.orth kn.orth ko.orth kok.orth ks.orth ku_am.orth ku_ir.orth kum.orth kv.orth kw.orth ky.orth la.orth lb.orth lez.orth ln.orth lo.orth lt.orth lv.orth mg.orth mh.orth mi.orth mk.orth ml.orth mn_cn.orth mo.orth mr.orth mt.orth my.orth nb.orth nds.orth ne.orth nl.orth nn.orth no.orth nr.orth nso.orth ny.orth oc.orth om.orth or.orth os.orth pa.orth pl.orth ps_af.orth ps_pk.orth pt.orth rm.orth ro.orth ru.orth sa.orth sah.orth sco.orth se.orth sel.orth sh.orth shs.orth si.orth sk.orth sl.orth sm.orth sma.orth smj.orth smn.orth sms.orth so.orth sq.orth sr.orth ss.orth st.orth sv.orth sw.orth syr.orth ta.orth te.orth tg.orth th.orth ti_er.orth ti_et.orth tig.orth tk.orth tl.orth tn.orth to.orth tr.orth ts.orth tt.orth tw.orth tyv.orth ug.orth uk.orth ur.orth uz.orth ve.orth vi.orth vo.orth vot.orth wa.orth wen.orth wo.orth xh.orth yap.orth yi.orth yo.orth zh_cn.orth zh_hk.orth zh_mo.orth zh_sg.orth zh_tw.orth zu.orth ak.orth an.orth ber_dz.orth ber_ma.orth byn.orth crh.orth csb.orth dv.orth ee.orth fat.orth fil.orth hne.orth hsb.orth ht.orth hz.orth ii.orth jv.orth kab.orth kj.orth kr.orth ku_iq.orth ku_tr.orth kwm.orth lg.orth li.orth mai.orth mn_mn.orth ms.orth na.orth ng.orth nv.orth ota.orth pa_pk.orth pap_an.orth pap_aw.orth qu.orth rn.orth rw.orth sc.orth sd.orth sg.orth sid.orth sn.orth su.orth ty.orth wal.orth za.orth lah.orth &lt; fclang.tmpl.h &gt; fclang.h cd .. :END </Command> </PostBuildEvent> </ItemDefinitionGroup> <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'"> <PreBuildEvent> <Command> </Command> </PreBuildEvent> <ClCompile> <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>.\;.\fontconfig;.\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories> <PreprocessorDefinitions>HAVE_CONFIG_H;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDLL</RuntimeLibrary> <PrecompiledHeader> </PrecompiledHeader> <WarningLevel>Level3</WarningLevel> <DebugInformationFormat>ProgramDatabase</DebugInformationFormat> <DisableSpecificWarnings>4244;4819;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)</DisableSpecificWarnings> </ClCompile> <Link> <OutputFile>.\fc-lang\fc-lang.exe</OutputFile> <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation> <SubSystem>Console</SubSystem> <OptimizeReferences>true</OptimizeReferences> <EnableCOMDATFolding>true</EnableCOMDATFolding> <RandomizedBaseAddress>false</RandomizedBaseAddress> <DataExecutionPrevention> </DataExecutionPrevention> </Link> <PostBuildEvent> <Command>if exist .\fc-lang\fclang.h goto END cd fc-lang fc-lang.exe -d . aa.orth ab.orth af.orth am.orth ar.orth as.orth ast.orth av.orth ay.orth az_az.orth az_ir.orth ba.orth bm.orth be.orth bg.orth bh.orth bho.orth bi.orth bin.orth bn.orth bo.orth br.orth bs.orth bua.orth ca.orth ce.orth ch.orth chm.orth chr.orth co.orth cs.orth cu.orth cv.orth cy.orth da.orth de.orth dz.orth el.orth en.orth eo.orth es.orth et.orth eu.orth fa.orth fi.orth fj.orth fo.orth fr.orth ff.orth fur.orth fy.orth ga.orth gd.orth gez.orth gl.orth gn.orth gu.orth gv.orth ha.orth haw.orth he.orth hi.orth ho.orth hr.orth hu.orth hy.orth ia.orth ig.orth id.orth ie.orth ik.orth io.orth is.orth it.orth iu.orth ja.orth ka.orth kaa.orth ki.orth kk.orth kl.orth km.orth kn.orth ko.orth kok.orth ks.orth ku_am.orth ku_ir.orth kum.orth kv.orth kw.orth ky.orth la.orth lb.orth lez.orth ln.orth lo.orth lt.orth lv.orth mg.orth mh.orth mi.orth mk.orth ml.orth mn_cn.orth mo.orth mr.orth mt.orth my.orth nb.orth nds.orth ne.orth nl.orth nn.orth no.orth nr.orth nso.orth ny.orth oc.orth om.orth or.orth os.orth pa.orth pl.orth ps_af.orth ps_pk.orth pt.orth rm.orth ro.orth ru.orth sa.orth sah.orth sco.orth se.orth sel.orth sh.orth shs.orth si.orth sk.orth sl.orth sm.orth sma.orth smj.orth smn.orth sms.orth so.orth sq.orth sr.orth ss.orth st.orth sv.orth sw.orth syr.orth ta.orth te.orth tg.orth th.orth ti_er.orth ti_et.orth tig.orth tk.orth tl.orth tn.orth to.orth tr.orth ts.orth tt.orth tw.orth tyv.orth ug.orth uk.orth ur.orth uz.orth ve.orth vi.orth vo.orth vot.orth wa.orth wen.orth wo.orth xh.orth yap.orth yi.orth yo.orth zh_cn.orth zh_hk.orth zh_mo.orth zh_sg.orth zh_tw.orth zu.orth ak.orth an.orth ber_dz.orth ber_ma.orth byn.orth crh.orth csb.orth dv.orth ee.orth fat.orth fil.orth hne.orth hsb.orth ht.orth hz.orth ii.orth jv.orth kab.orth kj.orth kr.orth ku_iq.orth ku_tr.orth kwm.orth lg.orth li.orth mai.orth mn_mn.orth ms.orth na.orth ng.orth nv.orth ota.orth pa_pk.orth pap_an.orth pap_aw.orth qu.orth rn.orth rw.orth sc.orth sd.orth sg.orth sid.orth sn.orth su.orth ty.orth wal.orth za.orth lah.orth &lt; fclang.tmpl.h &gt; fclang.h cd .. :END </Command> </PostBuildEvent> </ItemDefinitionGroup> <ItemGroup> <ClCompile Include="fc-lang\fc-lang.c" /> </ItemGroup> <ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include="fc-case.vcxproj"> <Project>{1b4e62f7-3437-48d5-aab2-cbbe3de513ed}</Project> <ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly> </ProjectReference> </ItemGroup> <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" /> <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets"> </ImportGroup> </Project>