summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-11-10Version bumpBerke Viktor
2012-11-09Use AS_HELP_STRING to format textMikel Olasagasti Uranga
2012-11-09Silent buildMikel Olasagasti Uranga
2012-11-09Arg 3 should be email but we don't use that; arg 4 defaults to lowercase arg ...Berke Viktor
2012-11-05Get rid of XChat revisionBerke Viktor
2012-11-03Add missing Basque languageMikel Olasagasti Uranga
2012-10-27Add manual pageBerke Viktor
2012-10-27build: move automake "foreign" option to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKEJan Engelhardt
2012-10-26Don't error out when libpci is not foundBerke Viktor
2012-10-25fix alignment (space is off by 1)Daniel Leining
2012-10-25Fix configure scriptBerke Viktor
2012-10-25Get rid of the SASL pluginBerke Viktor
2012-10-22Add Malayalam translationBerke Viktor
2012-10-21Compilation fixes and integration with HexChatBerke Viktor
2012-10-20Remove Hebrew file, it fails to import to Transifex and barely contains trans...Berke Viktor
2012-10-20Add new languages to the Unix build scriptBerke Viktor
2012-10-14Version bumpBerke Viktor
2012-10-13Compatibility for Automake 1.12.4+Berke Viktor
.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
:: run this from a command prompt
@echo off

SET PACKAGE_NAME=expat-2.1.0

set EXPAT_SRC=%cd%
set EXPAT_DEST=%cd%-x86
echo.Press return when ready to install!

rmdir /q /s %EXPAT_DEST%
mkdir %EXPAT_DEST%
mkdir %EXPAT_DEST%\bin
mkdir %EXPAT_DEST%\include
mkdir %EXPAT_DEST%\lib
mkdir %EXPAT_DEST%\share
mkdir %EXPAT_DEST%\share\doc
mkdir %EXPAT_DEST%\share\doc\expat
copy win32\bin\Release\elements.exe %EXPAT_DEST%\bin
copy win32\bin\Release\libexpat.dll %EXPAT_DEST%\bin
copy win32\bin\Release\libexpatw.dll %EXPAT_DEST%\bin
copy win32\bin\Release\outline.exe %EXPAT_DEST%\bin
copy win32\bin\Release\xmlwf.exe %EXPAT_DEST%\bin
copy lib\expat.h %EXPAT_DEST%\include
copy lib\expat_external.h %EXPAT_DEST%\include
copy win32\bin\Release\libexpat.lib %EXPAT_DEST%\lib
copy win32\bin\Release\libexpatMT.lib %EXPAT_DEST%\lib
copy win32\bin\Release\libexpatw.lib %EXPAT_DEST%\lib
copy win32\bin\Release\libexpatwMT.lib %EXPAT_DEST%\lib
copy COPYING %EXPAT_DEST%\share\doc\expat

set PATH=%PATH%;%ProgramFiles%\7-zip
del ..\%PACKAGE_NAME%-x86.7z
7z a ..\%PACKAGE_NAME%-x86.7z *
rmdir /q /s %EXPAT_DEST%
