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path: root/src/common/dcc.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/common/dcc.h')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
f='#n72'>72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293
#ifndef __XTEXT_H__
#define __XTEXT_H__

#include <gtk/gtkadjustment.h>
#ifdef USE_XFT
#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>

#ifdef USE_SHM
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>

#define GTK_TYPE_XTEXT              (gtk_xtext_get_type ())
#define GTK_XTEXT(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), GTK_TYPE_XTEXT, GtkXText))
#define GTK_XTEXT_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_XTEXT, GtkXTextClass))
#define GTK_IS_XTEXT(object)        (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), GTK_TYPE_XTEXT))

#define ATTR_BOLD			'\002'
#define ATTR_COLOR		'\003'
#define ATTR_BLINK		'\006'
#define ATTR_BEEP			'\007'
#define ATTR_HIDDEN		'\010'
#define ATTR_ITALICS2	'\011'
#define ATTR_RESET		'\017'
#define ATTR_REVERSE		'\026'
#define ATTR_ITALICS		'\035'
#define ATTR_UNDERLINE	'\037'

/* these match palette.h */
#define XTEXT_MIRC_COLS 32
#define XTEXT_COLS 37		/* 32 plus 5 for extra stuff below */
#define XTEXT_MARK_FG 32	/* for marking text */
#define XTEXT_MARK_BG 33
#define XTEXT_FG 34
#define XTEXT_BG 35
#define XTEXT_MARKER 36		/* for marker line */

typedef struct _GtkXText GtkXText;
typedef struct _GtkXTextClass GtkXTextClass;
typedef struct textentry textentry;
typedef enum gtk_xtext_search_flags_e {
	case_match = 1,
	backward = 2,
	highlight = 4,
	follow = 8,
	regexp = 16
} gtk_xtext_search_flags;

typedef struct {
	GtkXText *xtext;					/* attached to this widget */

	gfloat old_value;					/* last known adj->value */
	textentry *text_first;
	textentry *text_last;
	guint16 grid_offset[256];

	textentry *last_ent_start;	  /* this basically describes the last rendered */
	textentry *last_ent_end;	  /* selection. */
	int last_offset_start;
	int last_offset_end;

	int last_pixel_pos;

	int pagetop_line;
	int pagetop_subline;
	textentry *pagetop_ent;			/* what's at xtext->adj->value */

	int num_lines;
	int indent;						  /* position of separator (pixels) from left */

	textentry *marker_pos;

	int window_width;				/* window size when last rendered. */
	int window_height;

	unsigned int time_stamp:1;
	unsigned int scrollbar_down:1;
	unsigned int needs_recalc:1;
	unsigned int grid_dirty:1;
	unsigned int marker_seen:1;
	unsigned int reset_marker_pos:1;

	GList *search_found;		/* list of textentries where search found strings */
	gchar *search_text;		/* desired text to search for */
	gchar *search_nee;		/* prepared needle to look in haystack for */
	gint search_lnee;		/* its length */
	gtk_xtext_search_flags search_flags;	/* match, bwd, highlight */
	GList *cursearch;			/* GList whose 'data' pts to current textentry */
	GList *curmark;			/* current item in ent->marks */
	GRegex *search_re;		/* Compiled regular expression */
	textentry *hintsearch;	/* textentry found for last search */
} xtext_buffer;

struct _GtkXText
	GtkWidget widget;

	xtext_buffer *buffer;
	xtext_buffer *orig_buffer;
	xtext_buffer *selection_buffer;

#ifdef USE_SHM
	XShmSegmentInfo shminfo;

	GtkAdjustment *adj;
	GdkPixmap *pixmap;				/* 0 = use palette[19] */
	GdkDrawable *draw_buf;			/* points to ->window */
	GdkCursor *hand_cursor;
	GdkCursor *resize_cursor;

	int pixel_offset;					/* amount of pixels the top line is chopped by */

	int last_win_x;
	int last_win_y;
	int last_win_h;
	int last_win_w;

	int tint_red;
	int tint_green;
	int tint_blue;

	GdkGC *bgc;						  /* backing pixmap */
	GdkGC *fgc;						  /* text foreground color */
	GdkGC *light_gc;				  /* sep bar */
	GdkGC *dark_gc;
	GdkGC *thin_gc;
	GdkGC *marker_gc;
	gulong palette[XTEXT_COLS];

	gint io_tag;					  /* for delayed refresh events */
	gint add_io_tag;				  /* "" when adding new text */
	gint scroll_tag;				  /* marking-scroll timeout */
	gulong vc_signal_tag;        /* signal handler for "value_changed" adj */

	int select_start_adj;		  /* the adj->value when the selection started */
	int select_start_x;
	int select_start_y;
	int select_end_x;
	int select_end_y;

	int max_lines;

	int col_fore;
	int col_back;

	int depth;						  /* gdk window depth */

	char num[8];					  /* for parsing mirc color */
	int nc;							  /* offset into xtext->num */

	textentry *hilight_ent;
	int hilight_start;
	int hilight_end;

	guint16 fontwidth[128];	  /* each char's width, only the ASCII ones */

#ifdef USE_XFT
	XftColor color[XTEXT_COLS];
	XftColor *xft_fg;
	XftColor *xft_bg;				/* both point into color[20] */
	XftDraw *xftdraw;
	XftFont *font;
	XftFont *ifont;				/* italics */
	struct pangofont
		PangoFontDescription *font;
		PangoFontDescription *ifont;	/* italics */
		int ascent;
		int descent;
	} *font, pango_font;
	PangoLayout *layout;

	int fontsize;
	int space_width;				  /* width (pixels) of the space " " character */
	int stamp_width;				  /* width of "[88:88:88]" */
	int max_auto_indent;

	unsigned char scratch_buffer[4096];

	void (*error_function) (int type);
	int (*urlcheck_function) (GtkWidget * xtext, char *word, int len);

	int jump_out_offset;	/* point at which to stop rendering */
	int jump_in_offset;	/* "" start rendering */

	int ts_x;			/* ts origin for ->bgc GC */
	int ts_y;

	int clip_x;			/* clipping (x directions) */
	int clip_x2;		/* from x to x2 */

	int clip_y;			/* clipping (y directions) */
	int clip_y2;		/* from y to y2 */

	/* current text states */
	unsigned int bold:1;
	unsigned int underline:1;
	unsigned int italics:1;
	unsigned int hidden:1;

	/* text parsing states */
	unsigned int parsing_backcolor:1;
	unsigned int parsing_color:1;
	unsigned int backcolor:1;

	/* various state information */
	unsigned int moving_separator:1;
	unsigned int word_or_line_select:1;
	unsigned int button_down:1;
	unsigned int hilighting:1;
	unsigned int dont_render:1;
	unsigned int dont_render2:1;
	unsigned int cursor_hand:1;
	unsigned int cursor_resize:1;
	unsigned int skip_border_fills:1;
	unsigned int skip_stamp:1;
	unsigned int mark_stamp:1;	/* Cut&Paste with stamps? */
	unsigned int force_stamp:1;	/* force redrawing it */
	unsigned int render_hilights_only:1;
	unsigned int in_hilight:1;
	unsigned int un_hilight:1;
	unsigned int recycle:1;
	unsigned int avoid_trans:1;
	unsigned int force_render:1;
	unsigned int shm:1;
	unsigned int color_paste:1; /* CTRL was pressed when selection finished */

	/* settings/prefs */
	unsigned int auto_indent:1;
	unsigned int thinline:1;
	unsigned int transparent:1;
	unsigned int shaded:1;
	unsigned int marker:1;
	unsigned int separator:1;
	unsigned int wordwrap:1;
	unsigned int overdraw:1;
	unsigned int ignore_hidden:1;	/* rawlog uses this */

struct _GtkXTextClass
	GtkWidgetClass parent_class;
	void (*word_click) (GtkXText * xtext, char *word, GdkEventButton * event);

GtkWidget *gtk_xtext_new (GdkColor palette[], int separator);
void gtk_xtext_append (xtext_buffer *buf, unsigned char *text, int len);
void gtk_xtext_append_indent (xtext_buffer *buf,
										unsigned char *left_text, int left_len,
										unsigned char *right_text, int right_len,
										time_t stamp);
int gtk_xtext_set_font (GtkXText *xtext, char *name);
void gtk_xtext_set_background (GtkXText * xtext, GdkPixmap * pixmap, gboolean trans);
void gtk_xtext_set_palette (GtkXText * xtext, GdkColor palette[]);
void gtk_xtext_clear (xtext_buffer *buf, int lines);
void gtk_xtext_save (GtkXText * xtext, int fh);
void gtk_xtext_refresh (GtkXText * xtext, int do_trans);
int gtk_xtext_lastlog (xtext_buffer *out, xtext_buffer *search_area, int (*cmp_func) (char *, void *userdata), void *userdata);
textentry *gtk_xtext_search (GtkXText * xtext, const gchar *text, gtk_xtext_search_flags flags, GError **err);
void gtk_xtext_reset_marker_pos (GtkXText *xtext);
void gtk_xtext_check_marker_visibility(GtkXText *xtext);

gboolean gtk_xtext_is_empty (xtext_buffer *buf);
typedef void (*GtkXTextForeach) (GtkXText *xtext, unsigned char *text, void *data);
void gtk_xtext_foreach (xtext_buffer *buf, GtkXTextForeach func, void *data);

void gtk_xtext_set_error_function (GtkXText *xtext, void (*error_function) (int));
void gtk_xtext_set_indent (GtkXText *xtext, gboolean indent);
void gtk_xtext_set_max_indent (GtkXText *xtext, int max_auto_indent);
void gtk_xtext_set_max_lines (GtkXText *xtext, int max_lines);
void gtk_xtext_set_show_marker (GtkXText *xtext, gboolean show_marker);
void gtk_xtext_set_show_separator (GtkXText *xtext, gboolean show_separator);
void gtk_xtext_set_thin_separator (GtkXText *xtext, gboolean thin_separator);
void gtk_xtext_set_time_stamp (xtext_buffer *buf, gboolean timestamp);
void gtk_xtext_set_tint (GtkXText *xtext, int tint_red, int tint_green, int tint_blue);
void gtk_xtext_set_urlcheck_function (GtkXText *xtext, int (*urlcheck_function) (GtkWidget *, char *, int));
void gtk_xtext_set_wordwrap (GtkXText *xtext, gboolean word_wrap);

xtext_buffer *gtk_xtext_buffer_new (GtkXText *xtext);
void gtk_xtext_buffer_free (xtext_buffer *buf);
void gtk_xtext_buffer_show (GtkXText *xtext, xtext_buffer *buf, int render);
void gtk_xtext_copy_selection (GtkXText *xtext);
GType gtk_xtext_get_type (void);
