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path: root/src/gtk2-prefs/win32util.h
blob: 8c194a1959e118b61a1a0e9d69e7d126acbb5e25 (plain) (tree)

                          win32util.h  -  description
    begin                : Tue Jan 14 2003
    copyright            : (C) 2003 by Alex Shaduri
    email                :
#ifndef WIN32UTIL_H
#define WIN32UTIL_H

#ifdef _WIN32

#include <string>
#include "sys_win32.h"

std::string win32_get_registry_value_string(HKEY base, const std::string& keydir, const std::string& key);
void win32_set_registry_value_string(HKEY base, const std::string& keydir, const std::string& key, const std::string& value);

#endif //_WIN32

#endif // WIN32UTIL_H
s="k">class OpHelper: def __init__(self, pat, ops=None): self.pat = pat if not ops: self.ops = pat._ops else: self.ops = ops self.pos = -1 def done(self): assert self.pos + 1 == len(self.ops) def __enter__(self): self.pos += 1 first = self.pos assert not isinstance(self.ops[first], abdl._End) while not isinstance(self.ops[self.pos], abdl._End): self.pos += 1 assert isinstance(self.ops[self.pos], abdl._End) return self.ops[first:self.pos] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): pass def expect_types(seq, *tys): assert len(seq) == len(tys) assert(all(map(lambda x: isinstance(*x), zip(seq, tys)))) def expect_idents(oph, *idents): for ident in idents: with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._Arrow, abdl._Ident) assert ops[1].key == ident def test_empty_iterator_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("")) oph.done() def test_four_depths_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("->X->Y->Z->W")) expect_idents(oph, "X", "Y", "Z", "W") oph.done() def test_regex_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("->/.../")) with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._Arrow, abdl._RegexKey) assert ops[1].key == '...' assert ops[1].compiled == re.compile('...') assert ops[1].skippable == False oph.done() def test_regex_skippable_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("->/.../?")) with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._Arrow, abdl._RegexKey) assert ops[1].key == '...' assert ops[1].compiled == re.compile('...') assert ops[1].skippable == True oph.done() def test_regex_and_bind_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("->/.../->Y")) with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._Arrow, abdl._RegexKey) assert ops[1].key == '...' assert ops[1].compiled == re.compile('...') assert ops[1].skippable == False expect_idents(oph, "Y") oph.done() def test_empty_literal_skippable_and_bind_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("->''?->Y")) with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._Arrow, abdl._StringKey) assert ops[1].key == '' assert ops[1].skippable == True expect_idents(oph, "Y") oph.done() def test_type_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("->X:?$a->Y", defs={'a': (dict, list, set)})) assert oph.pat._defs['a'] == (dict, list, set) with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._Arrow, abdl._Ident, abdl._Ty) assert ops[1].key == 'X' assert ops[2].key == 'a' assert ops[2].skippable == True expect_idents(oph, "Y") oph.done() def test_multi_type_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("->X:$a:?$b:?$c->Y", defs={'a': (dict, list, set), 'b': (dict, set), 'c': dict})) assert oph.pat._defs['a'] == (dict, list, set) assert oph.pat._defs['b'] == (dict, set) assert oph.pat._defs['c'] == dict with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._Arrow, abdl._Ident, abdl._Ty, abdl._Ty, abdl._Ty) assert ops[1].key == 'X' assert ops[2].key == 'a' assert ops[2].skippable == False assert ops[3].key == 'b' assert ops[3].skippable == True assert ops[4].key == 'c' assert ops[4].skippable == True expect_idents(oph, "Y") oph.done() def test_key_subtree_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("->[:?$set->A]->D", defs={'set': set})) assert oph.pat._defs['set'] == set with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._Arrow, abdl._KeySubtree) oph2 = OpHelper(None, ops=ops[1].key) with oph2 as ops2: expect_types(ops2, abdl._Ty, abdl._Arrow, abdl._Ident) assert ops2[0].key == 'set' assert ops2[0].skippable == True assert ops2[2].key == 'A' oph2.done() expect_idents(oph, "D") oph.done() def test_param_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("->X->$a->Z", defs={'a': '0'})) assert oph.pat._defs['a'] == '0' expect_idents(oph, "X") with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._Arrow, abdl._Param) assert ops[1].key == 'a' assert ops[1].skippable == False expect_idents(oph, "Z") oph.done() def test_value_subtree_pattern(): oph = OpHelper(abdl.compile("(->foo'foo')(->bar'bar')")) with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._ValueSubtree) oph2 = OpHelper(None, ops=ops[0].key) with oph2 as ops2: expect_types(ops2, abdl._Arrow, abdl._Ident, abdl._StringKey) assert ops2[1].key == 'foo' assert ops2[2].key == 'foo' assert ops2[2].skippable == False oph2.done() with oph as ops: expect_types(ops, abdl._ValueSubtree) oph2 = OpHelper(None, ops=ops[0].key) with oph2 as ops2: expect_types(ops2, abdl._Arrow, abdl._Ident, abdl._StringKey) assert ops2[1].key == 'bar' assert ops2[2].key == 'bar' assert ops2[2].skippable == False oph2.done() oph.done()