/* HexChat * Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Peter Zelezny. * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Berke Viktor. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* need time_t */ #ifndef HEXCHAT_H #define HEXCHAT_H #ifdef USE_OPENSSL #ifdef __APPLE__ #define __AVAILABILITYMACROS__ #define DEPRECATED_IN_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7_AND_LATER #endif #endif #include "history.h" #include "tree.h" #ifdef USE_OPENSSL #include /* SSL_() */ #endif #ifdef __EMX__ /* for o/s 2 */ #define OFLAGS O_BINARY #define g_ascii_strcasecmp stricmp #define g_ascii_strncasecmp strnicmp #define PATH_MAX MAXPATHLEN #define FILEPATH_LEN_MAX MAXPATHLEN #endif /* force a 32bit CMP.L */ #define WORDL(c0, c1, c2, c3) (guint32)(c0 | (c1 << 8) | (c2 << 16) | (c3 << 24)) #ifdef WIN32 /* for win32 */ #define OFLAGS O_BINARY #define sleep(t) Sleep(t*1000) #include #define F_OK 0 #define X_OK 1 #define W_OK 2 #define R_OK 4 #ifndef S_ISDIR #define S_ISDIR(m) ((m) & _S_IFDIR) #endif #define NETWORK_PRIVATE #else /* for unix */ #define OFLAGS 0 #endif #define FONTNAMELEN 127 #define PATHLEN 255 #define DOMAINLEN 100 #define NICKLEN 64 /* including the NULL, so 63 really */ #define CHANLEN 300 #define PDIWORDS 32 #define USERNAMELEN 10 #define HIDDEN_CHAR 8 /* invisible character for xtext */ struct nbexec { int myfd; int childpid; int tochannel; /* making this int keeps the struct 4-byte aligned */ int iotag; char *linebuf; int buffill; struct session *sess; }; struct hexchatprefs { /* these are the rebranded, consistent, sorted hexchat variables */ /* BOOLEANS */ unsigned int hex_away_auto_unmark; unsigned int hex_away_omit_alerts; unsigned int hex_away_show_once; unsigned int hex_away_track; unsigned int hex_completion_auto; unsigned int hex_dcc_auto_chat; unsigned int hex_dcc_auto_resume; unsigned int hex_dcc_fast_send; unsigned int hex_dcc_ip_from_server; unsigned int hex_dcc_remove; unsigned int hex_dcc_save_nick; unsigned int hex_dcc_send_fillspaces; unsigned int hex_gui_autoopen_chat; unsigned int hex_gui_autoopen_dialog; unsigned int hex_gui_autoopen_recv; unsigned int hex_gui_autoopen_send; unsigned int hex_gui_compact; unsigned int hex_gui_filesize_iec; unsigned int hex_gui_focus_omitalerts; unsigned int hex_gui_hide_menu; unsigned int hex_gui_input_attr; unsigned int hex_gui_input_icon; unsigned int hex_gui_input_nick; unsigned int hex_gui_input_spell; unsigned int hex_gui_input_style; unsigned int hex_gui_join_dialog; unsigned int hex_gui_mode_buttons; unsigned int hex_gui_quit_dialog; /* unsigned int hex_gui_single; */ unsigned int hex_gui_slist_fav; unsigned int hex_gui_slist_skip; unsigned int hex_gui_tab_chans; unsigned int hex_gui_tab_dialogs; unsigned int hex_gui_tab_dots; unsigned int hex_gui_tab_icons; unsigned int hex_gui_tab_scrollchans; unsigned int hex_gui_tab_server; unsigned int hex_gui_tab_sort; unsigned int hex_gui_tab_utils; unsigned int hex_gui_topicbar; unsigned int hex_gui_tray; unsigned int hex_gui_tray_away; unsigned int hex_gui_tray_blink; unsigned int hex_gui_tray_close; unsigned int hex_gui_tray_minimize; unsigned int hex_gui_tray_quiet; unsigned int hex_gui_ulist_buttons; unsigned int hex_gui_ulist_color; unsigned int hex_gui_ulist_count; unsigned int hex_gui_ulist_hide; unsigned int hex_gui_ulist_icons; unsigned int hex_gui_ulist_resizable; unsigned int hex_gui_ulist_show_hosts; unsigned int hex_gui_ulist_style; unsigned int hex_gui_usermenu; unsigned int hex_gui_win_modes; unsigned int hex_gui_win_save; unsigned int hex_gui_win_swap; unsigned int hex_gui_win_ucount; unsigned int hex_identd; unsigned int hex_input_balloon_chans; unsigned int hex_input_balloon_hilight; unsigned int hex_input_balloon_priv; unsigned int hex_input_beep_chans; unsigned int hex_input_beep_hilight; unsigned int hex_input_beep_priv; unsigned int hex_input_filter_beep; unsigned int hex_input_flash_chans; unsigned int hex_input_flash_hilight; unsigned int hex_input_flash_priv; unsigned int hex_input_perc_ascii; unsigned int hex_input_perc_color; unsigned int hex_input_tray_chans; unsigned int hex_input_tray_hilight; unsigned int hex_input_tray_priv; unsigned int hex_irc_auto_rejoin; unsigned int hex_irc_conf_mode; unsigned int hex_irc_hidehost; unsigned int hex_irc_hide_nickchange; unsigned int hex_irc_hide_version; unsigned int hex_irc_invisible; unsigned int hex_irc_logging; unsigned int hex_irc_raw_modes; unsigned int hex_irc_servernotice; unsigned int hex_irc_skip_motd; unsigned int hex_irc_wallops; unsigned int hex_irc_who_join; unsigned int hex_irc_whois_front; unsigned int hex_irc_cap_server_time; unsigned int hex_net_auto_reconnect; unsigned int hex_net_auto_reconnectonfail; unsigned int hex_net_proxy_auth; unsigned int hex_net_throttle; unsigned int hex_notify_whois_online; unsigned int hex_perl_warnings; unsigned int hex_stamp_log; unsigned int hex_stamp_text; unsigned int hex_text_autocopy_color; unsigned int hex_text_autocopy_stamp; unsigned int hex_text_autocopy_text; unsigned int hex_text_color_nicks; unsigned int hex_text_indent; unsigned int hex_text_replay; unsigned int hex_text_search_case_match; unsigned int hex_text_search_highlight_all; unsigned int hex_text_search_follow; unsigned int hex_text_search_regexp; unsigned int hex_text_show_marker; unsigned int hex_text_show_sep; unsigned int hex_text_stripcolor_msg; unsigned int hex_text_stripcolor_replay; unsigned int hex_text_stripcolor_topic; unsigned int hex_text_thin_sep; unsigned int hex_text_transparent; unsigned int hex_text_wordwrap; unsigned int hex_url_grabber; unsigned int hex_url_logging; /* NUMBERS */ int hex_away_size_max; int hex_away_timeout; int hex_completion_amount; int hex_completion_sort; int hex_dcc_auto_recv; int hex_dcc_blocksize; int hex_dcc_global_max_get_cps; int hex_dcc_global_max_send_cps; int hex_dcc_max_get_cps; int hex_dcc_max_send_cps; int hex_dcc_permissions; int hex_dcc_port_first; int hex_dcc_port_last; int hex_dcc_stall_timeout; int hex_dcc_timeout; int hex_flood_ctcp_num; /* flood */ int hex_flood_ctcp_time; /* seconds of floods */ int hex_flood_msg_num; /* same deal */ int hex_flood_msg_time; int hex_gui_chanlist_maxusers; int hex_gui_chanlist_minusers; int hex_gui_dialog_height; int hex_gui_dialog_left; int hex_gui_dialog_top; int hex_gui_dialog_width; int hex_gui_lagometer; int hex_gui_lang; int hex_gui_pane_divider_position; int hex_gui_pane_left_size; int hex_gui_pane_right_size; int hex_gui_pane_right_size_min; int hex_gui_search_pos; int hex_gui_slist_select; int hex_gui_tab_layout; int hex_gui_tab_middleclose; int hex_gui_tab_newtofront; int hex_gui_tab_pos; int hex_gui_tab_small; int hex_gui_tab_trunc; int hex_gui_transparency; int hex_gui_throttlemeter; int hex_gui_ulist_pos; int hex_gui_ulist_sort; int hex_gui_url_mod; int hex_gui_win_height; int hex_gui_win_fullscreen; int hex_gui_win_left; int hex_gui_win_state; int hex_gui_win_top; int hex_gui_win_width; int hex_identd_port; int hex_input_balloon_time; int hex_irc_ban_type; int hex_irc_join_delay; int hex_irc_notice_pos; int hex_net_ping_timeout; int hex_net_proxy_port; int hex_net_proxy_type; /* 0=disabled, 1=wingate 2=socks4, 3=socks5, 4=http */ int hex_net_proxy_use; /* 0=all 1=IRC_ONLY 2=DCC_ONLY */ int hex_net_reconnect_delay; int hex_notify_timeout; int hex_text_max_indent; int hex_text_max_lines; int hex_url_grabber_limit; /* STRINGS */ char hex_away_reason[256]; char hex_completion_suffix[4]; /* Only ever holds a one-character string. */ char hex_dcc_completed_dir[PATHLEN + 1]; char hex_dcc_dir[PATHLEN + 1]; char hex_dcc_ip[DOMAINLEN + 1]; char hex_gui_ulist_doubleclick[256]; char hex_input_command_char[4]; char hex_irc_extra_hilight[300];
/* HexChat
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Peter Zelezny.
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Berke Viktor.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA


typedef struct netstore_
	struct addrinfo *ip6_hostent;
	int _dummy;	/* some compilers don't like empty structs */
} netstore;

#define MAX_HOSTNAME 128

netstore *net_store_new (void);
void net_store_destroy (netstore *ns);
int net_connect (netstore *ns, int sok4, int sok6, int *sok_return);
char *net_resolve (netstore *ns, char *hostname, int port, char **real_host);
void net_bind (netstore *tobindto, int sok4, int sok6);
char *net_ip (guint32 addr);
void net_sockets (int *sok4, int *sok6);

r usercommands, ctcp replies, userlist buttons etc */ struct popup { char *cmd; char *name; }; /* CL: get a random int in the range [0..n-1]. DON'T use rand() % n, it gives terrible results. */ #define RAND_INT(n) ((int)(rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) * (n))) #endif