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path: root/src/common/common.vcxproj
blob: 1d1fc570624b12846e57f3a863b45b048e5df944 (plain) (tree)






















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    <ClInclude Include="fe.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="history.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="ignore.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="inbound.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="inet.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="$(HexChatLib)marshal.h" />
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    <ClInclude Include="network.h" />
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    <ClInclude Include="outbound.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="plugin-identd.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="plugin-timer.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="plugin.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="proto-irc.h" />
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    <ClInclude Include="hexchat-plugin.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="hexchat.h" />
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    <ClCompile Include="cfgfiles.c" />
    <ClCompile Include="chanopt.c" />
    <ClCompile Include="ctcp.c" />
    <ClCompile Include="dcc.c" />
    <ClCompile Include="history.c" />
    <ClCompile Include="plugin-identd.c" />
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    <ClCompile Include="inbound.c" />
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SET SOLUTIONDIR=$(SolutionDir)..\
"$(HexChatLib)make-te.exe" < "$(ProjectDir)" > "$(HexChatLib)textevents.h" 2> "$(HexChatLib)textenums.h"
powershell -File "$(SolutionDir)..\win32\version-template.ps1" "$(SolutionDir)..\win32\" "$(HexChatLib)config.h"
"$(DepsRoot)\bin\glib-genmarshal.exe" --prefix=_hexchat_marshal --header "$(ProjectDir)marshalers.list" > "$(HexChatLib)marshal.h"
"$(DepsRoot)\bin\glib-genmarshal.exe" --prefix=_hexchat_marshal --body "$(ProjectDir)marshalers.list" > "$(HexChatLib)marshal.c"

ass="p">; time_t start; double timeElapsed; HANDLE readPipe; HANDLE writePipe; STARTUPINFO sInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION pInfo; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secattr; ZeroMemory (&secattr, sizeof (secattr)); secattr.nLength = sizeof (secattr); secattr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; timeElapsed = 0.0; if (strlen (word[2]) > 0) { strcpy (commandLine, "cmd.exe /c "); if (!stricmp("-O", word[2])) { /*strcat (commandLine, word_eol[3]);*/ hexchat_printf (ph, "Printing Exec output to others is not supported yet.\n"); return HEXCHAT_EAT_HEXCHAT; } else { strcat (commandLine, word_eol[2]); } CreatePipe (&readPipe, &writePipe, &secattr, 0); /* might be replaced with MyCreatePipeEx */ ZeroMemory (&sInfo, sizeof (sInfo)); ZeroMemory (&pInfo, sizeof (pInfo)); sInfo.cb = sizeof (sInfo); sInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; sInfo.hStdInput = NULL; sInfo.hStdOutput = writePipe; sInfo.hStdError = writePipe; CreateProcess (0, commandLine, 0, 0, TRUE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS | CREATE_NO_WINDOW, 0, 0, &sInfo, &pInfo); CloseHandle (writePipe); start = time (0); while (PeekNamedPipe (readPipe, buffer, 1, &dwRead, &dwAvail, &dwLeft) && timeElapsed < 10) { if (dwRead) { if (ReadFile (readPipe, buffer, sizeof (buffer) - 1, &dwRead, NULL) && dwRead != 0 ) { /* avoid garbage */ buffer[dwRead] = '\0'; hexchat_printf (ph, "%s", buffer); } } else { /* this way we'll more likely get full lines */ SleepEx (100, TRUE); } timeElapsed = difftime (time (0), start); } } /* display a newline to separate things */ hexchat_printf (ph, "\n"); if (timeElapsed >= 10) { hexchat_printf (ph, "Command took too much time to run, execution aborted.\n"); } CloseHandle (readPipe); CloseHandle (pInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle (pInfo.hThread); return HEXCHAT_EAT_HEXCHAT; } int hexchat_plugin_init (hexchat_plugin *plugin_handle, char **plugin_name, char **plugin_desc, char **plugin_version, char *arg) { ph = plugin_handle; *plugin_name = name; *plugin_desc = desc; *plugin_version = version; hexchat_hook_command (ph, "EXEC", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, run_command, "Usage: /EXEC [-O] - execute commands inside HexChat", 0); hexchat_printf (ph, "%s plugin loaded\n", name); return 1; /* return 1 for success */ } int hexchat_plugin_deinit (void) { hexchat_printf (ph, "%s plugin unloaded\n", name); return 1; }