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path: root/plugins/sysinfo/pci.c
blob: bc8fb11ff9407a437f73003e5e90f9ea95edcc45 (plain) (tree)






 * pci.c - PCI functions for X-Sys
 * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Martin Mares <> [PCI routines from lspci]
 * Copyright (C) 2000 Tom Rini <> [XorgAutoConfig pci.c, based on lspci]
 * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Tony Vroon
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pci/pci.h>
#include "xsys.h"

static struct pci_filter filter;       /* Device filter */
static struct pci_access *pacc;
int bus, dev, func; /* Location of the card */

struct device {
  	struct device *next;
  	struct pci_dev *dev;
  	unsigned int config_cnt;
  	u8 config[256];

static struct device *first_dev;

static struct device *scan_device(struct pci_dev *p)
  	int how_much = 64;
  	struct device *d;

  	if (!pci_filter_match(&filter, p))
    		return NULL;
  	d = malloc(sizeof(struct device));
  	bzero(d, sizeof(*d));
  	d->dev = p;
  	if (!pci_read_block(p, 0, d->config, how_much))
  	if (how_much < 128 && (d->config[PCI_HEADER_TYPE] & 0x7f) == PCI_HEADER_TYPE_CARDBUS) {
      		/* For cardbus bridges, we need to fetch 64 bytes more to get the full standard header... */
      		if (!pci_read_block(p, 64, d->config+64, 64))
      		how_much = 128;
  	d->config_cnt = how_much;
  	pci_setup_cache(p, d->config, d->config_cnt);
  	pci_fill_info(p, PCI_FILL_IDENT);
  	return d;

static void scan_devices(void)
  	struct device *d;
  	struct pci_dev *p;

  	for(p=pacc->devices; p; p=p->next)
    	if ((d = scan_device(p))) {
        	d->next = first_dev;
        	first_dev = d;

static u16 get_conf_word(struct device *d, unsigned int pos)
  	return d->config[pos] | (d->config[pos+1] << 8);

int pci_find_by_class(u16 *class, char *vendor, char *device)
	struct device *d;
	struct pci_dev *p;
	int nomatch = 1;

	pacc = pci_alloc();
	pci_filter_init(pacc, &filter);

	for(d=first_dev; d; d=d->next) {
    		p = d->dev;
    		/* Acquire vendor & device ID if the class matches */
    		if(get_conf_word(d, PCI_CLASS_DEVICE) == *class) {
      			nomatch = 0;

  	return nomatch;

void pci_find_fullname(char *fullname, char *vendor, char *device)
	char buffer[bsize];
	char vendorname[bsize/2] = "";
	char devicename[bsize/2] = "";
	char *position;
	int cardfound = 0;

	sysinfo_get_pciids (buffer);
	FILE *fp = fopen (buffer, "r");

	if(fp == NULL) {
		snprintf(fullname, bsize, "%s:%s", vendor, device);
		sysinfo_print_error ("pci.ids file not found! You might want to adjust your pciids setting with /SYSINFO SET pciids (you can query its current value with /SYSINFO LIST).\n");

	while(fgets(buffer, bsize, fp) != NULL)	{
		if (!isspace(buffer[0]) && strstr(buffer, vendor) != NULL) {
                       	position = strstr(buffer, vendor);
                       	position += 6;
                       	strncpy(vendorname, position, bsize/2);
                       	position = strstr(vendorname, "\n");
                       	*(position) = '\0';
	while(fgets(buffer, bsize, fp) != NULL) {
		if(strstr(buffer, device) != NULL) {
                        position = strstr(buffer, device);
                        position += 6;
                        strncpy(devicename, position, bsize/2);
			position = strstr(devicename, " (");
			if (position == NULL)
                        	position = strstr(devicename, "\n");
                        *(position) = '\0';
			cardfound = 1;
	if (cardfound == 1)
		snprintf(fullname, bsize, "%s %s", vendorname, devicename);
		snprintf(fullname, bsize, "%s:%s", vendor, device);	
pan>0] = 0; strcat (buf, ".."); return buf; } return name; } /* iterate through a model, into 1 depth of children */ static void model_foreach_1 (GtkTreeModel *model, void (*func)(void *, GtkTreeIter *), void *userdata) { GtkTreeIter iter, inner; if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter)) { do { func (userdata, &iter); if (gtk_tree_model_iter_children (model, &inner, &iter)) { do func (userdata, &inner); while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &inner)); } } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter)); } } static void chanview_pop_cb (chanview *cv, GtkTreeIter *iter) { chan *ch; char *name; PangoAttrList *attr; gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), iter, COL_NAME, &name, COL_CHAN, &ch, COL_ATTR, &attr, -1); ch->impl = cv->func_add (cv, ch, name, NULL); if (attr) { cv->func_set_color (ch, attr); pango_attr_list_unref (attr); } g_free (name); } static void chanview_populate (chanview *cv) { model_foreach_1 (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), (void *)chanview_pop_cb, cv); } void chanview_set_impl (chanview *cv, int type) { /* cleanup the old one */ if (cv->func_cleanup) cv->func_cleanup (cv); switch (type) { case 0: cv->func_init = cv_tabs_init; cv->func_postinit = cv_tabs_postinit; cv->func_add = cv_tabs_add; cv->func_move_focus = cv_tabs_move_focus; cv->func_change_orientation = cv_tabs_change_orientation; cv->func_remove = cv_tabs_remove; cv->func_move = cv_tabs_move; cv->func_move_family = cv_tabs_move_family; cv->func_focus = cv_tabs_focus; cv->func_set_color = cv_tabs_set_color; cv->func_rename = cv_tabs_rename; cv->func_is_collapsed = cv_tabs_is_collapsed; cv->func_get_parent = cv_tabs_get_parent; cv->func_cleanup = cv_tabs_cleanup; break; default: cv->func_init = cv_tree_init; cv->func_postinit = cv_tree_postinit; cv->func_add = cv_tree_add; cv->func_move_focus = cv_tree_move_focus; cv->func_change_orientation = cv_tree_change_orientation; cv->func_remove = cv_tree_remove; cv->func_move = cv_tree_move; cv->func_move_family = cv_tree_move_family; cv->func_focus = cv_tree_focus; cv->func_set_color = cv_tree_set_color; cv->func_rename = cv_tree_rename; cv->func_is_collapsed = cv_tree_is_collapsed; cv->func_get_parent = cv_tree_get_parent; cv->func_cleanup = cv_tree_cleanup; break; } /* now rebuild a new tabbar or tree */ cv->func_init (cv); chanview_populate (cv); cv->func_postinit (cv); /* force re-focus */ if (cv->focused) cv->func_focus (cv->focused); } static void chanview_free_ch (chanview *cv, GtkTreeIter *iter) { chan *ch; gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), iter, COL_CHAN, &ch, -1); free (ch); } static void chanview_destroy_store (chanview *cv) /* free every (chan *) in the store */ { model_foreach_1 (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), (void *)chanview_free_ch, cv); g_object_unref (cv->store); } static void chanview_destroy (chanview *cv) { if (cv->func_cleanup) cv->func_cleanup (cv); if (cv->box) gtk_widget_destroy (cv->box); chanview_destroy_store (cv); free (cv); } static void chanview_box_destroy_cb (GtkWidget *box, chanview *cv) { cv->box = NULL; chanview_destroy (cv); } chanview * chanview_new (int type, int trunc_len, gboolean sort, gboolean use_icons, GtkStyle *style) { chanview *cv; cv = calloc (1, sizeof (chanview)); cv->store = gtk_tree_store_new (4, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_POINTER, PANGO_TYPE_ATTR_LIST, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF); cv->style = style; cv->box = gtk_hbox_new (0, 0); cv->trunc_len = trunc_len; cv->sorted = sort; cv->use_icons = use_icons; gtk_widget_show (cv->box); chanview_set_impl (cv, type); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (cv->box), "destroy", G_CALLBACK (chanview_box_destroy_cb), cv); return cv; } /* too lazy for signals */ void chanview_set_callbacks (chanview *cv, void (*cb_focus) (chanview *, chan *, int tag, void *userdata), void (*cb_xbutton) (chanview *, chan *, int tag, void *userdata), gboolean (*cb_contextmenu) (chanview *, chan *, int tag, void *userdata, GdkEventButton *), int (*cb_compare) (void *a, void *b)) { cv->cb_focus = cb_focus; cv->cb_xbutton = cb_xbutton; cv->cb_contextmenu = cb_contextmenu; cv->cb_compare = cb_compare; } /* find a place to insert this new entry, based on the compare function */ static void chanview_insert_sorted (chanview *cv, GtkTreeIter *add_iter, GtkTreeIter *parent, void *ud) { GtkTreeIter iter; chan *ch; if (cv->sorted && gtk_tree_model_iter_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &iter, parent)) { do { gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &iter, COL_CHAN, &ch, -1); if (ch->tag == 0 && cv->cb_compare (ch->userdata, ud) > 0) { gtk_tree_store_insert_before (cv->store, add_iter, parent, &iter); return; } } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &iter)); } gtk_tree_store_append (cv->store, add_iter, parent); } /* find a parent node with the same "family" pointer (i.e. the Server tab) */ static int chanview_find_parent (chanview *cv, void *family, GtkTreeIter *search_iter, chan *avoid) { chan *search_ch; /* find this new row's parent, if any */ if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), search_iter)) { do { gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), search_iter, COL_CHAN, &search_ch, -1); if (family == search_ch->family && search_ch != avoid /*&& gtk_tree_store_iter_depth (cv->store, search_iter) == 0*/) return TRUE; } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), search_iter)); } return FALSE; } static chan * chanview_add_real (chanview *cv, char *name, void *family, void *userdata, gboolean allow_closure, int tag, GdkPixbuf *icon, chan *ch, chan *avoid) { GtkTreeIter parent_iter; GtkTreeIter iter; gboolean has_parent = FALSE; if (chanview_find_parent (cv, family, &parent_iter, avoid)) { chanview_insert_sorted (cv, &iter, &parent_iter, userdata); has_parent = TRUE; } else { gtk_tree_store_append (cv->store, &iter, NULL); } if (!ch) { ch = calloc (1, sizeof (chan)); ch->userdata = userdata; ch->family = family; ch->cv = cv; ch->allow_closure = allow_closure; ch->tag = tag; ch->icon = icon; } memcpy (&(ch->iter), &iter, sizeof (iter)); gtk_tree_store_set (cv->store, &iter, COL_NAME, name, COL_CHAN, ch, COL_PIXBUF, icon, -1); cv->size++; if (!has_parent) ch->impl = cv->func_add (cv, ch, name, NULL); else ch->impl = cv->func_add (cv, ch, name, &parent_iter); return ch; } chan * chanview_add (chanview *cv, char *name, void *family, void *userdata, gboolean allow_closure, int tag, GdkPixbuf *icon) { char *new_name; chan *ret; new_name = truncate_tab_name (name, cv->trunc_len); ret = chanview_add_real (cv, new_name, family, userdata, allow_closure, tag, icon, NULL, NULL); if (new_name != name) free (new_name); return ret; } int chanview_get_size (chanview *cv) { return cv->size; } GtkWidget * chanview_get_box (chanview *cv) { return cv->box; } void chanview_move_focus (chanview *cv, gboolean relative, int num) { cv->func_move_focus (cv, relative, num); } GtkOrientation chanview_get_orientation (chanview *cv) { return (cv->vertical ? GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); } void chanview_set_orientation (chanview *cv, gboolean vertical) { if (vertical != cv->vertical) { cv->vertical = vertical; cv->func_change_orientation (cv); } } int chan_get_tag (chan *ch) { return ch->tag; } void * chan_get_userdata (chan *ch) { return ch->userdata; } void chan_focus (chan *ch) { if (ch->cv->focused == ch) return; ch->cv->func_focus (ch); } void chan_move (chan *ch, int delta) { ch->cv->func_move (ch, delta); } void chan_move_family (chan *ch, int delta) { ch->cv->func_move_family (ch, delta); } void chan_set_color (chan *ch, PangoAttrList *list) { gtk_tree_store_set (ch->cv->store, &ch->iter, COL_ATTR, list, -1); ch->cv->func_set_color (ch, list); } void chan_rename (chan *ch, char *name, int trunc_len) { char *new_name; new_name = truncate_tab_name (name, trunc_len); gtk_tree_store_set (ch->cv->store, &ch->iter, COL_NAME, new_name, -1); ch->cv->func_rename (ch, new_name); ch->cv->trunc_len = trunc_len; if (new_name != name) free (new_name); } /* this thing is overly complicated */ static int cv_find_number_of_chan (chanview *cv, chan *find_ch) { GtkTreeIter iter, inner; chan *ch; int i = 0; if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &iter)) { do { gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &iter, COL_CHAN, &ch, -1); if (ch == find_ch) return i; i++; if (gtk_tree_model_iter_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &inner, &iter)) { do { gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &inner, COL_CHAN, &ch, -1); if (ch == find_ch) return i; i++; } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &inner)); } } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &iter)); } return 0; /* WARNING */ } /* this thing is overly complicated too */ static chan * cv_find_chan_by_number (chanview *cv, int num) { GtkTreeIter iter, inner; chan *ch; int i = 0; if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &iter)) { do { if (i == num) { gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &iter, COL_CHAN, &ch, -1); return ch; } i++; if (gtk_tree_model_iter_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &inner, &iter)) { do { if (i == num) { gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &inner, COL_CHAN, &ch, -1); return ch; } i++; } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &inner)); } } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (cv->store), &iter)); } return NULL; } static void chan_emancipate_children (chan *ch) { char *name; chan *childch; GtkTreeIter childiter; PangoAttrList *attr; while (gtk_tree_model_iter_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (ch->cv->store), &childiter, &ch->iter)) { /* remove and re-add all the children, but avoid using "ch" as parent */ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (ch->cv->store), &childiter, COL_NAME, &name, COL_CHAN, &childch, COL_ATTR, &attr, -1); ch->cv->func_remove (childch); gtk_tree_store_remove (ch->cv->store, &childiter); ch->cv->size--; chanview_add_real (childch->cv, name, childch->family, childch->userdata, childch->allow_closure, childch->tag, childch->icon, childch, ch); if (attr) { childch->cv->func_set_color (childch, attr); pango_attr_list_unref (attr); } g_free (name); } } gboolean chan_remove (chan *ch, gboolean force) { chan *new_ch; int i, num; extern int xchat_is_quitting; if (xchat_is_quitting) /* avoid lots of looping on exit */ return TRUE; /* is this ch allowed to be closed while still having children? */ if (!force && gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child (GTK_TREE_MODEL (ch->cv->store), &ch->iter) && !ch->allow_closure) return FALSE; chan_emancipate_children (ch); ch->cv->func_remove (ch); /* is it the focused one? */ if (ch->cv->focused == ch) { ch->cv->focused = NULL; /* try to move the focus to some other valid channel */ num = cv_find_number_of_chan (ch->cv, ch); /* move to the one left of the closing tab */ new_ch = cv_find_chan_by_number (ch->cv, num - 1); if (new_ch && new_ch != ch) { chan_focus (new_ch); /* this'll will set ch->cv->focused for us too */ } else { /* if it fails, try focus from tab 0 and up */ for (i = 0; i < ch->cv->size; i++) { new_ch = cv_find_chan_by_number (ch->cv, i); if (new_ch && new_ch != ch) { chan_focus (new_ch); /* this'll will set ch->cv->focused for us too */ break; } } } } ch->cv->size--; gtk_tree_store_remove (ch->cv->store, &ch->iter); free (ch); return TRUE; } gboolean chan_is_collapsed (chan *ch) { return ch->cv->func_is_collapsed (ch); } chan * chan_get_parent (chan *ch) { return ch->cv->func_get_parent (ch); }