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path: root/plugins/perl/
blob: 71c1884dfff5251f5abfc081ce98c5d4f5da8514 (plain) (tree)
generated by cgit-pink 1.4.1 (git 2.36.1) at 2025-02-10 11:26:21 +0000
a id='n59' href='#n59'>59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208




use strict;
use warnings;
use Xchat ();
use File::Spec ();
use File::Basename qw(fileparse);

# if the last time you addressed someone was greater than this many minutes
# ago, ignore it
# this avoids having people you have talked to a long time ago coming up too
# early in the completion list
# Setting this to 0 will disable the check which is effectively the same as
# setting it to infinity
my $last_use_threshold = 10; # 10 minutes

# added to the front of a completion the same way as a suffix, only if
# the word is at the beginning of the line
my $prefix = '';

# ignore leading non-alphanumeric characters: -[\]^_`{|}
# Assuming you have the following nicks in a channel:
# [SomeNick] _SomeNick_ `SomeNick SomeNick SomeOtherNick
# when $ignore_leading_non_alnum is set to 0
#     s<tab> will cycle through SomeNick and SomeOtherNick
# when $ignore_leading_non_alnum is set to 1
#     s<tab> will cycle through [SomeNick] _SomeNick_ `SomeNick SomeNick
#     SomeOtherNick
my $ignore_leading_non_alnum = 0;

# enable path completion
my $path_completion = 1;
my $base_path = '';

# ignore the completion_amount setting and always cycle through nicks with tab
my $always_cycle = 0;

	"Tab Completion", "1.0500", "Alternative tab completion behavior"
Xchat::hook_print( "Key Press", \&complete );
Xchat::hook_print( "Close Context", \&close_context );
Xchat::hook_print( "Focus Tab", \&focus_tab );
Xchat::hook_print( "Part", \&clean_selected );
Xchat::hook_print( "Part with Reason", \&clean_selected );
Xchat::hook_command( "", \&track_selected );

sub SHIFT() { 1 }
sub CTRL() { 4 }
sub ALT() { 8 }

sub TAB() { 0xFF09 }
sub LEFT_TAB() { 0xFE20 }

my %completions;
my %last_visit;
my %selected;
my %escape_map = (
	'[' => qr![\[{]!,
	'{' => qr![\[{]!,
	'}' => qr![\]}]!,
	']' => qr![\]}]!,
	'\\' => qr![\\\|]!,
	'|' => qr![\\\|]!,
	'.' => qr!\.!,
	'^' => qr!\^!,
	'$' => qr!\$!,
	'*' => qr!\*!,
	'+' => qr!\+!,
	'?' => qr!\?!,
	'(' => qr!\(!,
	')' => qr!\)!,
	'-' => qr!\-!,

my $escapes = join "", keys %escape_map;
$escapes = qr/[\Q$escapes\E]/;

# used to determine if a word is the start of a path
my $path_pattern = qr{^(?:~|/|[[:alpha:]]:\\)};

sub complete {
	my ($key, $modifiers) = @{$_[0]};
	# if $_[0][0] contains the value of the key pressed
	# $_[0][1] contains modifiers
	# the value for tab is 0xFF09
	# the value for shift-tab(Left Tab) is 0xFE20
	# we don't care about other keys

	# the key must be a tab and left tab
	return Xchat::EAT_NONE unless $key == TAB || $key == LEFT_TAB;

	# if it is a tab then it must not have any modifiers
	return Xchat::EAT_NONE if $key == TAB && $modifiers & (CTRL|ALT|SHIFT);

	# loop backwards for shift+tab/left tab
	my $delta = $modifiers & SHIFT ? -1 : 1;
	my $context = Xchat::get_context;
	$completions{$context} ||= {};
	my $completions = $completions{$context};
	$completions->{pos} ||= -1;

	my $suffix = Xchat::get_prefs( "completion_suffix" );
	$suffix =~ s/^\s+//;
	my $input = Xchat::get_info( "inputbox" );
	my $cursor_pos = Xchat::get_info( "state_cursor" );
	my $left = substr( $input, 0, $cursor_pos );
	my $right = substr( $input, $cursor_pos );
	my $length = length $left;

	# trim spaces from the end of $left to avoid grabbing the wrong word
	# this is mainly needed for completion at the very beginning where a space
	# is added after the completion
	$left =~ s/\s+$//;

	# always add one to the index because
	# 1) if a space is found we want the position after it
	# 2) if a space isn't found then we get back -1
	my $word_start = rindex( $left, " " ) + 1;
	my $word = substr( $left, $word_start );
	$left = substr( $left, 0, -length $word );

	if( $cursor_pos == $completions->{pos} ) {
		my $previous_word = $completions->{completed};
		my $new_left = $input;
		substr( $new_left, $cursor_pos ) = "";

		if( $previous_word and $new_left =~ s/(\Q$previous_word\E)$// ) {
			$word = $1;
			$word_start = length( $new_left );
			$left = $new_left;

	my $command_char = Xchat::get_prefs( "input_command_char" );
	# ignore commands
	if( ($word !~ m{^[${command_char}]})
		or ( $word =~ m{^[${command_char}]} and $word_start != 0 ) ) {

		if( $cursor_pos == length $input # end of input box
			# not a valid nick char
			&& $input =~ /(?<![\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A\x30-\x39\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7D-])$/
			&& $cursor_pos != $completions->{pos} # not continuing a completion
			&& $word !~ m{^(?:[&#/~]|[[:alpha:]]:\\)}  # not a channel or path
		) {
			# check for path completion
			unless( $path_completion and $word =~ $path_pattern ) {
				$word_start = $cursor_pos;
				$left = $input;
				$length = length $length;
				$right = "";
				$word = "";

		if( $word_start == 0 && $prefix && $word =~ /^\Q$prefix/ ) {
			$word =~ s/^\Q$prefix//;

		my $completed; # this is going to be the "completed" word

		# for parital completions and channel names so a : isn't added
		#$completions->{skip_suffix} = ($word =~ /^[&#]/) ? 1 : 0;
		# continuing from a previous completion
			exists $completions->{matches} && @{$completions->{matches}}
			&& $cursor_pos == $completions->{pos}
			&& $word =~ /^\Q$completions->{matches}[$completions->{index}]/
		) {
			$completions->{index} += $delta;

			if( $completions->{index} < 0 ) {
				$completions->{index} += @{$completions->{matches}};
			} else {
				$completions->{index} %= @{$completions->{matches}};

		} else {

			if( $word =~ /^[&#]/ ) {
			# channel name completion
				$completions->{matches} = [ matching_channels( $word ) ];
				$completions->{skip_suffix} = 0;
			} elsif( $path_completion and $word =~ $path_pattern ) {
			# file name completion
				$completions->{matches} = [ matching_files( $word ) ];
				$completions->{skip_suffix} = 1;
			} else {
			# nick completion
				# fix $word so { equals [, ] equals }, \ equals |
				# and escape regex metacharacters
				$word =~ s/($escapes)/$escape_map{$1}/g;

				$completions->{matches} = [ matching_nicks( $word ) ];
				$completions->{skip_suffix} = 0;
			$completions->{index} = 0;

		$completed = $completions->{matches}[ $completions->{index} ];
		$completions->{completed} = $completed;

		my $completion_amount = Xchat::get_prefs( "completion_amount" );
		# don't cycle if the number of possible completions is greater than
		# completion_amount
			!$always_cycle && (
			@{$completions->{matches}} > $completion_amount
			&& @{$completions->{matches}} != 1 )
		) {
			# don't print if we tabbed in the beginning and the list of possible
			# completions includes all nicks in the channel
			my $context_type = Xchat::context_info->{type};
			if( $context_type != 2 # not a channel
				or @{$completions->{matches}} < Xchat::get_list("users")
			) {
				Xchat::print( join " ", @{$completions->{matches}}, "\n" );
			$completed = lcs( $completions->{matches} );
			$completions->{skip_suffix} = 1;
		if( $completed ) {
			if( $word_start == 0 && !$completions->{skip_suffix} ) {
				# at the start of the line append completion suffix
				Xchat::command( "settext $prefix$completed$suffix$right");
				$completions->{pos} = length( "$prefix$completed$suffix" );
			} else {
				Xchat::command( "settext $left$completed$right" );
				$completions->{pos} = length( "$left$completed" );
			Xchat::command( "setcursor $completions->{pos}" );

# debugging stuff
		local $, = " ";
		my $input_length = length $input;
		Xchat::print [
			qq{word[$word]}, qq{right[$right]},
			qq{completed[}. ($completed||""). qq{]},
		use Data::Dumper;
		local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
		Xchat::print Dumper $completions->{matches};

		return Xchat::EAT_ALL;
	} else {
		return Xchat::EAT_NONE;

# all channels starting with $word
sub matching_channels {
	my $word = shift;

	# for use in compare_channels();
	our $current_chan;
	local $current_chan = Xchat::get_info( "channel" );

	my $conn_id = Xchat::get_info( "id" );
	$word =~ s/^[&#]+//;

		map {	$_->[1]->{channel} }
		sort compare_channels map {
			my $chan = $_->{channel};
			$chan =~ s/^[#&]+//;

			# comparisons will be done based only on the name
			# matching name, same connection, only channels
			$chan =~ /^$word/i && $_->{id} == $conn_id ?
			[ $chan, $_ ] :
		} channels();

sub channels {
	return grep { $_->{type} == 2 } Xchat::get_list( "channels" );

sub compare_channels {
	# package variable, value set in matching_channels()
	our $current_chan;

	# turn off warnings generated from channels that have not yet been visited
	# since the script was loaded
	no warnings "uninitialized";

	# the current channel is always first, then ordered by most recently visited
		$a->[1]{channel} eq $current_chan ? -1 :
		$b->[1]{channel} eq $current_chan ? 1 :
		$last_visit{ $b->[1]{context} } <=> $last_visit{ $a->[1]{context} }
		|| $a->[1]{channel} cmp $b->[1]{channel};


sub matching_nicks {
	my $word_re = shift;

	# for use in compare_nicks()
	our ($my_nick, $selections, $now);
	local $my_nick = Xchat::get_info( "nick" );
	local $selections = $selected{ Xchat::get_context() };
	local $now = time;

	my $pattern = $ignore_leading_non_alnum ?
		qr/^[\-\[\]^_`{|}\\]*$word_re/i : qr/^$word_re/i;
		map { $_->{nick} }
		sort compare_nicks grep {
			$_->{nick} =~ $pattern;
		} Xchat::get_list( "users" )


sub max {
	return unless @_;
	my $max = shift;
	for(@_) {
		$max = $_ if $_ > $max;
	return $max;

sub compare_times {
	# package variables set in matching_nicks()
	our $selections;
	our $now;
	for my $nick ( $a->{nick}, $b->{nick} ) {
		# turn off the warnings that get generated from users who have yet
		# to speak since the script was loaded
		no warnings "uninitialized";

		if( $last_use_threshold
			&& (( $now - $selections->{$nick}) > ($last_use_threshold * 60)) ) {
			delete $selections->{ $nick }
	my $a_time = $selections->{ $a->{nick} } || 0 ;
	my $b_time = $selections->{ $b->{nick} } || 0 ;
	if( $a_time || $b_time ) {
		return $b_time <=> $a_time;
	} elsif( !$a_time && !$b_time ) {
		return $b->{lasttalk} <=> $a->{lasttalk};


sub compare_nicks {
	# more package variables, value set in matching_nicks()
	our $my_nick;

	# our own nick is always last, then ordered by the people we spoke to most
	# recently and the people who were speaking most recently
		$a->{nick} eq $my_nick ? 1 :
		$b->{nick} eq $my_nick ? -1 :
		|| Xchat::nickcmp( $a->{nick}, $b->{nick} );

#		$selections->{ $b->{nick} } <=> $selections->{ $a->{nick} }
#		||	$b->{lasttalk} <=> $a->{lasttalk}


sub matching_files {
	my $word = shift;

	my ($file, $input_dir) = fileparse( $word );

	my $dir = expand_tilde( $input_dir );

	if( opendir my $dir_handle, $dir ) {
		my @files;

		if( $file ) {
			@files = grep {
				#Xchat::print( $_ );
				/^\Q$file/ } readdir $dir_handle;
		} else {
			@files = readdir $dir_handle;

		return map {
			File::Spec->catfile( $input_dir, $_ );
		} sort
		grep { !/^[.]{1,2}$/ } @files;
	} else {
		return ();

# Remove completion related data for tabs that are closed
sub close_context {
	my $context = Xchat::get_context;
	delete $completions{$context};
	delete $last_visit{$context};
	return Xchat::EAT_NONE;

# track visit times
sub focus_tab {
	$last_visit{Xchat::get_context()} = time();
	return Xchat::EAT_NONE;

# keep track of the last time a message was addressed to someone
# a message is considered addressed to someone if their nick is used followed
# by the completion suffix
sub track_selected {
	my $input = $_[1][0];
	return Xchat::EAT_NONE unless defined $input;

	my $suffix = Xchat::get_prefs( "completion_suffix" );
	for( grep defined, $input =~ /^(.+)\Q$suffix/, $_[0][0] ) {
		if( in_channel( $_ ) ) {
			$selected{Xchat::get_context()}{$_} = time();

	return Xchat::EAT_NONE;

# if a user is in the current channel
# user_info() can also be used instead of the loop
sub in_channel {
	my $target = shift;
	for my $nick ( nicks() ) {
		if( $nick eq $target ) {
			return 1;

	return 0;

# list of nicks in the current channel
sub nicks {
	return map { $_->{nick} } Xchat::get_list( "users" );

# remove people from the selected list when they leave the channel
sub clean_selected {
	delete $selected{ Xchat::get_context() }{$_[0][0]};
	return Xchat::EAT_NONE;

# Longest common substring
# Used for partial completion when using non-cycling completion
sub lcs {
	my @nicks = @{+shift};
	return "" if @nicks == 0;
	return $nicks[0] if @nicks == 1;

	my $substring = shift @nicks;

	while(@nicks) {
		$substring = common_string( $substring, shift @nicks );
	return $substring;

sub common_string {
	my ($nick1, $nick2) = @_;
	my $index = 0;

	$index++ while(
		($index < length $nick1) && ($index < length $nick2) &&
			lc(substr( $nick1, $index, 1 )) eq lc(substr( $nick2, $index, 1 ))
	return substr( $nick1, 0, $index );

sub expand_tilde {
	my $file = shift;

	$file =~ s/^~/home_dir()/e;
	return $file;

sub home_dir {
	return $base_path if $base_path;

	if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) {
	} else {
		return ((getpwuid($>))[7] ||  $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR});