* Hexchat Plugin API Bindings for Rust
* Copyright (C) 2018 Soni L.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Some info about how HexChat does things:
* All strings passed across the C API are UTF-8.
* - Except `hexchat_get_info(ph, "libdirfs")`, so we need to be careful with that one.
* The pointers `name: *mut *const char, desc: *mut *const char, vers: *mut *const char` point to
* inside the ph - that is, they're aliased. Thus, we must never convert a ph to an & or &mut
* except as part of retrieving or setting values in it (e.g. `(*ph).hexchat_get_info` or
* `(*ph).userdata = value`).
* `hexchat_plugin_get_info` is never used, so we omit it. It would be impractical not to.
* These cause UB:
* `hexchat_command` may invalidate the plugin context.
* `hexchat_find_context` and `hexchat_nickcmp` use the plugin context without checking it.
* `hexchat_get_prefs` uses the plugin context if name == "state_cursor" or "id" (or anything with
* the same hash).
* `hexchat_list_get` uses the plugin context if name == "notify" (or anything with the same hash).
* `hexchat_list_str`, `hexchat_list_int`,
* `hexchat_emit_print`, `hexchat_emit_print_attrs` use the plugin context.
* `hexchat_send_modes` uses the plugin context.
* We need to wrap them (or, alternatively, hexchat_command). However, there's no (safe) way to get
* a valid context afterwards.
* - Actually that's a lie. Hexchat does a trick to give you a context as part of the channel list.
* We can use that to our advantage. I'm not sure if it's better to wrap hexchat_command or the
* other functions, tho.
* (Do we want to walk a linked list every time we use hexchat_command? I'd think
* hexchat_command is the most used API function... Plus, emit_print could indirectly
* invalidate the context as well.)
* `hexchat_send_modes` should only be used with channels; however, it doesn't cause UB - it just
* doesn't work.
* `hexchat_pluginpref_get_int`, `hexchat_pluginpref_get_str`, `hexchat_pluginpref_set_int`,
* `hexchat_pluginpref_set_str` cannot be used while `name`, `desc`, `vers` are null.
* `hexchat_plugin_init` receives an arg string. it may be null. this isn't documented anywhere.
* Some info about how we do things:
* DO NOT CALL printf/commandf/etc FAMILY OF FUNCTIONS. You can't avoid allocations, so just
* allocate some CStrings on the Rust side. It has the exact same effect, since those functions
* allocate internally anyway.
* Big list o' TODO:
* -[ ] Finish basic API support. [PRI-HIGH]
* -[ ] Wrap contexts within something we keep track of. Mark them invalid when contexts are
* closed. [PRI-MAYBE]
* -[ ] ???
pub extern crate libc;
mod internals;
use std::panic::catch_unwind;
use std::thread;
use std::ffi::{CString, CStr};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops;
// ****** //
// PUBLIC //
// ****** //
/// A hexchat plugin
pub trait Plugin {
/// Called to initialize the plugin.
fn init(&self, ph: &mut PluginHandle, arg: Option<&str>) -> bool;
/// Called to deinitialize the plugin.
/// This is always called immediately prior to Drop::drop.
fn deinit(&self, _ph: &mut PluginHandle) {
/// A hexchat plugin handle
pub struct PluginHandle {
ph: *mut internals::Ph,
// Used for registration
info: PluginInfo,
pub struct Word<'a> {
word: Vec<&'a str>
pub struct WordEol<'a> {
word_eol: Vec<&'a str>
/// A safety wrapper that ensures you're working with a valid context.
pub struct EnsureValidContext<'a> {
ph: &'a mut PluginHandle,
/// An status indicator for event callbacks. Indicates whether to continue processing, eat hexchat,
/// eat plugin, or eat all.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Eat {
do_eat: i32,
/// Equivalent to HEXCHAT_EAT_NONE.
pub const EAT_NONE: Eat = Eat { do_eat: 0 };
/// Equivalent to HEXCHAT_EAT_HEXCHAT.
pub const EAT_HEXCHAT: Eat = Eat { do_eat: 1 };
/// Equivalent to HEXCHAT_EAT_PLUGIN.
pub const EAT_PLUGIN: Eat = Eat { do_eat: 2 };
/// Equivalent to HEXCHAT_EAT_ALL.
pub const EAT_ALL: Eat = Eat { do_eat: 1 | 2 };
/// A command hook handle, created with PluginHandle::hook_command.
pub struct CommandHookHandle {
ph: *mut internals::Ph,
hh: *const internals::HexchatHook,
// this does actually store an Box<...>, but on the other side of the FFI.
_f: PhantomData>,
/// A context.
// We don't want this Copy + Clone, as we may want to implement a context invalidation system
// at some point (rather than relying on the hexchat allocator not to allocate a new context where
// a context was free'd).
pub struct Context {
ctx: *const internals::HexchatContext,
// #[derive(Debug)] // doesn't work
pub struct InvalidContextError R, R>(F);
impl R, R> InvalidContextError {
pub fn get_closure(self) -> F {
impl Drop for CommandHookHandle {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let b = ((*self.ph).hexchat_unhook)(self.ph, self.hh) as *mut CommandHookUd;
// we assume b is not null. this should be safe.
// just drop it
impl<'a> Word<'a> {
unsafe fn new(word: *const *const libc::c_char) -> Word<'a> {
let mut vec = vec![];
for i in 1..32 {
let w = *word.offset(i);
if !w.is_null() {
vec.push(CStr::from_ptr(w).to_str().expect("non-utf8 word - broken hexchat"))
} else {
Word { word: vec }
impl<'a> ops::Deref for Word<'a> {
type Target = [&'a str];
fn deref(&self) -> &[&'a str] {
impl<'a> WordEol<'a> {
unsafe fn new(word_eol: *const *const libc::c_char) -> WordEol<'a> {
let mut vec = vec![];
for i in 1..32 {
let w = *word_eol.offset(i);
if !w.is_null() {
vec.push(CStr::from_ptr(w).to_str().expect("non-utf8 word_eol - broken hexchat"))
} else {
WordEol { word_eol: vec }
impl<'a> ops::Deref for WordEol<'a> {
type Target = [&'a str];
fn deref(&self) -> &[&'a str] {
impl PluginHandle {
fn new(ph: *mut internals::Ph, info: PluginInfo) -> PluginHandle {
PluginHandle {
ph, info
/// Registers a hexchat plugin.
pub fn register(&mut self, name: &str, desc: &str, ver: &str) {
unsafe {
let info = self.info;
if !(*info.name).is_null() || !(*info.desc).is_null() || !(*info.vers).is_null() {
panic!("Attempt to re-register a plugin");
let name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
let desc = CString::new(desc).unwrap();
let ver = CString::new(ver).unwrap();
// these shouldn't panic. if they do, we'll need to free them afterwards.
(*info.name) = name.into_raw();
(*info.desc) = desc.into_raw();
(*info.vers) = ver.into_raw();
/// Ensures the current context is valid.
/// # Panics
/// This function may panic if it's called while hexchat is closing.
// NOTE: using a closure is nicer.
// TODO check if this is actually safe
pub fn ensure_valid_context(&mut self, f: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(EnsureValidContext) -> R {
// let ctx = self.get_context();
// if !self.set_context(ctx) {
// // invalid context
// // TODO fix up the context
// unimplemented!()
// }
// f(EnsureValidContext { ph: self })
let ctx = self.get_context();
// need this here because we don't have NLL yet
let res = self.with_context(&ctx, f);
match res {
Result::Ok(r @ _) => r,
Result::Err(e @ _) => {
let nctx = self.find_valid_context().expect("ensure_valid_context failed (find_valid_context failed), was hexchat closing?");
self.with_context(&nctx, e.get_closure()).ok().expect("ensure_valid_context failed, was hexchat closing?")
/// Returns the current context.
/// Note: The returned context may be invalid. Use [`set_context`] to check.
/// [`set_context`]: #method.set_context
pub fn get_context(&mut self) -> Context {
unsafe {
Context { ctx: ((*self.ph).hexchat_get_context)(self.ph) }
/// Sets the current context.
/// Returns `true` if the context is valid, `false` otherwise.
pub fn set_context(&mut self, ctx: &Context) -> bool {
unsafe {
((*self.ph).hexchat_set_context)(self.ph, ctx.ctx) != 0
/// Do something in a valid context.
/// Note that this changes the active context and doesn't change it back.
/// # Errors
/// Returns `Err(InvalidContextError(f))` if the context is invalid. See [`set_context`]. Otherwise,
/// calls `f` and returns `Ok(its result)`.
/// Note that `InvalidContextError` contains the original closure. This allows you to retry.
/// [`set_context`]: #method.set_context
// this is probably safe to inline, and actually a good idea for ensure_valid_context
pub fn with_context(&mut self, ctx: &Context, f: F) -> Result> where F: FnOnce(EnsureValidContext) -> R {
if !self.set_context(ctx) {
} else {
Ok(f(EnsureValidContext { ph: self }))
/// Sets a command hook
pub fn hook_command(&mut self, cmd: &str, cb: F, pri: i32, help: Option<&str>) -> CommandHookHandle where F: Fn(&mut PluginHandle, Word, WordEol) -> Eat + 'static + ::std::panic::RefUnwindSafe {
unsafe extern "C" fn callback(word: *const *const libc::c_char, word_eol: *const *const libc::c_char, ud: *mut libc::c_void) -> libc::c_int {
let f: *const CommandHookUd = ud as *const CommandHookUd;
match catch_unwind(|| {
let word = Word::new(word);
let word_eol = WordEol::new(word_eol);
((*f).0)(&mut PluginHandle::new((*f).1, (*f).2), word, word_eol).do_eat as libc::c_int
}) {
Result::Ok(v @ _) => v,
Result::Err(e @ _) => {
let ph = (*f).1;
// if it's a &str or String, just print it
if let Some(estr) = e.downcast_ref::<&str>() {
hexchat_print_str(ph, estr, false);
} else if let Some(estring) = e.downcast_ref::() {
hexchat_print_str(ph, &estring, false);
let b: Box = Box::new((Box::new(cb), self.ph, self.info));
let name = CString::new(cmd).unwrap();
let help_text = help.map(CString::new).map(Result::unwrap);
let bp = Box::into_raw(b);
unsafe {
let res = ((*self.ph).hexchat_hook_command)(self.ph, name.as_ptr(), pri as libc::c_int, callback, help_text.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_ptr()).unwrap_or(ptr::null()), bp as *mut _);
CommandHookHandle { ph: self.ph, hh: res, _f: PhantomData }
/// Prints to the hexchat buffer.
// this checks the context internally. if it didn't, it wouldn't be safe to have here.
pub fn print(&mut self, s: &str) {
unsafe {
hexchat_print_str(self.ph, s, true);
// ******* //
// ******* //
fn find_valid_context(&mut self) -> Option {
unsafe {
let ph = self.ph;
// TODO wrap this in a safer API, with proper Drop
let mut list = ((*ph).hexchat_list_get)(ph, cstr(b"channels\0"));
// hexchat does this thing where it puts a context in a list_str.
// this is the proper way to do this
if ((*ph).hexchat_list_next)(ph, list) != 0 {
// if this panics we may leak some memory. it's not a big deal tho, as it indicates
// a bug in hexchat-plugin.rs.
let ctx = ((*ph).hexchat_list_str)(ph, list, cstr(b"context\0")) as *const internals::HexchatContext;
((*ph).hexchat_list_free)(ph, list);
Some(Context { ctx })
} else {
((*ph).hexchat_list_free)(ph, list);
impl<'a> EnsureValidContext<'a> {
* These cause UB:
* `hexchat_command` may invalidate the plugin context.
* `hexchat_find_context` and `hexchat_nickcmp` use the plugin context without checking it.
* `hexchat_get_prefs` uses the plugin context if name == "state_cursor" or "id" (or anything with
* the same hash).
* `hexchat_list_get` uses the plugin context if name == "notify" (or anything with the same hash).
* `hexchat_list_str`, `hexchat_list_int`,
* `hexchat_emit_print`, `hexchat_emit_print_attrs` use the plugin context.
* `hexchat_send_modes` uses the plugin context.
* We need to wrap them (or, alternatively, hexchat_command). However, there's no (safe) way to get
* a valid context afterwards.
* - Actually that's a lie. Hexchat does a trick to give you a context as part of the channel list.
* We can use that to our advantage. I'm not sure if it's better to wrap hexchat_command or the
* other functions, tho.
* (Do we want to walk a linked list every time we use hexchat_command? I'd think
* hexchat_command is the most used API function... Plus, emit_print could indirectly
* invalidate the context as well.)
* For performance we put them behind an EnsureValidContext - things that don't invalidate the
* context take an `&mut self`, things that do take an `self`.
pub fn find_context(&mut self, servname: Option<&str>, channel: Option<&str>) -> Option {
pub fn nickcmp(&mut self, nick1: &str, nick2: &str) -> ::std::cmp::Ordering {
pub fn send_modes(&mut self) {
pub fn emit_print(self) {
pub fn emit_print_attrs(self) {
// ******** //
// ******** //
pub fn get_context(&mut self) -> Context {
/// Sets the current context.
/// Returns `true` if the context is valid, `false` otherwise.
pub fn set_context(&mut self, ctx: &Context) -> bool {
/// Prints to the hexchat buffer.
// TODO check if this triggers event hooks (which could call /close and invalidate the
// context).
pub fn print(&mut self, s: &str) {
// ******* //
// ******* //
// Type aliases, used for safety type checking.
/// Userdata type used by a command hook.
// We actually do want RefUnwindSafe. This function may be called multiple times, and it's not
// automatically invalidated if it panics, so it may be called again after it panics. If you need
// mutable state, std provides std::sync::Mutex which has poisoning. Other interior mutability with
// poisoning could also be used. std doesn't have anything for single-threaded performance (yet),
// but hexchat isn't particularly performance-critical.
type CommandHookUd = (Box Eat + ::std::panic::RefUnwindSafe>, *mut internals::Ph, PluginInfo);
/// The contents of an empty CStr.
/// This is useful where you need a non-null CStr.
// NOTE: MUST BE b"\0"!
const EMPTY_CSTRING_DATA: &[u8] = b"\0";
/// Converts a nul-terminated const bstring to a C string.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if b contains embedded nuls.
// TODO const fn, once that's possible
fn cstr(b: &'static [u8]) -> *const libc::c_char {
/// Prints an &str to hexchat, trying to avoid allocations.
/// # Safety
/// This function does not check the passed in argument.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if panic_on_nul is true and the string contains embedded nuls.
unsafe fn hexchat_print_str(ph: *mut internals::Ph, s: &str, panic_on_nul: bool) {
match CString::new(s) {
Result::Ok(cs @ _) => {
let csr: &CStr = &cs;
((*ph).hexchat_print)(ph, csr.as_ptr())
e @ _ => if panic_on_nul {e.unwrap();}, // TODO nul_position?
/// Holds name, desc, vers
// This is kinda naughty - we modify these values after returning from hexchat_plugin_init, during
// the deinitialization.
// However, if my reading of the HexChat code is correct, this is "ok".
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct PluginInfo {
name: *mut *const libc::c_char,
desc: *mut *const libc::c_char,
vers: *mut *const libc::c_char,
impl PluginInfo {
/// Creates a PluginInfo.
/// # Panics
/// This function explicitly doesn't panic. Call unwrap() on the result instead.
fn new(name: *mut *const libc::c_char, desc: *mut *const libc::c_char, vers: *mut *const libc::c_char) -> Option {
if name.is_null() || desc.is_null() || vers.is_null() || name == desc || desc == vers || name == vers {
} else {
Some(unsafe { PluginInfo::new_unchecked(name, desc, vers) })
/// Creates a PluginInfo without checking the arguments.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe, as it doesn't check the validity of the arguments. You're expected
/// to only pass in non-aliased non-null pointers. Use new if unsure.
unsafe fn new_unchecked(name: *mut *const libc::c_char, desc: *mut *const libc::c_char, vers: *mut *const libc::c_char) -> PluginInfo {
PluginInfo {
name, desc, vers
/// Drop relevant CStrings.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because calling it may trigger Undefined Behaviour. See also
/// [CString::from_raw].
/// [from_raw]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ffi/struct.CString.html#method.from_raw
unsafe fn drop_info(&mut self) {
if !(*self.name).is_null() {
mem::drop(CString::from_raw(*self.name as *mut _));
*self.name = cstr(EMPTY_CSTRING_DATA);
if !(*self.desc).is_null() {
mem::drop(CString::from_raw(*self.desc as *mut _));
*self.desc = cstr(EMPTY_CSTRING_DATA);
if !(*self.vers).is_null() {
mem::drop(CString::from_raw(*self.vers as *mut _));
*self.vers = cstr(EMPTY_CSTRING_DATA);
/// Plugin data stored in the hexchat plugin_handle.
struct PhUserdata {
plug: Box,
pluginfo: PluginInfo,
/// Puts the userdata in the plugin handle.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it doesn't check if the pointer is valid.
/// Improper use of this function can leak memory.
unsafe fn put_userdata(ph: *mut internals::Ph, ud: Box) {
(*ph).userdata = Box::into_raw(ud) as *mut libc::c_void;
// unsafe fn get_userdata(ph: *mut internals::Ph) -> *const PhUserdata {
// (*ph).userdata as *const _
// }
/// Pops the userdata from the plugin handle.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it doesn't check if the pointer is valid.
unsafe fn pop_userdata(ph: *mut internals::Ph) -> Box {
Box::from_raw(mem::replace(&mut (*ph).userdata, ptr::null_mut()) as *mut PhUserdata)
// *********************** //
// *********************** //
pub unsafe fn hexchat_plugin_init(plugin_handle: *mut libc::c_void,
plugin_name: *mut *const libc::c_char,
plugin_desc: *mut *const libc::c_char,
plugin_version: *mut *const libc::c_char,
arg: *const libc::c_char) -> libc::c_int
where T: Plugin + Default + 'static {
if plugin_handle.is_null() || plugin_name.is_null() || plugin_desc.is_null() || plugin_version.is_null() {
// we can't really do anything here.
eprintln!("hexchat_plugin_init called with a null pointer that shouldn't be null - broken hexchat");
// TODO maybe call abort.
return 0;
let ph = plugin_handle as *mut internals::Ph;
// clear the "userdata" field first thing - if the deinit function gets called (wrong hexchat
// version, other issues), we don't wanna try to drop the hexchat_dummy or hexchat_read_fd
// function as if it were a Box!
(*ph).userdata = ptr::null_mut();
// read the filename so we can pass it on later.
let filename = if !(*plugin_name).is_null() {
if let Ok(fname) = CStr::from_ptr(*plugin_name).to_owned().into_string() {
} else {
eprintln!("failed to convert filename to utf8 - broken hexchat");
return 0;
} else {
// no filename specified for some reason, but we can still load
String::new() // empty string
// these may be null, unless initialization is successful.
// we set them to null as markers.
*plugin_name = ptr::null();
*plugin_desc = ptr::null();
*plugin_version = ptr::null();
// do some version checks for safety
// NOTE: calling hexchat functions with null plugin_name, plugin_desc, plugin_version is a bit
// dangerous. this particular case is "ok".
let ver = ((*ph).hexchat_get_info)(ph, cstr(b"version\0")); // this shouldn't panic
let cstr = CStr::from_ptr(ver);
if let Ok(ver) = cstr.to_str() {
let mut iter = ver.split('.');
let a = iter.next().map(i32::from_str).and_then(Result::ok).unwrap_or(0);
let b = iter.next().map(i32::from_str).and_then(Result::ok).unwrap_or(0);
let c = iter.next().map(i32::from_str).and_then(Result::ok).unwrap_or(0);
// 2.9.6 or greater
if !(a > 2 || (a == 2 && (b > 9 || (b == 9 && (c > 6 || (c == 6)))))) {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
let mut pluginfo = if let Some(pluginfo) = PluginInfo::new(plugin_name, plugin_desc, plugin_version) {
} else {
return 0;
let r: thread::Result