# This file is part of GAnarchy - decentralized project hub # Copyright (C) 2019 Soni L. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """This module handles GAnarchy's data and config sources. A data source can be either a config source or a repo list source, but be careful: they use identical syntax, but have different semantics! Mistaking a repo list source for a config source is a recipe for security bugs! """ import abc import itertools import os import re import time import abdl import abdl.exceptions import qtoml import requests from enum import Enum from urllib.parse import urlparse # TODO move elsewhere class URIPredicate(abdl.predicates.Predicate): def __init__(self, ports=range(1,65536), schemes=('https',)): self.ports = ports self.schemes = schemes def accept(self, obj): try: u = urlparse(obj) if not u: return False # also raises for invalid ports, see https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.parse.html#urllib.parse.urlparse # "Reading the port attribute will raise a ValueError if an invalid port is specified in the URL. [...]" if u.port is not None and u.port not in self.ports: return False if u.scheme not in self.schemes: return False except ValueError: return False return True class CommitPredicate(abdl.predicates.Predicate): def __init__(self, sha256ready=True): if sha256ready: self.re = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$|^[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$") else: self.re = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$") def accept(self, obj): return self.re.match(obj) # sanitize = skip invalid entries # validate = error on invalid entries # LEGACY. DO NOT USE. CONFIG_REPOS_SANITIZE = abdl.compile("""->'projects'?:?$dict ->commit[:?$commit]:?$dict ->url[:?$str:?$uri]:?$dict ->branch:?$dict(->'active'?:?$bool)""", dict(bool=bool, dict=dict, str=str, uri=URIPredicate(), commit=CommitPredicate())) CONFIG_TITLE_SANITIZE = abdl.compile("""->title'title'?:?$str""", dict(str=str)) CONFIG_BASE_URL_SANITIZE = abdl.compile("""->base_url'base_url'?:?$str:?$uri""", dict(str=str, uri=URIPredicate())) # modern matchers, raise ValidationError if the data doesn't exist. # they still skip "bad" entries, just like the old matchers. _MATCHER_REPOS = abdl.compile("""->'projects':$dict ->commit[:?$commit]:?$dict ->url[:?$str:?$uri]:?$dict ->branch:?$dict(->'active'?:?$bool)""", dict(bool=bool, dict=dict, str=str, uri=URIPredicate(), commit=CommitPredicate())) _MATCHER_REPO_LIST_SRCS = abdl.compile("""->'repo_list_srcs':$dict ->src[:?$str:?$uri]:?$dict (->'active'?:?$bool)""", dict(bool=bool, list=list, dict=dict, str=str, uri=URIPredicate(schemes=('https','file',)))) # TODO #_MATCHER_ALIASES = abdl.compile("""->'project_settings':$dict # ->commit/[0-9a-fA-F]{40}|[0-9a-fA-F]{64}/?:?$dict # """, {'dict': dict}) # FIXME check for aliases, might require changes to abdl _MATCHER_TITLE = abdl.compile("""->title'title':$str""", dict(str=str)) _MATCHER_BASE_URL = abdl.compile("""->base_url'base_url':$str:$uri""", dict(str=str, uri=URIPredicate())) class OverridableProperty(abc.ABC): """An overridable property, with options. Attributes: options (dict): Options. """ @abc.abstractmethod def as_key(self): """Returns an opaque representation of this OverridablePRoperty suitable for use as a dict key. The returned object is not suitable for other purposes. """ return () @property def active(self): """Whether this property is active. """ return self.options.get('active', False) class PCTP(OverridableProperty): """A Project Commit-Tree Path. Attributes: project_commit (str): The project commit. uri (str): The URI of a fork of the project. branch (str): The branch name, or "HEAD" for the default branch. options (dict): A dict of fork-specific options. """ def __init__(self, project_commit, uri, branch, options): self.project_commit = project_commit self.uri = uri self.branch = branch self.options = options def as_key(self): return (self.project_commit, self.uri, self.branch, ) class RepoListSource(OverridableProperty): """A source for a repo list. Attributes: uri (str): The URI of the repo list. options (dict): A dict of repo list-specific options. """ def __init__(self, uri, options): self.uri = uri self.options = options def as_key(self): return (self.uri, ) class DataProperty(Enum): """Represents values that can be returned by a data source. See documentation for DataSource get_property_value and DataSource get_property_values for more details. """ INSTANCE_TITLE = (1, str) INSTANCE_BASE_URL = (2, str) VCS_REPOS = (3, PCTP) REPO_LIST_SOURCES = (4, RepoListSource) def get_type(self): """Returns the expected type for values from this DataProperty. """ return self.value[1] class PropertyError(LookupError): """Raised to indicate improper use of a DataProperty. """ pass class DataSource(abc.ABC): @abc.abstractmethod def update(self): """Refreshes the data associated with this source, if necessary. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def exists(self): """Returns whether this source has usable data. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_supported_properties(self): """Returns an iterable of properties supported by this data source. Returns: Iterable of DataProperty: Supported properties. """ return () def get_property_value(self, prop): """Returns the value associated with the given property. If duplicated, an earlier value should override a later value. Args: prop (DataProperty): The property. Returns: The value associated with the given property. Raises: PropertyError: If the property is not supported by this data source. LookupError: If the property is supported, but isn't available. ValueError: If the property doesn't have exactly one value. """ iterator = self.get_property_values(prop) try: # note: unpacking ret, = iterator except LookupError as exc: raise RuntimeError from exc # don't accidentally swallow bugs in the iterator return ret @abc.abstractmethod def get_property_values(self, prop): """Yields the values associated with the given property. If duplicated, earlier values should override later values. Args: prop (DataProperty): The property. Yields: The values associated with the given property. Raises: PropertyError: If the property is not supported by this data source. LookupError: If the property is supported, but isn't available. """ raise PropertyError class ObjectDataSource(DataSource): """A DataSource backed by a Python object. Updates to the backing object will be immediately reflected in this DataSource. """ _SUPPORTED_PROPERTIES = { DataProperty.INSTANCE_TITLE: lambda obj: (d['title'][1] for d in _MATCHER_TITLE.match(obj)), DataProperty.INSTANCE_BASE_URL: lambda obj: (d['base_url'][1] for d in _MATCHER_BASE_URL.match(obj)), DataProperty.VCS_REPOS: lambda obj: (PCTP(r['commit'][0], r['url'][0], r['branch'][0], r['branch'][1]) for r in _MATCHER_REPOS.match(obj)), DataProperty.REPO_LIST_SOURCES: lambda obj: (RepoListSource(d['src'][0], d['src'][1]) for d in _MATCHER_REPO_LIST_SRCS.match(obj)), } def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj def update(self): pass def exists(self): return True def get_property_values(self, prop): try: factory = self.get_supported_properties()[prop] except KeyError as exc: raise PropertyError from exc iterator = factory(self._obj) try: first = next(iterator) except StopIteration: return (x for x in ()) except abdl.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise LookupError from exc except LookupError as exc: raise RuntimeError from exc # don't accidentally swallow bugs in the iterator return itertools.chain([first], iterator) @classmethod def get_supported_properties(cls): return cls._SUPPORTED_PROPERTIES class LocalDataSource(ObjectDataSource): def __init__(self, filename): super().__init__({}) self.file_exists = False self.last_updated = None self.filename = filename def update(self): try: updtime = self.last_updated self.last_updated = os.stat(self.filename).st_mtime if not self.file_exists or updtime != self.last_updated: with open(self.filename) as f: self._obj = qtoml.load(f) self.file_exists = True except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError, qtoml.decoder.TOMLDecodeError) as e: self.file_exists = False self.last_updated = None self._obj = {} return e def exists(self): return self.file_exists def __repr__(self): return "LocalDataSource({!r})".format(self.filename) class RemoteDataSource(ObjectDataSource): def __init__(self, uri): super().__init__({}) self.uri = uri self.remote_exists = False self.next_update = 0 def update(self): if self.next_update > time.time(): return # I long for the day when toml has a registered media type response = requests.get(self.uri, headers={'user-agent': 'ganarchy/0.0.0', 'accept': '*/*'}) self.remote_exists = response.status_code == 200 seconds = 3600 if (refresh := response.headers.get('Refresh', None)) is not None: try: seconds = int(refresh) except ValueError: refresh = refresh.split(';', 1) try: seconds = int(refresh[0]) except ValueError: pass self.next_update = time.time() + seconds if self.remote_exists: response.encoding = 'utf-8' try: self._obj = qtoml.loads(response.text) except (UnicodeDecodeError, qtoml.decoder.TOMLDecodeError) as e: self._obj = {} return e else: return response def exists(self): return self.remote_exists def __repr__(self): return "RemoteDataSource({!r})".format(self.uri) class DefaultsDataSource(ObjectDataSource): """Provides a way for contributors to define/encourage some default settings. In particular, enables contributors to have a say in default domain blocks. """ DEFAULTS = {} def __init__(self): super().__init__(self.DEFAULTS) def exists(self): return True def update(self): return def __repr__(self): return "DefaultsDataSource()" class ConfigManager(DataSource): """A ConfigManager takes care of managing config sources and collecting their details. Args: sources (list of DataSource): The config sources to be managed. """ def __init__(self, sources): self.sources = sources @classmethod def new_default(cls): from ganarchy import config_home, config_dirs srcs = [LocalDataSource(d + "/config.toml") for d in [config_home] + config_dirs] return cls(srcs) def exists(self): return True def update(self): excs = [] for source in self.sources: excs.append(source.update()) return excs def get_supported_properties(self): return DataProperty def get_property_values(self, prop): if prop not in self.get_supported_properties(): raise PropertyError elif prop == DataProperty.VCS_REPOS: return self._get_vcs_repos() elif prop == DataProperty.REPO_LIST_SOURCES: return self._get_repo_list_sources() else: # short-circuiting, as these are only supposed to return a single value for source in self.sources: try: return source.get_property_values(prop) except PropertyError: pass except LookupError: pass raise LookupError def _get_vcs_repos(self): for source in self.sources: if DataProperty.VCS_REPOS in source.get_supported_properties(): try: iterator = source.get_property_values(DataProperty.VCS_REPOS) except LookupError: pass else: yield from iterator def _get_repo_list_sources(self): for source in self.sources: if DataProperty.REPO_LIST_SOURCES in source.get_supported_properties(): try: iterator = source.get_property_values(DataProperty.REPO_LIST_SOURCES) except LookupError: pass else: yield from iterator class RepoListManager(DataSource): """A RepoListManager takes care of managing repo lists. Args: config_manager (DataSource): The config manager from which the repo lists come. """ def __init__(self, config_manager): self.config_manager = EffectiveSource(config_manager) self.sources = [self.config_manager] def exists(self): return True def update(self): excs = [self.config_manager.update()] if DataProperty.REPO_LIST_SOURCES in self.config_manager.get_supported_properties(): self.sources = [self.config_manager] try: it = self.config_manager.get_property_values(DataProperty.REPO_LIST_SOURCES) except LookupError: pass else: self.sources.extend(RemoteDataSource(rls.uri) for rls in it if rls.active) for source in self.sources: excs.append(source.update()) return excs def get_supported_properties(self): return {DataProperty.VCS_REPOS} def get_property_values(self, prop): if prop not in self.get_supported_properties(): raise PropertyError assert prop == DataProperty.VCS_REPOS # must raise exceptions *now* # not when the generator runs return self._get_vcs_repos(self.config_manager.get_property_values(DataProperty.VCS_REPOS)) def _get_vcs_repos(self, it): assert self.config_manager == self.sources[0] # config manager may override repo lists yield from it for source in self.sources: if DataProperty.VCS_REPOS in source.get_supported_properties(): try: iterator = source.get_property_values(DataProperty.VCS_REPOS) except LookupError: pass else: for pctp in iterator: # but repo lists aren't allowed to override anything if pctp.active: yield pctp class EffectiveSource(DataSource): """Wraps another ``DataSource`` and yields "unique" results suitable for general use. Methods on this class, in particular ``get_property_values``, handle ``OverridableProperty`` overrides both to avoid code duplication and so the user doesn't have to. Args: raw_source (DataSource): The raw backing source. """ def __init__(self, raw_source): self.raw_source = raw_source def exists(self): return self.raw_source.exists() def update(self): return self.raw_source.update() def get_property_value(self, prop): return self.raw_source.get_property_value(prop) def get_supported_properties(self): return self.raw_source.get_supported_properties() def get_property_values(self, prop): # must raise exceptions *now* # not when the generator runs return self._wrap_values(prop, self.raw_source.get_property_values(prop)) def _wrap_values(self, prop, it): if issubclass(prop.get_type(), OverridableProperty): seen = {} for v in it: k = v.as_key() if k in seen: continue seen[k] = v yield v else: yield from it def __repr__(self): return "EffectiveSource({!r})".format(self.raw_source) # class Config: # def __init__(self, toml_file, base=None, remove=True): # self.projects = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)))) # config_data = qtoml.load(toml_file) # self.remote_configs = config_data.get('config_srcs', []) # self.title = config_data.get('title', '') # self.base_url = config_data.get('base_url', '') # # TODO blocked domains (but only read them from config_data if remove is True) # self.blocked_domains = [] # self.blocked_domain_suffixes = [] # self.blocked_domains.sort() # self.blocked_domain_suffixes.sort(key=lambda x: x[::-1]) # # FIXME remove duplicates and process invalid entries # self.blocked_domains = tuple(self.blocked_domains) # self.blocked_domain_suffixes = tuple(self.blocked_domain_suffixes) # MUST be tuple # # TODO re.compile("(^" + "|^".join(map(re.escape, domains)) + "|" + "|".join(map(re.escape, suffixes) + ")$") # if base: # # FIXME is remove=remove the right thing to do? # self._update_projects(base.projects, remove=remove, sanitize=False) # already sanitized # projects = config_data.get('projects', {}) # self._update_projects(projects, remove=remove) # # def _update_projects(self, projects, remove, sanitize=True): # m = (m_ganarchy_config.CONFIG_PATTERN_SANITIZE if sanitize else m_ganarchy_config.CONFIG_PATTERN).match(projects) # for v in m: # commit, repo_url, branchname, options = v['commit'][0], v['url'][0], v['branch'][0], v['branch'][1] # try: # u = urlparse(repo_url) # if not u: # raise ValueError # # also raises for invalid ports, see https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.parse.html#urllib.parse.urlparse # # "Reading the port attribute will raise a ValueError if an invalid port is specified in the URL. [...]" # if u.port == 0: # raise ValueError # if u.scheme not in ('http', 'https'): # raise ValueError # if (u.hostname in self.blocked_domains) or (u.hostname.endswith(self.blocked_domain_suffixes)): # raise ValueError # except ValueError: # continue # if branchname == "HEAD": # branchname = None # active = options.get('active', None) # if active not in (True, False): # continue # branch = self.projects[commit][repo_url][branchname] # branch['active'] = active or (branch.get('active', False) and not remove)