# This file is part of GAnarchy - decentralized project hub # Copyright (C) 2020 Soni L. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """This module contains the CLI Run Targets. """ import os import shutil import threading import click from ganarchy import cli from ganarchy import core from ganarchy import data from ganarchy import db from ganarchy import dirs from ganarchy.templating import environment @cli.main.command() @click.option('--keep-stale-projects/--no-keep-stale-projects', default=True) @click.option('--n-threads', default=4) @click.argument('out', required=True, type=click.Path(file_okay=False, resolve_path=True)) def run_once(out, n_threads, keep_stale_projects): """Runs GAnarchy once. Processes any necessary updates and updates the output directory to match. """ # """Runs ganarchy standalone. # # This will run ganarchy so it regularly updates the output directory given # by OUT. Additionally, it'll also search for the following hooks in its # config dirs: # # - post_object_update_hook - executed after an object is updated. # # - post_update_cycle_hook - executed after all objects in an update # cycle are updated. # """ # create config objects conf = data.ConfigManager.new_default() effective_conf = data.EffectiveSource(conf) repos = data.RepoListManager(effective_conf) effective_repos = data.EffectiveSource(repos) # create dir if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(out, exist_ok=True) # load template environment env = environment.get_env() # make sure the cache dir exists os.makedirs(dirs.CACHE_HOME, exist_ok=True) # make sure it is a git repo core.GIT.create() # default number of threads to use #n_threads = 4 if True: # reload config and repo data effective_repos.update() database = db.connect_database(effective_conf) dblock = threading.Lock() database.load_repos(effective_repos) instance = core.GAnarchy(database, dblock, effective_conf) if not instance.base_url: click.echo("No base URL specified", err=True) return instance.load_projects() # update and render projects if not keep_stale_projects: shutil.rmtree(out + "/project") os.makedirs(out + "/project", exist_ok=True) template_project = env.get_template('project.html') n_threads = min(n_threads, len(instance.projects)) def update_project(p, work_repo): p.load_repos() generate_html = [] results = p.update(work_repo) #if not p.exists: # ... for (repo, count) in results: if count is not None: generate_html.append( (repo.url, repo.message, count, repo.branch, repo.pinned) ) else: click.echo(repo.url, err=True) click.echo(repo.branch, err=True) click.echo(repo.errormsg, err=True) pinned_entries = [] unpinned_entries = [] html_entries = [] for (url, msg, count, branch, pinned) in generate_html: with dblock: history = database.list_repobranch_activity(p.commit, url, branch) # TODO process history into SVG # TODO move this into a separate system # (e.g. ``if project.startswith("svg-"):``) if pinned: pinned_entries.append((url, msg, "", branch)) else: unpinned_entries.append((url, msg, "", branch)) html_entries.append((url, msg, "", branch)) os.makedirs(out + "/project/" + p.commit, exist_ok=True) with open(out + "/project/" + p.commit + "/index.html", "w") as f: template_project.stream( project_title = p.title, project_desc = p.description, project_body = p.commit_body, project_commit = p.commit, repos = html_entries, pinned_repos = pinned_entries, unpinned_repos = unpinned_entries, base_url = instance.base_url, # I don't think this thing supports deprecating the above? project = p, ganarchy = instance ).dump(f) def run_thread(i, work_repo): for p in instance.projects[i::n_threads]: update_project(p, work_repo) with core.GIT.with_work_repos(n_threads) as work_repos: threads = [] for i, work_repo in enumerate(work_repos): t = threading.Thread(target=lambda i=i, work_repo=work_repo: run_thread(i, work_repo), name="ganarchy-fetch-{}".format(i)) t.start() threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.join() if True: # render the config template = env.get_template('index.toml') with open(out + "/index.toml", "w") as f: template.stream(database=database).dump(f) # render the index # but reload projects first to pick up sorting order # (new projects don't get sorted until their repos get fetched for the # first time, because that's where the metadata is stored) # FIXME .sort_projects()? instance.load_projects() template = env.get_template('index.html') with open(out + "/index.html", "w") as f: template.stream(ganarchy=instance).dump(f) @cli.main.command() @click.option('--dry-run/--no-dry-run', '--no-update/--update', default=False) @click.argument('project', required=False) def cron_target(dry_run, project): """Runs ganarchy as a cron target. "Deprecated". Useful if you want full control over how GAnarchy generates the pages. """ # create config objects conf = data.ConfigManager.new_default() effective_conf = data.EffectiveSource(conf) repos = data.RepoListManager(effective_conf) effective_repos = data.EffectiveSource(repos) # load config and repo data effective_repos.update() database = db.connect_database(effective_conf) dblock = threading.Lock() database.load_repos(effective_repos) # load template environment env = environment.get_env() # handle config and project list if project == "config": # render the config template = env.get_template('index.toml') click.echo(template.render(database=database), nl=False) return if project == "project-list": # could be done with a template but eh w/e, this is probably better for project in database.list_projects(): click.echo(project) return # make sure the cache dir exists os.makedirs(dirs.CACHE_HOME, exist_ok=True) # make sure it is a git repo core.GIT.create() instance = core.GAnarchy(database, dblock, effective_conf) if not instance.base_url or not project: click.echo("No base URL or project commit specified", err=True) return if project == "index": instance.load_projects() # render the index template = env.get_template('index.html') click.echo(template.render(ganarchy=instance), nl=False) return p = core.Project(database, dblock, project) p.load_repos() generate_html = [] with core.GIT.with_work_repos(1) as work_repos: results = p.update(work_repos[0], dry_run=dry_run) #if not p.exists: # ... for (repo, count) in results: if count is not None: generate_html.append((repo.url, repo.message, count, repo.branch, repo.pinned)) else: click.echo(repo.errormsg, err=True) pinned_entries = [] unpinned_entries = [] html_entries = [] for (url, msg, count, branch, pinned) in generate_html: history = database.list_repobranch_activity(project, url, branch) # TODO process history into SVG # TODO move this into a separate system # (e.g. ``if project.startswith("svg-"):``) if pinned: pinned_entries.append((url, msg, "", branch)) else: unpinned_entries.append((url, msg, "", branch)) html_entries.append((url, msg, "", branch)) template = env.get_template('project.html') click.echo( template.render( project_title = p.title, project_desc = p.description, project_body = p.commit_body, project_commit = p.commit, repos = html_entries, base_url = instance.base_url, # I don't think this thing supports deprecating the above? project = p, ganarchy = instance ), nl=False )