{ "friendcode.title": "Friend Code", "friendcode.start": "Setup Friend Code", "friendcode.publish.failed": "Failed to setup friend code. Falling back to LAN server.", "friendcode.publish.no_i2p": "Could not connect to SAM bridge. Is I2P running and is the SAM bridge enabled?", "friendcode.publish.started": "Game hosted on friend code: %s", "friendcode.publish.stopped": "Stopped friend code setup. Falling back to LAN server.", "friendcode.connect": "Friend Code Connection", "friendcode.select": "Join Friend", "friendcode.enter_code": "Friend Code", "friendcode.opening": "Setting Up Friend Code", "friendcode.connecting": "Connecting To Friend Code", "friendcode.patience": "This could take a minute...", "friendcode.connect.no_such_code": "Could not find friend code.", "friendcode.connect.no_i2p": "Could not connect to SAM bridge. Is I2P running and is the SAM bridge enabled?", "friendcode.connect.failed": "Failed to setup friend code connection.", "menu.shareToLan": "Open To..." }