--[[ This file is part of Cratera Compiler Copyright (C) 2019, 2024 Soni L. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --]] -- slow af but works -- need to run this first local is51 = (function() local _ENV = {hasenv = true} return not hasenv end)() local parser = require "cratera.parser" local selfify = parser.selfify local STATE = parser.STATE local luatokens = require "cratera.luatokens" local reverse_keywords, reverse_tokens = luatokens.reverse_keywords, luatokens.reverse_tokens local TK = luatokens.TK local error, assert, ipairs, tostring, type = error, assert, ipairs, tostring, type -- try to avoid making too many locals because Lua has a limit to how many locals you can have local math = {huge=math.huge, floor=math.floor} local string = {format=string.format, byte=string.byte, gsub=string.gsub} local table = {insert=table.insert, remove=table.remove} -- marker for use with selfify() local SELF = {} -- other markers local FINISH = {} local START_OF_STMT = {} local END_OF_STMT = {} local END_OF_CRATERA = {} -- implementation of myobj:[mytrait].myfunction(...) -- TODO benchmark under luajit? local CRATERA_FUNCTION = "_CRATERA_INVOKE_TRAIT" local CRATERA_INIT = "local function "..CRATERA_FUNCTION.."(myobj, mytrait, myfunction, ...) return myobj[mytrait][myfunction](myobj, ...) end " local EXTRA_DATA = {[TK.NAME] = true, [TK.INT] = true, [TK.FLT] = true, [TK.STRING] = true, [END_OF_STMT] = true} local function is_tk(results, i, tk) -- needed to prevent accidentally processing string literals as tokens -- (note: it's generally safe, and faster, to do results[i] == tk, -- if tk is one of the values in the TK.* table.) return not EXTRA_DATA[results[i-1]] and results[i] == tk end local function ignore_newlines(results, i) -- skip '\n' and return the new i while is_tk(results, i, '\n') do -- ignore newlines i = i - 1 end return i end -- -- -- local defs = selfify({}, SELF) local finish = selfify({}, SELF) finish[parser.EOZ] = function(state, token) local results = state.results local tk = table.remove(results) if tk == TK.FLT then local token = table.remove(results) local extra, num, den = 1, token, 1 assert(token == token and token >= 0, "NYI") -- the tokenizer should never output NaNs or negative values if token == math.huge then -- the tokenizer *can* output math.huge tho num, den = 1, 0 else while num ~= math.floor(num) do num = num * 2 -- always safe (I think) local oldden = den den = den * 2 if den == math.huge then -- subnormals or something? extra = oldden den = 2 end end end table.insert(state, string.format('((%d/%d)/%d)', num, den, extra)) elseif tk == TK.INT then local v = table.remove(results) if v == math.mininteger then -- corner case ( https://github.com/lua/lua/commit/707b0ba6e2dbfd58cf1167dae0e17975904b18aa ) table.insert(state, string.format('0x%x', v)) else table.insert(state, string.format('(%d)', v)) -- may be negative (overflow) end elseif tk == TK.STRING then -- lua tends to use a backslash and a newline but we already do newline processing, -- so we need to replace the escaped newline ("\\\n") with a newline escape ("\\n"). -- additionally lua 5.1 doesn't handle control characters other than '\0' and '\r' so we need to escape them as well local fmted = string.format('%q', table.remove(results)) fmted = string.gsub(fmted, '\n', 'n') if is51 then fmted = string.gsub(fmted, "%c", function(c) return string.format("\\%03d", string.byte(c)) end) end table.insert(state, fmted) elseif tk == TK.NAME then table.insert(state, table.remove(results)) elseif type(tk) == "string" then table.insert(state, tk) elseif tk then -- START_OF_STMT and END_OF_STMT are neither keywords nor tokens; this should error in that case. table.insert(state, assert(reverse_keywords[tk] or reverse_tokens[tk])) else return {} end return SELF end defs[FINISH] = finish defs[parser.EOZ] = function(state, token) local results = state.results if not results then return {} end -- empty, don't waste time processing unnecessary things -- flip results around local len = results.n for i=1, len do local j = len-i+1 if i >= j then break end results[i], results[j] = results[j], results[i] end return FINISH end defs[parser.FALLBACK] = function(state, token) local results = state.results or (function() state.results = {CRATERA_INIT, n=1} return state.results end)() do -- handle newlines. this allows error messages to correctly map between lua and cratera local oldline = state.oldline or 1 local linenumber = state.linenumber or 1 if linenumber > oldline then local count = linenumber-oldline local len = (results.n or 0) for i=1, count do results[len+i] = '\n' end results.n = len + count if EXTRA_DATA[results[len]] then -- we're in the middle of a token with extra data. fix it up. results[len], results[results.n] = results[results.n], results[len] end end state.oldline = state.linenumber end results.n = (results.n or 0) + 1 results[results.n] = token if not results.skip then -- don't process string literals as tokens if token == ':' then -- figure out whether we're in funcname local i = results.n - 1 -- skip the ':' local find_statement = true i = ignore_newlines(results, i) while results[i-1] == TK.NAME do i = ignore_newlines(results, i-2) + 2 if is_tk(results, i-2, '.') then -- keep going i = i - 3 elseif results[i-2] == TK.FUNCTION then -- we're in funcname find_statement = false -- don't even bother with : handling break else -- found start of statement find_statement = false -- mark start i = i - 1 table.insert(results, i, START_OF_STMT) results.n = results.n + 1 -- no need to fix existing END_OF_STMT because this code -- only detects patterns of the form Name {'.' Name} ':', -- which do not contain subexpressions. -- mark end table.insert(results, results.n + 1, END_OF_STMT) table.insert(results, results.n + 2, i) results.n = results.n + 2 break end end if find_statement then while true do i = ignore_newlines(results, i) if is_tk(results, i, ')') then -- (prefixexp) or (funcargs) -- find matching '(' local depth = 1 repeat i = i - 1 if is_tk(results, i, '(') then depth = depth - 1 elseif is_tk(results, i, ')') then depth = depth + 1 elseif not results[i] then error("syntax error (unbalanced '()')") end until depth == 0 elseif is_tk(results, i, ']') then -- [indexing] -- find matching '[' local depth = 1 repeat i = i - 1 if is_tk(results, i, '[') then depth = depth - 1 elseif is_tk(results, i, ']') then depth = depth + 1 elseif not results[i] then error("syntax error (unbalanced '[]')") end until depth == 0 elseif results[i-1] == TK.NAME then -- Name or '.' Name i = i - 2 i = ignore_newlines(results, i) if is_tk(results, i, '.') then -- skip '.' i = i - 1 else -- found start of statement break end elseif is_tk(results, i, '}') then -- prefixexp '{' table '}' local newi = i local depth = 1 repeat newi = newi - 1 if is_tk(results, newi, '[') then depth = depth - 1 elseif is_tk(results, newi, ']') then depth = depth + 1 elseif not results[i] then error("syntax error (unbalanced '{}')") end until depth == 0 local checki = ignore_newlines(results, newi-1) -- do I need these checks? if is_tk(results, checki, ']') or is_tk(results, checki, '}') or is_tk(results, checki, ')') or results[checki-1] == TK.NAME or results[checki-1] == TK.STRING then i = newi else -- syntax error? error("syntax error") end elseif results[i-1] == TK.STRING then -- prefixexp "string" -- prefixexp 'string' -- prefixexp [[string]] local newi = i-1 local checki = ignore_newlines(results, newi-1) -- do I need these checks? if is_tk(results, checki, ']') or is_tk(results, checki, '}') or is_tk(results, checki, ')') or results[checki-1] == TK.NAME or results[checki-1] == TK.STRING then i = newi else -- syntax error? error("syntax error") end else -- found start of statement break end i = i - 1 end -- mark start i = i + 1 table.insert(results, i, START_OF_STMT) results.n = results.n + 1 -- fix existing END_OF_STMT for k=i, #results do if results[k] == END_OF_STMT then local v = results[k+1] if v > i then -- this should always be true? results[k+1] = v + 1 end end end -- mark end table.insert(results, results.n + 1, END_OF_STMT) table.insert(results, results.n + 2, i) results.n = results.n + 2 end elseif token == '(' or token == '{' or token == TK.STRING then local i = results.n - 1 -- skip the '(' / '{' / TK_STRING i = ignore_newlines(results, i) -- possible patterns: -- ':' Name '(' -- plain Lua thing, ignore -- ':' Name '.' Name '(' -- cratera string traits -- ':' '[' exp ']' '.' Name '(' -- cratera object traits -- ':' '[' exp ']' '(' -- supported in lua 5.3 cratera patch but no reason to support it here. if results[i-1] == TK.NAME then local tk_myfunction = i-1 -- maybe cratera i = ignore_newlines(results, i-2) if results[i-1] == END_OF_STMT then -- lua, but we need to fix it up -- we could just replace them with dummies, but local pos = results[i] table.remove(results, i) -- remove END_OF_STMT's value table.remove(results, i-1) -- remove END_OF_STMT table.remove(results, pos) -- remove START_OF_STMT results.n = results.n - 3 -- adjust length assert(results[i-3] == ':') elseif is_tk(results, i, '.') then -- maybe cratera local tk_dot = i local inject_cratera = false i = ignore_newlines(results, i-1) if results[i-1] == TK.NAME then local tk_mytrait = i-1 i = ignore_newlines(results, i-2) if results[i-1] == END_OF_STMT then -- definitely cratera (stmt ':' Name '.' Name '(') -- convert into '(' stmt ',' String ',' String -- convert names into strings results[tk_mytrait] = TK.STRING inject_cratera = true end -- else not cratera elseif is_tk(results, i, ']') then local tk_right = i local depth = 1 repeat i = i - 1 if is_tk(results, i, '[') then depth = depth - 1 elseif is_tk(results, i, ']') then depth = depth + 1 elseif not results[i] then error("syntax error (unbalanced '[]')") end until depth == 0 local tk_left = i i = ignore_newlines(results, i-1) if results[i-1] == END_OF_STMT then -- definitely cratera (stmt ':' '[' exp ']' '.' Name '(') -- convert into '(' stmt ',' '(' exp ')' ',' String -- replace '[' and ']' results[tk_right] = ')' results[tk_left] = '(' inject_cratera = true end -- else not cratera end if inject_cratera then --assert(token == '(', "unimplemented") -- convert name into string results[tk_myfunction] = TK.STRING -- replace '.' with ',' results[tk_dot] = ',' local pos = results[i] -- remove END_OF_STMT table.remove(results, i-1) table.remove(results, i-1) results.n = results.n - 2 -- replace ':' with ',' results[ignore_newlines(results, i-2)] = ',' -- replace START_OF_STMT with '(' results[pos] = '(' if token == '(' then -- replace '(' with ',' results[results.n] = ',' else -- insert ',' before argument table.insert(results, results.n, ',') results.n = results.n + 1 end -- inject cratera table.insert(results, pos, ')') table.insert(results, pos, CRATERA_FUNCTION) table.insert(results, pos, '(') -- check for potential prefixexp and correct for it if is_tk(results, pos-1, ']') or is_tk(results, pos-1, '}') or is_tk(results, pos-1, ')') or results[pos-2] == TK.NAME or results[pos-2] == TK.STRING then table.insert(results, pos, ';') results.n = results.n + 1 end results.n = results.n + 3 -- tag it so we know to insert a ')' to close our '(' -- and to handle '(' ')' (no argument) calls -- we add the tag before TK.STRING/'{'/',' table.insert(results, results.n, END_OF_CRATERA) results.n = results.n + 1 end end -- else not cratera end elseif token == '}' then local i = results.n -- we'll be subtracting anyway, see below local depth = 1 repeat i = i - 1 if is_tk(results, i, '{') then depth = depth - 1 elseif is_tk(results, i, '}') then depth = depth + 1 elseif not results[i] then error("syntax error (unbalanced '{}')") end until depth == 0 assert(is_tk(results, i, '{')) if results[i-1] == END_OF_CRATERA then -- need to add ')' to close our '(' table.remove(results, i-1) results[results.n] = ')' end elseif token == ')' then local i = results.n - 1 -- skip the ')' i = ignore_newlines(results, i) if results[i] == ',' and results[i-1] == END_OF_CRATERA then -- '(' CRATERA_FUNCTION ')' '(' something END_OF_CRATERA ',' ')' -- need to fix it up into -- '(' CRATERA_FUNCTION ')' '(' something ')' table.remove(results, i-1) table.remove(results, i-1) results.n = results.n - 2 else -- still might need to remove an END_OF_CRATERA somewhere i = i + 1 local depth = 1 repeat i = i - 1 if is_tk(results, i, '(') then depth = depth - 1 elseif is_tk(results, i, ')') then depth = depth + 1 elseif results[i] == END_OF_CRATERA then table.remove(results, i) results.n = results.n - 1 break elseif not results[i] then error("syntax error (unbalanced '()')") end until depth == 0 end end else -- we skipped a string literal if results[results.n-1] == TK.STRING and results[results.n-2] == END_OF_CRATERA then -- need to add ')' to close our '(' table.remove(results, results.n-2) results[results.n] = ')' end end results.skip = EXTRA_DATA[token] return SELF end return {defs = defs}