# Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Soni L. # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # note: consider adding the following to your PS1: PS1='{$([[ "${HISTFILE#~/.bash_history.}" != "$HISTFILE" ]] && printf "@ " || printf "/ ")${HISTFILE#~/.bash_history.}} '"$PS1" if [[ "$HISTFILE" = ~/.bash_history ]]; then HISTFILE="$HISTFILE".default fi # simple interface to history/"session" management # usage: session # switches HISTFILE to ~/.bash_history. session() { if [[ "$1" =~ ^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$ ]]; then # remove session switch from history history -d -1 # write/append history if shopt -q histappend; then history -a; else history -w; fi # clear history history -c # set HISTFILE HISTFILE=~/.bash_history."$1" # load new session's history history -r # see setsessioncwd() eval "$(grep -s '# '"$1"'$' ~/.bash_session_cwd | tail -n 1)" else echo "invalid session" false fi } # setup completion for session(), using only builtins complete -C 'source <(printf "%s" '\'' set -- ~/.bash_history."$2"* flag=0 [[ -e "$1" ]] && for f in "${@#~/.bash_history.}" ; do if [[ "$f" =~ ^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$ ]] ; then ((flag)) && printf "\n" printf "%s" "$f" flag=1 fi done '\'')' session # sets the current cwd as the default cwd for the session setsessioncwd() { local session # guard against relative HISTFILE if [[ "${HISTFILE#~/.bash_history.}" != "$HISTFILE" ]]; then session="${HISTFILE#~/.bash_history.}" if [[ "$session" =~ ^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$ ]]; then printf 'cd %q # %s\n' "$PWD" "$session" >>~/.bash_session_cwd else echo "invalid session" false fi else echo "invalid session" false fi } # saves the current working directory into the current history. # does NOT save to the history *file*. savecwd() { history -s "$(printf 'cd %q' "$PWD")" }