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path: root/src/client
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/client')
14 files changed, 1058 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/java/space/autistic/radio/client/mixin/ b/src/client/java/space/autistic/radio/client/mixin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e9b05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/java/space/autistic/radio/client/mixin/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import net.minecraft.block.Block;
+import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
+import net.minecraft.block.Blocks;
+import net.minecraft.client.render.model.BlockStatesLoader;
+import net.minecraft.state.StateManager;
+import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
+import net.minecraft.util.profiler.Profiler;
+import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin;
+import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Shadow;
+import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Unique;
+import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.At;
+import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject;
+import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInfo;
+public abstract class BlockStatesLoaderMixin {
+    @Shadow
+    abstract void loadBlockStates(Identifier id, StateManager<Block, BlockState> stateManager);
+    @Shadow
+    private Profiler profiler;
+    @Unique
+    private static final StateManager<Block, BlockState> STATE_MANAGER = new StateManager.Builder<Block, BlockState>(Blocks.AIR)
+            .add(DirectionProperty.of("facing"))
+            .build(Block::getDefaultState, BlockState::new);
+    @Inject(
+            method = {"load()V"},
+            at = {@At("HEAD")}
+    )
+    void onLoad(CallbackInfo callbackInfo) {
+        profiler.push("pirate_radio_static_definitions");
+        loadBlockStates(Identifier.of("pirate-radio", "disposable-transmitter"), STATE_MANAGER);
+        profiler.pop();
+    }
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/ClientProxy.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/ClientProxy.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c29cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/ClientProxy.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
+import net.minecraft.util.Hand
+class ClientProxy : CommonProxy() {
+    override fun useStorageCard(player: PlayerEntity, item: ItemStack, hand: Hand) {
+        if (player is ClientPlayerEntity) {
+            if (item.isOf(STORAGE_CARD)) {
+                MinecraftClient.getInstance().setScreen(StorageCardEditScreen(player, item, hand))
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioClient.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioClient.kt
index 54b7640..1a68c21 100644
--- a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioClient.kt
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioClient.kt
@@ -1,25 +1,47 @@
-import com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher
 import net.fabricmc.api.ClientModInitializer
 import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.command.v2.ClientCommandManager
 import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.command.v2.ClientCommandRegistrationCallback
-import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.command.v2.FabricClientCommandSource
+import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.event.lifecycle.v1.ClientTickEvents
 import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1.EntityRendererRegistry
 import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
-import net.minecraft.command.CommandRegistryAccess
+import net.minecraft.client.sound.SoundInstance
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
+import net.minecraft.util.Hand
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
+import kotlin.math.max
+import kotlin.math.min
 object PirateRadioClient : ClientModInitializer {
-    private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MOD_ID)
+    private var soundInstance: SoundInstance? = null
+    var volume: Int = 0
+        set(value) {
+            field = min(10, max(0, value))
+        }
+    var stereo: Boolean = false
+    var frequency = 768
+        set(value) {
+            field = min(1080, max(768, value))
+        }
+    var mode = FmSimulatorMode.FULL
     override fun onInitializeClient() {
+        PirateRadio.proxy = ClientProxy()
         EntityRendererRegistry.register(PirateRadioEntityTypes.ELECTRONICS_TRADER, ::ElectronicsTraderEntityRenderer)
+        EntityRendererRegistry.register(
+            PirateRadioEntityTypes.DISPOSABLE_TRANSMITTER,
+            ::DisposableTransmitterEntityRenderer
+        )
         ClientCommandRegistrationCallback.EVENT.register { dispatcher, _ ->
@@ -31,5 +53,21 @@ object PirateRadioClient : ClientModInitializer {
+        ClientTickEvents.END_WORLD_TICK.register { world ->
+            if (volume > 0 && MinecraftClient.getInstance().player?.isRemoved == false) {
+                if (soundInstance == null) {
+                    soundInstance = PirateRadioSoundInstance(MinecraftClient.getInstance().player!!)
+                }
+                val soundManager = MinecraftClient.getInstance().soundManager
+                if (!soundManager.isPlaying(soundInstance)) {
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (soundInstance != null) {
+                    MinecraftClient.getInstance().soundManager.stop(soundInstance)
+                    soundInstance = null
+                }
+            }
+        }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioDataGenerator.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioDataGenerator.kt
index b5130a1..65e9677 100644
--- a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioDataGenerator.kt
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioDataGenerator.kt
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class PirateRadioItemModelGenerator(output: FabricDataOutput) : FabricModelProvi
         modelGenderator.register(PirateRadioItems.SBC, Models.GENERATED)
         modelGenderator.register(PirateRadioItems.WIRE, Models.GENERATED)
         modelGenderator.register(PirateRadioItems.POWERBANK, Models.GENERATED)
-        modelGenderator.register(PirateRadioItems.FM_RECEIVER, Models.GENERATED)
+        //modelGenderator.register(PirateRadioItems.FM_RECEIVER, Models.GENERATED)
         modelGenderator.register(PirateRadioItems.STORAGE_CARD, Models.GENERATED)
         modelGenderator.register(PirateRadioItems.DISPOSABLE_TRANSMITTER, Models.GENERATED)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class PirateRadioRecipeGenerator(
     override fun generate(exporter: RecipeExporter) {
         ShapelessRecipeJsonBuilder.create(RecipeCategory.MISC, PirateRadioItems.DISPOSABLE_TRANSMITTER)
-            .input(PirateRadioItems.STORAGE_CARD)
+            //.input(PirateRadioItems.STORAGE_CARD)
             .criterion("has_sbc", RecipeProvider.conditionsFromItem(PirateRadioItems.SBC)).offerTo(exporter)
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioEntityModelLayers.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioEntityModelLayers.kt
index 765912d..604fdfd 100644
--- a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioEntityModelLayers.kt
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/PirateRadioEntityModelLayers.kt
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import
 object PirateRadioEntityModelLayers {
     val ELECTRONICS_TRADER = EntityModelLayer(Identifier.of(PirateRadio.MOD_ID, "electronics-trader"), "main")
+    val PIRATE_RADIO = EntityModelLayer(Identifier.of(PirateRadio.MOD_ID, "electronics-trader"), "main")
     fun initialize() {
         EntityModelLayerRegistry.registerModelLayer(ELECTRONICS_TRADER) {
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/antenna/WasmAntennaFactory.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/antenna/WasmAntennaFactory.kt
index 51743dd..38d0c97 100644
--- a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/antenna/WasmAntennaFactory.kt
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/antenna/WasmAntennaFactory.kt
@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.types.Value
 import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.types.ValueType
 import org.joml.Quaterniond
 import org.joml.Vector3d
-import java.util.logging.Level
-import java.util.logging.Logger
 class WasmAntennaFactory(moduleBytes: ByteArray) : AntennaModelFactory {
     var failing = false
@@ -25,7 +23,7 @@ class WasmAntennaFactory(moduleBytes: ByteArray) : AntennaModelFactory {
                 // capped at 1MB per antenna
                 .withMemoryLimits(MemoryLimits(0, 16))
         } catch (e: ChicoryException) {
-            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while trying to parse antenna model.", e)
+            logger.error("Error while trying to parse antenna model.", e)
             failing = true
@@ -53,9 +51,7 @@ class WasmAntennaFactory(moduleBytes: ByteArray) : AntennaModelFactory {
             if (instance.exports().global("should-attenuate").type != ValueType.I32) {
-                logger.log(
-                    Level.SEVERE, "Error while trying to initialize antenna model: missing 'should-attenuate'"
-                )
+                logger.error("Error while trying to initialize antenna model: missing 'should-attenuate'")
                 failing = true
                 return ConstAntennaModel(0f)
@@ -73,7 +69,7 @@ class WasmAntennaFactory(moduleBytes: ByteArray) : AntennaModelFactory {
                     } catch (e: ChicoryException) {
-                        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while trying to evaluate antenna model.", e)
+                        logger.error("Error while trying to evaluate antenna model.", e)
                         failing = true
                         return 0f
@@ -84,7 +80,7 @@ class WasmAntennaFactory(moduleBytes: ByteArray) : AntennaModelFactory {
         } catch (e: ChicoryException) {
-            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while trying to initialize antenna model.", e)
+            logger.error("Error while trying to initialize antenna model.", e)
             failing = true
             return ConstAntennaModel(0f)
@@ -92,6 +88,5 @@ class WasmAntennaFactory(moduleBytes: ByteArray) : AntennaModelFactory {
     companion object {
         private val defaultImports = ImportValues.builder().build()
-        private val logger = Logger.getLogger(PirateRadio.MOD_ID)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/cli/Funny.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/cli/Funny.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf6b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/cli/Funny.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles
+import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaMethod
+object Funny {
+    val lookup = MethodHandles.lookup()
+    fun test() {
+    }
+fun main() {
+    Bindings.bindFunc("", "", Funny.lookup, Funny::test.javaMethod!!, Funny)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/entity/DisposableTransmitterEntityRenderer.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/entity/DisposableTransmitterEntityRenderer.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b1e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/entity/DisposableTransmitterEntityRenderer.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import net.minecraft.client.render.OverlayTexture
+import net.minecraft.client.render.TexturedRenderLayers
+import net.minecraft.client.render.VertexConsumerProvider
+import net.minecraft.client.render.entity.EntityRenderer
+import net.minecraft.client.render.entity.EntityRendererFactory
+import net.minecraft.client.render.model.BakedModelManager
+import net.minecraft.client.util.ModelIdentifier
+import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack
+import net.minecraft.screen.PlayerScreenHandler
+import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
+import net.minecraft.util.math.Direction
+import net.minecraft.util.math.RotationAxis
+class DisposableTransmitterEntityRenderer(ctx: EntityRendererFactory.Context) :
+    EntityRenderer<DisposableTransmitterEntity>(ctx) {
+    private val blockRenderManager = ctx.blockRenderManager
+    override fun getTexture(entity: DisposableTransmitterEntity): Identifier {
+        return PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE
+    }
+    override fun render(
+        entity: DisposableTransmitterEntity,
+        yaw: Float,
+        tickDelta: Float,
+        matrices: MatrixStack,
+        vertexConsumers: VertexConsumerProvider,
+        light: Int
+    ) {
+        super.render(entity, yaw, tickDelta, matrices, vertexConsumers, light)
+        matrices.push()
+        val facing: Direction = entity.horizontalFacing
+        val vec3d = this.getPositionOffset(entity, tickDelta)
+        matrices.translate(-vec3d.getX(), -vec3d.getY(), -vec3d.getZ())
+        val d = (1.0 - DisposableTransmitterEntity.DEPTH) / 2.0
+        matrices.translate(
+            facing.offsetX.toDouble() * d, facing.offsetY.toDouble() * d, facing.offsetZ.toDouble() * d
+        )
+        matrices.multiply(RotationAxis.POSITIVE_X.rotationDegrees(entity.pitch))
+        matrices.multiply(RotationAxis.POSITIVE_Y.rotationDegrees(180.0f - entity.yaw))
+        if (!entity.isInvisible) {
+            val bakedModelManager: BakedModelManager = this.blockRenderManager.models.modelManager
+            matrices.push()
+            matrices.translate(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f)
+            this.blockRenderManager.modelRenderer.render(
+                matrices.peek(),
+                vertexConsumers.getBuffer(TexturedRenderLayers.getEntitySolid()),
+                null,
+                bakedModelManager.getModel(MODEL_ID[facing]),
+                1.0f,
+                1.0f,
+                1.0f,
+                light,
+                OverlayTexture.DEFAULT_UV
+            )
+            matrices.pop()
+        }
+        matrices.pop()
+    }
+    companion object {
+        private val STATES_ID = Identifier.of(PirateRadio.MOD_ID, "disposable-transmitter")
+        private val MODEL_ID = mapOf(
+            Direction.DOWN to ModelIdentifier(STATES_ID, "facing=down"),
+            Direction.UP to ModelIdentifier(STATES_ID, "facing=up"),
+            Direction.NORTH to ModelIdentifier(STATES_ID, "facing=north"),
+            Direction.SOUTH to ModelIdentifier(STATES_ID, "facing=south"),
+            Direction.WEST to ModelIdentifier(STATES_ID, "facing=west"),
+            Direction.EAST to ModelIdentifier(STATES_ID, "facing=east"),
+        )
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/entity/ElectronicsTraderEntityRenderer.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/entity/ElectronicsTraderEntityRenderer.kt
index 91c29db..5da8e17 100644
--- a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/entity/ElectronicsTraderEntityRenderer.kt
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/entity/ElectronicsTraderEntityRenderer.kt
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class ElectronicsTraderEntityRenderer(context: EntityRendererFactory.Context) :
     ) {
     companion object {
-        val TEXTURE = Identifier.of(PirateRadio.MOD_ID, "electronics-trader")
+        val TEXTURE = Identifier.of(PirateRadio.MOD_ID, "textures/entity/electronics-trader.png")
     override fun getTexture(entity: ElectronicsTraderEntity?): Identifier = TEXTURE
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/fmsim/FmSimulatorMode.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/fmsim/FmSimulatorMode.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8bc9fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/fmsim/FmSimulatorMode.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+enum class FmSimulatorMode {
+    FULL,
+    FAST,
+    DEAF
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/gui/FmReceiverScreen.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/gui/FmReceiverScreen.kt
index 4bd4db2..f5fd729 100644
--- a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/gui/FmReceiverScreen.kt
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/gui/FmReceiverScreen.kt
@@ -1,11 +1,634 @@
+import com.dylibso.chicory.experimental.aot.AotMachineFactory
+import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.*
+import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.ChicoryException
+import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.InvalidException
+import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.Parser
+import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.types.FunctionType
+import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.types.Value
+import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.types.ValueType
+import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawContext
 import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget
+import net.minecraft.client.render.GameRenderer
+import net.minecraft.client.util.InputUtil
+import net.minecraft.text.StringVisitable
 import net.minecraft.text.Text
+import net.minecraft.util.Colors
+import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
+import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
+import org.slf4j.event.Level
+import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles
+import kotlin.math.max
+import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaMethod
 class FmReceiverScreen : Screen(Text.translatable("")) {
+    private var loggingEventBuilder = wasmLogger.makeLoggingEventBuilder(Level.INFO)
+    private var instance: Instance? = null
+    private var failure: Exception? = null
+        set(value) {
+            field = value
+            clearChildren()
+        }
+    private var packTitle: Text? = null
+    private var backgroundWidth = 0
+    private var backgroundHeight = 0
+    private var backgroundTextureWidth = 256
+    private var backgroundTextureHeight = 256
+    private var drawContext: DrawContext? = null
+    private var textObjects = ArrayList<Text?>()
+    private var textObjectsFree = ArrayList<Int>()
+    private val frequencyPlusWidget = ButtonWidget.builder(Text.translatable("")) {
+        if (InputUtil.isKeyPressed(MinecraftClient.getInstance().window.handle, GLFW.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT)
+            || InputUtil.isKeyPressed(MinecraftClient.getInstance().window.handle, GLFW.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT)
+        ) {
+            PirateRadioClient.frequency += 10
+        } else {
+            PirateRadioClient.frequency++
+        }
+    }.dimensions(0, 0, 20, 20)
+        .narrationSupplier { ButtonWidget.getNarrationMessage(Text.translatable("")) }
+        .build()
+    private val frequencyMinusWidget = ButtonWidget.builder(Text.translatable("pirate-radio.frequency.minus")) {
+        if (InputUtil.isKeyPressed(MinecraftClient.getInstance().window.handle, GLFW.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT)
+            || InputUtil.isKeyPressed(MinecraftClient.getInstance().window.handle, GLFW.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT)
+        ) {
+            PirateRadioClient.frequency -= 10
+        } else {
+            PirateRadioClient.frequency--
+        }
+    }.dimensions(20, 0, 20, 20)
+        .narrationSupplier { ButtonWidget.getNarrationMessage(Text.translatable("")) }
+        .build()
+    private val volumePlusWidget = ButtonWidget.builder(Text.translatable("")) {
+        PirateRadioClient.volume++
+    }.dimensions(0, 20, 20, 20)
+        .narrationSupplier { ButtonWidget.getNarrationMessage(Text.translatable("")) }
+        .build()
+    private val volumeMinusWidget = ButtonWidget.builder(Text.translatable("pirate-radio.volume.minus")) {
+        PirateRadioClient.volume--
+    }.dimensions(20, 20, 20, 20)
+        .narrationSupplier { ButtonWidget.getNarrationMessage(Text.translatable("pirate-radio.volume.minus.narrated")) }
+        .build()
+    private val toggleModes = ButtonWidget.builder(Text.translatable("pirate-radio.mode")) {
+        PirateRadioClient.mode = when (PirateRadioClient.mode) {
+            FmSimulatorMode.FULL -> FmSimulatorMode.FAST
+            else -> FmSimulatorMode.FULL
+        }
+    }.position(0, 40).build()
     override fun init() {
-        // TODO
+        if (failure == null && instance == null) {
+            try {
+                setupWasm()
+            } catch (e: WasmScreenException) {
+                logger.error("Failed to setup wasm.", e)
+                failure = e
+            }
+        }
+        if (failure == null) {
+            try {
+                instance!!.export("init").apply()
+                addDrawableChild(frequencyPlusWidget)
+                addDrawableChild(frequencyMinusWidget)
+                addDrawableChild(volumePlusWidget)
+                addDrawableChild(volumeMinusWidget)
+                addDrawableChild(toggleModes)
+                volumePlusWidget.visible
+            } catch (e: ChicoryException) {
+                failure = WasmScreenException("Skin failed to initialize", e)
+                logger.error("Failed to initialize.", failure)
+            } catch (e: WasmScreenException) {
+                failure = e
+                logger.error("Failed to initialize.", failure)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    override fun renderBackground(context: DrawContext, mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, delta: Float) {
+        super.renderInGameBackground(context)
+        if (failure == null) {
+            if (backgroundWidth or backgroundHeight != 0) {
+                RenderSystem.setShader(GameRenderer::getPositionTexProgram)
+                RenderSystem.setShaderColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)
+                RenderSystem.setShaderTexture(0, TEXTURE)
+                val x = (width - backgroundWidth) / 2
+                val y = (height - backgroundHeight) / 2
+                context.drawTexture(
+                    TEXTURE,
+                    x,
+                    y,
+                    0f,
+                    0f,
+                    backgroundWidth,
+                    backgroundHeight,
+                    backgroundTextureWidth,
+                    backgroundTextureHeight
+                )
+            }
+        }
+        if (client!!.debugHud.shouldShowDebugHud()) {
+            context.drawText(
+                textRenderer,
+                Text.translatable("", packTitle),
+                0,
+                height - textRenderer.fontHeight,
+                Colors.WHITE,
+                true
+            )
+        }
+    }
+    override fun render(context: DrawContext, mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, delta: Float) {
+        super.render(context, mouseX, mouseY, delta)
+        if (failure != null) {
+            context.drawTextWrapped(
+                textRenderer, StringVisitable.plain(failure!!.message), (width - 320) / 2, 0, 320, Colors.WHITE
+            )
+        } else {
+            try {
+                drawContext = context
+                instance!!.export("render").apply(mouseX.toLong(), mouseY.toLong(), Value.floatToLong(delta))
+            } catch (e: ChicoryException) {
+                failure = WasmScreenException("Skin failed to initialize", e)
+                logger.error("Failed to initialize.", failure)
+            } catch (e: WasmScreenException) {
+                failure = e
+                logger.error("Failed to initialize.", failure)
+            } finally {
+                drawContext = null
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    override fun shouldPause() = false
+    private fun loggerLog() {
+        loggingEventBuilder.log()
+    }
+    private fun loggerLogMessage(message: String) {
+        loggingEventBuilder.log(message)
+    }
+    private fun loggerBegin(level: Int) {
+        loggingEventBuilder = wasmLogger.makeLoggingEventBuilder(
+            try {
+                Level.intToLevel(level)
+            } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
+                Level.INFO
+            }
+        )
+    }
+    private fun loggerSetMessage(message: String) {
+        loggingEventBuilder.setMessage(message)
+    }
+    private fun loggerAddArgumentString(arg: String) {
+        loggingEventBuilder.addArgument(arg)
+    }
+    private fun loggerAddArgumentInt(arg: Int) {
+        loggingEventBuilder.addArgument(arg)
+    }
+    private fun loggerAddArgumentLong(arg: Long) {
+        loggingEventBuilder.addArgument(arg)
+    }
+    private fun loggerAddArgumentFloat(arg: Float) {
+        loggingEventBuilder.addArgument(arg)
+    }
+    private fun loggerAddArgumentDouble(arg: Double) {
+        loggingEventBuilder.addArgument(arg)
+    }
+    private fun setBackgroundSize(width: Int, height: Int) {
+        this.backgroundWidth = max(width, 0)
+        this.backgroundHeight = max(height, 0)
+    }
+    private fun setBackgroundTextureSize(width: Int, height: Int) {
+        this.backgroundTextureWidth = max(width, 0)
+        this.backgroundTextureHeight = max(height, 0)
+    }
+    private fun renderTextTranslatable(text: String, x: Int, y: Int, color: Int, shadow: Boolean) {
+        drawContext?.drawText(textRenderer, Text.translatable(text), x, y, color, shadow)
+    }
+    private fun renderTextLiteral(text: String, x: Int, y: Int, color: Int, shadow: Boolean) {
+        drawContext?.drawText(textRenderer, Text.literal(text), x, y, color, shadow)
+    }
+    private fun renderTextObject(handle: Int, x: Int, y: Int, color: Int, shadow: Boolean) {
+        if (handle >= 0 && handle < textObjects.size && textObjects[handle] != null) {
+            drawContext?.drawText(textRenderer, textObjects[handle], x, y, color, shadow)
+        } else {
+            throw WasmScreenException("Invalid text handle: $handle", null)
+        }
+    }
+    private fun frequencyPlusWidgetDimensions(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) {
+        frequencyPlusWidget.x = x
+        frequencyPlusWidget.y = y
+        frequencyPlusWidget.width = width
+        frequencyPlusWidget.height = height
+    }
+    private fun frequencyMinusWidgetDimensions(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) {
+        frequencyMinusWidget.x = x
+        frequencyMinusWidget.y = y
+        frequencyMinusWidget.width = width
+        frequencyMinusWidget.height = height
+    }
+    private fun volumePlusWidgetDimensions(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) {
+        volumePlusWidget.x = x
+        volumePlusWidget.y = y
+        volumePlusWidget.width = width
+        volumePlusWidget.height = height
+    }
+    private fun volumeMinusWidgetDimensions(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) {
+        volumeMinusWidget.x = x
+        volumeMinusWidget.y = y
+        volumeMinusWidget.width = width
+        volumeMinusWidget.height = height
+    }
+    private fun toggleWidgetDimensions(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) {
+        toggleModes.x = x
+        toggleModes.y = y
+        toggleModes.width = width
+        toggleModes.height = height
+    }
+    private fun getFrequency(): Int = PirateRadioClient.frequency
+    private fun getMode(): Int = PirateRadioClient.mode.ordinal
+    private fun getStereo(): Boolean = PirateRadioClient.stereo
+    private fun getVolume(): Int = PirateRadioClient.volume
+    private fun getStereoPilot(): Float = 0f
+    private fun getWidth(): Int = width
+    private fun getHeight(): Int = height
+    // useful for drawing the stereo pilot, not that it's implemented
+    private fun drawImage(
+        red: Float,
+        green: Float,
+        blue: Float,
+        alpha: Float,
+        x: Int,
+        y: Int,
+        u: Float,
+        v: Float,
+        w: Int,
+        h: Int
+    ) {
+        val drawContext = drawContext ?: throw WasmScreenException("Inappropriate draw call", null)
+        RenderSystem.setShader(GameRenderer::getPositionTexProgram)
+        RenderSystem.setShaderColor(red, green, blue, alpha)
+        RenderSystem.setShaderTexture(0, TEXTURE)
+        drawContext.drawTexture(
+            TEXTURE,
+            x,
+            y,
+            u,
+            v,
+            w,
+            h,
+            backgroundTextureWidth,
+            backgroundTextureHeight
+        )
+        RenderSystem.setShaderColor(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f)
+    }
+    private fun textFree(handle: Int) {
+        if (handle >= 0 && handle < textObjects.size && textObjects[handle] != null) {
+            textObjects[handle] = null
+            textObjectsFree.add(handle)
+        } else {
+            throw WasmScreenException("Invalid text handle: $handle", null)
+        }
+    }
+    private fun textLiteral(text: String): Int {
+        val index = if (textObjectsFree.isNotEmpty()) {
+            textObjectsFree.removeLast()
+        } else {
+            textObjects.add(null)
+            textObjects.size - 1
+        }
+        textObjects[index] = Text.literal(text)
+        return index
+    }
+    private fun textTranslatable(text: String): Int {
+        val index = if (textObjectsFree.isNotEmpty()) {
+            textObjectsFree.removeLast()
+        } else {
+            textObjects.add(null)
+            textObjects.size - 1
+        }
+        textObjects[index] = Text.translatable(text)
+        return index
+    }
+    private fun textTranslatableArguments(text: String, args: List<Int>): Int {
+        args.forEach { handle ->
+            if (handle < 0 || handle >= textObjects.size || textObjects[handle] == null) {
+                throw WasmScreenException("Invalid text handle: $handle", null)
+            }
+        }
+        val index = if (textObjectsFree.isNotEmpty()) {
+            textObjectsFree.removeLast()
+        } else {
+            textObjects.add(null)
+            textObjects.size - 1
+        }
+        textObjects[index] = Text.translatable(text, *Array(args.size) { textObjects[args[it]] })
+        return index
+    }
+    private fun setupWasm() {
+        // this should never throw
+        val resource = this.client!!.resourceManager.getResourceOrThrow(WASM_GUI)
+        packTitle =
+        val module = try {
+            Parser.parse(resource.inputStream)
+        } catch (e: ChicoryException) {
+            throw WasmScreenException("Skin failed to load: error parsing module", e)
+        }
+        val importValues = ImportValues.builder()
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "text", "free", lookup, this::textFree.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "text", "literal", lookup, this::textLiteral.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "text", "translatable", lookup, this::textTranslatable.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "text", "translatable-arguments", lookup, this::textTranslatableArguments.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "frequency-plus-widget",
+                "set-dimensions",
+                lookup,
+                this::frequencyPlusWidgetDimensions.javaMethod!!,
+                this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "frequency-minus-widget",
+                "set-dimensions",
+                lookup,
+                this::frequencyMinusWidgetDimensions.javaMethod!!,
+                this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "volume-plus-widget", "set-dimensions", lookup, this::volumePlusWidgetDimensions.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "volume-minus-widget", "set-dimensions", lookup, this::volumeMinusWidgetDimensions.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "toggle-widget", "set-dimensions", lookup, this::toggleWidgetDimensions.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "simulator", "get-frequency", lookup, this::getFrequency.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "simulator", "get-volume", lookup, this::getVolume.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "simulator", "get-mode", lookup, this::getMode.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "simulator", "get-stereo", lookup, this::getStereo.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "simulator", "get-stereo-pilot", lookup, this::getStereoPilot.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "screen", "get-width", lookup, this::getWidth.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "screen", "get-height", lookup, this::getHeight.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "screen", "draw-image", lookup, this::drawImage.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "screen", "set-background-size", lookup, this::setBackgroundSize.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "screen", "set-background-texture-size", lookup, this::setBackgroundTextureSize.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "screen", "render-text-translatable", lookup, this::renderTextTranslatable.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "screen", "render-text-literal", lookup, this::renderTextLiteral.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "screen", "render-text-object", lookup, this::renderTextObject.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "screen", "set-background-size", lookup, this::setBackgroundSize.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "logger", "log", lookup, this::loggerLog.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "logger", "log-message", lookup, this::loggerLogMessage.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "logger", "begin", lookup, this::loggerBegin.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "logger", "log-message", lookup, this::loggerSetMessage.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "logger", "add-argument-string", lookup, this::loggerAddArgumentString.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "logger", "add-argument-int", lookup, this::loggerAddArgumentInt.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "logger", "add-argument-long", lookup, this::loggerAddArgumentLong.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "logger", "add-argument-float", lookup, this::loggerAddArgumentFloat.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        importValues.addFunction(
+            bindFunc(
+                "logger", "add-argument-double", lookup, this::loggerAddArgumentDouble.javaMethod!!, this
+            )
+        )
+        val builder = Instance.builder(module)
+        builder.withMachineFactory(AotMachineFactory(module))
+        builder.withImportValues(
+        val instance = try {
+        } catch (e: ChicoryException) {
+            throw WasmScreenException("Skin failed to load: error constructing module", e)
+        }
+        var initialize: ExportFunction? = null
+        try {
+            initialize = instance.export("_initialize")
+        } catch (_: InvalidException) {
+            // export may not exist, it's fine
+        } catch (e: ChicoryException) {
+            throw WasmScreenException("Skin failed to load: error initializing module", e)
+        }
+        try {
+            initialize?.apply()
+        } catch (e: ChicoryException) {
+            throw WasmScreenException("Skin failed to load: error initializing module", e)
+        }
+        try {
+            checkFuncExports(
+                instance,
+                "init" to FunctionType.empty(),
+                "render" to FunctionType.of(arrayOf(ValueType.I32, ValueType.I32, ValueType.F32), emptyArray())
+            )
+        } catch (e: ChicoryException) {
+            throw WasmScreenException("Skin failed to load: error checking exports", e)
+        }
+        this.instance = instance
+    }
+    private class WasmScreenException(message: String?, cause: Throwable?) : Exception(message, cause)
+    @Throws(WasmScreenException::class)
+    private fun checkFuncExports(instance: Instance, vararg exports: Pair<String, FunctionType>) {
+        val sb = StringBuilder()
+        exports.forEach { (name, type) ->
+            when (exportStatus(instance, name, type)) {
+                ExportStatus.MISSING -> sb.append("missing: ", name, type, "\n")
+                ExportStatus.TYPE_MISMATCH -> sb.append("type mismatch: ", name, type, "\n")
+                ExportStatus.OK -> {}
+            }
+        }
+        if (sb.isNotEmpty()) {
+            sb.setLength(sb.length - 1)
+            throw WasmScreenException("Skin failed to load: error checking exports:\n$sb", null)
+        }
+    }
+    private enum class ExportStatus {
+    }
+    private fun exportStatus(instance: Instance, name: String, type: FunctionType): ExportStatus {
+        try {
+            // because instance.exportType doesn't check if it's actually a function
+            instance.export(name)
+            return if (instance.exportType(name) == type) ExportStatus.OK else ExportStatus.TYPE_MISMATCH
+        } catch (_: InvalidException) {
+            return ExportStatus.MISSING
+        }
+    }
+    companion object {
+        private val WASM_GUI = Identifier.of(PirateRadio.MOD_ID, "guis/radio-receiver.wasm")
+        // the texture is at a fixed location but the respack can replace it too
+        private val TEXTURE = Identifier.of(PirateRadio.MOD_ID, "textures/gui/radio-receiver.png")
+        private val wasmLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PirateRadio.MOD_ID + "/wasm/radio-receiver")
+        private val lookup = MethodHandles.lookup()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/gui/StorageCardEditScreen.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/gui/StorageCardEditScreen.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1dd5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/gui/StorageCardEditScreen.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.networking.v1.ClientPlayNetworking
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawContext
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.EditBoxWidget
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.TextFieldWidget
+import net.minecraft.client.util.NarratorManager
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
+import net.minecraft.screen.ScreenTexts
+import net.minecraft.text.Text
+import net.minecraft.util.Colors
+import net.minecraft.util.Hand
+class StorageCardEditScreen(
+    private val player: PlayerEntity, private val storageCard: ItemStack, private val hand: Hand
+) : Screen(NarratorManager.EMPTY) {
+    private var dirty = false
+    private var frequency = 768
+    private lateinit var editBox: EditBoxWidget
+    private lateinit var frequencyBox: TextFieldWidget
+    private lateinit var doneButton: ButtonWidget
+    override fun init() {
+        if (!this::editBox.isInitialized) {
+            editBox = EditBoxWidget(
+                textRenderer,
+                (width - WIDTH) / 2,
+                (height - HEIGHT) / 2,
+                WIDTH,
+                HEIGHT,
+                Text.translatable("pirate-radio.message"),
+                Text.translatable("pirate-radio.message")
+            )
+            editBox.text = storageCard.get(PirateRadioComponents.MESSAGE)?.literalString ?: ""
+            editBox.setMaxLength(16384)
+            editBox.setChangeListener {
+                dirty = true
+            }
+        }
+        frequency = storageCard.getOrDefault(PirateRadioComponents.FREQUENCY, 768)
+        if (!this::frequencyBox.isInitialized) {
+            frequencyBox =
+                TextFieldWidget(textRenderer, FREQ_WIDTH, FREQ_HEIGHT, Text.translatable("pirate-radio.frequency.edit"))
+            frequencyBox.setMaxLength(5)
+            frequencyBox.text = (frequency / 10).toString() + "." + (frequency % 10).toString()
+            frequencyBox.setTextPredicate {
+                FREQ_REGEX_CHARACTERS.matches(it)
+            }
+            frequencyBox.setChangedListener {
+                if (FREQ_REGEX.matches(it)) {
+                    frequency = it.replace(".", "").toInt()
+                    frequencyBox.setEditableColor(Colors.WHITE)
+                    dirty = true
+                } else {
+                    frequencyBox.setEditableColor(Colors.RED)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        editBox.x = (width - WIDTH) / 2
+        editBox.y = (height - HEIGHT) / 2
+        frequencyBox.x = editBox.x
+        frequencyBox.y = editBox.y - FREQ_HEIGHT
+        addDrawableChild(frequencyBox)
+        addDrawableChild(editBox)
+        doneButton = this.addDrawableChild(
+            ButtonWidget.builder(ScreenTexts.DONE) {
+                client!!.setScreen(null)
+                this.saveChanges()
+            }.dimensions(editBox.x + editBox.width - 98, frequencyBox.y, 98, 20).build()
+        )
+    }
+    override fun render(context: DrawContext, mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, delta: Float) {
+        super.render(context, mouseX, mouseY, delta)
+        context.drawText(
+            textRenderer,
+            Text.translatable("pirate-radio.frequency.edit"),
+            frequencyBox.x,
+            frequencyBox.y - textRenderer.fontHeight,
+            Colors.WHITE,
+            true
+        )
+    }
+    private fun saveChanges() {
+        if (this.dirty) {
+            this.writeNbtData()
+            val slot = if (this.hand == Hand.MAIN_HAND) player.inventory.selectedSlot else 40
+            ClientPlayNetworking.send(StorageCardUpdateC2SPayload(slot, this.editBox.text, this.frequency))
+        }
+    }
+    private fun writeNbtData() {
+        this.storageCard.set(PirateRadioComponents.MESSAGE, Text.literal(this.editBox.text))
+        this.storageCard.set(PirateRadioComponents.FREQUENCY, this.frequency)
+    }
+    companion object {
+        const val WIDTH = 192
+        const val HEIGHT = 144
+        const val FREQ_WIDTH = 40
+        const val FREQ_HEIGHT = 20
+        val FREQ_REGEX = Regex("^76\\.[8-9]|7[7-9]\\.[0-9]|[8-9][0-9]\\.[0-9]|10[0-7]\\.[0-9]|108\\.0$")
+        val FREQ_REGEX_CHARACTERS = Regex("^[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]?$")
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/sound/PirateRadioSoundInstance.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/sound/PirateRadioSoundInstance.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b69cc42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/sound/PirateRadioSoundInstance.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.sound.v1.FabricSoundInstance
+import net.minecraft.client.sound.*
+import net.minecraft.sound.SoundCategory
+import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvents
+import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
+import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
+class PirateRadioSoundInstance(private val player: ClientPlayerEntity) : MovingSoundInstance(
+    SoundEvents.INTENTIONALLY_EMPTY, SoundCategory.MUSIC, SoundInstance.createRandom()
+) {
+    init {
+        this.repeat = false
+        this.repeatDelay = 0
+        this.volume = 1f
+        this.pitch = 1f
+        this.relative = true
+    }
+    override fun tick() {
+        if (player.isRemoved) {
+            this.setDone()
+            return
+        }
+        @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") val trackedEntities: List<DisposableTransmitterEntity> =
+            player.clientWorld.entities.filter { it.type == PirateRadioEntityTypes.DISPOSABLE_TRANSMITTER }
+                .filter { (it as DisposableTransmitterEntity).frequency <= PirateRadioClient.frequency + 1 && it.frequency >= PirateRadioClient.frequency - 1 }
+                .sortedByDescending { player.pos.squaredDistanceTo(it.pos) } as List<DisposableTransmitterEntity>
+        val main = trackedEntities.filter { it.frequency == PirateRadioClient.frequency }.take(2)
+        val lower = trackedEntities.find { it.frequency == PirateRadioClient.frequency - 1 }
+        val upper = trackedEntities.find { it.frequency == PirateRadioClient.frequency + 1 }
+        // TODO implement
+    }
+    override fun getAudioStream(
+        loader: SoundLoader?, id: Identifier?, repeatInstantly: Boolean
+    ): CompletableFuture<AudioStream> {
+        // TODO setup thread
+        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(ReceiverAudioStream)
+    }
+    override fun getVolume(): Float {
+        return this.volume
+    }
+    override fun getPitch(): Float {
+        return this.pitch
+    }
+    override fun getSound(): Sound {
+        return Sound(
+            FabricSoundInstance.EMPTY_SOUND,
+            { 1f },
+            { 1f },
+            1,
+            Sound.RegistrationType.SOUND_EVENT,
+            true,
+            false,
+            16
+        )
+    }
diff --git a/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/sound/ReceiverAudioStream.kt b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/sound/ReceiverAudioStream.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ca802b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/kotlin/space/autistic/radio/client/sound/ReceiverAudioStream.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.floats.FloatConsumer
+import net.minecraft.client.sound.AudioStream
+import net.minecraft.client.sound.ChannelList
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat
+object ReceiverAudioStream : AudioStream {
+    private val format = AudioFormat(48000f, 16, 2, true, false)
+    override fun close() {
+        // TODO, nop for now, should stop the processing
+    }
+    override fun getFormat(): AudioFormat {
+        return format
+    }
+    override fun read(size: Int): ByteBuffer {
+        val channelList = ChannelList(size + 8192)
+        while ( && channelList.currentBufferSize < size) {
+        }
+        return channelList.buffer
+    }
+    private fun read(channelList: FloatConsumer): Boolean {
+        channelList.accept(0f)
+        channelList.accept(0f)
+        return true
+    }
\ No newline at end of file