-- Cratera-specific tests. Run Lua test suite separately. local t = setmetatable({}, { __tostring=function()return"t"end}) local F = {} local T = {} t.t = t t.tt = t t[T] = t t.f = print t.ff = print t.g = function(a) print(a[1]) end t[F] = print local _f="f" local _t="t" -- print("------ t:[k]()") -- t:f(1) -- plain old lua -- t:[_f](2) -- simple string key in register -- t:[string.char(string.byte("f"))](3,32,33) -- string key from function -- t:["f".."f"](4) -- string key from concatenation -- t:["f"..string.sub("afun",2,2)](5,52,53) -- concatenation with function result -- t:[(string.sub("afun",2,2))](6,62,63) -- function result in parentheses -- t:[(function()return"f"end)()](7) -- closure in key -- -- be careful with the ambiguous function call!!! -- ;(function()return t end)():[(function()return"f"end)()](8) -- closure in object and in key -- t:[F](9) -- object key -- standard lua tests (compiler/passthrough) do print("------ standard lua tests (compiler/passthrough)") local x t["t"]:f(1) end print("------ t:[k].f()") t:t.f(1) -- string identifier t:[_t].f(2) -- string key in register t:[string.char(string.byte("t"))].f(3,32,33) -- string key from function t:["t".."t"].f(4) -- string key from concatenation t:["t"..string.sub("atable",2,2)].f(5,52,53) -- concatenation with function result t:[(string.sub("atable",2,2))].f(6,62,63) -- function result in parentheses t:[(function()return"t"end)()].f(7) -- closure in key do end(function()return t end)():[(function()return"t"end)()].f(8) -- closure in object and in key, with "end" keyword at the start -- be careful with the ambiguous function call!!! ;(function()return t end)():[(function()return"t"end)()].f(9) -- closure in object and in key, with semicolon at the start t:[T].f(10) -- object key _=(t:[_t].f(11)) -- inside () t:[_t].g {12} -- table call t:[_t].f "13" -- string call entity = {} inventory = {get=false, set=false, size=false} inventory.new=function(size) local t = {size=function() return size end} function t.set(e, i, o) if i <= 0 or i > e:[inventory].size() then error() end e[inventory][i] = o end function t.get(e, i) if i <= 0 or i > e:[inventory].size() then error() end return e[inventory][i] end return t end inventory.of=function(e) -- helper for passing standalone inventories around return {get=function(...)return e:[inventory].get(...)end, set=function(...)return e:[inventory].set(...)end, size=function(...)return e:[inventory].size(...)end} end entity[inventory] = inventory.new(5) entity:[inventory].set(1, "Hello World!") print(entity:[inventory].get(1)) for i=1, entity:[inventory].size() do print(i, entity:[inventory].get(i)) end local myinv = inventory.of(entity) for i=1, myinv.size() do print("wrapped", i, myinv.get(i)) end